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Created June 25, 2019 15:03
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Code shared from the Rust Playground
macro_rules! doc_comment {
($x:expr) => {
#[doc = $x]
extern {}
// enum like types
($x:literal, $visibility:vis enum $ty_name:ident {
$($y:literal, $field:ident $(($($field_ty:ty),*))? ),* $(,)?
}) => {
#[doc = $x]
$visibility enum $ty_name {
$(#[doc = $y] $field $(($($field_ty),*))?,)*
($visibility:vis enum $ty_name:ident {
$($y:literal, $field:ident $(($($field_ty:ty),*))? ),* $(,)?
}) => {
$visibility enum $ty_name {
$(#[doc = $y] $field $(($($field_ty),*))?,)*
// struct like types
($x:expr, $visibility:vis struct $ty_name:ident {$($($meta:meta)? $y:expr, $visibility_i:vis $field:ident: $typ:ty $(,)?)*}) => {
#[doc = $x]
$visibility struct $ty_name {
$(#[doc = $y] $($meta)? $visibility_i $field: $typ,)*
// struct like types without doc comment on the item
($visibility:vis struct $ty_name:ident {$($($meta:meta)? $y:expr, $visibility_i:vis $field:ident: $typ:ty $(,)?)*}) => {
$visibility struct $ty_name {
$(#[doc = $y] $($meta)? $visibility_i $field: $typ,)*
($x:expr, $($tt:tt)*) => {
#[doc = $x]
pub struct Bar {
"field", // <- the comma here is mandatory
pub field: usize,
"hidden field", // <- still mandatory
private_field: usize,
// Of course, you do it while documenting the type as well:
"This is an enum!", // <- comma is mandatory
enum Enum {
"first variant", // <- the comma here is mandatory
"second variant", // still mandatory
fn main() {
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