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Created May 5, 2015 23:29
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MPAtlas Field_Dictionary MPAtlas Schema

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Descriptive Name Short Name Data to be Entered Notes ai_matching ai_question mpatlas_answer
MPA_ID mpa_id Unique MPAtlas ID number. This is automatically assigned, never change this.
WDPA_ID wdpa_id ID used by WDPA, don't change unless you're absolutely sure.
USMPA_ID usmpa_id ID used by US MPA Center, don't change unless you're absolutely sure.
Other reference id codes: other_ids ID codes used by other organizations that might be useful to track. TNC Caribbean Atlas, Coral Triangle Atlas, MedPan, etc.
Name: name Common Name in English (not including designation part of title, which goes in designation field). Name + Designation should provide the full name of the site site name
Designation: designation Designation (may be in original language and/or UTF characters)
English Designation: designation_eng Designation (in English), if different from above
Long Name: long_name [IGNORE] Full version of name = name + designation. This is a convenience field, not for humans, and it's not filled out in most cases. IGNORE
Short Name: short_name [Optional] Nickname or acronym if used, e.g., FKNMS for Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
Slug: slug [IGNORE] This is used internally to build unique urls, it will be created automatically. Don't change
Sovereign Country: sovereign ISO3 code for parent country if territory, otherwise this is the same as Country field
Country/Territory: country ISO3 Country Code. Note that in cases of territories or subregions, there might be two codes that apply. is there a lookup table that has the full name of the country? for example, if we wanted to display the country as "Mexico" but the ISO code is MEX, is there a lookup table that defines the full name of the country? Yes, ISO 3166-1, and this also can be used to select the right code in the first place.
Sub Location: sub_location Region, try to use official ISO3 sublocation codes if possible is there a lookup table that has the full name of the adminisrative region/state? for example, if we wanted to display the administrative boundary as Quintanaroo, which the code is MX-ROO, is there a lookup table for that? Yes, ISO 3166-2, but there is a lot of variation here or duplicate codes. It's called
Verification State: verification_state Internally Verified - MCI Staff, Externally Verified - outside expert confirmation, Rejected - removed this from our database because it's not a marine managed area (prefer to reject rather than permanently deleting records)
Verification Reason: verification_reason Citation or website URL used to confirm (usually an official site or publication), and/or the affiliation or authority of the expert who externally verifies
Verified By: verified_by name or initials
Date Verified: verified_date
Is MPA? is_mpa [Boolean] Is this an "MPA" or some other type of fishery mgmt area or other? We are working on criteria to assess this. Non-MPA sites may still be included in MPAtlas for many reasons, including fishery management boundaries.
Designation Type: designation_type [National, International]. International sites are World Heritage Sites, RAMSAR, etc.
IUCN Category: iucn_category [Ia, Ib, II, III, IV, V, VI]
International Criteria: int_criteria Used for World Heritage, RAMSAR, etc.
Status: status [Proposed, Designated, Defunct/Degazetted]. Older entries from WDPA might have Adopted or Inscribed, but we don't commonly use those. Conservation effectiveness (unknown/high/medium/low)
Status Year: status_year Year of designation
Implemented: Implemented [Boolean] Is this site legally in effect on the water? (has management plan, boundaries/zones, enforcement, etc)
Implementation Date: implementation_date Date of implementation
No Take: no_take [All, Part, None, Not Reported]
No Take Area km²: no_take_area Area (km2) if known
Reported Marine Area km²: rep_m_area Officially reported marine area
Calculated Marine Area km²: calc_m_area calculated marine area [done by GIS, not by humans]
Reported Area km²: rep_area Officially reported total area (including land, if applicable)
Calculated Area km²: calc_area calculated total area [done by GIS, not by humans]
Governance Type: gov_type [International, National, Regional, State, Municipal, locally managed/village, etc]
Management Authority: mgmt_auth Who/what is the MPA's managing authority or agency mgmt_agency
Management Plan Type: mgmt_plan_type Type of Management Plan
Management Plan Reference: mgmt_plan_ref Citation for management plan information
Main Contact: contact_id Primary contact for management structure
Fishing: fishing [unknown/yes/no/some restrictions] If fishing is allowed in the MPA restricted can AI type in longer text into this field, or should we create a new field to have our fishing restrictions? Should we put this in the "info" portion? Put it in the info portion. BUT...we are building a new system now that will let you put in multiple separate restrictions with different info, time-periods, etc, and attach them all to one site. This is what I'm working on now. It's a change to the database schema, and it involves a one-to-many relationship to a joined table.
