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Last active March 16, 2018 14:57
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Route: /api/v2/search/spending_by_transaction_matview/

Method: POST

This route takes award filters and fields, and returns the fields of the filtered transactions.


fields: Defines what award variables are returned in an array using the Fields provided below.

filters: Defines how the transactions are filtered. The filter object is defined here. Each top-level key in the filter object is compounded together using AND logic. However, when multiple values are provided for a specific key, those values are compounded using OR logic.

limit (OPTIONAL): how many results are returned. If no limit is specified, the limit is set to 10.

page (OPTIONAL): The page number that is currently returned.

sort (OPTIONAL): Optional parameter indicating what value results should be sorted by. Valid options are any of the fields in the JSON objects in the response. Defaults to the first field provided. Example: ['Award ID']

order (OPTIONAL): Optional parameter indicating what direction results should be sorted by. Valid options include asc for ascending order or desc for descending order. Defaults to asc.

  "filters": {
       "award_type_codes": ["10"],
       "agencies": [
                 "type": "awarding",
                 "tier": "toptier",
                 "name": "Social Security Administration"
                 "type": "awarding",
                 "tier": "subtier",
                 "name": "Social Security Administration"
                 "type": "funding",
                 "tier": "toptier",
                 "name": "Social Security Administration"
                 "type": "funding",
                 "tier": "subtier",
                 "name": "Social Security Administration"
       "legal_entities": [779928],
       "recipient_scope": "domestic",
       "recipient_locations": [650597],
       "recipient_type_names": ["Individual"],
       "place_of_performance_scope": "domestic",
       "place_of_performance_locations": [60323],
       "award_amounts": [
                  "lower_bound": 1500000.00,
                  "upper_bound": 1600000.00
       "award_ids": [1018950]
  "fields": ["Award ID", "Recipient Name", "Start Date", "End Date", "Award Amount", "Awarding Agency", "Awarding Sub Agency", "Award Type", "Funding Agency", "Funding Sub Agency"],
  "sort": "Recipient Name",
  "order": "desc"


The possible fields returned are split by contracts or assistace awards (loans, grants, etc.)

Possible Contract Fields w/ db mapping

    'Award ID': 'piid',
    'Mod Number': 'modification_number',
    'Recipient Name': 'recipient_name',
    'Start Date': 'period_of_performance_start_date',
    'End Date': 'period_of_performance_current_end_date',
    'Award Amount': 'total_obligation',
    'Contract Award Type': 'type_description',
    'Awarding Agency': 'awarding_toptier_agency_name',
    'Awarding Sub Agency': 'awarding_subtier_agency_name',
    'Funding Agency': 'funding_toptier_agency_name',
    'Funding Sub Agency': 'funding_subtier_agency_name'

Possible Grant Fields w/ db mapping

    'Award ID': 'fain',    
    'Mod Number': 'modification_number',
    'Recipient Name': 'recipient_name',
    'Start Date': 'period_of_performance_start_date',
    'End Date': 'period_of_performance_current_end_date',
    'Award Amount': 'total_obligation',
    'Awarding Agency': 'awarding_toptier_agency_name',
    'Awarding Sub Agency': 'awarding_subtier_agency_name',
    'Award Type': 'type_description',
    'Funding Agency': 'funding_toptier_agency_name',
    'Funding Sub Agency': 'funding_subtier_agency_name'

Possible Loan Fields w/ db mapping

    'Award ID': 'fain',
    'Mod Number': 'modification_number',
    'Recipient Name': 'recipient_name',
    'Issued Date': 'action_date',
    'Loan Value': 'face_value_loan_guarantee',
    'Subsidy Cost': 'original_loan_subsidy_cost',
    'Awarding Agency': 'awarding_toptier_agency_name',
    'Awarding Sub Agency': 'awarding_subtier_agency_name',
    'Funding Agency': 'funding_toptier_agency_name',
    'Funding Sub Agency': 'funding_subtier_agency_name'

Possible Direct Payment Fields w/ db mapping

    'Award ID': 'fain',    
    'Mod Number': 'modification_number',
    'Recipient Name': 'recipient_name',
    'Start Date': 'period_of_performance_start_date',
    'End Date': 'period_of_performance_current_end_date',
    'Award Amount': 'total_obligation',
    'Awarding Agency': 'awarding_toptier_agency_name',
    'Awarding Sub Agency': 'awarding_subtier_agency_name',
    'Award Type': 'type_description',
    'Funding Agency': 'funding_toptier_agency_name',
    'Funding Sub Agency': 'funding_subtier_agency_name'

Possible Other Award Fields w/ db mapping

    'Award ID': 'fain',    
    'Mod Number': 'modification_number',
    'Recipient Name': 'recipient_name',
    'Start Date': 'period_of_performance_start_date',
    'End Date': 'period_of_performance_current_end_date',
    'Award Amount': 'total_obligation',
    'Awarding Agency': 'awarding_toptier_agency_name',
    'Awarding Sub Agency': 'awarding_subtier_agency_name',
    'Award Type': 'type_description',
    'Funding Agency': 'funding_toptier_agency_name',
    'Funding Sub Agency': 'funding_subtier_agency_name'

Response (JSON)

    "limit": 10,
    "results": [
            "internal_id": 1018950,
            "Award ID": null,    
            "Mod Number": "modification_number",
            "Recipient Name": "MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS",
            "Start Date": null,
            "End Date": null,
            "Award Amount": 1573663,
            "Awarding Agency": "Social Security Administration",
            "Awarding Sub Agency": "Social Security Administration",
            "Award Type": "10",
            "Funding Agency": "Social Security Administration",
            "Funding Sub Agency": "Social Security Administration"
    "page_metadata": {
        "page": 1,
        "hasNext": true

**page_metadata Descriptions**

**page** - The current page number of results.

**hasNext** - Boolean object. If true, there is another page of results.


Possible HTTP Status Codes:

  • 400 : Missing parameters or limit is not a valid, positive integer
  • 500 : All other errors
  "detail": "Sample error message"
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