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Google Data Engineer Notes

Practice Exam Attempt (3) Carefully taken with notes

Got an 16/20 on the latest practice exam. Missed questions 5, 7, 12, 13.

Summary of why missed each question:

always favor simpler method (cbt (cloud big query tool) vs hbase cli) … I feel uneasy with this answer
prefer simpler method. pub/sub more than capable. kafka is overkill. this question showed my lack of knowledge of pub/sub capabilities
i was unaware of google cloud best practices IAM. principle of least privalige. use predefined IAM roles when possible. I do not have strong enough knowledge of IAM.
a missunderstanding of question and not knowing what mid value is. prefer simple solution.


  • mid values can be looked up in google knowledge graph
  • base64 encode vision api data


  1. storage files for a data pipeline
    • what is a temporary table vs permanent?
      • A temporary table is a randomly named table saved in a special dataset. Temporary tables are used to cache query results. A temporary table has a lifetime of approximately 24 hours. Temporary tables are not available for sharing, and are not visible using any of the standard list or other table manipulation methods. You are not charged for storing temporary tables.
      • A permanent table can be a new or existing table in any dataset to which you have access. If you write query results to a new table, you are charged for storing the data. When you write query results to a permanent table, the tables you’re querying must be in the same location as the dataset that contains the destination table.
    • auto detect schema?
      • big query samples 100 rows from one input and detects schema from that
    • not easy to change table schemas
  2. Bigtable
    • single row transactions
    • cloud bigtable allows you to spot how rows or expensive nodes
      • see if key schema is balanced
  3. Pub/sub vs kafka
    • kafka can store for arbitrary amounts of time
    • pub/sub can only store for 7 days
    • pub/sub has no ordering guarentees can use timestamp to help
  4. Cloud Machine Learning Engine
    • “error” vs. “failed”
      • The Operation object will include one of two keys on completion:
        • The “response” key is present if the operation was successful. Its value should be google.protobuf.Empty, as none of the Cloud ML Engine long-running operations have response objects.
        • The “error” key is present if there was an error. Its value is a Status object.
      • The job object
    • supervised ml is great here
    • bayessian optimization is used for hyperparameter tuning
    • job is a series of operations thus you don’t care about the opperations themselves.
  5. Dataprep features
    • people spend a long time with data preparation
    • an easy to use pandas
    • clense, enrich, validate
    • will require a data engineer to run these operations (can be replacement of pandas work)
    • traditional discovery (query to explore)
    • many supported types
    • can be integrate and run constantly
    • run dataflow behind the scenes
    • keeps track of the operations that we have done
    • once done you can start the large dataproc job
    • yes you can provide a template for conversion
  6. Cloud IAM
    • see notes in products
    • predefined roles are preferable. limit to minimum permissions.
  7. cloud vision ml api
    • base64 results from api. befinitely simpleest
    • mid is a single field there is more to the api
  8. Bigtable storage type cannot be changed but compute can be
  9. how to snapshot images
    • snapshots are incremental diffs between the original images taking up much less space.
    • went with simplest option was possibly lucky
  10. Big query cache enable
    • The prefetch cache (A.K.A. the “Smart cache”) predicts the data that a component could request by analyzing the dimensions, metrics, filters, and date range properties and controls on the report. Data Studio then stores (prefetches) as much of the data as possible that could be used to answer the predicted queries. When a query can’t be answered by the query cache, Data Studio tries to answer it using this prefetched data. If the query can’t be answered by the prefetch cache, the data will come from the underlying data set.
    • must be an owner
    • lightning bolt will be enabled
    • dimension vs filter
      • filter reduces data
      • dimension is equal to a group by operation
  11. Encryption at rest
    • three options
      • default encryption (only on GCP) supplied and controlled by google
        • all
      • cloud key management (key stored on google controlled by user can be supplied)
        • use with bigquery, storage, and compute engine
      • customer key supplied by tool (google never sees)
        • limited to storage and compute engine

Data Engineer Exam

Provisional Result is a PASS


  • general knowledge of each service will only answer 5 or so questions
  • Coursera material is useful for introduction (documentation is much better and dense resource)
  • much more focused than expected
  • only 10 questions like exam pratice
  • not testing new features (for instance clustering or GIS in BigQuery)
  • case studies match online ones (10 questions) read but not very improtant to questions

Concepts (number of questions relevant approximate):