Fishing info: fishing_info Additional information about fishing regulations
Fishing citation: fishing_citation Citation for fishing information
Access: access [unknown/yes/no/restricted] If there are access restrictions in the MPA allowed same for restricted, can AI type longer text into this field or put it into the info field? Same as fishing
Access Info: access_info details?
Access citation: access_citation Citation for access information
Primary conservation focus: primary_conservation_focus [biodiversity protection, biomass enhancement, cultural heritage, unknown] Primary Conservation Focus
Secondary conservation focus: secondary_conservation_focus biodiversity protection, biomass enhancement, cultural heritage, unknown] Secondary Conservation Focus
Tertiary conservation focus: tertiary_conservation_focus biodiversity protection, biomass enhancement, cultural heritage, unknown] Tertiary Conservation Focus
Conservation focus info: conservation_focus_info More information about this, if any
Conservation focus citation: conservation_focus_citation Citation for conservation focus information
Protection focus: protection [unknown, ecosystem, focal species] Teases apart whole ecosystem protection from target species regulations
Protection focus info: protectiion_focus_info Additional information about protection focus
Protection focus citation: protection_focus_citation Citation for protection focus information
Constancy: constancy [Year-round, Seasonal, Temporary, Unknown] Date Effectivity
Constancy info: constancy_info More details
Constancy citation: constancy_citation Citation for Constancy Determination
Permanence: permanence [Permanent, Non-Permanent, Non-Permanent - Conditional, Non-Permanent - Temporary]
Permanence Info: permanence_info More details
Permanence citation: permanence_citation Citation for Permanance Determination
Marine? marine IGNORE Marine Area? (from WDPA, all of ours should be yes)
Area Notes (from WDPA): wdpa_notes IGNORE These come from the WDPA. Don't put anything here. We use it for internal reference only.
Area Notes: notes IGNORE Again, internal reference only. Should not need to use this.
Purpose purpose
MPA Summary Site Description: summary Rich Text Field (html). This is displayed on web page for site. Currently where all descritions go: summaries, timelines, soc media links, news, etc.... purpose AI has specific summary we would like, it tends to have a conservaiton focus. Can we put that here? We should discuss this. It could be put in a different field. Let's discuss. The summary and the regulatory + conservation short description could both be displayed together on the site web page, but only the shorter regulatory +conservation short description might be displayed in a popup or hover on a fishing-reg web app. Again, something to discuss, but no barrier to implementing this.
Categories: categories Tag list. "Shark Sanctuaries","World Heritage Site","Wetlands of International Importance","Bottom Trawl Closure","Fishery Management Area", UNESCO World Heritage Site" This should be a dropdown with "+" button to dreate new ones, use to tag different types of marine managed areas for searching or visualizations
is_point Boolean True/False. Is a point with buffer, not actual boundaries
point_geom Point location (point)
geom Boundaries (multipolygon)
OTHER AI REGULATIONS FIELDS/DATA Other AI comments: we have a dafe effectivity field, a url field (main url for the MPA), and report violations field with the contact to report poachers. We have a status_year for designation year, an implementation_date for when the MPA regs went into effect. We will add an effective_date (possibly a date range for temporary closures) that will be part of the restrictions/regulations one-to-many table. We have a contact one-to-many joined table that let's you specify a url, address, and/or phone number for one or more agencies. This can also be used to record hotlines for violations and citizen reporting. We can make some changes to the DB and to the online forms to make this easier to use and easier to pull those out for web apps. Maybe we allow contacts attached to a site to be specified as "primary management agency","reporting hotline", and possibly other categories. Then it is easy to show the appropriate contact info for a site in the right context.
