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Created July 14, 2017 23:17
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PHP Whitespace Detector (phptags) [Requires PHP 5]
#!/usr/bin/php -qCdshort_open_tag=1
* api: cli
* type: application
* title: PHP tag tidier
* description: Rewrites PHP scripts' short/long open tags, close tags, apply whitespace fixes
* version: 1.1
* license: Public Domain
* author: mario <mario#include-once:org>
* category: utilities
* config: <file type="array" value="$HOME/.config/php/phptags.php" title="configuration defaults file" description="an ordinary return(array(...)); script to set interna options like regex=>1 or verbose=>1" />
* url:
* Simple command-line tool to rewrite PHP <?php open tags into
* long and short forms, adding or removing the closing ?> token,
* probing or removal of trailing whitespace and hidden markers
* (e.g. UTF-8 BOM, or NUL bytes).
* A simple invocation that rewrites all *.php scripts in a given
* directory (recursively) is:
* phptags --whitespace --close ./forum/
* Also works on a list of files:
* phptags --warn -v *.php
* There are two distinct matching and rewriting modes, the default
* regex matching and traversing scripts per PHP tokenizer. Both
* work for all tasks theoretically.
* Whitespace detection and removal is always done using regular
* expressions. For --close and --unclose tasks it is likewise
* reliable.
* Rewriting short and long tags should preferrably done with the
* --tokenizer mode, because the regex rewrite is not context-aware
* (can affect open/close tags in strings or comments). Albeit that
* might be desireable in edge cases, and regex usage also retains
* spacing after short tags more prudently.
* Lastly this tool is Public Domain, compatible to all open
* source and Free software licenses. Thus redistributable with
* applications, scripts and libraries. BUT COMES WITH NO WARRANTY.
* @package phptags
* @license
* Fetch commandline options for later use.
* Also merges in the configuration file overrides, if present
$action = new ArrayObject(
"help" => argv("-h", "-help", "--help", "/?", "-?"),
"syntax" => count($_SERVER["argv"]) < 2,
"long" => argv("-l", "-long", "--long", "--long-open"),
"php54" => argv("-54", "-php54", "--php54"), # don't rewrite <?= for PHP 5.4
"php7" => argv("-7", "-php7", "--php7"), # test for <% ASP %> and <script language=PHP> tags
"short" => argv("-s", "-short", "--short", "--short-open"),
"shortall" => argv("-a", "-all", "--all", "-shortall", "--shortall", "--short-all", "-sa"),
"unclosed" => argv("-u", "-unclosed", "--unclosed", "--remove-closing", "--unclose", "--open", "--opened"),
"close" => argv("-c", "-close", "--close", "-closed", "--closed", "--add-closing"),
"white" => argv("-w", "-white", "--white", "--whitespace", "-ws", "--ws", "-space", "--space", "--fix-whitespace", "--bom"),
"warn" => argv("-W", "-warn", "--warn", "--warning"),
//"html" => argv("-H", "-html", "--html", "-text", "--text", "-content", "--content"), # warn also about plain HTML outside of PHP code
"recursive" => true + argv("-r"), # doing that anyway
"regex" => argv("--regex", "--rx", "-rx"), # use regex
"token" => argv("--tokenizer", "--token", "-t"),# use tokenizer
"color" => argv("-c", "--color", "--ansi") or isset($_SERVER["TERM"]), # colorize some output
"quiet" => argv("--quiet", "-quiet", "-q"),
"verbose" => argv("--verbose", "-verbose", "-v"),
"debug" => argv("--debug", "-D"),
"dry" => argv("--dry", "-d"), # dry run, don't save files
"new" => argv("--new", "--suffix"), # save files under
"backup" => argv("-b", "--backup"), # renames to file.php~ before overwriting
"version" => argv("--version", "-V"),
"files" => argv_files(),
), 2
// show options
($action->debug) and print_r($action);
// print version
($action->version) and print(join(preg_grep('/^\s*\*\s*version+:/', file($_SERVER["argv"][0]))));
// print help
if ($action->help) {
print <<<HELP
syntax: phptags [options] [path/files]
Traverses a given directory or files to rewrite PHP script tags/tokens.
-l --long Convert every short <? into long <?php open tags.
-s --short Shorten small <?php sections into <?= or <? short tags.
-a --all Shorten \x1b[4mall\x1b[0m long tags into short tags.
-u --unclosed Strip closing ?> php token. (Albeit --whitespace fixing should be preferred.)
-c --close Add trailing ?> close token.
-w --white Strip whitespaces after ?> close tags, or UTF-8 BOM before opening <?php tag.
-W --warn Just warn about whitespace issues.
-t --token Use tokenizer for --short and --long conversion. (More diligent than --regex mode, but doesn't preserve indentation as well.)
