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Last active September 23, 2016 22:02
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  • Save rveciana/ee2119324e835e1bad42d0e4c1b9ab0d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rveciana/ee2119324e835e1bad42d0e4c1b9ab0d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

This file shows how to use the geoAlbers projection from d3-composite-projections.

To change the file, edit draw.js and run

browserify draw.js > bundle.js

The dependencies are installed with:

npm install d3-composite-projections d3-geo d3-request d3-selection d3-transition topojson

(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){
var d3_composite = require("d3-composite-projections");
var d3_geo = require("d3-geo");
var d3_request = require("d3-request");
var d3_selection = require("d3-selection");
var d3_transition = require("d3-transition");
var topojson = require("topojson");
var width = 960;
var height = 500;
var projection = d3_composite.geoAlbersUsa();
var path = d3_geo.geoPath()
var svg ="body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
var t = d3_transition.transition()
.on("interrupt", function(d,i){;
d3_request.json("us.json", function(error, topojsonData) {
var us = topojson.feature(topojsonData, topojsonData.objects.states);
.attr("d", path)
.style("fill", "#aca")
.style("stroke", "#000")
.style("stroke-width", "0.5px")
.on("mouseover", function(d,i) {
.style("fill", "red");
.on("mouseout", function(d,i) {;
.style("fill", "#aca");
.attr("d", projection.getCompositionBorders());
// Version 1.0.1. Copyright 2016 Mike Bostock.
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(factory((global.d3 = global.d3 || {})));
}(this, function (exports) { 'use strict';
function ascending(a, b) {
return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : a >= b ? 0 : NaN;
function bisector(compare) {
if (compare.length === 1) compare = ascendingComparator(compare);
return {
left: function(a, x, lo, hi) {
if (lo == null) lo = 0;
if (hi == null) hi = a.length;
while (lo < hi) {
var mid = lo + hi >>> 1;
if (compare(a[mid], x) < 0) lo = mid + 1;
else hi = mid;
return lo;
right: function(a, x, lo, hi) {
if (lo == null) lo = 0;
if (hi == null) hi = a.length;
while (lo < hi) {
var mid = lo + hi >>> 1;
if (compare(a[mid], x) > 0) hi = mid;
else lo = mid + 1;
return lo;
function ascendingComparator(f) {
return function(d, x) {
return ascending(f(d), x);
var ascendingBisect = bisector(ascending);
var bisectRight = ascendingBisect.right;
var bisectLeft = ascendingBisect.left;
function descending(a, b) {
return b < a ? -1 : b > a ? 1 : b >= a ? 0 : NaN;
function number(x) {
return x === null ? NaN : +x;
function variance(array, f) {
var n = array.length,
m = 0,
s = 0,
i = -1,
j = 0;
if (f == null) {
while (++i < n) {
if (!isNaN(a = number(array[i]))) {
d = a - m;
m += d / ++j;
s += d * (a - m);
else {
while (++i < n) {
if (!isNaN(a = number(f(array[i], i, array)))) {
d = a - m;
m += d / ++j;
s += d * (a - m);
if (j > 1) return s / (j - 1);
function deviation(array, f) {
var v = variance(array, f);
return v ? Math.sqrt(v) : v;
function extent(array, f) {
var i = -1,
n = array.length,
if (f == null) {
while (++i < n) if ((b = array[i]) != null && b >= b) { a = c = b; break; }
while (++i < n) if ((b = array[i]) != null) {
if (a > b) a = b;
if (c < b) c = b;
else {
while (++i < n) if ((b = f(array[i], i, array)) != null && b >= b) { a = c = b; break; }
while (++i < n) if ((b = f(array[i], i, array)) != null) {
if (a > b) a = b;
if (c < b) c = b;
return [a, c];
var array = Array.prototype;
var slice = array.slice;
var map =;
function constant(x) {
return function() {
return x;
function identity(x) {
return x;
function range(start, stop, step) {
start = +start, stop = +stop, step = (n = arguments.length) < 2 ? (stop = start, start = 0, 1) : n < 3 ? 1 : +step;
var i = -1,
n = Math.max(0, Math.ceil((stop - start) / step)) | 0,
range = new Array(n);
while (++i < n) {
range[i] = start + i * step;
return range;
var e10 = Math.sqrt(50);
var e5 = Math.sqrt(10);
var e2 = Math.sqrt(2);
function ticks(start, stop, count) {
var step = tickStep(start, stop, count);
return range(
Math.ceil(start / step) * step,
Math.floor(stop / step) * step + step / 2, // inclusive
function tickStep(start, stop, count) {
var step0 = Math.abs(stop - start) / Math.max(0, count),
step1 = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(step0) / Math.LN10)),
error = step0 / step1;
if (error >= e10) step1 *= 10;
else if (error >= e5) step1 *= 5;
else if (error >= e2) step1 *= 2;
return stop < start ? -step1 : step1;
function sturges(values) {
return Math.ceil(Math.log(values.length) / Math.LN2) + 1;
function histogram() {
var value = identity,
domain = extent,
threshold = sturges;
function histogram(data) {
var i,
n = data.length,
values = new Array(n);
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
values[i] = value(data[i], i, data);
var xz = domain(values),
x0 = xz[0],
x1 = xz[1],
tz = threshold(values, x0, x1);
// Convert number of thresholds into uniform thresholds.
if (!Array.isArray(tz)) tz = ticks(x0, x1, tz);
// Remove any thresholds outside the domain.
var m = tz.length;
while (tz[0] <= x0) tz.shift(), --m;
while (tz[m - 1] >= x1) tz.pop(), --m;
var bins = new Array(m + 1),
// Initialize bins.
for (i = 0; i <= m; ++i) {
bin = bins[i] = [];
bin.x0 = i > 0 ? tz[i - 1] : x0;
bin.x1 = i < m ? tz[i] : x1;
// Assign data to bins by value, ignoring any outside the domain.