Name of legislation name_leg The title for the legislation passed for fisheries
url for legislation url_leg The url that links to the legislation
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MPA_ID mpa_id Unique MPAtlas ID number. This is automatically assigned, never change this.
WDPA_ID wdpa_id ID used by WDPA, don't change unless you're absolutely sure.
USMPA_ID usmpa_id ID used by US MPA Center, don't change unless you're absolutely sure.
Other reference id codes: other_ids ID codes used by other organizations that might be useful to track. TNC Caribbean Atlas, Coral Triangle Atlas, MedPan, etc.
Name: name Common Name in English (not including designation part of title, which goes in designation field). Name + Designation should provide the full name of the site site name
Designation: designation Designation (may be in original language and/or UTF characters)
English Designation: designation_eng Designation (in English), if different from above
Long Name: long_name [IGNORE] Full version of name = name + designation. This is a convenience field, not for humans, and it's not filled out in most cases. IGNORE
Short Name: short_name [Optional] Nickname or acronym if used, e.g., FKNMS for Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
Slug: slug [IGNORE] This is used internally to build unique urls, it will be created automatically. Don't change
Sovereign Country: sovereign ISO3 code for parent country if territory, otherwise this is the same as Country field
Country/Territory: country ISO3 Country Code. Note that in cases of territories or subregions, there might be two codes that apply. is there a lookup table that has the full name of the country? for example, if we wanted to display the country as "Mexico" but the ISO code is MEX, is there a lookup table that defines the full name of the country? Yes, ISO 3166-1, and this also can be used to select the right code in the first place.
Sub Location: sub_location Region, try to use official ISO3 sublocation codes if possible is there a lookup table that has the full name of the adminisrative region/state? for example, if we wanted to display the administrative boundary as Quintanaroo, which the code is MX-ROO, is there a lookup table for that? Yes, ISO 3166-2, but there is a lot of variation here or duplicate codes. It's called
Verification State: verification_state Internally Verified - MCI Staff, Externally Verified - outside expert confirmation, Rejected - removed this from our database because it's not a marine managed area (prefer to reject rather than permanently deleting records)
Verification Reason: verification_reason Citation or website URL used to confirm (usually an official site or publication), and/or the affiliation or authority of the expert who externally verifies
Verified By: verified_by name or initials
Date Verified: verified_date
Is MPA? is_mpa [Boolean] Is this an "MPA" or some other type of fishery mgmt area or other? We are working on criteria to assess this. Non-MPA sites may still be included in MPAtlas for many reasons, including fishery management boundaries.
Designation Type: designation_type [National, International]. International sites are World Heritage Sites, RAMSAR, etc.
IUCN Category: iucn_category [Ia, Ib, II, III, IV, V, VI]
International Criteria: int_criteria Used for World Heritage, RAMSAR, etc.
Status: status [Proposed, Designated, Defunct/Degazetted]. Older entries from WDPA might have Adopted or Inscribed, but we don't commonly use those. Conservation effectiveness (unknown/high/medium/low)
Status Year: status_year Year of designation
Implemented: Implemented [Boolean] Is this site legally in effect on the water? (has management plan, boundaries/zones, enforcement, etc)
Implementation Date: implementation_date Date of implementation
No Take: no_take [All, Part, None, Not Reported]
No Take Area km²: no_take_area Area (km2) if known
Reported Marine Area km²: rep_m_area Officially reported marine area
Calculated Marine Area km²: calc_m_area calculated marine area [done by GIS, not by humans]
Reported Area km²: rep_area Officially reported total area (including land, if applicable)
Calculated Area km²: calc_area calculated total area [done by GIS, not by humans]
Governance Type: gov_type [International, National, Regional, State, Municipal, locally managed/village, etc]
Management Authority: mgmt_auth Who/what is the MPA's managing authority or agency mgmt_agency
Management Plan Type: mgmt_plan_type Type of Management Plan
Management Plan Reference: mgmt_plan_ref Citation for management plan information
Main Contact: contact_id Primary contact for management structure
Fishing: fishing [unknown/yes/no/some restrictions] If fishing is allowed in the MPA restricted can AI type in longer text into this field, or should we create a new field to have our fishing restrictions? Should we put this in the "info" portion? Put it in the info portion. BUT...we are building a new system now that will let you put in multiple separate restrictions with different info, time-periods, etc, and attach them all to one site. This is what I'm working on now. It's a change to the database schema, and it involves a one-to-many relationship to a joined table.
