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Last active December 21, 2015 18:49
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Save rvagg/6350237 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Selenese (Selenium scripting) in node: experimenting with a DSLish interface to WebDriver. Can connect to saucelabs or a local server or other Selenium installation. Looks sync but is heavily async, lots of talking via WebDriver.
const assert = require('referee').assert
, refute = require('referee').refute
, fail = require('referee').fail
// magic pixie dust to get us initialised
const $ = require('selenese_node/sequence')(module)
const loginEmail = ''
// some state to maintain along the way
var mainWindow
, personaWindow
// GO!
$.title(/some title regex here/i)
$.windowIds(function (ids) {
assert.equals(ids.length, 1, 'just have one window open')
mainWindow = ids[0] // save state for later
// function for this implemented below, simple helper because this is
// done twice
waitForWindowIdCriteria(function (ids) {
if (ids.length > 1) {
personaWindow = ids.filter(function (id) {
return id != mainWindow
// we can sub-queue additional interactions within calls to create a
// hierarchical async call structure, execution won't continue until
// this call
return true
return false
// now we're in the persona popup window
$.waitForVisible('#authentication_email', 30 * 1000) // timeout will cause a fail
$.wait(1000) // I don't know why we need to wait here, but I blame persona...
$.type('#authentication_email', loginEmail) // enter some text
$.click('.buttonrow .isDesktop.isStart.isAddressInfo') // click a button
// wait for only one window, i.e. the persona window ought to disappear
waitForWindowIdCriteria(function (ids) {
if (ids.length == 1) {
return true
return false
// and back at the main window, checking for a proper login
$.waitForElement('.signed-in a', 20 * 1000)
// this would tell us that we're logged in because the page has our email
$.textPresent('.signed-in a', loginEmail)
// and here we end!
$.wait(function (next) {
console.log('waiting 1s before we finish, for no good reason')
setTimeout(next, 1000)
// utility $.wait() function
function waitForWindowIdCriteria (criteria) {
$.wait(function (next) {
function windows () {
$.windowIds(function (ids) {
if (criteria(ids))
return next()
setTimeout(windows, 100)
// execute the sequence with this invocation
const run = require('selenese_node/run')
, personaSequence = require('./persona-sequence')
run('http://localhost:3000' , { browserName: 'firefox' }, personaSequence)
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rvagg commented Sep 27, 2013

the problem with just var _ = sequence.create() is that I need to return something, but you're right, it's boilerplate overhead and I need to remove it somehow.

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