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# CentOS 6.5
Install rvm
>> curl -L | bash -s stable
>> \curl -sSL | bash
>> source /etc/profile.d/
>> rvm reload
Install Ruby
>> rvm install 2.1.2
>>rvm docs generate-ri ## generate documentation
Install NodeJS
>> sudo yum install epel-release
>> sudo yum install nodejs
>> Verify installation -> node -v
Install Bunder
>> gem install bundler
Install Gemset
>> Reference - click here
>> rvm gemset create foo
>> rvm gemset use foo
>> rvm --default use ruby-2.1.2@foo
>> rvm gemset list
Create Folder structure as per Capistrano #TODO
Copy codebase from github
>> Copy git ssh private key - id_rsa
>> Git clone repo
>> bundle install
Installation issue with Nokogiri 1.5 - libxml2 is missing
>> yum install libxslt-devel libxml2-devel
>> bundle config build.nokogiri --use-system-libraries
>> bundle install ## ensure to add passenger gem in gemfile
Install Nginx
>> Passenger-install-nginx-module
Issue - Less than 1024 MB RAM while configuring Nginx
>> sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swap bs=1M count=1024
>> sudo mkswap /swap
>> sudo swapon /swap
Path - Please specify a prefix directory [/opt/nginx]:
>> /usr/share/nginx
Successful installation
>> sudo su ## switch to root user, if current user is not root
>> rm -rf folder_name
>> mkdir folder_name
>> mv app_root_dir 20160527184300 ## copy Folder1 content to Folder2
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