  • Big Query (20)
  • DataFlow (15)
  • DataProc (5-10)
  • BigTable (5-10)
  • IAM Permissions (10) - always remember principle of least privilege
  • Data Transfer (1-2)
  • Encryption (3-4)
  • ML Questions Basic (5)
  • Pub/Sub (5)

Concepts ALWAYS emphasized (there are usually 2 technically correct answers that boil down to):

  • simplicity (less words … seriously, and not tedious (as in do some manual steps that cant be automated))
  • cost savings (dont store data twice etc.)
  • efficiency (tool >> code)

Areas I needed more knowledge (going to study):

  • Big Query
    • partitions (table vs. date …)
    • views ( and how to restrict users)
    • import data formats from (storage, Avro, etc…)
  • DataFlow
    • WINDOWS (session, global, fixed, rolling, …)
    • outliers
    • batch vs stream processing

Advice (before taking exam)

The documentation on each service is intimidating but it is the most important thing to read. Important things to focus on. Coursera material is only a high level view of each service. BUT quicklabs (in coursera) are the way to learn how to use google cloud.

  • features (usually the front page)
  • concepts (explain limitations of service, performance, and architecture)
  • resources (pricing, …)
  • read the FAQ for each resource



gcloud compute instances create my-vm --custom-cpu 4 --custom-memory 5

gcloud compute instances create my-vm --zone us-central1-b --preemptible


  • predefined machine types up to 160 vCPUs and 3.75 TB of memory
  • custom machine types
  • persistent disk (64 TB in size)
    • ssd or hdd
    • can take snapshots and create new persistent disks
  • local ssd for scratch storage (3TB in size)
  • debian, centos, coreos, suse, ubuntu, etc images including bring your own
  • batch processing (preemptible vms)
  • encryption
  • per second billing
  • committed use discounts

Premptible instances can run a custom shutdown script. Instance is given 30 seconds.

Platform as a Service (PaaS).


  • Languages: javascript, ruby, go, .net, java, python, and php
  • fully managed
  • monitoring through stackdriver
  • easy app versioning
  • traffic splitting A/B tests and incremental features
  • ssl/tls managed
  • integrated with GCP services

Hosted kubernetes engine. Super simple to get started a Kubernetes cluster.


  • integrated with Identify & Access management
  • hybrid networking (IP Address for clusters to coexist with private ips)
  • HIPAA and PCI DSC 3.1 compliant
  • integrated with stackdriver logging and monitoring
  • autoscale
  • auto upgrade (upgrade nodes)
  • auto repair (repair process for nodes)
  • resource limits (kubernetes specify resource limits of each container)
  • stateful applications (storage backed)
  • supports docker image formats
  • fully manager with SRE from google
  • google managed OS
  • private containers (integrates with Google Container Registry)
  • builds with (Google Cloud Build)
  • can be easily transfered to on premise
  • gpu support (easy to run machine learning applications)

Reliable, efficient, and secured way to run kubernetes clusters anywhere. Integration using IAM. Similar features to GKE.

Automatically scales, highly available and fault tolerant. No servers to provision.

  • file storage events
  • events (pub/sub)
  • http
  • Firebase, and Google Assistant
  • stackdriver logging

Languages: python 3.7 and node.

Access and IAM. VPC access to cloud functions. Can not connect vpc to cloud functions. IAM controls on the invoke of the function. --member allow you to control which user can invoke the function. IAM check to make sure that appropriate identity.

Serverless containers are coming soon.

Kubernetes + Serverless addon for GKE.

  • serving: event driven, scale to zero, request driven compute model
  • build: cloud natie source to container orchestration
  • events: universal subscriptin, delivery, and management of events
  • add ons: enable knative addons

Shielded VMs protect against:

  • verify VM identity
  • quickly protect VMs against advanced threats: root kit, etc.
  • protect secrests

Only available for certain images.

  • patch applied regular on frequent builds and image security reviews
  • containers have less code and a smaller attack surface
  • isolate processes working with recourses (separate storage from networking)


Cloud Storage (Object)

Object storage. Unified S3 object storage api. Great for storage of blobs and large files (great bandwidth) not necessarily lowest latency.

Single api for accessing:

  • storage
    • multi-regional (you pay for data transfer between regions)
      • reduce latency and increse redundancy
    • regional (higher performance local access and high frequency analytics workloads)
  • backup
    • nearline highly durable storage for data accessed less than once a month
    • coldline highly durable storage for data accessed less than once a year

Object Lifecycle Mangement

  • delete files after older than X days
  • move files to coldline storage after X days

Requester Pays: you can enable requester of resources for pay for transfer.