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
x = values[i];
if (x0 <= x && x <= x1) {
bins[bisectRight(tz, x, 0, m)].push(data[i]);
return bins;
histogram.value = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (value = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant(_), histogram) : value;
histogram.domain = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (domain = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant([_[0], _[1]]), histogram) : domain;
histogram.thresholds = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (threshold = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : Array.isArray(_) ? constant( : constant(_), histogram) : threshold;
return histogram;
function quantile(array, p, f) {
if (f == null) f = number;
if (!(n = array.length)) return;
if ((p = +p) <= 0 || n < 2) return +f(array[0], 0, array);
if (p >= 1) return +f(array[n - 1], n - 1, array);
var n,
h = (n - 1) * p,
i = Math.floor(h),
a = +f(array[i], i, array),
b = +f(array[i + 1], i + 1, array);
return a + (b - a) * (h - i);
function freedmanDiaconis(values, min, max) {
values =, number).sort(ascending);
return Math.ceil((max - min) / (2 * (quantile(values, 0.75) - quantile(values, 0.25)) * Math.pow(values.length, -1 / 3)));
function scott(values, min, max) {
return Math.ceil((max - min) / (3.5 * deviation(values) * Math.pow(values.length, -1 / 3)));
function max(array, f) {
var i = -1,
n = array.length,
if (f == null) {
while (++i < n) if ((b = array[i]) != null && b >= b) { a = b; break; }
while (++i < n) if ((b = array[i]) != null && b > a) a = b;
else {
while (++i < n) if ((b = f(array[i], i, array)) != null && b >= b) { a = b; break; }
while (++i < n) if ((b = f(array[i], i, array)) != null && b > a) a = b;
return a;
function mean(array, f) {
var s = 0,
n = array.length,
i = -1,
j = n;
if (f == null) {
while (++i < n) if (!isNaN(a = number(array[i]))) s += a; else --j;
else {
while (++i < n) if (!isNaN(a = number(f(array[i], i, array)))) s += a; else --j;
if (j) return s / j;
function median(array, f) {
var numbers = [],
n = array.length,
i = -1;
if (f == null) {
while (++i < n) if (!isNaN(a = number(array[i]))) numbers.push(a);
else {
while (++i < n) if (!isNaN(a = number(f(array[i], i, array)))) numbers.push(a);
return quantile(numbers.sort(ascending), 0.5);
function merge(arrays) {
var n = arrays.length,
i = -1,
j = 0,
while (++i < n) j += arrays[i].length;
merged = new Array(j);
while (--n >= 0) {
array = arrays[n];
m = array.length;
while (--m >= 0) {
merged[--j] = array[m];
return merged;
function min(array, f) {
var i = -1,
n = array.length,
if (f == null) {
while (++i < n) if ((b = array[i]) != null && b >= b) { a = b; break; }
while (++i < n) if ((b = array[i]) != null && a > b) a = b;
else {
while (++i < n) if ((b = f(array[i], i, array)) != null && b >= b) { a = b; break; }
while (++i < n) if ((b = f(array[i], i, array)) != null && a > b) a = b;
return a;
function pairs(array) {
var i = 0, n = array.length - 1, p = array[0], pairs = new Array(n < 0 ? 0 : n);
while (i < n) pairs[i] = [p, p = array[++i]];
return pairs;
function permute(array, indexes) {
var i = indexes.length, permutes = new Array(i);
while (i--) permutes[i] = array[indexes[i]];
return permutes;
function scan(array, compare) {
if (!(n = array.length)) return;
var i = 0,
j = 0,
xj = array[j];
if (!compare) compare = ascending;
while (++i < n) if (compare(xi = array[i], xj) < 0 || compare(xj, xj) !== 0) xj = xi, j = i;
if (compare(xj, xj) === 0) return j;
function shuffle(array, i0, i1) {
var m = (i1 == null ? array.length : i1) - (i0 = i0 == null ? 0 : +i0),
while (m) {
i = Math.random() * m-- | 0;
t = array[m + i0];
array[m + i0] = array[i + i0];
array[i + i0] = t;
return array;
function sum(array, f) {
var s = 0,
n = array.length,
i = -1;
if (f == null) {
while (++i < n) if (a = +array[i]) s += a; // Note: zero and null are equivalent.
else {
while (++i < n) if (a = +f(array[i], i, array)) s += a;
return s;
function transpose(matrix) {
if (!(n = matrix.length)) return [];
for (var i = -1, m = min(matrix, length), transpose = new Array(m); ++i < m;) {
for (var j = -1, n, row = transpose[i] = new Array(n); ++j < n;) {
row[j] = matrix[j][i];
return transpose;
function length(d) {
return d.length;
function zip() {
return transpose(arguments);
exports.bisect = bisectRight;
exports.bisectRight = bisectRight;
exports.bisectLeft = bisectLeft;
exports.ascending = ascending;
exports.bisector = bisector;
exports.descending = descending;
exports.deviation = deviation;
exports.extent = extent;
exports.histogram = histogram;
exports.thresholdFreedmanDiaconis = freedmanDiaconis;
exports.thresholdScott = scott;
exports.thresholdSturges = sturges;
exports.max = max;
exports.mean = mean;
exports.median = median;
exports.merge = merge;
exports.min = min;
exports.pairs = pairs;
exports.permute = permute;
exports.quantile = quantile;
exports.range = range;
exports.scan = scan;
exports.shuffle = shuffle;
exports.sum = sum;
exports.ticks = ticks;
exports.tickStep = tickStep;
exports.transpose = transpose;
exports.variance = variance; = zip;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
// Version 1.0.1. Copyright 2016 Mike Bostock.
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(factory((global.d3 = global.d3 || {})));
}(this, function (exports) { 'use strict';
var prefix = "$";
function Map() {}
Map.prototype = map.prototype = {
constructor: Map,
has: function(key) {
return (prefix + key) in this;
get: function(key) {
return this[prefix + key];
set: function(key, value) {
this[prefix + key] = value;
return this;
remove: function(key) {
var property = prefix + key;
return property in this && delete this[property];
clear: function() {
for (var property in this) if (property[0] === prefix) delete this[property];
keys: function() {
var keys = [];
for (var property in this) if (property[0] === prefix) keys.push(property.slice(1));
return keys;
values: function() {
var values = [];
for (var property in this) if (property[0] === prefix) values.push(this[property]);
return values;
entries: function() {
var entries = [];
for (var property in this) if (property[0] === prefix) entries.push({key: property.slice(1), value: this[property]});
return entries;
size: function() {
var size = 0;
for (var property in this) if (property[0] === prefix) ++size;
return size;
empty: function() {
for (var property in this) if (property[0] === prefix) return false;
return true;
each: function(f) {
for (var property in this) if (property[0] === prefix) f(this[property], property.slice(1), this);
function map(object, f) {
var map = new Map;
// Copy constructor.
if (object instanceof Map) object.each(function(value, key) { map.set(key, value); });
// Index array by numeric index or specified key function.
else if (Array.isArray(object)) {
var i = -1,
n = object.length,
if (f == null) while (++i < n) map.set(i, object[i]);
else while (++i < n) map.set(f(o = object[i], i, object), o);
// Convert object to map.
else if (object) for (var key in object) map.set(key, object[key]);
return map;
function nest() {
var keys = [],
sortKeys = [],
function apply(array, depth, createResult, setResult) {
if (depth >= keys.length) return rollup != null
? rollup(array) : (sortValues != null
? array.sort(sortValues)
: array);
var i = -1,
n = array.length,
key = keys[depth++],
valuesByKey = map(),
result = createResult();
while (++i < n) {
if (values = valuesByKey.get(keyValue = key(value = array[i]) + "")) {
} else {
valuesByKey.set(keyValue, [value]);
valuesByKey.each(function(values, key) {
setResult(result, key, apply(values, depth, createResult, setResult));
return result;
function entries(map, depth) {
if (++depth > keys.length) return map;
var array, sortKey = sortKeys[depth - 1];
if (rollup != null && depth >= keys.length) array = map.entries();
else array = [], map.each(function(v, k) { array.push({key: k, values: entries(v, depth)}); });
return sortKey != null ? array.sort(function(a, b) { return sortKey(a.key, b.key); }) : array;
return nest = {
object: function(array) { return apply(array, 0, createObject, setObject); },
map: function(array) { return apply(array, 0, createMap, setMap); },
entries: function(array) { return entries(apply(array, 0, createMap, setMap), 0); },
key: function(d) { keys.push(d); return nest; },
sortKeys: function(order) { sortKeys[keys.length - 1] = order; return nest; },
sortValues: function(order) { sortValues = order; return nest; },
rollup: function(f) { rollup = f; return nest; }
function createObject() {
return {};
function setObject(object, key, value) {
object[key] = value;
function createMap() {
return map();
function setMap(map, key, value) {
map.set(key, value);
function Set() {}
var proto = map.prototype;
Set.prototype = set.prototype = {
constructor: Set,
has: proto.has,
add: function(value) {
value += "";
this[prefix + value] = value;
return this;
remove: proto.remove,
clear: proto.clear,
values: proto.keys,
size: proto.size,
empty: proto.empty,
each: proto.each
function set(object, f) {
var set = new Set;
// Copy constructor.
if (object instanceof Set) object.each(function(value) { set.add(value); });
// Otherwise, assume it’s an array.
else if (object) {
var i = -1, n = object.length;
if (f == null) while (++i < n) set.add(object[i]);
else while (++i < n) set.add(f(object[i], i, object));
return set;
function keys(map) {
var keys = [];
for (var key in map) keys.push(key);
return keys;
function values(map) {
var values = [];
for (var key in map) values.push(map[key]);
return values;
function entries(map) {
var entries = [];
for (var key in map) entries.push({key: key, value: map[key]});
return entries;
exports.nest = nest;
exports.set = set; = map;
exports.keys = keys;
exports.values = values;
exports.entries = entries;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
// Version 1.0.1. Copyright 2016 Mike Bostock.
