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Created May 15, 2019 22:02
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Code shared from the Rust Playground
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::iter;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::mem;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::ops::Range;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::thread;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
// Jump to the examples at the end!
// The metadata we store is just a colour for each memory address.
struct MetaData(Mutex<HashMap<Address, Colour>>);
lazy_static! { static ref METADATA: MetaData = MetaData(Mutex::new(HashMap::new())); }
// Memory addresses are just a word
type Address = usize;
// The different states of memory
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum Colour {
Unreachable, // Memory that is allocated but can't be reached from safe code
Unique, // Memory that is reachable from safe code as a &mut T reference
Shared(usize), // Memory that is reachable from safe code as a &T reference
// Types that know how to iterate over their addresses
trait Addressable {
type Addresses: Iterator<Item = Address>;
fn addresses(&self) -> Self::Addresses;
impl Addressable for u8 {
type Addresses = iter::Once<Address>;
fn addresses(&self) -> Self::Addresses {
iter::once(self as *const u8 as Address)
impl Addressable for u16 {
type Addresses = Range<Address>;
fn addresses(&self) -> Self::Addresses {
let address = self as *const u16 as Address;
impl Addressable for u32 {
type Addresses = Range<Address>;
fn addresses(&self) -> Self::Addresses {
let address = self as *const u32 as Address;
impl Addressable for u64 {
type Addresses = Range<Address>;
fn addresses(&self) -> Self::Addresses {
let address = self as *const u64 as Address;
impl<T, U> Addressable for (T, U) where T: Addressable, U: Addressable {
type Addresses = iter::Chain<T::Addresses, U::Addresses>;
fn addresses(&self) -> Self::Addresses {
impl<T> Addressable for UnsafeCell<T> where T: Addressable {
type Addresses = iter::Empty<Address>;
fn addresses(&self) -> Self::Addresses {
// How we model &T
struct Ref<'a, T: 'a + Addressable>(&'a T);
impl<'a, T: 'a + Addressable> Drop for Ref<'a, T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if thread::panicking() { return; }
let mut metadata = METADATA.0.lock().unwrap();
for address in self.0.addresses() {
let n = match metadata.get(&address) {
Some(Colour::Shared(n)) => *n,
colour => panic!("Expected Shared, found {:?} at address 0x{:x}", colour, address),
assert!(n > 0);
let colour = if n == 1 {
} else {
Colour::Shared(n - 1)
metadata.insert(address, colour);
println!("Colouring 0x{:x} as {:?}", address, colour);
impl<'a, T: 'a + Addressable> Clone for Ref<'a, T> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
let mut metadata = METADATA.0.lock().unwrap();
for address in self.0.addresses() {
let n = match metadata.get(&address) {
Some(Colour::Shared(n)) => *n,
colour => panic!("Expected Shared, found {:?} at address 0x{:x}", colour, address),
metadata.insert(address, Colour::Shared(n + 1));
println!("Colouring 0x{:x} as Shared({})", address, n + 1);
impl<'a, T: 'a + Addressable> Ref<'a, T> {
fn get(&self) -> T where T: Clone {
fn as_ptr(self) -> *const T {
self.0 as *const T
unsafe fn from_ptr(ptr: *const T) -> Ref<'a, T> {
let mut metadata = METADATA.0.lock().unwrap();
let reference = &*ptr;
for address in reference.addresses() {
let n = match metadata.get(&address).cloned().unwrap_or(Colour::Unreachable) {
Colour::Shared(n) => n,
Colour::Unreachable => 0,
colour => panic!("UB: Expected Shared or Unreachable, found {:?} at address 0x{:x}", colour, address),
metadata.insert(address, Colour::Shared(n + 1));
println!("Colouring 0x{:x} as Shared({})", address, n + 1);
impl<'a, T: 'a + Addressable> Ref<'a, UnsafeCell<T>> {
