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Calendar App Script
* This is based off of another gist I found but I honestly don't recall where. That script was old
* and didn't work with updates to the API. I'm confident that will happen to this script in the future.
* This script will populate a spreadsheet with your meetings. Start by opening a Google spreadsheet and
* then go into App Scripts. You can copy paste this into there and then start making edits. The primary
* function to run is ProcessThisWeek. Have fun.
// Calendar to Search access. You can get this from "Settings & Sharing" page in calendar.
var gblCalendarName = "LDAP@DOMAIN";
// Excludes events you don't want to count e.g. do not schedule meetings or holds.
// Make sure it's a valid regex expression.
var startsWithList = ['^\\[DNS\\]', '^\\[Optional\\]'];
// For the "ProcessFixedSpan" function. Put the dates you want to run here.
var gStartDate = new Date("03/21/2022");
var gEndDate = new Date("03/25/2022");
// Define your Time Zone
const gblTimeZone = "America/New York";
* Group Event Names by Regular Expressions
* You can define as many groups as you want just "push" more "Names"/RegularExpressions into the array
* gblRegExGrp.push(["Name of the Group",new RegExp('Regular Expression','i')]);
* You can test your regular expression here for example:
var gblRegExGrp = [];
//gblRegExGrp.push(["Events That Start with torn ",new RegExp('^torn','i')]);
// Free text search terms to find events that match these terms in any field, except for extended properties.
// Leave Blank "" to match all events in the Calendar
var gblEventQuery = "";
// Max number of Events to Match, By default the value is 250 events. max is 2500 events.
// Although more than 2500 events is possible this script does not handle multi-"page" Results.
// Define Number of hours to count for an All-Day Event
const gblAllDayHours = 8;
// Internally used global constat variables
const MILLIS_PER_DAY = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
var gblOutput = [];
// Here are the headers definition for our sheet
gblOutput.push(["Event", "Start", "End", "Durration"]);
// A global variable for the totalizer of hours (Should be same size as previous)
var gblLastLine = ["Total", "", "", 0];
// Event Specific Totalizer
var gblEventTotal = {};
// The Event Output
var gblEventOutput = [];
gblEventOutput.push(["Same Event", "Total Days", "Total Hours", "Total Mins"]);
var gblRegexEventTotal = {};
var gblRegexEventOutput = [];
gblRegexEventOutput.push(["Regex Event", "Total Days", "Total Hours", "Total Mins"]);
var gblZeroDayHours = {};
// This is updated by the calendar search results to calendar Time Zone, if available
// Used for Allday events
var gblCalendarTimeZone = gblTimeZone;
// Sets start and end based on the current day of the week.
function ProcessWorkWeek() {
var now = new Date();
var today = now.getDay();
var startDate;
var endDate;
switch(today) {
case 0: {
startDate = new Date(now.getTime() + MILLIS_PER_DAY);
endDate = new Date(now.getTime() + (5 * MILLIS_PER_DAY));
case 1: {
startDate = now;
endDate = new Date(now.getTime() + (4 * MILLIS_PER_DAY));
case 2: {
startDate = new Date(now.getTime() - (MILLIS_PER_DAY));
endDate = new Date(now.getTime() + (3 * MILLIS_PER_DAY));
case 3: {
startDate = new Date(now.getTime() - (2 * MILLIS_PER_DAY));
endDate = new Date(now.getTime() + (2 * MILLIS_PER_DAY));
case 4: {
startDate = new Date(now.getTime() - (3 * MILLIS_PER_DAY));
endDate = new Date(now.getTime() + (MILLIS_PER_DAY));
case 5: {
startDate = new Date(now.getTime() - (4 * MILLIS_PER_DAY));
endDate = now;
case 6: {
startDate = new Date(now.getTime() - (5 * MILLIS_PER_DAY));
endDate = new Date(now.getTime() - (MILLIS_PER_DAY));
function ProcessToday() {
var startDate = new Date();
var endDate = new Date();
function ProcessFixedSpan() {
var gblRegExpExclusions = [];
function addRegExp(item) {
gblRegExpExclusions.push(new RegExp(item, 'i'));
startsWithList.forEach(item => addRegExp(item));
// API Ref: Sheet :
// API Ref: Range :
function fillMySheetWithCalendarEventDetails(myCalendarName, myEventName, myFromDate, myToDate) {
var mySheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
Logger.log("%s <-> %s", myFromDate.toString(), myToDate.toString());
var eventsInTime = getMyCalendarEventsInTime(myCalendarName, myEventName, myFromDate, myToDate);
// Default Range : set to size required by Error Report, will be redfined if no "error".
