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Last active May 27, 2021 10:08
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How to use the same variables inside Ruby ​​and JS code at the same time

How to use the same variables inside Ruby and JS code at the same time


  • Ruby 2.3+
  • Rails 5.1+
  • Webpacker 4.x.x
  • Node.js 8.16.0+
  • Yarn 1.x+


*** Rails ***

Add dotenv gem to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'dotenv-rails'

Create a file called ".env" in the root of your project. Next, set up your variables with the format key=value, delimited by line breaks:


Finally, make sure the .env file is not committed to your repository. This can be achieved by opening (or creating) a .gitignore file and adding this line:

.env # This contains secrets, don't store in source control

*** Webpacker ***

Head to your terminal to install dotenv with your preferred package manager:

Using npm:

npm i dotenv

Using yarn:

yarn add dotenv

Add next lines to the "config/webpack/environment.js"

const { environment } = require('@rails/webpacker')
const webpack = require('webpack')
const dotenv  = require('dotenv')

dotenv.config({ path: '.env', silent: true })

environment.plugins.prepend('Environment', new webpack.EnvironmentPlugin(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(process.env))))

module.exports = environment


You can then reference these variables in your JavaScript app code with process.env:

process.env.API_KEY // Compiles to "YOURAPIKEYGOESHERE"

in your Ruby code:


Enjoy! :)

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