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Created September 17, 2014 10:34
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Baruco 2014 notes (raw)
- try ember when writing a single page app, angular has a shitty router
- lineman.js
1. Monorail problem
- propono gem - Pub-Sub architecture
2. Matz
- MRI is not a proper term, CRuby = the Ruby
- ruby syntax is complex, hard to make other implementaions
- JRuby, Rubinius (C++), RubyMotion, IronRuby (.NET), Maglev (Gemstone), Opal
- CRuby is not good for embedded system, no embedded API, too much POSIX (most emb system are not posix aware)
- Rubinius is not good, consumes too much memory
- mruby - C, embeddable, flexible, modular (compile-time optiotns), various platform, api-wise: 1.9 compatible)
- mgem - mrb gems - statically linked
-ve api is simple, something between Ruby and Lua
- vending machines run on mruby?
- can satellite runs mruby
- arduino / home automation / robots
- web servers
- mruby will not probalbt replace CRuby, it has less func and is not 2.0 compatible
3. Piotr Szotkowski
- signore gem
- never return nils
- LevenShtein distance
- module_function - classes mixing your module will mix methods as private
- drb/drb - exposes object on port for outside access from the network
- stdlib prime? why so slow ??
- play with enumerable
- use stdlib (weakRef!), contrbute to docs
- levensthtein gem
- end of line
3. Arel stuff - Pat Shaughnessy (ruby under microscope)
- Abstract syntax tree is built by Arel
- Active record call arel by using visitor pattern
- Visitor is a piece of code that visits the tree (visitor is dependend customized for the database mysql or sqlite etc)
- postgres uses yak, the same parser as ruby
- arel converts object to sql string, sojust postregs can revert this, the only difference is the data structures beneath
- index is a separete copy of data table that is sorted, each holding a reference to original
- use explain with sql statement to see what it does, and debug when it is slowly
- binary search thanks to indexes, instead of sequential search
- btree algorithm (divides the big table into 2) - created a tree structere (balanced tree)
- learn stuff down there, know internal at least to some level - it will make you a better engineer
4. Emily Stolfo - Release Responsibly (backwards compatiblity) - mongodb
- 3 ways to make code backward compatible
1. Simple API
- Simple Api: think of an api as a user interface
- trade off between configurabiltiy and stability
- Modularize (hide glory details)
- Have a Compatibility module
- Use Polymorphism instead og conditionals
- Backport only when necessary
2. Clear Communication
- define scope of what you support
- Test everything you say you support
- Changelog is important
- User trust should be a priority - maintain trust with users, cause rebuilding trust is difficult
- Have a deprcation strategy
- buffer time, use strict
- anticipate deprecations when designing
3. Semantic Versioning
- follow SemVer (it's lot of work)
- semver is a double edged sword
- it's a culture and community thing
- conference drive development
- irresponsible ruby
6. Ruby Buddha
- we all were uniform
- you cant adopt the culture witout understaning it, the same goes for agile methodology / philoshopy
- the thought cant be replaced by process
- The perfect high, shel silverstein
- no one is perfect not even ruby (slow, no type safety)
- type inference
- undefined method for nil - errors like this don't need to exist
- Option type
- Math is the best testing library
- "for all inputs a valid output is given" - referential transparency.
- the compiler is far less likely to be buggy than your tests
- Idris
- value rigidity
8. Lightig talks
- xml parser :
- sketching: @malweene
- shoes4 - ruby gui toolkit, cross platform: @PragTob
- code week. eu
- evil tom stuart: burn literals, default_proc method,
- burrows-wheeler transform - awesome -
- @philnash
- nomadic programmer: @arnvald - prevent burn out instead of getting out, fight your fears, you can work anywhere :)
9. Day 2 - BRIAN SHIRAI- @brixen
- peanut butter + jelly sandwich guy - analogy of ?
- agile 73 / waterfal 67 success rate
- we dont learn from failure - doctors story
- step back from your ego and listen to the feedback
- programming is a behavioral science (not maths)
- perception - basketball study
- cognition - cards excercise - 90 % got it wrong
- proposition as types - logic as types, we can't really use logic as types, logic is tricky
- correct by construction - not a silver bullet
- we can't use types well - lets not rely on them
- 8 fallacies of programming:
- Same scale - if I do 1, can I do n successfully?
- klocs - reffering to number of lines, 2000 lines a mental limit, when you have to start getting abstractions out
- Same risk - if you're lanuching rockets I hope you don't use ruby? But for web form - what's the risk it fails
- Same cost
- Same granularity: eveyrthing is an object, evertyhing the same is difficult to work with
- Same abstraction:
- Same temporality, compile time ia not that important
- Same order (as opposed to disorder) - "Chaos" book, systems don't have simple orders, systems can widely diverge with
only sligth input change, becoming is more important than "be", we need to observe system
- General purpose programming language - terrible idea, fix: ? rubinius?
