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Created September 15, 2012 23:13
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Convert a string to CamelCase, mixedCase or under_score just like they do in ruby zucker, but in haskell. Not pure strings and lists, POSIX-Regex approach.
module Main where
import Data.Char (toUpper, toLower)
{- | POSIX Regex approach. -}
import Text.Regex (mkRegex, subRegex, matchRegexAll, Regex)
{- | Transforms first element of the 'String' using the function given. -}
transformFst :: (Char -> Char) -> String -> String
transformFst _ "" = ""
transformFst f (x:xs) = f x:xs
{- | Converts CamelCase or mixedCase 'String' to snake_string.
POSIX Regex approach.
Due to the POSIX Regex syntax limitations, this still needs an extra
case because the first character of the result could be an underscore.
toSnake :: String -> String
toSnake = downcase . go
downcase = map toLower
go s = case subRegex (mkRegex "[A-Z]") s "_\\0" of
('_':xs) -> xs
x -> x
{- | Converts snake_string to mixedCase 'String'.
Uses a custom simple subRegex variant, which accepts a transforming
function as an argument, and applies it to all recursively found
matches in a 'String' given.
NOTE: The regular expression used as a matcher will not match a
trailing \"_\" characters, so a 'String' like "\foo_\" will result in
a \"Foo_\" return value.
toMixed :: String -> String
toMixed = subRegex' (mkRegex "_[a-zA-Z]+") go
subRegex' :: Regex -> (String -> String) -> String -> String
subRegex' r n s = case matchRegexAll r s of
Nothing -> s
Just (b, m, a, _) -> b ++ n m ++ (subRegex' r n a)
go :: String -> String
go [] = []
go (x:xs) = transformFst toUpper xs
{- | Converts snake_string to CamelCase 'String'.
Actually it is a combinator which upcases the first letter of a
'String', previously converted to mixedCase.
toCamel :: String -> String
toCamel = (transformFst toUpper) . toMixed
main = do
print . toMixed $ "was_snake_string"
print . toCamel $ "was_snake_string"
print . toSnake $ "WasCamelCase"
print . toSnake $ "wasMixedCase"
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