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Last active July 12, 2016 19:43
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Created on Mar 27, 2011
@author: hassane
@modified: Rusty Myers - June 2016 with much help from @frogor and @bruienne. Thanks!
@requirments: python3
@function: returns DHCP offer and BSDP list
@notes: BSDP format -
import socket
import struct
import plistlib
from uuid import getnode as get_mac
from random import randint
packetType="bsdp" # bsdp or dhcp
#packetType="dhcp" # bsdp or dhcp
def getMacInBytes():
mac = str(hex(get_mac()))
mac = mac[2:]
while len(mac) < 12 :
mac = '0' + mac
macb = b''
for i in range(0, 12, 2) :
m = int(mac[i:i + 2], 16)
macb += struct.pack('!B', m)
return macb
def get_ip_address():
# create a new socket
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
# connect on 80
s.connect(("", 80))
# get IP from socket
return s.getsockname()[0]
def getIPInBytes():
currIP=get_ip_address().split('.') # put IP address into list
# print(currIP) # print current IP for testing
bcurrIP=b'' # Create new byte holder
for i in currIP:
# add each part of IP as byte into byte holder
bcurrIP += struct.pack("!B", int(i))
# return byte formated IP
return bcurrIP
def parse_vendor(v_opts):
# Vendor Options Breakdown:
# [1,1,1] = BSDP message type (1), length (1), value (1 = list)
# [4,2,255,255] = Server priority message type 4, length 2, value 0xffff (65535 - Highest)
# [7,4, x, x] = Option 7 (4) Default Boot Image ID number
# [9,l, x] Boot Image List option 9 (l = random length) x = image names
b = bytearray(v_opts)
results = dict()
while b:
option_code = b.pop(0)
option_len = b.pop(0)
option_value = b[0:option_len]
del b[0:option_len]
if option_code == 9:
# We found our list
# Now to consume it
# the list can have multiple entries and each will have its NBI ID 4 bytes as header
# the full list length will be ALL of those entries - length of name plus 4-byte ID header
nbi_list = []
while option_value:
nbi_id = struct.unpack('!H', option_value[2:4])
del option_value[0:4]
nbi_len = option_value.pop(0)
nbi_name = option_value[0:nbi_len]
del option_value[0:nbi_len]
nbi_list.append((nbi_id[0], nbi_name.decode('utf-8')))
results['nbi_list'] = nbi_list
elif option_code == 7:
default_nbi = struct.unpack('!H', option_value[2:4])
results['default_nbi'] = default_nbi[0]
return results
# write bsdp plist with found BSDP Server IPs and respective netboot sets
def writePlist(plist):
infoPlist = dict(
bsdpserver = offer.BSDPServerIP)
with open(plist, 'wb') as fp:
plistlib.dump(infoPlist, fp)
class DHCPDiscover:
def __init__(self):
self.transactionID = b''
for i in range(4):
t = randint(0, 255)
self.transactionID += struct.pack('!B', t)
def buildPacket(self):
macb = getMacInBytes()
if packetType is "dhcp":
packet = b''
packet += b'\x01' #Message type: Boot Request (1)
packet += b'\x01' #Hardware type: Ethernet
packet += b'\x06' #Hardware address length: 6
packet += b'\x00' #Hops: 0
packet += self.transactionID #Transaction ID
packet += b'\x00\x00' #Seconds elapsed: 0
packet += b'\x80\x00' #Bootp flags: 0x8000 (Broadcast) + reserved flags
packet += b'\x00\x00\x00\x00' #Client IP address:
packet += b'\x00\x00\x00\x00' #Your (client) IP address:
packet += b'\x00\x00\x00\x00' #Next server IP address:
packet += b'\x00\x00\x00\x00' #Relay agent IP address:
#packet += b'\x00\x26\x9e\x04\x1e\x9b' #Client MAC address: 00:26:9e:04:1e:9b
packet += macb
packet += b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' #Client hardware address padding: 00000000000000000000
packet += b'\x00' * 67 #Server host name not given
packet += b'\x00' * 125 #Boot file name not given
packet += b'\x63\x82\x53\x63' #Magic cookie: DHCP
# DHCP IP Address
packet += b'\x35\x01\x01' #Option: (t=53,l=1) DHCP Message Type = DHCP Discover
