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Last active December 28, 2015 15:29
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Python A* implementation for a grid.
import heapq
class path_finder:
def __init__(self, ai, cache):
#AI contains things such as objects, and properties of the game.
self.__ai = ai
#Cache is loaded at the start of each game.
self.__cache = cache
def __get_tile(self, x, y):
if (0 <= x < self.__ai.WIDTH) and (0 <= y < self.__ai.HEIGHT):
return self.__ai.tiles[x * self.__ai.HEIGHT + y]
return None
def __isvalid(self, neighbor, start, goal):
if neighbor is None:
return False
#Start and goal are always valid
if neighbor.x == start.x and neighbor.y == start.y:
return True
if neighbor.x == goal.x and neighbor.y == goal.y:
return True
coord = (neighbor.x, neighbor.y)
#Things that are not valid
if coord in self.__cache.enemy_units:
return False
if coord in self.__cache.my_units:
return False
return True
def __get_neighbors(self, tile, start, goal):
neighbors = []
#left, right, up, down
offsets = [(0,1),(1,0),(0,-1),(-1,0)]
for offset in offsets:
neighbor = self.__get_tile(tile.x+offset[0], tile.y+offset[1])
#if the neighbor is valid, mark it as a neighbor
if self.__isvalid(neighbor, start, goal):
return neighbors
def __heuristic(start, goal):
#Basic manhattan distance
return abs(start.x-goal.x) + abs(start.y-goal.y)
#given a node, retrace the steps taken to get there
def __reconstruct_path(self, parents, node):
if node in parents.keys():
p = self.__reconstruct_path(parents, parents[node])
return p
p = [node]
return p
def path_find(self, start, goal):
print('START ({},{})'.format(start.x, start.y))
print('GOAL ({},{})'.format(goal.x, goal.y))
closed_set = []
open_set = []
g_scores = dict()
f_scores = dict()
parents = dict()
g_scores[start] = 0
f_scores[start] = g_scores[start] + self.__heuristic(start, goal)
heapq.heappush(open_set, (f_scores[start], start))
while len(open_set) > 0:
f_score, current = heapq.heappop(open_set)
if current == goal:
print('PATH FOUND')
return self.__reconstruct_path(parents, current)
for neighbor in self.__get_neighbors(current, start, goal):
#For the sake of speed, stop looking after a while and get a partial path
if f_scores[current] > 100:
return self.__reconstruct_path(parents, current)
ten_g_score = g_scores[current] + 1 #Add the current score + some weight to get the next score
ten_f_score = ten_g_score + self.__heuristic(neighbor, goal)
if neighbor in closed_set and ten_f_score >= f_scores[neighbor]:
if neighbor not in closed_set or ten_f_score < f_scores[neighbor]:
parents[neighbor] = current
g_scores[neighbor] = ten_g_score
f_scores[neighbor] = ten_f_score
if (f_scores[neighbor], neighbor) not in open_set:
heapq.heappush(open_set, (f_scores[neighbor], neighbor))
print('NO PATH FOUND')
return None
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