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Last active May 17, 2023 04:47
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using PyCall
using Revise
using Odesa
using Random
using ProgressMeter
using JLD
using NumPyArrays
using LoopVectorization
using Plots
function build_data_set_native(events,storage,cnt,input_shape,l_change_cnt,l_old)
xx = Vector{Int32}([])
yy = Vector{Int32}([])
tts = Vector{Float32}([])
polarity = Vector{Int8}([])
label = Vector{Int32}([])
A = zeros((35,35))
I = LinearIndices(A)
pop_stimulation= Vector{Int32}([])
@inline for ev in events
(x,y,ts,p,l) = ev
ts = Float32(convert(Float32,ts)/1000.0)
l = convert(Int32,l)
did_it_exec::Tuple{Vector{Int32}, Vector{Int32}, Vector{Float32}, Vector{Int8}, Vector{Int32}, Vector{Any}} = (xx,yy,tts,polarity,label,pop_stimulation)
function bds!()
pushfirst!(PyVector(pyimport("sys")."path"), "")
nmnist_module = pyimport("batch_nmnist_motions")
dataset::PyObject = nmnist_module.NMNIST("./")
training_order = 0:dataset.get_count()-1
#storage::Array{Tuple{Vector{Int32}, Vector{Int32}, Vector{Float32}, Vector{Int8}, Vector{Int32}, Vector{Any}}} = []
storage = []
input_shape = dataset.get_element_dimensions()
cnt = 0
l_change_cnt = 0
l_old = 4
@inbounds @showprogress for batch in 1:200:length(training_order)
events = dataset.get_dataset_item(training_order[batch:batch+1])
cnt,did_it_exec,l_change_cnt,l_old = build_data_set_native(events,storage,cnt,input_shape,l_change_cnt,l_old)
@save "part_mnmist_$cnt.jld" did_it_exec
@load "all_mnmist.jld" storage
(x,y,times,p,l,nodes) = (storage[1][1],storage[1][2],storage[1][3],storage[1][4],storage[1][5],storage[1][6])
for (ind,s) in enumerate(storage)
(x,y,times,p,l,nodes) = (storage[s][1],storage[s][2],storage[s][3],storage[s][4],storage[s][5],storage[s][6])
NMNIST_Motions dataset class
Provides access to the event-based motions NMIST dataset. This is a version of the
NMNIST dataset in which we have separated out the events by motion and linked them
to the specified MNIST images. This allows us to retrieve any motion from the dataset
along with the associated mnist image.
from os.path import exists
#import h5py
import numpy as np
import tonic
from numpy.lib.recfunctions import merge_arrays
class NMNIST(object):
""" A Dataset interface to the NMNIST dataset """
def __init__(self, dataset_path, train=True, first_saccade_only=False,transform=None):
""" Creates a dataset instance using the specified path """
super(NMNIST, self).__init__()
# Validate the specified path and store it
if not exists(dataset_path):
raise Exception("Specified dataset path does not exist")
self._dataset = tonic.datasets.NMNIST(save_to='./data', train=train, first_saccade_only=first_saccade_only,transform=transform)
# self.transform = transform
def get_dataset_item(self, indices):
assert(len(indices) <= 100)
all_events = []
for id,index in enumerate(indices):
(grid_x,grid_y) = np.unravel_index(id,(10,10))
events, label = self._dataset[index]
label_array = np.full(events['x'].shape[0],label,dtype=[('label','i8')])
event_array = merge_arrays((events,label_array),flatten=True)
event_array['x'] = event_array['x'] + 1
event_array['y'] = event_array['y'] + 1
super_events = np.hstack(all_events)
super_events = super_events[super_events['t'].argsort()]
return super_events
def get_count(self):
""" Returns the number of items """
return len(self._dataset)
def get_element_dimensions(self):
""" Returns a tuple containing the dimensions of each image in the dataset """
return self._dataset.sensor_size
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