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(factory((global.d3 = global.d3 || {})));
}(this, function (exports) { 'use strict';
function define(constructor, factory, prototype) {
constructor.prototype = factory.prototype = prototype;
prototype.constructor = constructor;
function extend(parent, definition) {
var prototype = Object.create(parent.prototype);
for (var key in definition) prototype[key] = definition[key];
return prototype;
function Color() {}
var darker = 0.7;
var brighter = 1 / darker;
var reHex3 = /^#([0-9a-f]{3})$/;
var reHex6 = /^#([0-9a-f]{6})$/;
var reRgbInteger = /^rgb\(\s*([-+]?\d+)\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+)\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+)\s*\)$/;
var reRgbPercent = /^rgb\(\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*\)$/;
var reRgbaInteger = /^rgba\(\s*([-+]?\d+)\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+)\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+)\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*\)$/;
var reRgbaPercent = /^rgba\(\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*\)$/;
var reHslPercent = /^hsl\(\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*\)$/;
var reHslaPercent = /^hsla\(\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*\)$/;
var named = {
aliceblue: 0xf0f8ff,
antiquewhite: 0xfaebd7,
aqua: 0x00ffff,
aquamarine: 0x7fffd4,
azure: 0xf0ffff,
beige: 0xf5f5dc,
bisque: 0xffe4c4,
black: 0x000000,
blanchedalmond: 0xffebcd,
blue: 0x0000ff,
blueviolet: 0x8a2be2,
brown: 0xa52a2a,
burlywood: 0xdeb887,
cadetblue: 0x5f9ea0,
chartreuse: 0x7fff00,
chocolate: 0xd2691e,
coral: 0xff7f50,
cornflowerblue: 0x6495ed,
cornsilk: 0xfff8dc,
crimson: 0xdc143c,
cyan: 0x00ffff,
darkblue: 0x00008b,
darkcyan: 0x008b8b,
darkgoldenrod: 0xb8860b,
darkgray: 0xa9a9a9,
darkgreen: 0x006400,
darkgrey: 0xa9a9a9,
darkkhaki: 0xbdb76b,
darkmagenta: 0x8b008b,
darkolivegreen: 0x556b2f,
darkorange: 0xff8c00,
darkorchid: 0x9932cc,
darkred: 0x8b0000,
darksalmon: 0xe9967a,
darkseagreen: 0x8fbc8f,
darkslateblue: 0x483d8b,
darkslategray: 0x2f4f4f,
darkslategrey: 0x2f4f4f,
darkturquoise: 0x00ced1,
darkviolet: 0x9400d3,
deeppink: 0xff1493,
deepskyblue: 0x00bfff,
dimgray: 0x696969,
dimgrey: 0x696969,
dodgerblue: 0x1e90ff,
firebrick: 0xb22222,
floralwhite: 0xfffaf0,
forestgreen: 0x228b22,
fuchsia: 0xff00ff,
gainsboro: 0xdcdcdc,
ghostwhite: 0xf8f8ff,
gold: 0xffd700,
goldenrod: 0xdaa520,
gray: 0x808080,
green: 0x008000,
greenyellow: 0xadff2f,
grey: 0x808080,
honeydew: 0xf0fff0,
hotpink: 0xff69b4,
indianred: 0xcd5c5c,
indigo: 0x4b0082,
ivory: 0xfffff0,
khaki: 0xf0e68c,
lavender: 0xe6e6fa,
lavenderblush: 0xfff0f5,
lawngreen: 0x7cfc00,
lemonchiffon: 0xfffacd,
lightblue: 0xadd8e6,
lightcoral: 0xf08080,
lightcyan: 0xe0ffff,
lightgoldenrodyellow: 0xfafad2,
lightgray: 0xd3d3d3,
lightgreen: 0x90ee90,
lightgrey: 0xd3d3d3,
lightpink: 0xffb6c1,
lightsalmon: 0xffa07a,
lightseagreen: 0x20b2aa,
lightskyblue: 0x87cefa,
lightslategray: 0x778899,
lightslategrey: 0x778899,
lightsteelblue: 0xb0c4de,
lightyellow: 0xffffe0,
lime: 0x00ff00,
limegreen: 0x32cd32,
linen: 0xfaf0e6,
magenta: 0xff00ff,
maroon: 0x800000,
mediumaquamarine: 0x66cdaa,
mediumblue: 0x0000cd,
mediumorchid: 0xba55d3,
mediumpurple: 0x9370db,
mediumseagreen: 0x3cb371,
mediumslateblue: 0x7b68ee,
mediumspringgreen: 0x00fa9a,
mediumturquoise: 0x48d1cc,
mediumvioletred: 0xc71585,
midnightblue: 0x191970,
mintcream: 0xf5fffa,
mistyrose: 0xffe4e1,
moccasin: 0xffe4b5,
navajowhite: 0xffdead,
navy: 0x000080,
oldlace: 0xfdf5e6,
olive: 0x808000,
olivedrab: 0x6b8e23,
orange: 0xffa500,
orangered: 0xff4500,
orchid: 0xda70d6,
palegoldenrod: 0xeee8aa,
palegreen: 0x98fb98,
paleturquoise: 0xafeeee,
palevioletred: 0xdb7093,
papayawhip: 0xffefd5,
peachpuff: 0xffdab9,
peru: 0xcd853f,
pink: 0xffc0cb,
plum: 0xdda0dd,
powderblue: 0xb0e0e6,
purple: 0x800080,
rebeccapurple: 0x663399,
red: 0xff0000,
rosybrown: 0xbc8f8f,
royalblue: 0x4169e1,
saddlebrown: 0x8b4513,
salmon: 0xfa8072,
sandybrown: 0xf4a460,
seagreen: 0x2e8b57,
seashell: 0xfff5ee,
sienna: 0xa0522d,
silver: 0xc0c0c0,
skyblue: 0x87ceeb,
slateblue: 0x6a5acd,
slategray: 0x708090,
slategrey: 0x708090,
snow: 0xfffafa,
springgreen: 0x00ff7f,
steelblue: 0x4682b4,
tan: 0xd2b48c,
teal: 0x008080,
thistle: 0xd8bfd8,
tomato: 0xff6347,
turquoise: 0x40e0d0,
violet: 0xee82ee,
wheat: 0xf5deb3,
white: 0xffffff,
whitesmoke: 0xf5f5f5,
yellow: 0xffff00,
yellowgreen: 0x9acd32
define(Color, color, {
displayable: function() {
return this.rgb().displayable();
toString: function() {
return this.rgb() + "";
function color(format) {
var m;
format = (format + "").trim().toLowerCase();