- types can do more harm than help
- nil - the most hated thing in ruby, option type on every single method, nil is not null, nil is an object
- nil turns any function to an identity function
- module_function, ruby has functions
- messages are the core of oo
- types can and should go into function, when we know what we need, types don't go where there is interoperability (objects)
- open source is not a spectator sport
- businesses dont care if you are happy, they dont care about java or ruby
- method missing on nilClass that returns self, then you dont have to worry until hitting the last step (eg template)
10. Writing fast ruby - erik michales-ober, @sferik -
- performance optimizatoin should be fun, have therapeutic effect just like refactoring (Katrina owen speech)
- levels of optimization (desgin, source, build, compile, runtime)
- design: architecture and algoihms (n+1 queries)
- source code = syntactic changes
- build = build flags
- compile = at compile time
- runtime, eg RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT, we are not doing this, there are other people doing it for us (Mat)
- Benchmark (ruby stdlib)
- benchmark/ips
- Proc#call vesrus yield, yield is nicer and 5 times faster
- Block vs Symbol#to_proc, rails invention takin in to ruby, but rails deos it old way still
- flat_map is faster than flatten
- Hash#merge vs Hash#merge!, 3 times faster, modifying object in memeory instead of allocationg it over and over again
- Hash#merge! vs Hash#[]=, 2 times faster
- Hash#fetch vs Hash#fetch with block, b ssing default is better with a block then as a second argumnet because block
is evaluated lazily, the block will only be called when the key is not found! cool. 2 times faster
- String@gsub vs String#sub, you are done, you replaced it, move on with your life!
- String#gsub vs String#tr, 5 times faster
- parralel assignment is not so good, it is not readable and slower
- using exception ofr control flow is bad - huge performance cost, just use #respond_to?
- while loop is faster than each_with_index
- mri should have a ahead of time compiler, just like other ruby implem.
- Sam Saffron
- full profeska
11. @jasonrclark - spelunking in ruby
- spelunking - cave wandering
- built in debugging: puts, caller - prints a call stack, this kind of introspection is easy in ruby, not so easy
in other langs, ruby -d (shows erros even if rescued), $! global variable (??), Thread.abort_on_exception = true
- getting inside gems: gem open to see the source code, gem pristine cleans up all your changes to gems
- gems that help: Hometown spots where objects are created, pry: binding point to local scope on which we pry!
whereami reprints pry location
- pry-debugging, nexting, steping, continuing - helps when you misplace binding.pry
- pry-stack_explorer lets you go up and change the scope, roll back in time to method caller from callee
- ~/.pryrc
- tools:
- jruby - take snapshots of memory, show all object etc, heap analysis tool
- gdb - low level stuff debugging
- heavy stuff, dont really want to touch this
- rbtrace
- encouraging to dig deeper, the next layer below
12. @evanphx - Services
- everyone is talking about services
- surface area - behavior of an app, should be small but not too smallo
- programming is about being lazy, so you wite a program to do stuff for you
- services allow us to be creative within hte imposed boundaries
- services mitigate the problem with velociity differences between teams
- pitfalls of services:
- never share active record models between services
- shared model pain - everyone is afraid of touching models, because many codebases uses them
- whiteboard architecture - start with services that map intuitive boxes from the whiteboard, intuition reduces
cognitive burden
- if an app is never deployed, was it written?
- do a fire drill once a month, pretend that the site is down, and retrace what you doing, when you have services you have
different logs and different places, so you have to practice
- have one convention of how services talk to each other, set it and don't discuss it to much, it should be boring, just
exist in a system, and not be a topic of conversation between team members
- make the rpc calls obvious, it must scream that it goes over the wire, be explicit, show intention
- message passing gets awkward and cumbersome, but powerful
- dont retrun references from services, return "all" data
- futures aka promises - kind of a version of map/reduce
- Human Cognitive Mass threshold - when you get hits big thing you can not control anymore
- Every sifficiently complex problem domain will require an app larger than HCM
- be comfortable with breaking stuff to services, dont decouple just to decouple
13. Tom Stuart - @tomstuart
- handling nil: billion dollar mistake, try is overspecialized (too much respo)
- Optional is teoretically better but practically worse than try from active support
- For many results
- code driffted to the right
- what is the event machine ??
- the point: Optional, Many and Eventually are MONADS
- understaing computation - book!!!!!!
- github tomstuart/monads
14. Matt Amonetti
- cool story, detailed about session and cookies, need to go deeper in this shit
15. Tom stuart evil version
- lisps and shit
- why are those languages so not used if they are based on 3 simple things?
- what can we do for ruby to take ore from them?
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