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Created May 13, 2013 02:21
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# Makefile
ASM = nasm
BOOT_BIN:=$(subst .asm,.bin,$(BOOT))
objects = loader.bin kernel.bin a.bin b.bin c.bin d.bin
.PHONY : run generate myos dos clean
everything: $(objects)
$(objects): %.bin: %.asm
$(ASM) $< -o $@
nasm $< -o $@
run : $(BOOT_BIN) $(everything)
make everything
dd if=$(BOOT_BIN) of=$(IMG) bs=512 count=1 conv=notrunc
@sudo mount -o loop $(IMG) $(FLOPPY)
@$(foreach n, $(objects), sudo cp $(n) $(FLOPPY) -v;)
sudo umount $(FLOPPY)
cp .myos-bochsrc bochsrc
bochs -q
myos :
cp .myos-bochsrc bochsrc
bochs -q
dos :
cp .dos-bochsrc bochsrc
bochs -q
gzip -cd a.img.gz > a.img
gzip -cd FDOS11.img.gz > FDOS11.img
clean :
-rm *.bin *.com
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