You can label a bucket.

You can version all objects.

Encrypt objects with your own encryption keys (locally)

Encrypt objects using Cloud Key Management Storage

Controlling Access:

  • AllUsers:R makes an object world readable
  • allUsers:objectViewer makes a bucker or group of objects world readable
  • Signed URLs give time-limited read or write access to a specific Cloud Storage resource
  • programmatically create signed URLs

Redundancy is

Durable and high performance block storage. SSD and HHD available. Can be attached to any compute engine instance or as google kubernetes storage volumes. Transparently resized and easy backups. Both can be up to 64 TB in size. More expensive per GB than storage. No charge for IO.

  • zonal persistent HHD and SSD (efficient reliable block storage)
  • regional peristent disk HHD and SSD. Replicated in two zones
  • local SSD: high performance transient local block-storage
  • cloud storage buckets (mentioned before) affordable object storage

Persistent disk performance is predictable and scales linearly with provisioned capacity until the limits for an instance’s provisioned vCPUs are reached.

Persistent disks have built-in redundancy.

Free to get started. Uses google cloud storage behind the scenes. Easy way to provide access to files to users based on authentication. Trigger functions to process these files. Clients provides sdks for reliable uploads on spotty connections. Targets mobile.

Cloud Filestore (Filesystem)

Cloud Filestore is a managed file storage service (NAS).

Connects to compute instances and Kubernetes engine instances. Low latency file operations. Performance equivalent to a typical HHD. Can get SSD performance for a premium.

Size must be between 1 TB - 64 TB. Price per gigabyte per hour. About 5x more expensive than object storage. About 2-3X more expensive than Blob storage.

Cloud filestore exists in the zone that you are using.

Is an NFS fileshare.

Drive Enterprise (Google Drive)

$8 per active user/month + $0.04 per GB/month and includes Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides.


Covers sending files to google.

Data Transfer (Online Transfer)
Use your network to move data to Google Cloud storage
Cloud Storage Transfer Service
use for cloud transfters like AWS -> GCP
  • Storage Transfer Service allows you to quickly import online data into Cloud Storage. You can also set up a repeating schedule for transferring data, as well as transfer data within Cloud Storage, from one bucket to another.
    • schedule one time transfer operations or recurring transfer operations
    • deleete existing object in the destination bucket if they dont have a corresping object in the source
    • delete source objects after transfering them
    • schedule periodic synchronization from source to data (with filters)
Transfer Appliance
install storage locally move data and send to google
  • two rackable applicances capable of 100 TB + 100 TB
  • standalone 500 TB - 1 PB storage to transfer.
  • greater than 20 TB it is worth it.
  • capable of high upload speeds (> 1GB per second)
  • Big Query Data Transfer Service
    • The BigQuery Data Transfer Service automates data movement from Software as a Service (SaaS) applications such as Google Ads and Google Ad Manager on a scheduled, managed basis. Your analytics team can lay the foundation for a data warehouse without writing a single line of code.
    data sources
    campaign manager, cloud storage, google ad manager, google ads, google play, youtube channel reports, youtube content owner reports.




Fully manged MYSQL and Postgresql service. Susstained usage discount. Data replication between zones in a region.

  • Fully managed MySQL Community Edition databases in the cloud.
  • Second Generation instances support MySQL 5.6 or 5.7, and provide up to 416 GB of RAM and 10 TB data storage, with the option to automatically increase the storage size as needed.
  • First Generation instances support MySQL 5.5 or 5.6, and provide up to 16 GB of RAM and 500 GB data storage.
  • Create and manage instances in the Google Cloud Platform Console.
  • Instances available in US, EU, or Asia.
  • Customer data encrypted on Google’s internal networks and in database tables, temporary files, and backups.
  • Support for secure external connections with the Cloud SQL Proxy or with the SSL/TLS protocol.
  • Support for private IPbeta (private services access).
  • Data replication between multiple zones with automatic failover.
  • Import and export databases using mysqldump, or import and export CSV files.
  • Support for MySQL wire protocol and standard MySQL connectors.
  • Automated and on-demand backups, and point-in-time recovery.
  • Instance cloning.
  • Integration with Stackdriver logging and monitoring.
  • ISO/IEC 27001 compliant.