packet += b'\x3d\x06\x00\x26\x9e\x04\x1e\x9b' #Option: (t=61,l=6) Client identifier
packet += b'\x3d\x06' + macb
packet += b'\x37\x03\x03\x01\x06' #Option: (t=55,l=3) Parameter Request List
packet += b'\xff' #End Option
packet += b'\x00' * 6
return packet
clientIPb = getIPInBytes()
packet = b''
packet += b'\x01' #Message type: Boot Request (1)
packet += b'\x01' #Hardware type: Ethernet
packet += b'\x06' #Hardware address length: 6
packet += b'\x00' #Hops: 0
packet += self.transactionID #Transaction ID
packet += b'\x00\x00' #Seconds elapsed: 0
packet += b'\x00\x00' #Bootp flags: 0x0000 (Unicast) + reserved flags
packet += clientIPb # Client IP address
# packet += b'\x80vlJ' # Client IP address:
#packet += b'\x00\x00\x00\x00' # Client IP address:
packet += b'\x00\x00\x00\x00' #Your (client) IP address:
packet += b'\x00\x00\x00\x00' #Next server IP address:
packet += b'\x00\x00\x00\x00' #Relay agent IP address:
#packet += b'\x00\x26\x9e\x04\x1e\x9b' #Client MAC address: 00:26:9e:04:1e:9b
packet += macb
packet += b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' #Client hardware address padding: 00000000000000000000
packet += b'\x00' * 67 #Server host name not given
packet += b'\x00' * 125 #Boot file name not given
packet += b'\x63\x82\x53\x63' #Magic cookie: DHCP
# NetBoot List Request
packet += b'\x35\x01\x08' #Option: (t=53,l=1) DHCP Message Type = DHCP INFORM[LIST]
packet += b'\x37\x02\x3c\x2b' #Option: (t=55,l=2) Parameter Request List - Option 60 (3c) and 43 (2b)
packet += b'\x39\x02\x05\xdc' # Option 57, length 2, max dhcp message sizeL 1500
# packet += b'\x3c\x39\x41\x41\x50\x4c\x42\x53\x44\x50\x43' # #Option: (t=60,l=9) Client identifier APLBSDPC
packet += b'\x3c\x17\x41\x41\x50\x4c\x42\x53\x44\x50\x43' # #Option: (t=60,l=23) Client identifier APLBSDPC + next line
packet += b'\x2f\x69\x33\x38\x36\x2f\x69\x4d\x61\x63\x31\x34\x2c\x32' #Model /i386/iMac14,2
packet += b'\x2b\x0f\x01\x01\x01\x02\x02\x01\x01\x05\x02\x03\xe1\x0c\x02\x20\x00' #Option 43 vendor specific???
packet += b'\xff' #End Option
return packet
class BSDPOffer:
def __init__(self, data, transID):
self.type = "bsdp"
self.plistName = "/tmp/com.example.bsdpptest.plist" = data
self.transID = transID
self.ClientIP = ''
self.nextServerIP = ''
self.vendorOptionResults = {}
self.BSDPServerIP = ''
self.vendorClassID = ''
def unpack(self):
# print( # print out the data for testing
print('{0}{1}'.format('Length: ', len(
if[4:8] == self.transID :
self.ClientIP = '.'.join(map(lambda x:str(x), data[12:16]))
self.nextServerIP = '.'.join(map(lambda x:str(x), data[20:24])) #c'est une option
self.vendorOptionResults = parse_vendor([242:274]) # Vendor Options 240-273
self.BSDPServerIP = '.'.join(map(lambda x:str(x), data[279:283]))
self.vendorClassID = "".join(map(chr,data[286:294]))
# print(self.vendorOptionResults['nbi_list'][0][1]) # print NBIName (1) from first entry in list (0)
def printOffer(self):
key = ['Client IP', 'BSDP Server IP' , 'Vendor Class ID']
val = [self.ClientIP, self.BSDPServerIP, self.vendorClassID]
for i in range(3):
print('{0:20s} : {1:15s}'.format(key[i], val[i]))
# print(self.vendorOptionResults['nbi_list'])
print('{0:20s}{1}'.format('NetBoot Image Names ', ' : ' , end=''))
if self.vendorOptionResults['nbi_list'][0]:
print('{0:21s} {1:15s} (ID: {2})'.format(' ', self.vendorOptionResults['nbi_list'][0][1], self.vendorOptionResults['nbi_list'][0][0]))
if len(self.vendorOptionResults['nbi_list']) > 1:
for i in range(1, len(self.vendorOptionResults['nbi_list'][0])):
print('{0:22s} {1:15s}'.format(' ', self.vendorOptionResults['nbi_list'][0][i]))
print('{0:20s} :{1:15}'.format('Default Image ID ', self.vendorOptionResults['nbi_list'][0][0]))
class DHCPOffer:
def __init__(self, data, transID):
self.type = "dhcp"
self.plistName = "/tmp/com.example.dhcptest.plist" = data