var range = mySheet.getRange(mySheet.getActiveCell().getRow(), mySheet.getActiveCell().getColumn(), 2, 1);
if (eventsInTime.length > 0) {
range = mySheet.getRange(mySheet.getActiveCell().getRow(), mySheet.getActiveCell().getColumn(), 1, 1);
if (gblRegexEventOutput.length > 1) {
gblRegexEventOutput.push(["", "", ""]); //Create an empty line after
range = range.offset(range.getNumRows(), 0, gblRegexEventOutput.length, gblRegexEventOutput[0].length);
range.clearFormat(); //Clears all except Number Formatting
range = range.offset(range.getNumRows(), 0, gblEventOutput.length, gblEventOutput[1].length);
range.clearFormat(); //Clears all except Number Formatting
// Since most meetings will be less than a day, lets format them as a percent.
// The total could be less than one.
// TODO: Nice to have: see if I can apply a formula using a condition.
prange = range.offset(1, 1, gblEventOutput.length - 2, 1);
// We offset the current range selection by its height and set the selection to next output
range = range.offset(range.getNumRows() + 1, 0, gblOutput.length, gblOutput[0].length);
range.clearFormat(); //Clears all except Number Formatting
} else {
["Script Errors"],
//Pre: Requires an existing event
//Post: Returns an array of values
function getDetail1FromEvent(myEvent) {
var myDetails = [];
var myStartDate, myEndDate;
var myDiff = {
days: 0,
hours: 0,
mins: 0
var myStrDate = {
start: "",
end: ""
if (myEvent.getStartTime()) {
// The date,in the format "yyyy-mm-dd", *iif* this is an all-day event.
myStartDate = myEvent.getStartTime();
myEndDate = myEvent.getEndTime();
myDiff.days = Number.parseFloat(((myEndDate - myStartDate) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 8)).toFixed(3));
myDiff.hours = Number.parseFloat(((myEndDate.getTime() - myStartDate.getTime()) / (1000 * 60 * 60)).toFixed(2));
myDiff.mins = Number.parseFloat(((myEndDate.getTime() - myStartDate.getTime()) / (1000 * 60)).toFixed(2));
myStrDate.start = Utilities.formatDate(myStartDate, gblTimeZone, "MM/dd/YYYY");
myStrDate.end = Utilities.formatDate(myEndDate, gblTimeZone, "MM/dd/YYYY");
} else {
myStartDate = myEvent.getStartTime();
myEndDate = myEvent.getEndTime();
myDiff.hours = Number.parseFloat(((myEndDate.getTime() - myStartDate.getTime()) / (1000 * 60 * 60)).toFixed(2));
myDiff.mins = Number.parseFloat(((myEndDate.getTime() - myStartDate.getTime()) / (1000 * 60)).toFixed(2));
myStrDate.start = Utilities.formatDate(myStartDate, gblTimeZone, "MM/dd/YYYY HH:mm");
myDiff.days = Number.parseFloat(((myEndDate - myStartDate) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 8)).toFixed(3));
// Since % is the remainder little tweak to get the modulo
// Discussion here :
if (myDiff.days < 0)
myDiff.days += 7;
// if myDiff .days = 1 & .hours < 24 --> Overnight Activity
// An Overnight activity is counted as a day, there could be the case where there are multiple events on
// startDay and/or endDay which would cause the day counter to indicate a day more than reality
// if myDiff .days = 0 then we could have multiple events on that day
// Here we keep track of hours accumulated each day for zero day events
// We later go through this array of objects to increment the gblEventTotal day counter accordingly
if (myDiff.days == 0) {
var myTmp = Utilities.formatDate(myStartDate, gblTimeZone, "MM/dd/YYYY");
if (!(myEvent.summary in gblZeroDayHours)) {
gblZeroDayHours[myEvent.summary] = {};
if (!(myTmp in gblZeroDayHours[myEvent.summary])) {
gblZeroDayHours[myEvent.summary][myTmp] = myDiff.hours;
} else {
gblZeroDayHours[myEvent.summary][myTmp] += myDiff.hours;
if (myDiff.days > 0) {
myStrDate.end = Utilities.formatDate(myEndDate, gblTimeZone, "MM/dd/YYYY HH:mm");
} else {
myStrDate.end = Utilities.formatDate(myEndDate, gblTimeZone, "HH:mm");
// We Record the first matched Event Date as start for the last line
