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Created January 8, 2022 07:06
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Code shared from the Rust Playground
use std::io;
use dictcc::dictcc;
use futures_lite::{AsyncWrite, AsyncWriteExt, StreamExt};
use pop_launcher::{
async_stdin, async_stdout, json_input_stream, PluginResponse, PluginSearchResult, Request,
use smol::Unblock;
pub async fn send<W: AsyncWrite + Unpin>(tx: &mut W, response: PluginResponse) {
// convert response to json then add "\n" and convert them to bytes and write them to stdout (? not sure)
if let Ok(mut bytes) = serde_json::to_string(&response) {
let _ = tx.write_all(bytes.as_bytes()).await;
pub async fn main() {
let mut requests = json_input_stream(async_stdin());
let mut app = App::default();
while let Some(result) = {
match result {
Ok(request) => match request {
Request::Activate(id) => app.activate(id).await,
Request::Search(query) =>,
Request::Exit => break,
_ => (),
Err(why) => eprintln!("{}", why),
struct App {
definitions: Vec<String>,
out: Unblock<io::Stdout>,
impl Default for App {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
definitions: vec![],
out: async_stdout(),
impl App {
// When we move over the options of the launcher, it gets the id of the
// option and then the id is used to get definition
pub async fn activate(&mut self, id: u32) {
let mut definition = String::new();
if let Some(def) = self.definitions.get(id as usize) {
eprintln!("Got definition: {}", &def);
definition = def.clone();
send(&mut self.out, PluginResponse::Fill(definition)).await
pub async fn search(&mut self, query: String) {
let query_vec = query
.split(' ')
.map(|x| x.to_string())
let mut translate_from = String::new();
let mut translate_to = String::new();
let mut word = String::new();
query.split(' ').enumerate().for_each(|(index, x)| {
if x == "-f" || x == "--from" {
translate_from = query_vec[index + 1].clone();
} else if x == "-t" || x == "--to" {
translate_to = query_vec[index + 1].clone();
} else {
word = query_vec[index].clone();
let definitions = dictcc::translate(&translate_from, &translate_to, &word);
if let Err(err) = definitions {
eprintln!("Something went wrong...\nError: {}", err,)
} else {
let definitions = definitions.unwrap();
self.definitions = definitions.clone();
for (index, definition) in definitions.into_iter().enumerate() {
&mut self.out,
PluginResponse::Append(PluginSearchResult {
id: index as u32,
name: definition,
description: format!("{} -> {}", translate_from, translate_to),
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