self.transID = transID
self.offerIP = ''
self.nextServerIP = ''
self.DHCPServerIdentifier = ''
self.leaseTime = ''
self.router = ''
self.subnetMask = ''
self.DNS = []
def unpack(self):
print('{0}{1}'.format('Length: ', len(
if[4:8] == self.transID :
self.offerIP = '.'.join(map(lambda x:str(x), data[16:20]))
self.nextServerIP = '.'.join(map(lambda x:str(x), data[20:24])) #c'est une option
self.DHCPServerIdentifier = '.'.join(map(lambda x:str(x), data[245:249]))
self.leaseTime = str(struct.unpack('!L', data[251:255])[0])
self.router = '.'.join(map(lambda x:str(x), data[257:261]))
self.subnetMask = '.'.join(map(lambda x:str(x), data[263:267]))
dnsNB = int(data[268]/4)
# dnsNB = ord(data[268])/4
for i in range(0, 4 * dnsNB, 4):
self.DNS.append('.'.join(map(lambda x:str(x), data[269 + i :269 + i + 4])))
def printOffer(self):
key = ['DHCP Server', 'Offered IP address', 'subnet mask', 'lease time (s)' , 'default gateway']
val = [self.DHCPServerIdentifier, self.offerIP, self.subnetMask, self.leaseTime, self.router]
for i in range(4):
print('{0:20s} : {1:15s}'.format(key[i], val[i]))
print('{0:20s}{1}'.format('DNS Servers ', ' : ' , end=''))
if self.DNS:
print('{0:21s} {1:15s}'.format(' ', self.DNS[0]))
if len(self.DNS) > 1:
for i in range(1, len(self.DNS)):
print('{0:22s} {1:15s}'.format(' ', self.DNS[i]))
def writePlist(self):
infoPlist = dict(
ipaddress = self.offerIP,
dhcpserverip = self.DHCPServerIdentifier)
with open(self.plistName, 'wb') as fp:
plistlib.dump(infoPlist, fp)
if __name__ == '__main__':
#defining the socket
dhcps = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) #internet, UDP
dhcps.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1) #broadcast
if packetType is "dhcp":
dhcps.bind(('', 68)) #we want to listen on 68 for DHCP
dhcps.bind(('', 993)) #we want to listen on 993 for BSDP
except Exception as e:
print('port 68 in use...')
input('press any key to quit...')
#buiding and sending the DHCPDiscover packet
discoverPacket = DHCPDiscover()
dhcps.sendto(discoverPacket.buildPacket(), ('<broadcast>', 67))
print('DHCP Discover sent waiting for reply...\n')
bsdpServerIPs = []
#receiving DHCPOffer packet
while True:
data = dhcps.recv(1024)
if packetType is "dhcp":
offer = DHCPOffer(data, discoverPacket.transactionID)
if offer.offerIP:
if len(data) < 300: # BSDP packets are 295, only check for those ignoring the DHCP responses
offer = BSDPOffer(data, discoverPacket.transactionID)
if offer.BSDPServerIP:
# break
except socket.timeout as e:
dhcps.close() #we close the socket
# input('press any key to quit...')
# Example Codes:
# Vendor Option Block
#\x01\x01\x01 - [1,1,1] = BSDP message type (1), length (1), value (1 = list)
#\x04\x02\xd6\xcb - [4,2,255,255] = Server priority message type 4, length 2, value 0xffff (65535 - Highest)
#\x07\x04\x81\x00\x13\xba - Option 7 (4bytes long) Default Boot Image ID
#\x09\x11\x81\x00\x13\xba\x0c\x43\x4c\x4d\x42\x75\x69\x6c\x64\x4d\x65\x6e\x75 - Boot Image List option (option 9)
# Vendor Info breakdown Example
# vendorInfo=b'\x81\x00\x13\xba\x0c\x43\x4c\x4d\x42\x75\x69\x6c\x64\x4d\x65\x6e\x75'
# vendorlist=""
# vendorlist = "".join(map(chr,vendorInfo[5:]))
# print(vendorInfo[0:4])
# for each in range(len(vendorInfo)) :
# vendorlist.append(ord(vendorInfo[each]))
# print(vendorlist)
# exit(0)
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jgstew commented Jun 21, 2016

Does this discovery result in a DHCP reservation? If so, it seems like if you deployed this to many endpoints at once, you might fill up the DHCP reservations on the DHCP server, at which point it would start to fail / have problems. You may need to make the DHCP reservation time on the server short to prevent this, and deploy it slowly.

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