-h --help This very helpful help text.
-v --verbose Extra output, use -h -v for all options.\n\n
$action->verbose and print <<<VERBOSE
More options:
-D --debug Development notices.
-d --dry Dry run, don't update files.
-n --new Create for updated files.
-b --backup Create file.php~ backup files on edits.
-54 --php54 Keep <?= always for --long conversion.
-7 --php7 Probe for ASP style <% and super long PHP <script> tags. Use in --warn mode, no rewriting is attempted (too rare).
-r --recursive Traverse subdirectories.
-c --color Colorize messages.
-q --quiet Supress notices.
-V --version Print phptags version.\n\n
// no command-line options were given, so print a short help
elseif ($action->syntax) {
print "\nexample: phptags --short --close --whitespace ./dir/ or *.php\nSee also --help\n\n";
// were any files specified?
elseif (!$action->files) {
print "No files or directories specified.\n";
// do something, do something!
elseif ($action->long || $action->short || $action->shortall || $action->close || $action->unclosed || $action->white || $action->warn || $action->dry) {
foreach (files($action->files, $action->recursive) as $I=>$fn) {
// read in file
$src = file_get_contents($fn);
$chksum = md5($src);
$action->debug and print("$fn: reading [$chksum]\n");
// whitespace warnings
if ($action->warn) {
preg_test("/\?\>([\s\pZ\\0]+)\z/", $src, "TRAILING whitespace");
# /\\xEF\\xBB\\xBF/ == /\x{FEFF}/u - But the dependency on a valid UTF-8 encoding can damage binaryish files
preg_test("/^\\xEF\\xBB\\xBF[\s\pZ]*<\?(php|\W)/i", $src, "UTF-8 BOM before <?php")
or preg_test("/^\\xEF\\xBB\\xBF/", $src, "UTF-8 BOM alone");
preg_test("/^[\s\\0]+<\?(php|\W)/i", $src, "Whitespace BEFORE <?php")
or preg_test("/^[\pZ\s\\0]+<\?(php|\W)/i", $src, "Unicode whitespace BEFORE <?php");
// Consecutive PHP tags which *currently* do not output whitespace
if ($action->verbose and preg_match("/^\<\?/", $src))
preg_test("/\?\>(?!\\n<)\s+<\?/", $src, "Consecutive open+close tags with spacing (template?)")
or preg_test("/\?\>\\r?\\n\<\?/", $src, "Consecutive open+close tags with harmless linebreak");
// Warn about ambigious PHP tags like `<?print(123)`
preg_test("/[\s\pZ]+\<\?((?!php|=|xml[-\s]|\w+:\w+)\w++)/i", $src, "Ambiguous PHP tag or unknown XML PI");
// remove whitespace
if ($action->white) {
// spaces after ? >
preg_modify("/(\?\>)[\s\pZ\\0]+(\z)/", "$1$2", $src, "Removed trailing whitespace");
// UTF-8 BOM before < ? - but retains spaces until next rule
preg_modify("/^\\xEF\\xBB\\xBF([\s\pZ\\0]*<\?)(php|\W)/i", "$1$2", $src, "Removed leading UTF-8 BOM");
// spaces before < ?
preg_modify("/^[\s\pZ\\0]+(<\?)(php|\W)/i", "$1$2", $src, "Removed leading whitespace");
// check if we have at least one opening tag
if (preg_match("/\<\?/", $src)) {
// (the regex approach is reliable enough for close tag removal/adding
// add missing close tags
if ($action->close) {
\<\? # any opening tag
(?!.*\?\>).+ # filler, assert no '?>' close tags in between
[\s\pZ]* \z # whitespace, and end of file
"$0\?\>", $src, "Added ?> close tag"
// remove any close tags
if ($action->unclosed) {
\?\> # close tag
[\s\pZ]* \z # whitespace before end of file (gets removed too, but not if NUL bytes)
"", $src, "Removed ?> close tag"
// probe for fringe <% ASP-style and super long <script> PHP tags, as removed with PHP7
if ($action->php7) {
// <% and %>
preg_test("/ \<\% | \%\> /x", $src, "ASP-style tags detected");
// just probe for opening PHP <script> tag
preg_test("/\<(?:script|server) \s+ language \s*=\s* ([\"\']?) PHP (\\1) \s*\>/ix", $src, "Long <script language=PHP> tags detected");
// Tokenize source for easier processing.
if ($action->token && !$action->regex) {
// only usable (for this purpose) if php-cli.ini hasn't short open tags disabled
ini_get("short_open_tag") or exit("TokenizerCannotBeUsedAsShortTagsAreStillDisabled");;
defined("T_OPEN_TAG_WITH_ECHO") or exit("OhGodNoTokenizerIsNotAvailable");;
The long T_OPEN_TAG always includes some space "<?php\s",
but consecutive/others are split into a separate token.
