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LevelDB and Node: Part 2 - Getting Up and Running

LevelDB and Node: Getting Up and Running

This is the second article in a three-part series on LevelDB and how it can be used in Node.

Our first article covered the basics of LevelDB and its internals. If you haven't already read it you are encouraged to do so as we will be building upon this knowledge as we introduce the Node interface in this article.


There are two primary libraries for using LevelDB in Node, LevelDOWN and LevelUP.

LevelDOWN is a pure C++ interface between Node.js and LevelDB. Its API provides limited sugar and is mostly a straight-forward mapping of LevelDB's operations into JavaScript. All I/O operations in LevelDOWN are asynchronous and take advantage of LevelDB's thread-safe nature to parallelise reads and writes.

LevelUP is the library that the majority of people will use to interface with LevelDB in Node. It wraps LevelDOWN to provide a more Node.js-style interface. Its API provides more sugar than LevelDOWN, with features such as optional arguments.

LevelUP exposes iterators as Node.js-style object streams. A LevelUP ReadStream can be used to read sequential entries, forward or reverse, to and from any key.

LevelUP handles JSON and other encoding types for you. For example, when operating on a LevelUP instance with JSON value-encoding, you simply pass in your objects for writes and they are serialised for you. Likewise, when you read them, they are deserialised and passed back in their original form.

A simple LevelUP example

var levelup = require('levelup')

// open a data store
var db = levelup('/tmp/dprk.db')

// a simple Put operation
db.put('name', 'Kim Jong-un', function (err) {

  // a Batch operation made up of 3 Puts
      { type: 'put', key: 'spouse', value: 'Ri Sol-ju' }
    , { type: 'put', key: 'dob', value: '8 January 1983' }
    , { type: 'put', key: 'occupation', value: 'Clown' }
  ], function (err) {

    // read the whole store as a stream and print each entry to stdout
      .on('data', console.log)
      .on('end', function () {

Execute this application and you'll end up with this output:

{ key: 'dob', value: '8 January 1983' }
{ key: 'name', value: 'Kim Jong-un' }
{ key: 'occupation', value: 'Clown' }
{ key: 'spouse', value: 'Ri Sol-ju' }

Basic operations

Open and close

After you have installed LevelUP with npm install levelup, creating a new LevelDB store, or opening an existing one is easy:

var levelup = require('levelup')

var db = levelup('/path/to/database')
/* use `db` */

// close to clean up
db.close(function (err) { /* ... */ })

Read, write and delete

Reading and writing are what you would expect for asynchronous Node methods:

db.put('key', 'value', function (err) { /* ... */ })

db.del('key', function (err) { /* ... */ })

db.get('key', function (err, value) { /* ... */ })


As mentioned in the first article, LevelDB has a batch operation that performs atomic writes. These writes can be either put or delete operations.

LevelUP takes an array to perform a batch, each element of the array is either a 'put' or a 'del':

var operations = [
    { type: 'put', key: 'Franciscus', value: 'Jorge Mario Bergoglio' }
  , { type: 'del', key: 'Benedictus XVI' }

db.batch(operations, function (err) { /* ... */ })


LevelUP turns LevelDB's Iterators into Node's readable streams, making them surprisingly powerful as a query mechanism.

LevelUP's ReadStreams share all the same characteristics as standard Node readable object streams, such as being able to pipe() to other streams. They also emit all of the the expected events.

var rs = db.createReadStream()

// our new stream will emit a 'data' event for every entry in the store

rs.on('data' , function (data) { /* data.key & data.value */ })
rs.on('error', function (err) { /* handle err */ })
rs.on('end'  , function () { /* stream is finished */ })

But it's the various options for createReadStream(), combined with the fact that LevelDB sorts by keys that makes it a powerful abstraction:

    start     : 'somewheretostart'
  , end       : 'endkey'
  , limit     : 100           // maximum number of entries to read
  , reverse   : true          // flip direction
  , keys      : true          // see db.createKeyStream()
  , values    : true          // see db.createValueStream()

'start' and 'end' point to keys in the store. These don't need to even exist as actual keys because LevelDB will simply jump to the next existing key in lexicographical order. We'll see later why this is helpful when we explore namespacing and range queries.

LevelUP also provides a WriteStream which maps write() operations to Puts or Batches.

Since ReadStream and WriteStream follow standard Node.js stream patterns, a copy database operation is simply a pipe() call:

function copy (srcdb, destdb, callback) {
    .on('error', callback)
    .on('end', callback)


LevelUP will accept most kinds of JavaScript objects, including Node's Buffers, as both keys and values for all its operations. LevelDB stores everything as simple byte arrays so most objects need to be encoded and decoded as they go in and come out of the store.

You can specify the encoding of a LevelUP instance and you can also specify the encoding of individual operations. This means that you can easily store text and binary data in the same store.