Some statements and features are not supported.

Cloud BigTable (NoSQL similar to Cassandra HBASE)

High throughput and consistent. Sub 10 ms latency. Scale to billions of rows and thousands of columns. can store TB and PB of data. Each row consists of a key. Large amounts of single keyed data with low latency. High read and write throughput. Apache HBase API.

Replication among zones. Key value map.

  • key to sort among rows
  • column families for combinations of columns


  • row keys should be evenly spread among nodes

How to choose a row key:

  • reverse domain names (domain names should be written in reverse) for example.
  • string identifiers (do not hash)
  • timestamp in row key
  • row keys can store multiple things - keep in mind that keys are sorted (lexicographically)

Cloud bigtable

  • 10 MB per cell and 100 MB per row max

Globally consistent cloud database.

Fully managed.

Relational Semantics requiring explicit key.

Highly available transactions. Globally replicated.

SQL like query language. ACID transactions. Fully managed.

Eventually consistent. Not for relational data but storing objects.

  • Atomic transactions. Cloud Datastore can execute a set of operations where either all succeed, or none occur.
  • High availability of reads and writes. Cloud Datastore runs in Google data centers, which use redundancy to minimize impact from points of failure.
  • Massive scalability with high performance. Cloud Datastore uses a distributed architecture to automatically manage scaling. Cloud Datastore uses a mix of indexes and query constraints so your queries scale with the size of your result set, not the size of your data set.
  • Flexible storage and querying of data. Cloud Datastore maps naturally to object-oriented and scripting languages, and is exposed to applications through multiple clients. It also provides a SQL-like query language.
  • Balance of strong and eventual consistency. Cloud Datastore ensures that entity lookups by key and ancestor queries always receive strongly consistent data. All other queries are eventually consistent. The consistency models allow your application to deliver a great user experience while handling large amounts of data and users.
  • Encryption at rest. Cloud Datastore automatically encrypts all data before it is written to disk and automatically decrypts the data when read by an authorized user. For more information, see Server-Side Encryption.
  • Fully managed with no planned downtime. Google handles the administration of the Cloud Datastore service so you can focus on your application. Your application can still use Cloud Datastore when the service receives a planned upgrade.
  • redis as a service
  • high availablility, failover, patching, and monitoring
  • sub millisecond latency and throughput
  • can support up to 300 GB instances with 12 Gbps throughput
  • fully compatible with redis protocol

Ideal for low latency data that must be shared between workers. Failover is separate zone. Application must be tollerant of failed writes.

NoSQL database built for global apps. Compatible with Datastore API. Automatic multi region replication. ACID transactions. Query engine. Integrated with firebase services.

Real time syncing of JSON data. Can collaborate across devices with ease.

Could this be used for jupyter notebooks? Probably not due to restrictions… cant see exactly what text has changed.


Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

A private space within google cloud platform. A single VPC can span multiple regions without communicating accress public Internet. Can allow for single connection points between VPC and on-premise resources. VPC can be applied at the organization level outside of projects. No shutdown or downtime when adding IP scape and subnets.

Get private access to google services such as storage big data, etc. without having to give a public ip.

VPC can have:

  • firewall rules
  • routes (how to send traffic)
  • forwarding rules
  • ip addresses

Ways to connect:

  • vpn (using ipsec)
  • interconnect

Cloud load balances can be divided up as follows:

  • global vs. regional load balancing
  • external vs internal
  • traffic type


  • http(s) load balancing
  • ssl proxy
  • tcp proxy

Global has a single anycast address, health checks, cookie-based affinity, autoscaling, and monitoing.


  • internal TCP/UDP load balancing
  • network tcp/udp load balancing

Single IP address per region.

Protect against DDoS attacks. Permit deny/allow based on IP.

Low-latency, low-cost content delivery using Google global network. Recently ranked the fastest cdn. 90 cache sites. Always close to users. Cloud CDN comes with SSL/TLS.

  • anycast (single IP address)
  • http/2 support these push abilities
  • https
take down cached content in minutes
  • logging with stackdriver
  • serve content from compute engine and cloud storage buckets. Can mix and match.

Connect directly to google.

  • interconnect (Direct access with SLA)
    • dedicated interconnect
    • partner interconnect
    • ipsec VPN
  • peering (google’s public ips only) no physical connection to google
    • direct peering
    • carries peering

Scalable, reliable, and amanaged DNS syetm. Guarantees 100% availability. Can create millions of DNS records. Managed through API.

