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Last active March 29, 2018 12:45
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Swift.String truncate
import Foundation
public enum TruncateMode: Int {
case Head = 0
case Middle = 1
case Tail = 2
public extension String {
func nilIfEmpty() -> String? {
return self.isEmpty ? nil : self
/// Truncates a string to the max length using the specified mode
/// :param: maxLength The maximum length (not including any ellipses)
/// :param: mode The truncation mode; if Middle then ellipses are always added
/// :param: addEllipses If mode is not middle, controls whether ellipses are added to the truncated end of the string
func truncateToLength(maxLength: Int, mode: TruncateMode = TruncateMode.Tail, addEllipses: Bool = false) -> String {
if maxLength <= 0 {
return ""
let ellipses = addEllipses || mode == .Middle ? "\u{2026}" : ""
var headIndex = self.startIndex
var tailIndex = self.endIndex
if mode == .Head {
tailIndex = advance(self.endIndex, -maxLength, self.startIndex)
else if mode == .Tail {
headIndex = advance(self.startIndex, maxLength, self.endIndex)
else {
let tailLength = maxLength / 2
let headLength = maxLength - tailLength
headIndex = advance(self.startIndex, headLength, self.endIndex)
tailIndex = advance(self.endIndex, -tailLength, headIndex)
if headIndex == self.startIndex && tailIndex == self.endIndex {
return self
return self.substringToIndex(headIndex) + ellipses + self.substringFromIndex(tailIndex)
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Second revision owes to kballard for his comments; see his take here

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advance(self.startIndex, headLength, self.endIndex) --> this method is depricated in swift 3 and 4 can you please modify this code.

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