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Created May 11, 2017 10:15
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# coding=utf-8
from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import csv
import boto3
from zipfile import ZipFile
import io
import tempfile
from decimal import Decimal
import datetime
from collections import defaultdict
service_alias = {
'Amazon CloudFront': 'cloudfront',
'Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud': 'ec2',
'Amazon Simple Storage Service': 's3',
'Amazon Simple Notification Service': 'sns',
'Amazon Simple Queue Service': 'sqs'
def parse_date(date):
if date == '':
return None
return datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
def truncate_date(dt, period):
if period == 'day':
elif period == 'hour':
return datetime.datetime(dt.year, dt.month,, dt.hour, 0, 0)
class DetailedBillingFile(object):
def fetch(cls, bucket, account, date):
csvname = "%s-aws-billing-detailed-line-items-%d-%02d.csv" % (account, date.year, date.month)
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
obj = s3.Object(bucket, "" % csvname)
with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as fd:
with ZipFile(fd, 'r') as zipfile:
dbf = cls()
return dbf
def parse_file(self, filename):
with open(filename) as csvfile:
def parse_detailed_billing(self, csvfile):
self.lines = []
data = csv.reader(csvfile)
header = next(data)
for row in data:
line = {}
i = 0
for col in header:
line[col] = row[i]
i += 1
def by_service(self, time_period='day', include_no_date=False):
data = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(Decimal))
for line in self.lines:
start_date = parse_date(line['UsageStartDate'])
if line['ReservedInstance'] == 'Y' and line['PricingPlanId'] == '':
# This is probably a reserved instance charge for the remainder of the month,
# which we can ignore for historical charges.
if start_date is None and not include_no_date:
# Undated charges are usually totals, corrections, or notes.
if line['ProductName'] not in service_alias:
# Unknown service
name = service_alias[line['ProductName']]
if line['ReservedInstance'] == 'Y':
name += '.reserved'
elif name == 'ec2':
name += '.ondemand'
data[truncate_date(start_date, time_period)][name] += Decimal(line['Cost'])
return data
def totals(self):
costs = defaultdict(Decimal)
for line in self.lines:
if line['RecordType'] == 'LineItem':
costs[line['ProductName']] += Decimal(line['Cost'])
return costs
# coding=utf-8
from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
from aws_billing import DetailedBillingFile
import argparse
import arrow
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Fetch AWS billing data and output Graphite format')
parser.add_argument('days', type=int, help="number of days back to fetch")
args = parser.parse_args()
prefix = ''
since = arrow.utcnow().replace(days=-args.days).naive
for month in arrow.Arrow.range('month', since.replace(day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0), arrow.utcnow()):
dbf = DetailedBillingFile.fetch('bucketname', 'account_id', month)
for date, services in sorted(dbf.by_service(time_period='hour').items(), key=lambda d: d[0]):
if date < since:
for service, total in services.items():
if total > 0:
print("%s.%s %s %s" % (prefix, service, total, int(date.timestamp())))
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