Network Service Tiers (no studied)

Network Telemetry

Allows for monitoring on network traffic patterns.

Management Tools

  • Stackdriver
    • monitoring
    • logging
    • error reporting with triggers
    • trace
Cloud Console
web interface for working with google cloud recources
Cloud shell
command line management for web browser
Cloud mobile app
available on android and OSX
  • Seperate billing accounts for managing paying for projects
  • Cloud Deployment Manager for managing google cloud infrastructure
  • Cloud apis for all GCP services

API Platform and Ecosystems

Apigee API Platform

Many many features around apis. Features: design, secure, deploy, monitor, and scale apis. Enforce api policies, quota management, trasformation, autorization , and access control.

  • create api proxies from Open API specifications and deploy in the cloud.
  • protect apis. oauth 2.0, saml, tls, and protection from traffic spikes
    • dynamic routing, caching, and rate limiting policies
  • publish apis to a developer portar for developers to be able to explore
  • measure performance and usage integrating with stackdriver.

Free trial, then $500 quickstart and larger ones later. Monetization.

Healthcare, Banking, Sense (protect from attacks).

API Monetization

Tools for creating billing reports for users. Flexible report models etc. This is through apigee

$300/month to start. Engagement, operational metrics, business metrics.

Google Cloud Endpoints allows a shared backend. Cloud endpoints annotations. Will generate client libraries for the different languages.

Nginx based proxy. Open API specification and provides insight with stackdriver, monitoring, trace, and logging.

Control who has acess to your API and validate every call with JSON web tockens and google api keys. Integration with Firebase Authentication and Auth0.

Less than 1ms per call.

Generate API keys in GCP console and validate on every API call.

Developer Portal

Have dashboards and places for developers to easily test the API.

Developer Tools

Cloud SDK
cli for GCP products
  • gcloud manages authentication, local configuration, developer workflow, and interactions with cloud platforms apis
big query through the command line
management of kubernetes
command line access to manage cloud storage buckets and objects
  • powershell tools (which I will never use)

More than a private docker repository.

  • secure private registry
  • automatically build and push images to private registry
  • vulnerability scanning
  • multiple registries
  • fast and highly available
  • prevent deployment of images that are risky and not allowed


  • project names images
  • domain named images
  • access control
  • authentication gcloud docker -a to use authenticate with gcp credentials
  • mirrors docker registry
  • notifications when container images change
  • vulnerability monitoring

Cloud Build lets you commit to deploy in containers quickly.

  • stages: build, test, deploy
  • push changes from Github, cloud source repositories, or bitbucket
  • run builds on high cpu vms
  • automate deployment
  • custom workflows
  • privacy
  • integrations with GKE, app engine, cloud functions, and firebase
  • spinnaker supported on all clouds - 120 build minutes per day.

YAML file to specify build.

  • unlimited private git repositories
  • build in continuous integration (automatic build and testing)
  • fast code search
  • pub/sub notification
  • permissions
  • logging with stackdriver
  • prevent security keys from being commit.

CRON job scheduler. Batch and big data jobs, cloud infrastructure operations. Automate everything retries, manage all automated tasks in one place.

Serverless scheduling. Cloud scheduler. HTTP or pub/sub tasks up to 1 minutes intervals.

Data Analytics

Free up to 1 TB of data analyzed each month and 10 GB stored.

  • Data Warehouses
  • Business Intelegence
  • Big Query
  • Big Query ML
    • Adding labels in SQL query and training model in SQL
    • linear regresion, classification logistic regressin, roc curve, model weight inspection.
    • feature distribution analysis
    • integrations with Data Studio, Looker, and Taeblo

Accessible through REST api and client libraries, including command line tool.

Data is stored in Capacitor columnar data format and offers the standard database conceps of tables, paritions, columns, and rows.

Data in Big Query Can be loaded in:

  • batch loads
    • cloud storage
    • other google services (example google ad manager)
    • readable data source
    • streaming inserts
    • dml (data manipulation language) statements
    • google big query IO transformation
  • streaming

Saving money on costs:

  • avoid SELECT *
  • use summary routines to only show a few rows
  • use --dry-run command it will give you price of query
  • no charge for regular loading of data. Streaming does cost money.