return (m = reHex3.exec(format)) ? (m = parseInt(m[1], 16), new Rgb((m >> 8 & 0xf) | (m >> 4 & 0x0f0), (m >> 4 & 0xf) | (m & 0xf0), ((m & 0xf) << 4) | (m & 0xf), 1)) // #f00
: (m = reHex6.exec(format)) ? rgbn(parseInt(m[1], 16)) // #ff0000
: (m = reRgbInteger.exec(format)) ? new Rgb(m[1], m[2], m[3], 1) // rgb(255, 0, 0)
: (m = reRgbPercent.exec(format)) ? new Rgb(m[1] * 255 / 100, m[2] * 255 / 100, m[3] * 255 / 100, 1) // rgb(100%, 0%, 0%)
: (m = reRgbaInteger.exec(format)) ? rgba(m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4]) // rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)
: (m = reRgbaPercent.exec(format)) ? rgba(m[1] * 255 / 100, m[2] * 255 / 100, m[3] * 255 / 100, m[4]) // rgb(100%, 0%, 0%, 1)
: (m = reHslPercent.exec(format)) ? hsla(m[1], m[2] / 100, m[3] / 100, 1) // hsl(120, 50%, 50%)
: (m = reHslaPercent.exec(format)) ? hsla(m[1], m[2] / 100, m[3] / 100, m[4]) // hsla(120, 50%, 50%, 1)
: named.hasOwnProperty(format) ? rgbn(named[format])
: format === "transparent" ? new Rgb(NaN, NaN, NaN, 0)
: null;
function rgbn(n) {
return new Rgb(n >> 16 & 0xff, n >> 8 & 0xff, n & 0xff, 1);
function rgba(r, g, b, a) {
if (a <= 0) r = g = b = NaN;
return new Rgb(r, g, b, a);
function rgbConvert(o) {
if (!(o instanceof Color)) o = color(o);
if (!o) return new Rgb;
o = o.rgb();
return new Rgb(o.r, o.g, o.b, o.opacity);
function rgb(r, g, b, opacity) {
return arguments.length === 1 ? rgbConvert(r) : new Rgb(r, g, b, opacity == null ? 1 : opacity);
function Rgb(r, g, b, opacity) {
this.r = +r;
this.g = +g;
this.b = +b;
this.opacity = +opacity;
define(Rgb, rgb, extend(Color, {
brighter: function(k) {
k = k == null ? brighter : Math.pow(brighter, k);
return new Rgb(this.r * k, this.g * k, this.b * k, this.opacity);
darker: function(k) {
k = k == null ? darker : Math.pow(darker, k);
return new Rgb(this.r * k, this.g * k, this.b * k, this.opacity);
rgb: function() {
return this;
displayable: function() {
return (0 <= this.r && this.r <= 255)
&& (0 <= this.g && this.g <= 255)
&& (0 <= this.b && this.b <= 255)
&& (0 <= this.opacity && this.opacity <= 1);
toString: function() {
var a = this.opacity; a = isNaN(a) ? 1 : Math.max(0, Math.min(1, a));
return (a === 1 ? "rgb(" : "rgba(")
+ Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(this.r) || 0)) + ", "
+ Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(this.g) || 0)) + ", "
+ Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(this.b) || 0))
+ (a === 1 ? ")" : ", " + a + ")");
function hsla(h, s, l, a) {
if (a <= 0) h = s = l = NaN;
else if (l <= 0 || l >= 1) h = s = NaN;
else if (s <= 0) h = NaN;
return new Hsl(h, s, l, a);
function hslConvert(o) {
if (o instanceof Hsl) return new Hsl(o.h, o.s, o.l, o.opacity);
if (!(o instanceof Color)) o = color(o);
if (!o) return new Hsl;
if (o instanceof Hsl) return o;
o = o.rgb();
var r = o.r / 255,
g = o.g / 255,
b = o.b / 255,
min = Math.min(r, g, b),
max = Math.max(r, g, b),
h = NaN,
s = max - min,
l = (max + min) / 2;
if (s) {
if (r === max) h = (g - b) / s + (g < b) * 6;
else if (g === max) h = (b - r) / s + 2;
else h = (r - g) / s + 4;
s /= l < 0.5 ? max + min : 2 - max - min;
h *= 60;
} else {
s = l > 0 && l < 1 ? 0 : h;
return new Hsl(h, s, l, o.opacity);
function hsl(h, s, l, opacity) {
return arguments.length === 1 ? hslConvert(h) : new Hsl(h, s, l, opacity == null ? 1 : opacity);
function Hsl(h, s, l, opacity) {
this.h = +h;
this.s = +s;
this.l = +l;
this.opacity = +opacity;
define(Hsl, hsl, extend(Color, {
brighter: function(k) {
k = k == null ? brighter : Math.pow(brighter, k);
return new Hsl(this.h, this.s, this.l * k, this.opacity);
darker: function(k) {
k = k == null ? darker : Math.pow(darker, k);
return new Hsl(this.h, this.s, this.l * k, this.opacity);
rgb: function() {
var h = this.h % 360 + (this.h < 0) * 360,
s = isNaN(h) || isNaN(this.s) ? 0 : this.s,
l = this.l,
m2 = l + (l < 0.5 ? l : 1 - l) * s,
m1 = 2 * l - m2;
return new Rgb(
hsl2rgb(h >= 240 ? h - 240 : h + 120, m1, m2),
hsl2rgb(h, m1, m2),
hsl2rgb(h < 120 ? h + 240 : h - 120, m1, m2),
displayable: function() {
return (0 <= this.s && this.s <= 1 || isNaN(this.s))
&& (0 <= this.l && this.l <= 1)
&& (0 <= this.opacity && this.opacity <= 1);
/* From FvD 13.37, CSS Color Module Level 3 */
function hsl2rgb(h, m1, m2) {
return (h < 60 ? m1 + (m2 - m1) * h / 60
: h < 180 ? m2
: h < 240 ? m1 + (m2 - m1) * (240 - h) / 60
: m1) * 255;
var deg2rad = Math.PI / 180;
var rad2deg = 180 / Math.PI;
var Kn = 18;
var Xn = 0.950470;
var Yn = 1;
var Zn = 1.088830;
var t0 = 4 / 29;
var t1 = 6 / 29;
var t2 = 3 * t1 * t1;
var t3 = t1 * t1 * t1;
function labConvert(o) {
if (o instanceof Lab) return new Lab(o.l, o.a, o.b, o.opacity);
if (o instanceof Hcl) {