if (gblLastLine[1] == "")
gblLastLine[1] = Utilities.formatDate(myStartDate, gblTimeZone, "MM/dd/YYYY");
// Logger.log('%s (%s) : %s hours', myEvent.getTitle(), Utilities.formatDate(myStartDate, gblTimeZone, "MM/dd/yyyy"), myDiff.hours);
myDetails = [myEvent.getTitle(), myStrDate.start, myStrDate.end, myDiff.mins];
//gblLastLine[3] is my hours Totalizer
gblLastLine[3] += myDiff.mins;
//This following gets overwritten with each new entry found
gblLastLine[2] = Utilities.formatDate(myEndDate, gblTimeZone, "MM/dd/YYYY");
// Here we keep track of sameName Event Totalizers
if (!(myEvent.getTitle() in gblEventTotal)) {
gblEventTotal[myEvent.getTitle()] = myDiff;
} else {
gblEventTotal[myEvent.getTitle()].days += myDiff.days;
gblEventTotal[myEvent.getTitle()].hours += Number.parseFloat(myDiff.hours);
gblEventTotal[myEvent.getTitle()].mins += Number.parseFloat(myDiff.mins);
return myDetails;
// Chcek : for a list
function processDetailsFromMyEvents(myEvents) {
Logger.log('number of events: ' + myEvents.length);
if (myEvents && myEvents.length > 0) {
if (myEvents.timeZone) gblCalendarTimeZone = myEvents.timeZone; //In String format, e.g. Europe/Madrid
for (var i = 0; i < myEvents.length; i++) {
var event = myEvents[i];
var process = true;
// check each exclusion regex to see if we should exclude the event.
for (var j = 0; j < gblRegExpExclusions.length; j++) {
var re = gblRegExpExclusions[j];
if (re.exec(event.getTitle()) !== null) {
process = false;
if (process) {
var details1 = getDetail1FromEvent(event);
if (details1.length > 0) {
if (gblOutput.length > 1) {
// We fill the output array for the Event Totalizer
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(gblEventTotal)) {
var myDays = value.days;
//Here is where we count accumulated Zero Day hours on same day as a day
if (key in gblZeroDayHours) {
// We need to iterate over every object just to count them.
for (const [myZkey, myZvalue] of Object.entries(gblZeroDayHours[key])) {
//We add the values to the output
gblEventOutput.push([key, myDays, Number.parseFloat(value.hours), Number.parseFloat(value.mins)]);
//Regexp Event Capture Totalizer
for (const [grp, re] of gblRegExGrp) {
if ((key).match(re)) {
if (!(grp in gblRegexEventTotal)) {
gblRegexEventTotal[grp] = {
days: myDays,
hours: Number.parseFloat(value.hours),
mins: Number.parseFloat(value.mins)
} else {
gblRegexEventTotal[grp].days += myDays;
gblRegexEventTotal[grp].hours += Number.parseFloat(value.hours);
gblRegexEventTotal[grp].mins += Number.parseFloat(value.mins);
var totalDays = 0;
var totalHours = 0;
var totalMins = 0;
for (var i = 1; i < gblEventOutput.length; i++) {
totalDays += Number.parseFloat(gblEventOutput[i][1]);
totalHours += Number.parseFloat(gblEventOutput[i][2]);
totalMins += Number.parseFloat(gblEventOutput[i][3]);
gblEventOutput.push(["Total", totalDays, totalHours, totalMins]);
// We fill the output array for the Regex Event Totalizer
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(gblRegexEventTotal)) {
//We add the values to the output
gblRegexEventOutput.push([key, value.days, value.hours]);
} else {
Logger.log('No events found.');
// Details Here :
function getMyCalendarEventsInTime(myCalendarName, myEventName, myFromDate, myToDate) {
Logger.log("%s <-> %s", myFromDate.toString(), myToDate.toString());
Logger.log("looking for calendar " + myCalendarName);
var calendars = CalendarApp.getCalendarsByName(myCalendarName);
var myCalendar;
if (calendars.length <= 0) {
Logger.log("Could not find the clandar " + myCalendarName);
Logger.log("You may not have access or are using the wrong calendar name.");
return '';
} else {
myCalendar = calendars[0];
var myEvents = myCalendar.getEvents(myFromDate, myToDate);
return myEvents;
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