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Created October 5, 2019 15:09
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AWS SLS example with Alexa
# Create AWS credentials file in ~/.aws
serverless config credentials --provider aws --key <access-key-id> --secret <secret> --profile <profilename>
# Create a sls framework service from a template in a path called servicename
serverless create --t aws-nodejs --path servicename
# Deploy functions from serverless.yml to AWS Lambda
sls deploy
# Invoke function
sls invoke -f <function-name-in-serverless.yml>
# Invoke function locally - Meaning you won't get hit by fees but also won't work if it depends on data from S3, DynamoDB, etc..
sls invoke local -f <function-name-in-serverless.yml>
# Show logs of a function
serverless logs -f <function-name-in-serverless.yml>
# Tail logs of a function
serverless logs -f <function-name-in-serverless.yml> --tail
# Sample config for an Alexa AWS function
service: serverless-alexa-aws-test # resulting function name in AWS Lambda
name: aws
runtime: nodejs6.10
stage: dev
region: eu-west-1 # Ireland
profile: my-aws-credentials-profile
handler: handler.alexatestskill # in this example, the file is handler.js, and the function name is alexatestskill()
- alexaSkill
- node_modules/**
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