fn get_from_cell(&self) -> *mut T {
// How we model &mut T
struct RefMut<'a, T: 'a + Addressable>(&'a mut T);
impl<'a, T: 'a + Addressable> RefMut<'a, T> {
fn new(x: &'a mut T) -> Self {
let mut metadata = METADATA.0.lock().unwrap();
for address in x.addresses() {
let colour = metadata.get(&address).cloned().unwrap_or(Colour::Unreachable);
assert!(colour == Colour::Unreachable,
"Expected Unreachable, found {:?} at address 0x{:x}", colour, address);
metadata.insert(address, Colour::Unique);
println!("Colouring 0x{:x} as Unique", address);
fn as_ref<'b>(&'b mut self) -> Ref<'b, T> {
let mut metadata = METADATA.0.lock().unwrap();
for address in self.0.addresses() {
let colour = metadata.get(&address).cloned().unwrap_or(Colour::Unreachable);
assert!((colour == Colour::Unreachable) || (colour == Colour::Unique),
"Expected Unreachable or Unique, found {:?} at address 0x{:x}", colour, address);
metadata.insert(address, Colour::Shared(1));
println!("Colouring 0x{:x} as Shared(1)", address);
unsafe fn from_ptr(ptr: *mut T) -> RefMut<'a, T> {
let mut metadata = METADATA.0.lock().unwrap();
let reference = &mut *ptr;
for address in reference.addresses() {
let colour = metadata.get(&address).cloned().unwrap_or(Colour::Unreachable);
assert!(colour == Colour::Unreachable,
"UB: Expected Unreachable, found {:?} at address 0x{:x}", colour, address);
metadata.insert(address, Colour::Unique);
println!("Colouring 0x{:x} as Unique", address);
fn set(&mut self, x: T) {
let mut metadata = METADATA.0.lock().unwrap();
for address in self.0.addresses() {
let colour = metadata.get(&address).cloned().unwrap_or(Colour::Unreachable);
if colour != Colour::Unique {
assert!(colour == Colour::Unreachable,
"Expected Unreachable or Unique, found {:?} at address 0x{:x}", colour, address);
metadata.insert(address, Colour::Unique);
println!("Colouring 0x{:x} as Unique", address);
*self.0 = x;
impl<'a, T: 'a + Addressable> Drop for RefMut<'a, T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if thread::panicking() { return; }
let mut metadata = METADATA.0.lock().unwrap();
for address in self.0.addresses() {
let colour = metadata.get(&address).cloned().unwrap_or(Colour::Unreachable);
assert!(colour == Colour::Unique,
"Expected Unreachable, found {:?} at address 0x{:x}", colour, address);
metadata.insert(address, Colour::Unreachable);
println!("Colouring 0x{:x} as Unreachable", address);
macro_rules! let_ref_mut {
($x:ident = $e:expr) => {
let ref mut tmp = $e;
let mut $x = RefMut::new(tmp);
// An example from Ralf Jung
fn two_phase() { unsafe {
let_ref_mut!(cell = UnsafeCell::new(0 as u8));
let x = cell.as_ref();
let x2 = x.clone();
// We can have a unique reference
let mut uniq_ref = RefMut::from_ptr(x.get_from_cell());
// and then use our shared references again
let shared_ref = Ref::from_ptr(x2.get_from_cell());
println!("contents = {}", shared_ref.get());
} }
// Another example, from Ralf Jung
fn aliasing_mut_and_shr() {
fn inner(rc: &RefCell<u32>, aliasing: &mut u32) {
*aliasing += 4;
let _escape_to_raw : *const RefCell<u32> = rc;
*aliasing += 4;
let _shr = &*rc;
*aliasing += 4;
// also turning this into a frozen ref now must work
let aliasing : &u32 = aliasing;
let _val = *aliasing;
let _escape_to_raw : *const RefCell<u32> = rc;
let _val = *aliasing;
let _shr = &*rc; // this must NOT unfreeze
let _val = *aliasing;
let refcell = RefCell::new(23);
let rc: &mut RefCell<u32> = &mut refcell;
let rc: &RefCell<u32> = rc;
let mut bmut : RefMut<u32> = rc.borrow_mut();
inner(&rc, &mut *bmut);
assert_eq!(*rc.borrow(), 23+12);
fn main() {
fn bad() {
fn inner(p: Ref<u8>) {
let q = p.as_ptr() as *mut u8;
let mut r = unsafe { RefMut::from_ptr(q) };
let_ref_mut!(x = 37);
let y = x.as_ref();
println!("*y = {}", y.get());
let z = x.as_ref();
println!("*z = {}", z.get());
println!("*z = {}", z.get());
fn main() {
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