var h = o.h * deg2rad;
return new Lab(o.l, Math.cos(h) * o.c, Math.sin(h) * o.c, o.opacity);
if (!(o instanceof Rgb)) o = rgbConvert(o);
var b = rgb2xyz(o.r),
a = rgb2xyz(o.g),
l = rgb2xyz(o.b),
x = xyz2lab((0.4124564 * b + 0.3575761 * a + 0.1804375 * l) / Xn),
y = xyz2lab((0.2126729 * b + 0.7151522 * a + 0.0721750 * l) / Yn),
z = xyz2lab((0.0193339 * b + 0.1191920 * a + 0.9503041 * l) / Zn);
return new Lab(116 * y - 16, 500 * (x - y), 200 * (y - z), o.opacity);
function lab(l, a, b, opacity) {
return arguments.length === 1 ? labConvert(l) : new Lab(l, a, b, opacity == null ? 1 : opacity);
function Lab(l, a, b, opacity) {
this.l = +l;
this.a = +a;
this.b = +b;
this.opacity = +opacity;
define(Lab, lab, extend(Color, {
brighter: function(k) {
return new Lab(this.l + Kn * (k == null ? 1 : k), this.a, this.b, this.opacity);
darker: function(k) {
return new Lab(this.l - Kn * (k == null ? 1 : k), this.a, this.b, this.opacity);
rgb: function() {
var y = (this.l + 16) / 116,
x = isNaN(this.a) ? y : y + this.a / 500,
z = isNaN(this.b) ? y : y - this.b / 200;
y = Yn * lab2xyz(y);
x = Xn * lab2xyz(x);
z = Zn * lab2xyz(z);
return new Rgb(
xyz2rgb( 3.2404542 * x - 1.5371385 * y - 0.4985314 * z), // D65 -> sRGB
xyz2rgb(-0.9692660 * x + 1.8760108 * y + 0.0415560 * z),
xyz2rgb( 0.0556434 * x - 0.2040259 * y + 1.0572252 * z),
function xyz2lab(t) {
return t > t3 ? Math.pow(t, 1 / 3) : t / t2 + t0;
function lab2xyz(t) {
return t > t1 ? t * t * t : t2 * (t - t0);
function xyz2rgb(x) {
return 255 * (x <= 0.0031308 ? 12.92 * x : 1.055 * Math.pow(x, 1 / 2.4) - 0.055);
function rgb2xyz(x) {
return (x /= 255) <= 0.04045 ? x / 12.92 : Math.pow((x + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
function hclConvert(o) {
if (o instanceof Hcl) return new Hcl(o.h, o.c, o.l, o.opacity);
if (!(o instanceof Lab)) o = labConvert(o);
var h = Math.atan2(o.b, o.a) * rad2deg;
return new Hcl(h < 0 ? h + 360 : h, Math.sqrt(o.a * o.a + o.b * o.b), o.l, o.opacity);
function hcl(h, c, l, opacity) {
return arguments.length === 1 ? hclConvert(h) : new Hcl(h, c, l, opacity == null ? 1 : opacity);
function Hcl(h, c, l, opacity) {
this.h = +h;
this.c = +c;
this.l = +l;
this.opacity = +opacity;
define(Hcl, hcl, extend(Color, {
brighter: function(k) {
return new Hcl(this.h, this.c, this.l + Kn * (k == null ? 1 : k), this.opacity);
darker: function(k) {
return new Hcl(this.h, this.c, this.l - Kn * (k == null ? 1 : k), this.opacity);
rgb: function() {
return labConvert(this).rgb();
var A = -0.14861;
var B = +1.78277;
var C = -0.29227;
var D = -0.90649;
var E = +1.97294;
var ED = E * D;
var EB = E * B;
var BC_DA = B * C - D * A;
function cubehelixConvert(o) {
if (o instanceof Cubehelix) return new Cubehelix(o.h, o.s, o.l, o.opacity);
if (!(o instanceof Rgb)) o = rgbConvert(o);
var r = o.r / 255,
g = o.g / 255,
b = o.b / 255,
l = (BC_DA * b + ED * r - EB * g) / (BC_DA + ED - EB),
bl = b - l,
k = (E * (g - l) - C * bl) / D,
s = Math.sqrt(k * k + bl * bl) / (E * l * (1 - l)), // NaN if l=0 or l=1
h = s ? Math.atan2(k, bl) * rad2deg - 120 : NaN;
return new Cubehelix(h < 0 ? h + 360 : h, s, l, o.opacity);
function cubehelix(h, s, l, opacity) {
return arguments.length === 1 ? cubehelixConvert(h) : new Cubehelix(h, s, l, opacity == null ? 1 : opacity);
function Cubehelix(h, s, l, opacity) {
this.h = +h;
this.s = +s;
this.l = +l;
this.opacity = +opacity;
define(Cubehelix, cubehelix, extend(Color, {
brighter: function(k) {
k = k == null ? brighter : Math.pow(brighter, k);
return new Cubehelix(this.h, this.s, this.l * k, this.opacity);
darker: function(k) {
k = k == null ? darker : Math.pow(darker, k);
return new Cubehelix(this.h, this.s, this.l * k, this.opacity);
rgb: function() {
var h = isNaN(this.h) ? 0 : (this.h + 120) * deg2rad,
l = +this.l,
a = isNaN(this.s) ? 0 : this.s * l * (1 - l),
cosh = Math.cos(h),
sinh = Math.sin(h);
return new Rgb(
255 * (l + a * (A * cosh + B * sinh)),
255 * (l + a * (C * cosh + D * sinh)),
255 * (l + a * (E * cosh)),
exports.color = color;
exports.rgb = rgb;
exports.hsl = hsl;
exports.lab = lab;
exports.hcl = hcl;
exports.cubehelix = cubehelix;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
// Version 1.0.0. Copyright 2016 Roger Veciana i Rovira.
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('d3-geo'), require('d3-path')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'd3-geo', 'd3-path'], factory) :
(factory((global.d3 = global.d3 || {}),global.d3,global.d3));
}(this, function (exports,d3Geo,d3Path) { 'use strict';
var epsilon = 1e-6;
// The projections must have mutually exclusive clip regions on the sphere,
// as this will avoid emitting interleaving lines and polygons.
