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Created May 4, 2013 17:07
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For each set of args, makes a copy of the function with the args bound, and with the repr of the args appended to the name. Assigns that to the calling frame's locals. Adapted from Meant for use with unit tests, to create multiple tests from a parameterized method.
def expand_with_args(*parameters, **kwargs):
For each set of args, makes a copy of the function with the args bound, and
with the repr of the args appended to the name. Assigns that to the calling
frame's locals. Adapted from
Meant for use with unit tests, to create multiple tests from a parameterized
def tuplify(x):
if not isinstance(x, tuple):
return x,
return x
def _arg_namer(arg):
return repr(arg)
arg_namer = kwargs.pop('arg_namer', _arg_namer)
def _args_namer(*args):
return ",".join(arg_namer(arg) for arg in args)
args_namer = kwargs.pop('args_namer', _args_namer)
if kwargs:
raise TypeError('Unexpected keyword arguments %r' % kwargs)
def decorator(method, parameters=parameters):
for parameter in (tuplify(x) for x in parameters):
def wrapper(self, method=method, parameter=parameter):
method(self, *parameter)
name_for_parameter = args_namer(*parameter)
wrapper.__name__ = "%s(%s)" % (method.__name__, name_for_parameter)
frame = sys._getframe(1) # pylint: disable-msg=W0212
frame.f_locals[wrapper.__name__] = wrapper
return None
return decorator
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