Fully managed service for transforming and reacting to data.

automated resource managerment
Cloud Dataflow automates provisioning and management of processing resources to minimize latency and maximize utilization; no more spinning up instances by hand or reserving them.
dynamic work rebalancing
automated and optimized work partitioning dynamic lagging work.
  • reliable & consistent exactly-once processing
  • horizontal auto scaling
  • apache beam sdk

Realtime processing of incoming data.

  • cleaning up data
  • triggering events
  • writing data to destinations SQL, bigquery, etc.

Regional Endpoints

Managed apache hadoop and apache spark instances.

Scalable and allow for preemptible instances.

ETL pipeline (Extract Transform Load)

Jupyter notebooks + magiks that working google cloud.

Big query integration

Gcloud console commands

simple reliable, scalable foundation for analytics and event driven computing systems.

Can trigger events such as Cloud Dataflow.


  • at least once delivery
  • exactly once processing
  • no provisioning
  • integration with cloud storage, gmail, cloud functions etc.
  • open apis and client libraries in many languages
  • globally trigger events
  • pub/sub is hipaa compliant.


the data that moves through the serivce
a named entity that represetnds a feed of messages
an entity interested in receiving mesages ona particular topic
create messages and sends (published) them to a specific topic
subscriber (consumer)
recieves messages on a specified subscription


Managed Apache airflow. (differences)

  • client tooling and integrated experience with google cloud
  • security IAM and audit logging with google cloud
  • stackdriver intergration
  • streamlined airflow runtime and environment configuration such as plugin support
  • simplified DAG (workflow) maangement
  • python pypi package management

Core support for:

  • dataflow
  • bigquery
  • storage operators
  • spanner
  • sql
  • support in many other clouds
  • workflow orchestration solution

DAGS every workflow is defined as a DAG. Series of tasks to be done.

Task a set task within a workflow that you want to do.


Builtin support for services outside GCP: http, sftp, bash , python, AWS, Azure, Databricks, JIRA, Qubole, Slack, Hive, Mongo, MySQL, Oracle, Vertica.

Kubernetes PodOperator.

Integrates with gcloud composer. Cloud SQL is used to store the Airflow metadata. App Engine for serving the web service. Cloud storage is used for storing python plugins and dags etc. All running inside of GKE. Stackdriver is used for collecting all logs.

Process in parallel.

  • fully integrated with GCP products
  • secured with hippa compliant
  • real time processing

Enterprise analytics (not going to dive deaply into).

  • understand customer decision better
  • used google adertising system
  • adwords
  • doubleclick
  • allows easy collaboration
  • tag manager
    • manage analytics tags
  • optimize
    • personalized messages to audience (text change to website measure best variant)
  • google audience
    • recognize who your most valuable audiences are
  • attriubtion
    • shows how your messages are converged
  • data studio
    • data import and data visualization from big query
    • custom reports
  • surveys
    • accurate surveys to send out
    • brand awareness

Unite data in one place: spreadsheets, analytics, google ads, big query all combined Explore the data

  • connectors: many many services including community ones
  • transformation
  • you can cache queries from big query.
    • big query can cache results temporarily or using a new table

Monitoring loading experience for users.

  • wide variety of locations
  • wide variaty of
  • variaty, location, device, etc.

SDK in app you get performance metrics of your app as seen from the users.

AI and Machine Learning

A collection of end-to-end AI pipelines and out of the box algorithms for solving specific machine learning problems.

Prebuilt solutions. Very much a pre alpha product.

Makes it approachable even if you have minimal experience.


  • natrual language
  • translation
  • vision

Use case is that you would like to specially train your model to detect features that are more specific than the ones google provides.

Limited experience to train and make predictions. Full rest api and scalably train for labeling features.

Much faster for machine learning computations and numerical algorithms.

Focus on models not operations.

  • multiple frameworks built in
    • scikit-klearn, xgboost, keas, tensorflow
  • automate hyperparameter search
  • automate resource provisioning
  • train with small models for development and easily scale up
  • send computations to the cloud
  • cloud ml engine works with cloud dataflow

Manage model version.

gcloud commands work with it.

Machine learning to solve the job search

  • conversational interfaces
    • chatbots for example
    • text to speech
    • 20+ languages supported
    • user sentiment analysis
    • spelling correction

Google Cloud Natural Language reveals the structure and meaning of text both through powerful pretrained machine learning models in an easy to use REST API and through custom models that are easy to build with AutoML Natural LanguageBeta. Learn more about Cloud AutoML.

