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Forked from anonymous/options.json
Created February 6, 2014 18:33
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/*! JointJS v0.8.0 - JavaScript diagramming library 2014-01-22
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livecoding.json.cells && graph.fromJSON(livecoding.json);
$('#write').click(function(e) {
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function createStart(x, y, label) {
var cell = new joint.shapes.fsa.StartState({
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var cell = new joint.shapes.fsa.State({
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attrs: { text : { text: label }}
return cell;
function createEvent(source, target, label, vertices) {
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labels: [{ position: .5, attrs: { text: { text: label || '', 'font-weight': 'bold' } } }],
vertices: vertices || []
return cell;
var loading = createStart(50, 75, 'loading');
var intro = createState(200, 75, 'intro');
var rent = createState(400, 75, 'rent');
var simulation = createState(400, 200, 'simulation');
var fact = createState(300, 300, 'fact');
var issue = createState(200, 200, 'issue');
var violation = createState(500, 300, 'violation');
var highscores = createState(700, 100, 'highscores');
var yearend = createState(600, 205, 'yearend');
createEvent(loading, intro, 'loaded');
createEvent(intro, rent, 'userInput');
createEvent(rent, simulation, 'userInput');
createEvent(simulation, issue, 'chance');
createEvent(simulation, violation, 'chance');
createEvent(fact, simulation, 'bypass');
createEvent(fact, simulation, 'userInput', [{x: 400, y: 300}]);
createEvent(issue, fact, 'userInput');
createEvent(violation, fact, 'userInput');
createEvent(simulation, yearend, 'time');
createEvent(yearend, rent, 'userInput');
createEvent(yearend, highscores, 'userInput');
createEvent(highscores, intro, 'userInput', [{x: 500, y: 25}]);
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