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Last active February 9, 2023 23:13
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(temp) F# Akka extension
module RZ.FSharp.Akka.Extension
open System.Threading.Tasks
open Akka.Actor
open Akka.FSharp
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
type ReceiveActorFs() =
inherit ReceiveActor()
member _.Context = ActorBase.Context
member _.Scheduler = ActorBase.Context.System.Scheduler
member this.PipeToSelf (success: unit -> 'a) (failure: exn option -> 'b) (work: Async<unit>) =
let t = work |> Async.StartAsTask
t.PipeTo(this.Self, ActorRefs.NoSender, (fun _ -> success() :> obj), (fun ex -> (Option.ofObj(ex) |> failure) :> obj)) |> ignore
member this.ReceiveAsync<'T>(predicate: 'T -> bool, handler: 'T -> Async<unit>) =
this.ReceiveAsync<'T>(predicate, (fun x -> Async.StartImmediateAsTask(handler x) :> Task))
type ActorMessageExtension =
static member PipeToSelf(mailbox: Actor<'Any>, success: 'Result -> 'a, failure: exn -> 'b) = fun (work: Async<'Result>) ->
let work_task = work |> Async.StartAsTask
work_task.ContinueWith(fun (t: Task<'Result>) ->
if t.IsCompletedSuccessfully then
mailbox.Self <! success(t.Result)
mailbox.Self <! failure(if t.IsCanceled then TaskCanceledException() :> exn else t.Exception :> exn)
) |> ignore
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