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Created October 3, 2019 07:53
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Code shared from the Rust Playground
macro_rules! commands {
($cmd_enum:ident, $results_mod:ident, $ret_enum:ident),
$cmd:ident -> $(
$res:ident $(
) => {
commands!(@cmd_enum $cmd_enum {$($cmd),+});
pub mod $results_mod {
commands!(@res_enum $cmd $($res $(($($inner),+))?)|+);
commands!(@ret_enum $ret_enum $results_mod $($cmd),+);
(@cmd_enum $name:ident {$($cmd:ident),+}) => {
pub enum $name {
(@res_enum $cmd:ident
$res:ident $(
) => {
pub enum $cmd {
$res $(
(@ret_enum $ret_enum:ident $results_mod:ident
) => {
use $results_mod::*;
pub enum $ret_enum {
commands! {
(Command, results, CommandResult),
Quit -> Ok,
Init -> Ok | NeedCredentials | Fail(String),
Fetch -> Ok | Fail(i32, String),
fn main() {
let _ = Command::Quit;
let _ = Command::Init;
let _ = Command::Fetch;
let _ = results::Quit::Ok;
let _ = results::Init::Ok;
let _ = results::Init::NeedCredentials;
let _ = results::Init::Fail(String::from(""));
let _ = results::Fetch::Ok;
let _ = results::Fetch::Fail(1, String::from(""));
let _ = CommandResult::Quit(results::Quit::Ok);
let _ = CommandResult::Init(results::Init::Ok);
let _ = CommandResult::Fetch(results::Fetch::Ok);
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