function multiplex(streams) {
var n = streams.length;
return {
point: function(x, y) { var i = -1; while (++i < n) streams[i].point(x, y); },
sphere: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) streams[i].sphere(); },
lineStart: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) streams[i].lineStart(); },
lineEnd: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) streams[i].lineEnd(); },
polygonStart: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) streams[i].polygonStart(); },
polygonEnd: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) streams[i].polygonEnd(); }
// A composite projection for the United States, configured by default for
// 960×500. Also works quite well at 960×600 with scale 1285. The set of
// standard parallels for each region comes from USGS, which is published here:
function albersUsa() {
var cache,
lower48 = d3Geo.geoAlbers(), lower48Point,
alaska = d3Geo.geoConicEqualArea().rotate([154, 0]).center([-2, 58.5]).parallels([55, 65]), alaskaPoint, // EPSG:3338
hawaii = d3Geo.geoConicEqualArea().rotate([157, 0]).center([-3, 19.9]).parallels([8, 18]), hawaiiPoint, // ESRI:102007
point, pointStream = {point: function(x, y) { point = [x, y]; }};
function albersUsa(coordinates) {
var x = coordinates[0], y = coordinates[1];
return point = null,
(lower48Point.point(x, y), point)
|| (alaskaPoint.point(x, y), point)
|| (hawaiiPoint.point(x, y), point);
albersUsa.invert = function(coordinates) {
var k = lower48.scale(),
t = lower48.translate(),
x = (coordinates[0] - t[0]) / k,
y = (coordinates[1] - t[1]) / k;
return (y >= 0.120 && y < 0.234 && x >= -0.425 && x < -0.214 ? alaska
: y >= 0.166 && y < 0.234 && x >= -0.214 && x < -0.115 ? hawaii
: lower48).invert(coordinates);
}; = function(stream) {
return cache && cacheStream === stream ? cache : cache = multiplex([ = stream),,]);
albersUsa.precision = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return lower48.precision();
lower48.precision(_), alaska.precision(_), hawaii.precision(_);
return albersUsa;
albersUsa.scale = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return lower48.scale();
lower48.scale(_), alaska.scale(_ * 0.35), hawaii.scale(_);
return albersUsa.translate(lower48.translate());
albersUsa.translate = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return lower48.translate();
var k = lower48.scale(), x = +_[0], y = +_[1];
lower48Point = lower48
.clipExtent([[x - 0.455 * k, y - 0.238 * k], [x + 0.455 * k, y + 0.238 * k]])
alaskaPoint = alaska
.translate([x - 0.307 * k, y + 0.201 * k])
.clipExtent([[x - 0.425 * k + epsilon, y + 0.120 * k + epsilon], [x - 0.214 * k - epsilon, y + 0.234 * k - epsilon]])
hawaiiPoint = hawaii
.translate([x - 0.205 * k, y + 0.212 * k])
.clipExtent([[x - 0.214 * k + epsilon, y + 0.166 * k + epsilon], [x - 0.115 * k - epsilon, y + 0.234 * k - epsilon]])
return albersUsa;
albersUsa.drawCompositionBorders = function(context) {
var hawaii1 = lower48([-102.91, 26.3]);
var hawaii2 = lower48([-104.0, 27.5]);
var hawaii3 = lower48([-108.0, 29.1]);
var hawaii4 = lower48([-110.0, 29.1]);
var alaska1 = lower48([-110.0, 26.7]);
var alaska2 = lower48([-112.8, 27.6]);
var alaska3 = lower48([-114.3, 30.6]);
var alaska4 = lower48([-119.3, 30.1]);
context.moveTo(hawaii1[0], hawaii1[1]);
context.lineTo(hawaii2[0], hawaii2[1]);
context.lineTo(hawaii3[0], hawaii3[1]);
context.lineTo(hawaii4[0], hawaii4[1]);
context.moveTo(alaska1[0], alaska1[1]);
context.lineTo(alaska2[0], alaska2[1]);
context.lineTo(alaska3[0], alaska3[1]);
context.lineTo(alaska4[0], alaska4[1]);
albersUsa.getCompositionBorders = function() {
var context = d3Path.path();
return context.toString();
return albersUsa.scale(1070);
// The projections must have mutually exclusive clip regions on the sphere,
// as this will avoid emitting interleaving lines and polygons.
function multiplex$1(streams) {
var n = streams.length;
return {
point: function(x, y) { var i = -1; while (++i < n) streams[i].point(x, y); },
sphere: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) streams[i].sphere(); },
lineStart: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) streams[i].lineStart(); },
lineEnd: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) streams[i].lineEnd(); },
polygonStart: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) streams[i].polygonStart(); },
polygonEnd: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) streams[i].polygonEnd(); }
// A composite projection for the United States, configured by default for
// 960×500. Also works quite well at 960×600 with scale 1285. The set of
// standard parallels for each region comes from USGS, which is published here:
function albersUsaTerritories() {
var cache,
lower48 = d3Geo.geoAlbers(), lower48Point,
alaska = d3Geo.geoConicEqualArea().rotate([154, 0]).center([-2, 58.5]).parallels([55, 65]), alaskaPoint, // EPSG:3338
hawaii = d3Geo.geoConicEqualArea().rotate([157, 0]).center([-3, 19.9]).parallels([8, 18]), hawaiiPoint, // ESRI:102007
puertoRico = d3Geo.geoConicEqualArea().rotate([66, 0]).center([0, 18]).parallels([8, 18]), puertoRicoPoint, //Taken from
samoa = d3Geo.geoEquirectangular().rotate([173, 14]), samoaPoint, // EPSG:4169
guam = d3Geo.geoEquirectangular().rotate([-145, -16.8]), guamPoint,
point, pointStream = {point: function(x, y) { point = [x, y]; }};
var puertoRicoBbox = [[-68.3, 19], [-63.9, 17]];
var samoaBbox = [[-171, -14], [-168, -14.8]];
var guamBbox = [[144, 20.8], [146.5, 12.7]];
function albersUsa(coordinates) {
var x = coordinates[0], y = coordinates[1];
return point = null,
(lower48Point.point(x, y), point) ||
(alaskaPoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(hawaiiPoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(puertoRicoPoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(samoaPoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(guamPoint.point(x, y), point);
albersUsa.invert = function(coordinates) {
var k = lower48.scale(),
t = lower48.translate(),
x = (coordinates[0] - t[0]) / k,
y = (coordinates[1] - t[1]) / k;
//How are the return values calculated:"******");
var c0 = puertoRico(puertoRicoBbox[0]);
var x0 = (c0[0] - t[0]) / k;
var y0 = (c0[1] - t[1]) / k;"p0 puertoRico", x0 + ' - ' + y0);
var c1 = puertoRico(puertoRicoBbox[1]);
var x1 = (c1[0] - t[0]) / k;
var y1 = (c1[1] - t[1]) / k;"p1 puertoRico", x1 + ' - ' + y1);
c0 = samoa(samoaBbox[0]);
x0 = (c0[0] - t[0]) / k;
y0 = (c0[1] - t[1]) / k;"p0 samoa", x0 + ' - ' + y0);
c1 = samoa(samoaBbox[1]);
x1 = (c1[0] - t[0]) / k;
y1 = (c1[1] - t[1]) / k;"p1 samoa", x1 + ' - ' + y1);
c0 = guam(guamBbox[0]);
x0 = (c0[0] - t[0]) / k;
y0 = (c0[1] - t[1]) / k;"p0 guam", x0 + ' - ' + y0);
c1 = guam(guamBbox[1]);
x1 = (c1[0] - t[0]) / k;
y1 = (c1[1] - t[1]) / k;"p1 guam", x1 + ' - ' + y1);
return (y >= 0.120 && y < 0.234 && x >= -0.425 && x < -0.214 ? alaska
: y >= 0.166 && y < 0.234 && x >= -0.214 && x < -0.115 ? hawaii
: y >= 0.2064 && y < 0.2413 && x >= 0.312 && x < 0.385 ? puertoRico
: y >= 0.09 && y < 0.1197 && x >= -0.4243 && x < -0.3232 ? samoa
: y >= -0.0518 && y < 0.0895 && x >= -0.4243 && x < -0.3824 ? guam
: lower48).invert(coordinates);
}; = function(stream) {
return cache && cacheStream === stream ? cache : cache = multiplex$1([ = stream),,,,,]);
albersUsa.precision = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {return lower48.precision();}
return albersUsa;
albersUsa.scale = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {return lower48.scale();}
alaska.scale(_ * 0.35);
samoa.scale(_* 2);
return albersUsa.translate(lower48.translate());
