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Created November 11, 2012 16:23
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Save ruthenium/4055411 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A newforms widget and field to allow multiple file uploads.
Created by Edward Dale (
Released into the Public Domain
from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode
from django.utils.datastructures import MultiValueDict
from django.utils.translation import ugettext
from django.newforms.fields import Field, UploadedFile, EMPTY_VALUES
from django.newforms.widgets import FileInput
from django.newforms.util import ErrorList, ValidationError, flatatt
class MultiFileInput(FileInput):
A widget to be used by the MultiFileField to allow the user to upload
multiple files at one time.
def __init__(self, attrs=None):
Create a MultiFileInput.
The 'count' attribute can be specified to default the number of
file boxes initially presented.
super(MultiFileInput, self).__init__(attrs)
self.attrs = {'count':1}
if attrs:
def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
Renders the MultiFileInput.
Should not be overridden. Instead, subclasses should override the
js, link, and/or fields methods which provide content to this method.
final_attrs = self.build_attrs(attrs, type=self.input_type, name=name+'[]')
count = final_attrs['count']
if count<1: count=1
del final_attrs['count']
js = self.js(name, value, count, final_attrs)
link =, value, count, final_attrs)
fields = self.fields(name, value, count, final_attrs)
return js+fields+link
def fields(self, name, value, count, attrs=None):
Renders the necessary number of file input boxes.
return u''.join([u'<input%s />\n' % flatatt(dict(attrs, id=attrs['id']+str(i))) for i in range(count)])
def link(self, name, value, count, attrs=None):
Renders a link to add more file input boxes.
return u"<a onclick=\"javascript:new_%(name)s()\">+</a>" % {'name':name}
def js(self, name, value, count, attrs=None):
Renders a bit of Javascript to add more file input boxes.
return u"""
function new_%(name)s() {
""" % {'id':attrs['id'], 'name':name, 'count':count}
def value_from_datadict(self, data, files, name):
File widgets take data from FILES, not POST.
name = name+'[]'
if isinstance(files, MultiValueDict):
return files.getlist(name)
return None
def id_for_label(self, id_):
The first file input box always has a 0 appended to it's id.
if id_:
id_ += '0'
return id_
id_for_label = classmethod(id_for_label)
class MultiFileField(Field):
A field allowing users to upload multiple files at once.
widget = MultiFileInput
count = 1
def __init__(self, count=1, strict=False, *args, **kwargs):
strict is whether the number of files uploaded must equal count
self.count = count
self.strict = strict
super(MultiFileField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def widget_attrs(self, widget):
Adds the count to the MultiFileInput widget.
if isinstance(widget, MultiFileInput):
return {'count':self.count}
return {}
def clean(self, data):
Cleans the data and makes sure that all the files had some content.
Also checks whether a file was required.
super(MultiFileField, self).clean(data)
if not self.required and data in EMPTY_VALUES:
return None
f = map(lambda a: UploadedFile(a['filename'], a['content']), data)
except TypeError:
raise ValidationError(ugettext(u"No file was submitted. Check the encoding type on the form."))
except KeyError:
raise ValidationError(ugettext(u"No file was submitted."))
for a_file in f:
if not a_file.content:
raise ValidationError(ugettext(u"The submitted file is empty."))
if self.strict and len(f) != self.count:
raise ValidationError(ugettext(u"An incorrect number of files were uploaded."))
return f
class FixedMultiFileInput(MultiFileInput):
A MultiFileInput widget that doesn't print the javascript code to allow
the user to add more file input boxes.
def link(self, name, value, count, attrs=None):
return u''
def js(self, name, value, count, attrs=None):
return u''
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