'utf8' is the default encoding but you can change that to any of the standard Node Buffer encodings. You can also use the special 'json' encoding:

var db = levelup('/tmp/dprk.db', { valueEncoding: 'json' })

  , {
        name       : 'Kim Jong-un'
      , spouse     : 'Ri Sol-ju'
      , dob        : '8 January 1983'
      , occupation : 'Clown'
  , function (err) {
      db.get('dprk', function (err, value) {
        console.log('dprk:', value)

Gives you the following output:

dprk: { name: 'Kim Jong-un',
  spouse: 'Ri Sol-ju',
  dob: '8 January 1983',
  occupation: 'Clown' }

Advanced example

In this example we assume the data store contains numeric data, where ranges of data are stored with prefixes on the keys. Our example function takes a LevelUP instance and a range key prefix and uses a ReadStream to calculate the variance of the values in that range using an online algorithm:

function variance (db, prefix, callback) {
  var n = 0, m2 = 0, mean = 0

        start : prefix          // jump to first key with the prefix
      , end   : prefix + '\xFF' // stop at the last key with the prefix
    .on('data', function (data) {
      var delta = data.value - mean
      mean += delta / ++n
      m2 = m2 + delta * (data.value - mean)
    .on('error', callback)
    .on('end', function () {
      callback(null, m2 / (n - 1))

Lets say you were collecting temperature data and you stored your keys in the form: location~timestamp. Sampling approximately every 5 seconds, collecting temperatures in Celsius we may have data that looks like this:

au_nsw_southcoast~1367487282112 = 18.23
au_nsw_southcoast~1367487287114 = 18.22
au_nsw_southcoast~1367487292118 = 18.23
au_nsw_southcoast~1367487297120 = 18.23
au_nsw_southcoast~1367487302124 = 18.24
au_nsw_southcoast~1367487307127 = 18.24

To calculate the variance we can use our function to do it while efficiently streaming values from our store by simply calling:

variance(db, 'au_nsw_southcoast~', function (err, v) {
  /* v = variance */


The concept of namespacing keys will probably be familiar if you're used to using a key/value store of some kind. By separating keys by prefixes we create discrete buckets, much like a table in a traditional relational database is used to separate different kinds of data.

It may be tempting to create separate LevelDB stores for different buckets of data but you can take better advantage of LevelDB's caching mechanisms if you can keep the data organised in a single store.

Because LevelDB is sorted, choosing a namespace separator character can have an impact on the order of your entries. A commonly chosen namespace character often used in NoSQL databases is ':'. However, this character lands in the middle of the list of printable ASCII characters (character code 58), so your entries may not end up being sorted in a useful order.

Imagine you're implementing a web server session store with LevelDB and you're prefixing keys with usernames. You may have entries that look like this:

rod.vagg:last_login    = 1367487479499
rod.vagg:default_theme = psychedelic 
rod1977:last_login     = 1367434022300
rod1977:default_theme  = disco
rod:last_login         = 1367488445080
rod:default_theme      = funky
roderick:last_login    = 1367400900133
roderick:default_theme = whoa

Note that these entries are sorted and that '.' (character code 46) and '1' (character code 49) come before ':'. This may or may not matter for your particular application, but there are better ways to approach namespacing.

Recommended delimiters

At the beginning of the printable ASCII character range is '!' (character code 33), and at the end we find '~' (character code 126). Using these characters as a delimiter we find the following sorting for our keys:




But why stick to the printable range? We can go right to the edges of the single-byte character range and use '\x00' (null) or '\xff' (ÿ).

For best sorting of your entries, choose '\x00' (or '!' if you really can't stomach it). But whatever delimiter you choose, you're still going to need to control the characters that can be used as keys. Allowing user-input to determine your keys and not stripping out your delimiter character could result in the NoSQL equivalent of an SQL Injection Attack (e.g. consider the unintended consequences that may arise with the dataset above with a delimiter of '!' and allowing a user to have that character in their username).

Range queries

LevelUP's ReadStream is the perfect range query mechanism. By combining 'start' and 'end', which just need to be approximations of actual keys, you can pluck out the exact the entries you want.

Using our namespaced dataset above, with '\x00' as delimiters, we can fetch all entries for just a single user by carafting a ReadStream range query:

var entries = []

db.createReadStream({ start: 'rod\x00', end: 'rod\x00\xff' })
  .on('data', function (entry) { entries.push(entry) })
  .on('end', function () { console.log(entries) })

Would give us:

[ { key: 'rod\x00last_login', value: '1367488445080' },
  { key: 'rod\x00default_theme', value: 'funky' } ]

The '\xff' comes in handy here because we can use it to include every string of characters preceding it, so any of our user session keys will be included, as long as they don't start with '\xff'. So again, you need to control the allowable characters in your keys in order to avoid surprises.

Namespacing and range queries are heavily used by many of the libraries that extend LevelUP. In the final article in this series we'll be exploring some of the amazing ways that developers are extending LevelUP to provide additional features, applications and complete databases.

If you want to jump ahead, visit the Modules page on the LevelUP wiki.

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I think you should use end instead of close, as people will be more familiar with that.

Otherwise I think this is good an not too long.

I think we don't need to explain defered open.
It just works, you don't need to know it's there (when you are getting started).

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