You can use Cloud Natural Language to extract information about people, places, events, and much more mentioned in text documents, news articles, or blog posts. You can use it to understand sentiment about your product on social media or parse intent from customer conversations happening in a call center or a messaging app. You can analyze text uploaded in your request or integrate with your document storage on Google Cloud Storage.

Google Cloud Speech-to-Text enables developers to convert audio to text by applying powerful neural network models in an easy-to-use API. The API recognizes 120 languages and variants to support your global user base. You can enable voice command-and-control, transcribe audio from call centers, and more. It can process real-time streaming or prerecorded audio, using Google’s machine learning technology.

Google Cloud Text-to-Speech enables developers to synthesize natural-sounding speech with 30 voices, available in multiple languages and variants. It applies DeepMind’s groundbreaking research in WaveNet and Google’s powerful neural networks to deliver high fidelity audio. With this easy-to-use API, you can create lifelike interactions with your users, across many applications and devices.

Cloud Translation offers both an API that uses pretrained models and the ability to build custom models specific to your needs, using AutoML Translation.

The Translation API provides a simple programmatic interface for translating an arbitrary string into any supported language using state-of-the-art Neural Machine Translation. It is highly responsive, so websites and applications can integrate with Translation API for fast, dynamic translation of source text from the source language to a target language (such as French to English). Language detection is also available in cases where the source language is unknown. The underlying technology is updated constantly to include improvements from Google research teams, which results in better translations and new languages and language pairs.

Cloud Vision offers both pretrained models via an API and the ability to build custom models using AutoML Vision to provide flexibility depending on your use case.

Cloud Vision API enables developers to understand the content of an image by encapsulating powerful machine learning models in an easy-to-use REST API. It quickly classifies images into thousands of categories (such as, “sailboat”), detects individual objects and faces within images, and reads printed words contained within images. You can build metadata on your image catalog, moderate offensive content, or enable new marketing scenarios through image sentiment analysis.

Quickly run large-scale correlations over typed time-series datasets.

Calculate correlations between data that you are getting from sensors etc. For example using big table.

Group users based on predictive behavior.

Preconfigured images for deep learning application.

Have all the interesting frameworks preinstalled.


Learn if necessary.

Cloud IAM

Identity. Access is granted to members. Memebers can be of several types:

  • google account (any google account not necissarily
  • service account (created for individual applications)
  • google group (email address that contains several google users) cannot establish identity
  • gsuite domain (cannot establish identity)
  • allAuthenticatedUsers (any signed in google account)
  • allUsers anyone on the web


  • you can grant access to <service>.<resource> resources


  • you can grant access based on <service>.<resource>.<verb>.

Roles are collections of permissions. Three kinds of roles in Cloud IAM.

  • primitive roles: Owner, Editor, Viewer
  • predefined roles: finer access than primitive roles. roles/pubsub.publisher provides access to only publish messages to a cloud pub/sub topic.
  • custom roles: custom roles specific to the organization.

Cloud IAM policies bind member -> roles.

Resource Hierarchy

You can set a Cloud IAM policy at any level in the resource hierarchy: the organization level, the folder level, the project level, or the resource level. Resources inherit the policies of the parent resource. If you set a policy at the organization level, it is automatically inherited by all its children projects, and if you set a policy at the project level, it’s inherited by all its child resources. The effective policy for a resource is the union of the policy set at that resource and the policy inherited from higher up in the hierarchy.

Best Practices:

  • Mirror your IAM policy hierarchy structure to your organization structure.
  • Use the security principle of least privilege to grant IAM roles, that is, only give the least amount of access necessary to your resources.
  • grant roles to groups when possible
  • grant roles to smallest scope needed
  • billing roles for administration looking over
  • prefer predefined roles (not primitive)
  • owner allows modifying IAM policy so grant carefully
  • cloud audit logs to monitor changes to IAM policy

Service Accounts:

  • belong to an application or virtual machine instead of user
  • Each service account is associated with a key pair, which is managed by Google Cloud Platform (GCP). It is used for service-to-service authentication within GCP. These keys are rotated automatically by Google, and are used for signing for a maximum of two weeks.
  • You should only grant the service account the minimum set of permissions required to achieve their goal.
  • Compute Engine instances need to run as service accounts
  • establish naming convention for service account
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