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Created March 29, 2024 19:43
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package service.model
import scala.collection.mutable.BitSet
import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3
import zio.*
case class HashResult(base: Long, seed: Int)
/** Represents a slot in the bloom filter
* Right now this is mapped to a bit in an in memory bitset but it could be a key in redis etc
* Both redis keys and Scala std lib BitSets can only hold 2^32 bits so we need to split the bloom filter bits into
* multiple BitSets
* @param bitSetIndex
* @param bitIndex
case class HashSlot(bitSetIndex: Int, bitIndex: Int)
case class BloomFilter private (numberOfBits: Long, numberOfHashes: Int):
val numberOfBitSets = numberOfBits / Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1
val smallestBitSetSize = numberOfBits % Integer.MAX_VALUE
s"numberOfBits: $numberOfBits, numberOfHashes: $numberOfHashes, numberOfBitSets: $numberOfBitSets, smallestBitSetSize: $smallestBitSetSize"
val bitSets = (0 until numberOfBitSets.toInt).map {
case i if i == numberOfBitSets - 1 => new BitSet(smallestBitSetSize.toInt)
case _ => new BitSet(Integer.MAX_VALUE)
import Math.abs
private def computeHash(s: String): HashResult =
val lower32 = Math.abs(MurmurHash3.stringHash(s))
val base: Long = Math.abs(MurmurHash3.stringHash(s, lower32).toLong << 32) + lower32
val seed = Math.abs(MurmurHash3.stringHash(s, lower32))
HashResult(base, seed)
private def bitPosition(result: HashResult)(i: Int) =
val x = abs((result.base + i * result.seed) % numberOfBits)
HashSlot((x / Integer.MAX_VALUE).toInt, (x % Integer.MAX_VALUE).toInt)
def add(s: String) =
val bitPos = bitPosition(computeHash(s))
(0 until numberOfHashes).foreach: i =>
val slot = bitPos(i)
def contains(s: String) =
val bitPos = bitPosition(computeHash(s))
(0 until numberOfHashes).forall: i =>
val slot = bitPos(i)
end contains
end BloomFilter
object BloomFilter extends ZIOAppDefault:
def optimalNumberOfBits(numberOfItems: Long, falsePositiveRate: Double): Long =
math.ceil(-1 * numberOfItems * math.log(falsePositiveRate) / math.log(2) / math.log(2)).toLong
def optimalNumberOfHashes(numberOfItems: Long, numberOfBits: Long): Int =
math.ceil(numberOfBits / numberOfItems * math.log(2)).toInt
def apply(numberOfItems: Long, falsePositiveRate: Double): BloomFilter =
val numberOfBits = optimalNumberOfBits(numberOfItems, falsePositiveRate)
val numberOfHashes = optimalNumberOfHashes(numberOfItems, numberOfBits)
BloomFilter(numberOfBits, numberOfHashes)
def run =
val bf = BloomFilter(1000000000L, 0.0000001)
(0 to 100000).foreach(i => bf.add(s"hello$i"))
end BloomFilter
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