(version A)
( c-addr -- c-addr 0 | xt n )
Find the definition name whose name matches the counted string at c-addr. If the definition is not found, return c-addr and zero. Otherwise the definition is found, return xt and n, where xt is the execution token for name, and n is 1 or -1. If name has other than default interpretation semantics, all the returned values may differ between interpretation and compilation state; otherwise they are the same.
When the definition is found in interpretation state: if the definition is immediate then n is 1, otherwise n is -1; performing xt in interpretation state performs the interpretation semantics for name.
When the definition is found in compilation state: if n is -1, appending the execution semantics identified by xt to the current definition performs the compilation semantics for name, otherwise performing xt in compilation state performs the compilation semantics for name.
An ambiguous condition exists if xt returned by FIND
is performed in the conditions that are not met the conditions specified above.
"Performing xt" means performing the execution semantics identified by the execution token xt.
A definition has default interpretation semantics if and only if the "Interpretation:" section is absent in the corresponding glossary entry, and the "Execution:" section is present. Default interpretation semantics for a definition is to perform its executin semantics in interpretation state (see also
short link: https://git.io/JvVSt
back link: https://forth-standard.org/proposals/clarify-find-more-classic-approach#contribution-122
Concerning cmForth, see also:
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