While the short versions are followed by a distinct
T_WHITESPACE or maybe completely absent.
Therefore multiple alternatives are required for each test.
$token = new token_list($src);
// add long tags
if ($action->long) {
array(T_OPEN_TAG, "<?", T_WHITESPACE),
"Convert open tag into long tag, preserve space"
array(T_OPEN_TAG, "<?"),
array("<?php "),
"Convert open tag into long tag, add space"
if (!$action->php54) {
array("<?php echo"),
"Convert short echo (+space) into long tag"
array("<?php echo "),
"Convert short <?= into long <?php␣echo tag"
// convert echo tags into <?=
if ($action->short or $action->shortall) { //@todo we should actually have a set of T_PRINTs here too, equivality w/& regex mode
array(T_OPEN_TAG, array("/\<\?php\s/i"), T_ECHO),
array("<?=", ""), // Does not preserve whitespace separator
"Convert long <?php␣echo tag into short <?= tag"
array(T_OPEN_TAG, array("/\<\?php\s/i"), T_WHITESPACE, T_ECHO),
array("<?=", "", ""), // Does not preserve extra whitespace
"Convert long long <?php␣echo tag into short <?= tag"
// rewrite all remaining long tags
if ($action->shortall) {
$token->modify( // replaces <?php_ with short tag, regex retains any first not-space whitespace character (the lookbehind asserts the space before, but doesn't capture it for $retainspaces= replacement)
array(T_OPEN_TAG, array("/^\<\?php ?((?<=\\x20)|\s|\R)$/i")),
"Convert long tag into short tag",
// assemble back
$src = $token->merge();
// Nah, let's just use regex for this.
// This could trip over "<?" and "\?\>" occurences within PHP comments or in string context etc.
else {
// convert short into long tags
if ($action->long && !$action->php54) {
"/\<\?= ?(\R|\s)?/",
"\<\?php echo $1",
"Convert <?=␣ into long <?php␣echo tag"
if ($action->long) {
array("/\<\?((?!php)\S)/i", "/\<\?(\s)/"),
array("\<\?php $1", "\<\?php$1"),
"Convert <?␣ into long <?php␣ tag"
// convert long into short tags
if ($action->short || $action->shortall) {
preg_modify( //retain leading newline // use trailing linebreak // no linebreak, no output spacing
array("/\<\?php(\R\s*)(echo|print)(\s)/", "/\<\?php(\s+)(echo|print)(\R\s*)/", "/\<\?php(\s+)(echo|print)(\s)/"),
array("\<\?=$1", "\<\?=$3", "\<\?="),
"Long <?php␣echo to short <?="
preg_modify( // look for single-line <?php ... ? > occurences, those should always be shortened
"/ (?<!^) # not at the file begin
\<\?php # opening \<\?php
(\s+.+\?\>) # space, filler, closing \?\>
"Single line <?php...?> into short tag"
// even the initial open tag and longer sections
if ($action->shortall) {
preg_modify( // look for mixed syntax '<? echo', strip any initial spacing type
"/\<\?(\s*)(echo|print)\b/", "\<\?=",
"Mixed <?␣echo to short <?="
// keep space character after <?php, do not allow any non-space separate alternative expressions (e.g. <?php( or <?php/ would actually be short tag plus php() function call or an expression const/division).
"/\<\?php(\R|\s)/", "\<\?$1",
"Any <?php␣ into short tag"
// write back if file was changed
if ($chksum !== md5($src) && strlen($src)) {
if ($action->backup) {
rename($fn, "$fn~");
elseif ($action->new) {
$fn .= ".new";
if ($action->dry) {
print("$fn: Unsaved changes (--dry)\n");
else {
file_put_contents($fn, $src) and print("$fn: Changed and saved\n");
// no recognized option
else {
echo "No action flag (-w or -c, -l etc) specified. (See --help.)\n";
#-- utility code --
* Checks for option presence in ARGV.
* @param+ string
function argv() {
$args = func_get_args();
return count(array_intersect($_SERVER["argv"], $args));
* Return all ARGs without leading - hyphen.
function argv_files() {
return preg_grep('/^[^-]/', array_slice($_SERVER["argv"], 1));
* Convert list of filespecs (dirs or file.* names) into iterator list.
