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Last active July 22, 2016 05:43
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Asus RT-AC66U TomatoUSB (kernel 2.6) with USB soundcard, Alsa, MPD, Spotify, Icecast and PulseAudio

This is some notes jotted down while trying to get an old USB sound card, connected to an Asus RT-AC66U router, to output music -- both from local MP3 files and Spotify.

Initially the idea was to run Mopidy on the router, but one of its core dependencies, libspotify, is not (yet) compiled for the MIPS architecture the Asus router runs under.

Maybe that will change some time:

For now, Mopidy will have to run on another device on the network, and stream audio to the router. On this computer, Ubuntu was used.


USB Audio Kernel Modules

Find and download the extras package often provided along with the firmware. Then insert the needed modules in this order:

insmod /opt/audio-modules/r1/soundcore.ko
insmod /opt/audio-modules/r1/snd.ko
insmod /opt/audio-modules/r1/snd-hwdep.ko
insmod /opt/audio-modules/r1/snd-page-alloc.ko
insmod /opt/audio-modules/r1/snd-timer.ko
insmod /opt/audio-modules/r1/snd-pcm.ko
insmod /opt/audio-modules/r1/snd-seq-device.ko
insmod /opt/audio-modules/r1/snd-seq.ko
insmod /opt/audio-modules/r1/snd-rawmidi.ko
insmod /opt/audio-modules/r1/snd-seq-midi-event.ko
insmod /opt/audio-modules/r1/snd-seq-midi.ko
insmod /opt/audio-modules/r1/snd-mixer-oss.ko
insmod /opt/audio-modules/r1/snd-pcm-oss.ko
insmod /opt/audio-modules/r1/snd-usb-lib.ko
insmod /opt/audio-modules/r1/snd-usb-audio.ko


Download extract, and put the snddevices script on the router.

$ ipkg install alsa-lib alsa-utils
$ ./snddevices

Test sound with aplay and a wav file.

PulseAudio (→ Icecast)

The original plan was to configure the router as a PulseAudio sink. However, I could not find Pulseaudio precompiled for the TomatoUSB release currently used. I noticed that Pulseaudio exist for OpenWRT, so it should not be impossible to get it to run.

As an alternative, Icecast is available in the packaging system, and it also proved to be a better alternative.

$ ipkg install icecast

To get icecast to start, some config changes may be needed. It will complain if something is wrong:

$ icecast -b -c etc/icecast.xml HOWTO: Share sound from one computer to another


Hopefully, this could be done on the router some day.

Install Mopidy (with Spotify dependencies) through their excellent PPA:

wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo wget -q -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mopidy.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mopidy-spotify

We also need lame to stream MP3;

sudo apt-get install lame

Configure as described in the docs, this is the relevant sections in ~/.config/mopidy/mopidy.conf:

output = lame ! shout2send password="hackme" ip="<ip of router>" mount="stream"

enabled = true
username = <your spotify username>
password = <your spotify password>

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