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Created September 21, 2017 02:26
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import $ from 'dom7';
import Template7 from 'template7';
import Utils from '../utils/utils';
const tempDom = document.createElement('div');
class Framework7Component {
constructor(c, extend = {}) {
const context = Utils.extend({}, extend);
const component = Utils.extend(this, c, { context });
// Apply context
('beforeCreate created beforeMount mounted beforeDestroy destroyed').split(' ').forEach((cycleKey) => {
if (component[cycleKey]) component[cycleKey] = component[cycleKey].bind(context);
if ( { =;
// Data
if (component.render) component.render = component.render.bind(context);
if (component.methods) {
Object.keys(component.methods).forEach((methodName) => {
context[methodName] = component.methods[methodName].bind(context);
if (component.on) {
Object.keys(component.on).forEach((eventName) => {
component.on[eventName] = component.on[eventName].bind(context);
if (component.beforeCreate) component.beforeCreate();
// Watchers
if ( {
Object.keys( => {
let dataKeyValue = component.context[watchKey];
Object.defineProperty(component.context, watchKey, {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
set(newValue) {
dataKeyValue = newValue;[watchKey].call(context, dataKeyValue);
get() {
return dataKeyValue;
// Render template
let el;
if (component.el) {
context.$el = $(el);
} else {
let html = '';
if (component.render) {
html = component.render();
} else if (component.template) {
if (typeof component.template === 'string') {
html = Template7.compile(component.template)(context);
} else {
// Supposed to be function
html = component.template(context);
if (html && typeof html === 'string') {
html = html.trim();
tempDom.innerHTML = html;
} else if (html) {
tempDom.innerHTML = '';
// Extend context with $el
const el = tempDom.children[0];
// Make Dom
context.$el = $(el);
component.el = el;
// Find Events
const events = [];
$(tempDom).find('*').each((index, element) => {
for (let i = 0; i < element.attributes.length; i += 1) {
const attr = element.attributes[i];
if ('@') === 0) {
const event ='@', '');
let name = event;
let stop = false;
let prevent = false;
let once = false;
if (event.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
event.split('.').forEach((eventNamePart, eventNameIndex) => {
if (eventNameIndex === 0) name = eventNamePart;
else {
if (eventNamePart === 'stop') stop = true;
if (eventNamePart === 'prevent') prevent = true;
if (eventNamePart === 'once') once = true;
const value = attr.value;
el: element,
handler: (...args) => {
const e = args[0];
if (stop) e.stopPropagation();
if (prevent) e.preventDefault();
let methodName;
let method;
let customArgs = [];
if (value.indexOf('(') < 0) {
customArgs = args;
methodName = value;
} else {
methodName = value.split('(')[0];
value.split('(')[1].split(')')[0].split(',').forEach((argument) => {
let arg = argument.trim();
if (!isNaN(arg)) arg = parseFloat(arg);
else if (arg === 'true') arg = true;
else if (arg === 'false') arg = false;
else if (arg === 'null') arg = null;
else if (arg === 'undefined') arg = undefined;
else if (arg[0] === '"') arg = arg.replace(/"/g, '');
else if (arg[0] === '\'') arg = arg.replace(/'/g, '');
else if (arg.indexOf('.') > 0) {
let deepArg;
arg.split('.').forEach((path) => {
if (!deepArg) deepArg = context;
deepArg = deepArg[path];
arg = deepArg;
} else {
arg = context[arg];
if (methodName.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
methodName.split('.').forEach((path, pathIndex) => {
if (!method) method = context;
if (method[path]) method = method[path];
else {
throw new Error(`Component doesn't have method "${methodName.split('.').slice(0, pathIndex + 1).join('.')}"`);
} else {
if (!context[methodName]) {
throw new Error(`Component doesn't have method "${methodName}"`);
method = context[methodName];
// Set styles scope ID
let styleEl;
if ( {
styleEl = document.createElement('style');
styleEl.innerHTML =;
if (component.styleScopeId) {
el.setAttribute('data-scope', component.styleScopeId);
// Attach events
function attachEvents() {
events.forEach((event) => {
$(event.el)[event.once ? 'once' : 'on'](, event.handler);
function detachEvents() {
events.forEach((event) => {
$(event.el).off(, event.handler);
// Created callback
if (component.created) component.created();
// Mount
component.mount = function mount(mountMethod) {
if (component.beforeMount) component.beforeMount();
if (styleEl) $('head').append(styleEl);
if (mountMethod) mountMethod(el);
if (component.mounted) component.mounted();
// Destroy
component.destroy = function destroy() {
if (component.beforeDestroy) component.beforeDestroy();
if (styleEl) $(styleEl).remove();
if (component.destroyed) component.destroyed();
// Store component instance
for (let i = 0; i < tempDom.children.length; i += 1) {
tempDom.children[i].f7Component = component;
return component;
const Component = {
parse(componentString) {
const callbackName = `f7_component_callback_${new Date().getTime()}`;
// Template
let template;
if (componentString.indexOf('<template>') >= 0) {
template = componentString.split('<template>')[1].split('</template>')[0].trim();
// Styles
let style;
const styleScopeId =;
if (componentString.indexOf('<style>') >= 0) {
style = componentString.split('<style>')[1].split('</style>')[0];
} else if (componentString.indexOf('<style scoped>') >= 0) {
style = componentString.split('<style scoped>')[1].split('</style>')[0];
style = style.split('\n').map((line) => {
if (line.indexOf('{') >= 0) {
if (line.indexOf('{{this}}') >= 0) {
return line.replace('{{this}}', `[data-scope="${styleScopeId}"]`);
return `[data-scope="${styleScopeId}"] ${line.trim()}`;
return line;
let scriptContent;
if (componentString.indexOf('<script>') >= 0) {
scriptContent = componentString.split('<script>')[1].split('</script>')[0].trim();
} else {
scriptContent = 'return {}';
scriptContent = `window.${callbackName} = function () {${scriptContent}}`;
// Insert Script El
const scriptEl = document.createElement('script');
scriptEl.innerHTML = scriptContent;
const component = window[callbackName]();
// Remove Script El
if (!component.template && !component.render) {
component.template = template;
if (style) { = style;
component.styleScopeId = styleScopeId;
return component;
create(c, extendContext = {}) {
return new Framework7Component(c, extendContext);
export default Component;
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