* @return iterator
function files($list, $recursive=1) {
foreach ($list as &$fn) {
$fn = is_dir($fn) && $recursive /*should actually mask the recdiriterator below*/
? new RegexIterator(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($fn)), '/\.(php[345]?|phtml)$/')
: new ArrayIterator(file_exists($fn) ? array($fn) : glob($fn));
$l = new AppendIterator();
$l->append($workaround = new ArrayIterator(array(1))); foreach ($list as $i) { if ($i) { $l->append($i); } } unset($workaround[0]);
#-- regex --
* Test with regex, return result and print message if matched.
function preg_test($regex, $src, $message) {
return preg_match($regex, $src, $m) and message($message, '"'.nonprint_visualize($m[0]).'"', 1);
* Modify source string with regex, print message if anything changed.
function preg_modify($regex, $replace, &$src, $message) {
$replace = is_array($replace) ? array_map("stripslashes", $replace): stripslashes($replace); // for parity with the regex, the replacement string contains extraneous backslashes
$tmp = preg_replace($regex, $replace, $src, -1, $changed);
// assert that the regex succeeded, and didn't return a failure status instead
if ($tmp === NULL) {
trigger_error("preg_modify regex failure: '" . strtr($regex, "\n", " ") . "'", E_USER_ERROR);
// if succesful
elseif (is_string($tmp) && ($src != $tmp)) {
$src = $tmp;
message($message, $changed);
* Print out current activity. If --verbose enabled.
function message($message, $count, $nq=FALSE) {
global $fn, $action; /* oh no, how evil. that's the tipping point that will make this completely unmaintainable.. */
if ($count and ($action->verbose or $nq and !$action->quiet)) {
print "$fn: $message ($count)\n";
return 1;
* Colorize control + non-printable characters and/or replace with C-string escapes.
function nonprint_visualize($str) {
global $action;
$map = $action->color ? array(
"\r" => "\x1b[32m\\r\x1b[39m",
"\n" => "\x1b[31m\\n\x1b[39m",
"\t" => "\x1b[36m\\t\x1b[39m",
" " => "\x1b[34m\\x20\x1b[39m",
"\\0" => "\x1b[41;1;33m\\0\x1b[0;39m",
"\\" => "\x1b[35m\\\\\x1b[39m",
"\xEF\xBB\xBF" => "\x1b[4;1;36m\\xEF\\xBB\\xBF\x1b[0;39m",
) : array();
return preg_replace("~\\xEF\\xBB\\xBF|[^\w-.,;:#*+´`\'\"!§$%&/()={}?<>|]~e",
"isset(\$map['$0']) ? \$map['$0'] : '\\x'.strtoupper(current(unpack('H*','$0')))", $str);
#-- tokenizer --
* Simple token list traversal.
class token_list extends ArrayObject {
* Call tokenizer for initialization. Simplify token stream.
function __construct($src) {
parent::__construct( token_get_all($src) );
// chop off the line numbers, turn raw string entries into arrays
foreach ($this as $i=>$t) {
$this[$i] = is_array($t) ? array($t[0], $t[1]) : array(T_CHARACTER, $t);
* Just merge all token parts / raw strings.
function merge($src = "") {
return join(array_map("end", $this->getArrayCopy() ));
* Traverse token list and replace found things.
* @param array Token types or strings to search for (where each entry: int=T_TOKEN, str="literal", array=regex; the list must always alternate with an integer token type to advance the search pointer)
* @param array Replacement token string(s)
* @param string Activity/success message to print out
function modify($from, $to, $message, $retainspace=NULL, $count=0) {
// loop over token list ($this==array)
foreach ($this as $i=>$t) {
if (($t[0] == $from[0]) // compare main token type
and $this->compare_list($i, $from) ) // additional tokens/strings
// add replacement strings
$this->overwrite($i, (array)$to, $retainspace);
message($message, $count);
* Compares a series of T_TYPES, strings, or against a regex (=if param is wrapped as array).
function compare_list($i, $tokens) {
$this->captured = NULL;
foreach ($tokens as $x=>$find) {
// get value to compare against according to type (string / T_TOKEN int)
$cmp = $this[$i][is_int($find) ? 0 : 1];
// exact match
if (is_scalar($find) and ($cmp == $find)) {
/* keep comparing */
elseif (is_array($find) and preg_match(current($find), $cmp, $this->captured)) {
/* keep comparing */
else {
return false; //
// move in token stream if next search entry is a T_TYPE
$i += isset($tokens[$x+1]) && is_int($tokens[$x+1]);
return true;
* Overwrite entries in token stream with list of strings. (Or NULL where to skip.)
function overwrite($i, $with, $patch) {
// piggyback the last regex-captured space characters back into one of the replacement strings; usually it gets appended to the first $to[0] overwrite string
if (is_int($patch) && $this->captured[1]) {
$with[$patch] = preg_replace("/ ?$/", $this->captured[1], $with[$patch]);
// overwrite string entries
foreach ($with as $new_code) if (is_string($new_code)) {
$this[$i++] = array(T_INLINE_HTML, $new_code);
} else { $i++; }
// OH LOOK! A close tag!
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