Fishing info: fishing_info Additional information about fishing regulations
Fishing citation: fishing_citation Citation for fishing information
Access: access [unknown/yes/no/restricted] If there are access restrictions in the MPA allowed same for restricted, can AI type longer text into this field or put it into the info field? Same as fishing
Access Info: access_info details?
Access citation: access_citation Citation for access information
Primary conservation focus: primary_conservation_focus [biodiversity protection, biomass enhancement, cultural heritage, unknown] Primary Conservation Focus
Secondary conservation focus: secondary_conservation_focus biodiversity protection, biomass enhancement, cultural heritage, unknown] Secondary Conservation Focus
Tertiary conservation focus: tertiary_conservation_focus biodiversity protection, biomass enhancement, cultural heritage, unknown] Tertiary Conservation Focus
Conservation focus info: conservation_focus_info More information about this, if any
Conservation focus citation: conservation_focus_citation Citation for conservation focus information
Protection focus: protection [unknown, ecosystem, focal species] Teases apart whole ecosystem protection from target species regulations
Protection focus info: protectiion_focus_info Additional information about protection focus
Protection focus citation: protection_focus_citation Citation for protection focus information
Constancy: constancy [Year-round, Seasonal, Temporary, Unknown] Date Effectivity
Constancy info: constancy_info More details
Constancy citation: constancy_citation Citation for Constancy Determination
Permanence: permanence [Permanent, Non-Permanent, Non-Permanent - Conditional, Non-Permanent - Temporary]
Permanence Info: permanence_info More details
Permanence citation: permanence_citation Citation for Permanance Determination
Marine? marine IGNORE Marine Area? (from WDPA, all of ours should be yes)
Area Notes (from WDPA): wdpa_notes IGNORE These come from the WDPA. Don't put anything here. We use it for internal reference only.
Area Notes: notes IGNORE Again, internal reference only. Should not need to use this.
Purpose purpose
MPA Summary Site Description: summary Rich Text Field (html). This is displayed on web page for site. Currently where all descritions go: summaries, timelines, soc media links, news, etc.... purpose AI has specific summary we would like, it tends to have a conservaiton focus. Can we put that here? We should discuss this. It could be put in a different field. Let's discuss. The summary and the regulatory + conservation short description could both be displayed together on the site web page, but only the shorter regulatory +conservation short description might be displayed in a popup or hover on a fishing-reg web app. Again, something to discuss, but no barrier to implementing this.
Categories: categories Tag list. "Shark Sanctuaries","World Heritage Site","Wetlands of International Importance","Bottom Trawl Closure","Fishery Management Area", UNESCO World Heritage Site" This should be a dropdown with "+" button to dreate new ones, use to tag different types of marine managed areas for searching or visualizations
is_point Boolean True/False. Is a point with buffer, not actual boundaries
point_geom Point location (point)
geom Boundaries (multipolygon)
OTHER AI REGULATIONS FIELDS/DATA Other AI comments: we have a dafe effectivity field, a url field (main url for the MPA), and report violations field with the contact to report poachers. We have a status_year for designation year, an implementation_date for when the MPA regs went into effect. We will add an effective_date (possibly a date range for temporary closures) that will be part of the restrictions/regulations one-to-many table. We have a contact one-to-many joined table that let's you specify a url, address, and/or phone number for one or more agencies. This can also be used to record hotlines for violations and citizen reporting. We can make some changes to the DB and to the online forms to make this easier to use and easier to pull those out for web apps. Maybe we allow contacts attached to a site to be specified as "primary management agency","reporting hotline", and possibly other categories. Then it is easy to show the appropriate contact info for a site in the right context.
Name of legislation name_leg The title for the legislation passed for fisheries
url for legislation url_leg The url that links to the legislation
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