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Created December 1, 2016 20:02
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Typescript definition for dynamoose
// Type definitions for dynamoose 0.7
// Project:
// Definitions by: Rahul Vaidya <>
// Definitions:
declare module "dynamoose" {
import AWS from 'aws-sdk';
export class Dynamoose {
Dynamoose(): void;
Schema(obj: any, options: any): Schema;
Table(name: string, schema: any, options: any, base: any): Table;
VirtualType(options: any, name: string): VirtualType;
ddb(): AWS.DynamoDB;
local(url: string): void;
model(name: string, schema: Schema, options?: ModelOptions): Model;
setDefaults(options: Options): void;
export class Schema {
constructor(obj: SchemaObject, options?: SchemaOptions);
method(name: string, fn: any): any;
parseDynamo(model: any, dynamoObj: any): any;
static(name: string, fn: any): any;
toDynamo(model: any): any;
virtual(name: string, options: any): any;
virtualpath(name: string): any;
export class Table {
constructor(name: string, schema: any, options: any, base: any);
create(next: any): any;
createIndex(attributes: any, indexSpec: any): any;
delete(next: any): any;
deleteIndex(indexname: string): any;
describe(next: any): any;
init(next: any): any;
update(next: any): any;
waitForActive(timeout: any, next: any): any;
export class Model {
constructor(obj: ModelObject);
put(options, callback: (err, obj) => void);
save(options, callback: (err, obj) => void);
delete(callback: (err) => void);
delete(key, options, callback: (err) => void);
get<T>(key, options?, callback?: (err, obj) => void): Promise<T>;
batchPut(items: ModelObject[], options, callback: (err, obj) => void);
create<T>(obj: T, callback: (err, obj: T) => void);
create<T>(obj: T, options, callback: (err, obj: T) => void);
batchGet<T>(keys, options?, callback?: (err, obj) => void): Promise<T[]>;
batchDelete(keys, options, callback: (err) => void);
query<T>(query, options, callback: (err, results: T[]) => void): void;
query<T>(query, callback: (err, results: T[]) => void): void;
query<T>(key: string): Query<T>;
queryOne<T>(query, options, callback: (err, results: T[]) => void): void;
queryOne<T>(query, callback: (err, results: T[]) => void): void;
queryOne<T>(key: string): Query<T>;
scan<T>(filter, options, callback: (err, results: T[]) => void): void;
scan<T>(filter, callback: (err, results: T[]) => void): void;
scan<T>(filter: string): Scan<T>;
update(key, update, options, callback: (err) => void);
export class VirtualType {
constructor(options: any, name: string);
applyVirtuals(model: any): void;
get(fn: any): any;
set(fn: any): any;
export function ddb(): AWS.DynamoDB;
export function local(url: string): void;
export function model(name: string, schema: Schema, options?: ModelOptions): Model;
export function setDefaults(options: Options): void;
export import AWS = AWS;
export default {
ddb: ddb,
local: local,
model: model,
setDefaults: setDefaults,
Schema: Schema
// Global options
export interface Options {
create?: boolean;
prefix?: string;
waitForActive?: boolean;
waitForActiveTimeout?: number;
// tslint:disable-next-line:forbidden-types THIS IS INTENTIONAL, THESE ARE ARGUMENTS FOR THE LIBRARY
type ST = String | Number | Boolean | Date | Object;
type TT = ST | ST[] | Buffer;
export interface ModelObject {
[key: string]: TT;
export interface SchemaObject {
[key: string]: {
type: TT;
hashKey?: boolean;
rangeKey?: boolean;
required?: boolean;
index?: boolean | {
name: string,
global?: boolean
rangeKey?: string
project?: boolean | string[],
throughput?: number | { read?: number, write?: number };
default?: () => TT | TT;
validate?: (value: TT) => boolean | RegExp | TT;
set?: (value: TT) => void;
get?: () => TT;
trim?: boolean;
lowercase?: boolean;
uppercase?: boolean;
// Schema options
export interface SchemaOptions {
throughput?: number | { read?: number, write?: number };
timestamps?: boolean | { createdAt?: string, updatedAt?: string };
// Model options
export interface ModelOptions {
overwrite?: boolean;
condition?: string;
conditionNames: any;
conditionValues: any;
export class Query<T> {
exec(callback: (err, objs: T[]) => void): void;
exec(): Promise<T[]>;
where(rangeKey: string): Query<T>;
filter(filter: string): Query<T>;
and(): Query<T>;
or(): Query<T>;
not(): Query<T>;
null(): Query<T>;
eq(value: string): Query<T>;
lt(value): Query<T>;
le(value): Query<T>;
ge(value): Query<T>;
gt(value): Query<T>;
beginsWith(value): Query<T>;
between(valueA, valueB): Query<T>;
contains(value): Query<T>;
beginsWith(value): Query<T>;
in(values): Query<T>;
limit(limit: number): Query<T>;
consistent(): Query<T>;
descending(): Query<T>;
ascending(): Query<T>;
startAt(key): Query<T>;
attributes(attributes): Query<T>;
export class Scan<T> {
exec(callback: (err, objs: T[]) => void): void;
exec(): Promise<T[]>;
where(rangeKey: string): Scan<T>;
filter(filter: string): Scan<T>;
and(): Scan<T>;
not(): Scan<T>;
null(): Scan<T>;
eq(value: string): Scan<T>;
lt(value): Scan<T>;
le(value): Scan<T>;
ge(value): Scan<T>;
gt(value): Scan<T>;
beginsWith(value): Scan<T>;
between(valueA, valueB): Scan<T>;
contains(value): Scan<T>;
beginsWith(value): Scan<T>;
in(values): Scan<T>;
limit(limit: number): Scan<T>;
startAt(key): Scan<T>;
attributes(attributes): Scan<T>;
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