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Created May 29, 2015 09:05
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Provided the right tools are installed, i.e. xz and pigz, will offload the compression handling to an external program and leave R free to do the data import. This ends up being quite a bit more efficient for large files. Some tweaks may be needed for operating systems other than Ubuntu; there may be additional dependencies on the github repo dr…
saveRDS.xz <- function(object,file,threads=parallel::detectCores()) {
pxzAvail <- any(grepl("(XZ Utils)",system("pxz -V",intern=TRUE)))
if (pxzAvail) {
con <- pipe(paste0("pxz -T",threads," > ",file),"wb")
base::saveRDS(object, file = con)
} else {
#pxz does not appear to decompress in parallel and appears compute limited in R, but offloading the decompression to a seperate thread provides some speed benefit
#this code should work for any regular RDS files saved using xz compression
readRDS.xz <- function(file,threads=parallel::detectCores()) {
con <- pipe(paste0("pxz -d -k -c -T",threads," ",file))
object <- readRDS(file = con)
saveRDS.gz <- function(object,file,threads=parallel::detectCores(),compression_level=6) {
con <- pipe(paste0("pigz -c",compression_level," -p",threads," > ",file),"wb")
saveRDS(object, file = con)
#pxz does not appear to decompress in parallel and appears compute limited in R, but offloading the decompression to a seperate thread provides some speed benefit
#this code should work for any regular RDS files saved using xz compression
readRDS.gz <- function(file,threads=parallel::detectCores()) {
con <- pipe(paste0("pigz -d -c -p",threads," ",file))
object <- base::readRDS(file = con)
readRDS.p <- function(file,threads=parallel::detectCores()) {
#Hypothetically we could use initial bytes to determine file format, but here we use the Linux command file because the readBin implementation was not immediately obvious
if (!file.exists(file)) {stop(paste0(file," does not exist!"))}
fileDetails <- system2("file",args=file,stdout=TRUE)
selector <- sapply(c("gzip","XZ"),function (x) {grepl(x,fileDetails)})
format <- names(selector)[selector]
if (length(format)==0) {format <- "not found"}
if (format == "gzip") {
object <- readRDS.gz(file, threads=threads)
} else if (format == "XZ") {
object <- readRDS.xz(file, threads=threads)
} else {
object <- base::readRDS(file)
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