albersUsa.translate = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {return lower48.translate();}
var k = lower48.scale(), x = +_[0], y = +_[1];
var c0 = puertoRico.translate([x + 0.350 * k, y + 0.224 * k])(puertoRicoBbox[0]);
var x0 = (x - c0[0]) / k;
var y0 = (y - c0[1]) / k;
var c1 = puertoRico.translate([x + 0.350 * k, y + 0.224 * k])(puertoRicoBbox[1]);
var x1 = (x - c1[0]) / k;
var y1 = (y - c1[1]) / k;'puertoRico: p0: ' + x0 + ', ' + y0 + ' , p1: ' + x1 + ' - ' + y1);'.clipExtent([[x '+
(x0<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(x0.toFixed(4))+
' * k + epsilon, y '+
(y0<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(y0.toFixed(4))+
' * k + epsilon],[x '+
(x1<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(x1.toFixed(4))+
' * k - epsilon, y '+
(y1<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(y1.toFixed(4))+
' * k - epsilon]])');
c0 = samoa.translate([x - 0.492 * k, y + 0.09 * k])(samoaBbox[0]);
x0 = (x - c0[0]) / k;
y0 = (y - c0[1]) / k;
c1 = samoa.translate([x - 0.492 * k, y + 0.09 * k])(samoaBbox[1]);
x1 = (x - c1[0]) / k;
y1 = (y - c1[1]) / k;'samoa: p0: ' + x0 + ', ' + y0 + ' , p1: ' + x1 + ' - ' + y1);'.clipExtent([[x '+
(x0<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(x0.toFixed(4))+
' * k + epsilon, y '+
(y0<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(y0.toFixed(4))+
' * k + epsilon],[x '+
(x1<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(x1.toFixed(4))+
' * k - epsilon, y '+
(y1<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(y1.toFixed(4))+
' * k - epsilon]])');
c0 = guam.translate([x - 0.408 * k, y + 0.018 * k])(guamBbox[0]);
x0 = (x - c0[0]) / k;
y0 = (y - c0[1]) / k;
c1 = guam.translate([x - 0.408 * k, y + 0.018 * k])(guamBbox[1]);
x1 = (x - c1[0]) / k;
y1 = (y - c1[1]) / k;'guam: p0: ' + x0 + ', ' + y0 + ' , p1: ' + x1 + ' - ' + y1);'.clipExtent([[x '+
(x0<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(x0.toFixed(4))+
' * k + epsilon, y '+
(y0<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(y0.toFixed(4))+
' * k + epsilon],[x '+
(x1<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(x1.toFixed(4))+
' * k - epsilon, y '+
(y1<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(y1.toFixed(4))+
' * k - epsilon]])');
lower48Point = lower48
.clipExtent([[x - 0.455 * k, y - 0.238 * k], [x + 0.455 * k, y + 0.238 * k]])
alaskaPoint = alaska
.translate([x - 0.307 * k, y + 0.201 * k])
.clipExtent([[x - 0.425 * k + epsilon, y + 0.120 * k + epsilon], [x - 0.214 * k - epsilon, y + 0.233 * k - epsilon]])
hawaiiPoint = hawaii
.translate([x - 0.205 * k, y + 0.212 * k])
.clipExtent([[x - 0.214 * k + epsilon, y + 0.166 * k + epsilon], [x - 0.115 * k - epsilon, y + 0.233 * k - epsilon]])
puertoRicoPoint = puertoRico
.translate([x + 0.350 * k, y + 0.224 * k])
.clipExtent([[x + 0.312 * k + epsilon, y + 0.2064 * k + epsilon],[x + 0.385 * k - epsilon, y + 0.233 * k - epsilon]])
samoaPoint = samoa
.translate([x - 0.492 * k, y + 0.09 * k])
.clipExtent([[x - 0.4243 * k + epsilon, y + 0.0903 * k + epsilon],[x - 0.3233 * k - epsilon, y + 0.1197 * k - epsilon]])
guamPoint = guam
.translate([x - 0.408 * k, y + 0.018 * k])
.clipExtent([[x - 0.4244 * k + epsilon, y - 0.0519 * k + epsilon],[x - 0.3824 * k - epsilon, y + 0.0895 * k - epsilon]])
return albersUsa;
albersUsa.drawCompositionBorders = function(context) {
/*"CLIP EXTENT hawaii: ", hawaii.clipExtent());"UL BBOX:", lower48.invert([hawaii.clipExtent()[0][0], hawaii.clipExtent()[0][1]]));"UR BBOX:", lower48.invert([hawaii.clipExtent()[1][0], hawaii.clipExtent()[0][1]]));"LD BBOX:", lower48.invert([hawaii.clipExtent()[1][0], hawaii.clipExtent()[1][1]]));"LL BBOX:", lower48.invert([hawaii.clipExtent()[0][0], hawaii.clipExtent()[1][1]]));"CLIP EXTENT alaska: ", alaska.clipExtent());"UL BBOX:", lower48.invert([alaska.clipExtent()[0][0], alaska.clipExtent()[0][1]]));"UR BBOX:", lower48.invert([alaska.clipExtent()[1][0], alaska.clipExtent()[0][1]]));"LD BBOX:", lower48.invert([alaska.clipExtent()[1][0], alaska.clipExtent()[1][1]]));"LL BBOX:", lower48.invert([alaska.clipExtent()[0][0], alaska.clipExtent()[1][1]]));"CLIP EXTENT puertoRico: ", puertoRico.clipExtent());"UL BBOX:", lower48.invert([puertoRico.clipExtent()[0][0], puertoRico.clipExtent()[0][1]]));"UR BBOX:", lower48.invert([puertoRico.clipExtent()[1][0], puertoRico.clipExtent()[0][1]]));"LD BBOX:", lower48.invert([puertoRico.clipExtent()[1][0], puertoRico.clipExtent()[1][1]]));"LL BBOX:", lower48.invert([puertoRico.clipExtent()[0][0], puertoRico.clipExtent()[1][1]]));"CLIP EXTENT samoa: ", samoa.clipExtent());"UL BBOX:", lower48.invert([samoa.clipExtent()[0][0], samoa.clipExtent()[0][1]]));"UR BBOX:", lower48.invert([samoa.clipExtent()[1][0], samoa.clipExtent()[0][1]]));"LD BBOX:", lower48.invert([samoa.clipExtent()[1][0], samoa.clipExtent()[1][1]]));"LL BBOX:", lower48.invert([samoa.clipExtent()[0][0], samoa.clipExtent()[1][1]]));"CLIP EXTENT guam: ", guam.clipExtent());"UL BBOX:", lower48.invert([guam.clipExtent()[0][0], guam.clipExtent()[0][1]]));"UR BBOX:", lower48.invert([guam.clipExtent()[1][0], guam.clipExtent()[0][1]]));"LD BBOX:", lower48.invert([guam.clipExtent()[1][0], guam.clipExtent()[1][1]]));"LL BBOX:", lower48.invert([guam.clipExtent()[0][0], guam.clipExtent()[1][1]]));
var ulhawaii = lower48([-110.4641, 28.2805]);
var urhawaii = lower48([-104.0597, 28.9528]);
var ldhawaii = lower48([-103.7049, 25.1031]);
var llhawaii = lower48([-109.8337, 24.4531]);
var ulalaska = lower48([ -124.4745, 28.1407]);
var uralaska = lower48([ -110.931, 30.8844]);
var ldalaska = lower48([-109.8337, 24.4531]);
var llalaska = lower48([-122.4628, 21.8562]);
var ulpuertoRico = lower48([-76.8579, 25.1544]);
var urpuertoRico = lower48([-72.429, 24.2097]);
var ldpuertoRico = lower48([-72.8265, 22.7056]);
var llpuertoRico = lower48([-77.1852, 23.6392]);
var ulsamoa = lower48([-125.0093, 29.7791]);
var ursamoa = lower48([-118.5193, 31.3262]);
var ldsamoa = lower48([-118.064, 29.6912]);
var llsamoa = lower48([-124.4369, 28.169]);
var ulguam = lower48([-128.1314, 37.4582]);
var urguam = lower48([-125.2132, 38.214]);
var ldguam = lower48([-122.3616, 30.5115]);
var llguam = lower48([-125.0315, 29.8211]);
context.moveTo(ulhawaii[0], ulhawaii[1]);
context.lineTo(urhawaii[0], urhawaii[1]);
context.lineTo(ldhawaii[0], ldhawaii[1]);
context.lineTo(ldhawaii[0], ldhawaii[1]);
context.lineTo(llhawaii[0], llhawaii[1]);
context.moveTo(ulalaska[0], ulalaska[1]);
context.lineTo(uralaska[0], uralaska[1]);
context.lineTo(ldalaska[0], ldalaska[1]);
context.lineTo(ldalaska[0], ldalaska[1]);
context.lineTo(llalaska[0], llalaska[1]);
context.moveTo(ulpuertoRico[0], ulpuertoRico[1]);
context.lineTo(urpuertoRico[0], urpuertoRico[1]);
context.lineTo(ldpuertoRico[0], ldpuertoRico[1]);
context.lineTo(ldpuertoRico[0], ldpuertoRico[1]);
context.lineTo(llpuertoRico[0], llpuertoRico[1]);
context.moveTo(ulsamoa[0], ulsamoa[1]);
context.lineTo(ursamoa[0], ursamoa[1]);
context.lineTo(ldsamoa[0], ldsamoa[1]);
context.lineTo(ldsamoa[0], ldsamoa[1]);
context.lineTo(llsamoa[0], llsamoa[1]);
context.moveTo(ulguam[0], ulguam[1]);
context.lineTo(urguam[0], urguam[1]);
context.lineTo(ldguam[0], ldguam[1]);
context.lineTo(ldguam[0], ldguam[1]);
context.lineTo(llguam[0], llguam[1]);
albersUsa.getCompositionBorders = function() {
var context = d3Path.path();
return context.toString();
return albersUsa.scale(1070);
// The projections must have mutually exclusive clip regions on the sphere,
// as this will avoid emitting interleaving lines and polygons.
