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Created October 3, 2018 10:58
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apiVersion: v1
- kind: "BuildConfig"
apiVersion: "v1"
name: "pipeline-demo"
- github:
secret: 5Mlic4Le
type: GitHub
- generic:
secret: FiArdDBH
type: Generic
type: "JenkinsPipeline"
jenkinsfile: |
node {
withEnv(['GUID=mydemo']) {
stage ("Build")
echo '*** Build Starting ***'
openshiftBuild bldCfg: 'cotd2', buildName: '', checkForTriggeredDeployments: 'false', commitID: '', namespace: '', showBuildLogs: 'false', verbose: 'false', waitTime: ''
openshiftVerifyBuild apiURL: 'https://openshift.default.svc.cluster.local', authToken: '', bldCfg: 'cotd2', checkForTriggeredDeployments: 'false', namespace: '', verbose: 'false'
echo '*** Build Complete ***'
stage ("Deploy and Verify in Development Env")
echo '*** Deployment Starting ***'
openshiftDeploy apiURL: 'https://openshift.default.svc.cluster.local', authToken: '', depCfg: 'cotd2', namespace: '', verbose: 'false', waitTime: ''
openshiftVerifyDeployment apiURL: 'https://openshift.default.svc.cluster.local', authToken: '', depCfg: 'cotd2', namespace: '', replicaCount: '1', verbose: 'false', verifyReplicaCount: 'false', waitTime: ''
echo '*** Deployment Complete ***'
echo '*** Service Verification Starting ***'
openshiftVerifyService apiURL: 'https://openshift.default.svc.cluster.local', authToken: '', namespace: 'pipeline-${GUID}-dev', svcName: 'cotd2', verbose: 'false'
echo '*** Service Verification Complete ***'
openshiftTag(srcStream: 'cotd2', srcTag: 'latest', destStream: 'cotd2', destTag: 'testready')
stage ('Deploy and Test in Testing Env')
echo '*** Deploy testready build in pipeline-${GUID}-test project ***'
openshiftDeploy apiURL: 'https://openshift.default.svc.cluster.local', authToken: '', depCfg: 'cotd2', namespace: 'pipeline-${GUID}-test', verbose: 'false', waitTime: ''
openshiftVerifyDeployment apiURL: 'https://openshift.default.svc.cluster.local', authToken: '', depCfg: 'cotd2', namespace: 'pipeline-${GUID}-test', replicaCount: '1', verbose: 'false', verifyReplicaCount: 'false', waitTime: '10'
sh 'curl http://cotd2-pipeline-${GUID} | grep cats -q'
stage ('Promote and Verify in Production Env')
echo '*** Waiting for Input ***'
input 'Should we deploy to Production?'
openshiftTag(srcStream: 'cotd2', srcTag: 'testready', destStream: 'cotd2', destTag: 'prodready')
echo '*** Deploying to Production ***'
openshiftDeploy apiURL: 'https://openshift.default.svc.cluster.local', authToken: '', depCfg: 'cotd2', namespace: 'pipeline-${GUID}-prod', verbose: 'false', waitTime: ''
openshiftVerifyDeployment apiURL: 'https://openshift.default.svc.cluster.local', authToken: '', depCfg: 'cotd2', namespace: 'pipeline-${GUID}-prod', replicaCount: '1', verbose: 'false', verifyReplicaCount: 'false', waitTime: '10'
sleep 10
sh 'curl http://cotd2-pipeline-${GUID} | grep cats -q'
kind: List
metadata: {}
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