function multiplex$2(streams) {
var n = streams.length;
return {
point: function(x, y) { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].point(x, y); }},
sphere: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].sphere(); }},
lineStart: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].lineStart(); }},
lineEnd: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].lineEnd(); }},
polygonStart: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].polygonStart(); }},
polygonEnd: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].polygonEnd(); }}
// A composite projection for Spain, configured by default for 960×500.
function conicConformalSpain() {
var cache,
iberianPeninsule = d3Geo.geoConicConformal().rotate([5, -38.6]).parallels([0,60]), iberianPeninsulePoint,
canaryIslands = d3Geo.geoConicConformal().rotate([5, -38.6]).parallels([0,60]), canaryIslandsPoint,
point, pointStream = {point: function(x, y) { point = [x, y]; }};
var iberianPeninsuleBbox = [[-11, 46], [4, 35]];
var canaryIslandsBbox = [[-19.0, 28.85], [-12.7, 28.1]];
function conicConformalSpain(coordinates) {
var x = coordinates[0], y = coordinates[1];
return point = null,
(iberianPeninsulePoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(canaryIslandsPoint.point(x, y), point);
conicConformalSpain.invert = function(coordinates) {
var k = iberianPeninsule.scale(),
t = iberianPeninsule.translate(),
x = (coordinates[0] - t[0]) / k,
y = (coordinates[1] - t[1]) / k;
//How are the return values calculated:
var c0 = canaryIslands(canaryIslandsBbox[0]);
var x0 = (c0[0] - t[0]) / k;
var y0 = (c0[1] - t[1]) / k;"p0 canary islands", x0 + ' - ' + y0);
var c1 = canaryIslands(canaryIslandsBbox[1]);
var x1 = (c1[0] - t[0]) / k;
var y1 = (c1[1] - t[1]) / k;"p1 canary islands", x1 + ' - ' + y1);
return (y >= 0.05346 && y< 0.0897 && x >= -0.13388 && x < -0.0322 ? canaryIslands
: iberianPeninsule).invert(coordinates);
}; = function(stream) {
return cache && cacheStream === stream ? cache : cache = multiplex$2([ = stream),]);
conicConformalSpain.precision = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {return iberianPeninsule.precision();}
return conicConformalSpain;
conicConformalSpain.scale = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {return iberianPeninsule.scale();}
return conicConformalSpain.translate(iberianPeninsule.translate());
conicConformalSpain.translate = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {return iberianPeninsule.translate();}
var k = iberianPeninsule.scale(), x = +_[0], y = +_[1];
var c0 = iberianPeninsule(iberianPeninsuleBbox[0]);
var x0 = (x - c0[0]) / k;
var y0 = (y - c0[1]) / k;
var c1 = iberianPeninsule(iberianPeninsuleBbox[1]);
var x1 = (x - c1[0]) / k;
var y1 = (y - c1[1]) / k;'Iberian Peninsula: p0: ' + x0 + ', ' + y0 + ' , p1: ' + x1 + ' - ' + y1);
c0 = canaryIslands.translate([x + 0.1 * k, y - 0.094 * k])(canaryIslandsBbox[0]);
x0 = (x - c0[0]) / k;
y0 = (y - c0[1]) / k;
c1 = canaryIslands.translate([x + 0.1 * k, y - 0.094 * k])(canaryIslandsBbox[1]);
x1 = (x - c1[0]) / k;
y1 = (y - c1[1]) / k;'Canry Islands: p0: ' + x0 + ', ' + y0 + ' , p1: ' + x1 + ' - ' + y1);
iberianPeninsulePoint = iberianPeninsule
.clipExtent([[x - 0.06857 * k, y - 0.1288 * k],[x + 0.13249 * k, y + 0.05292 * k]])
canaryIslandsPoint = canaryIslands
.translate([x + 0.1 * k, y - 0.094 * k])
.clipExtent([[x - 0.1331 * k + epsilon, y + 0.053457 * k + epsilon],[x - 0.0354 * k - epsilon, y + 0.08969 * k - epsilon]])
return conicConformalSpain;
conicConformalSpain.drawCompositionBorders = function(context) {
/*"CLIP EXTENT: ", canaryIslands.clipExtent());"UL BBOX:", iberianPeninsule.invert([canaryIslands.clipExtent()[0][0], canaryIslands.clipExtent()[0][1]]));"UR BBOX:", iberianPeninsule.invert([canaryIslands.clipExtent()[1][0], canaryIslands.clipExtent()[0][1]]));"LD BBOX:", iberianPeninsule.invert([canaryIslands.clipExtent()[1][0], canaryIslands.clipExtent()[1][1]]));
var ulCanaryIslands = iberianPeninsule([-14.0346750522884, 34.96500729877966]);
var urCanaryIslands = iberianPeninsule([-7.4208899681602025, 35.53698899616862]);
var ldCanaryIslands = iberianPeninsule([-7.314827535125545, 33.54359498636456]);
context.moveTo(ulCanaryIslands[0], ulCanaryIslands[1]);
context.lineTo(urCanaryIslands[0], urCanaryIslands[1]);
context.lineTo(ldCanaryIslands[0], ldCanaryIslands[1]);
conicConformalSpain.getCompositionBorders = function() {
var context = d3Path.path();
return context.toString();
return conicConformalSpain.scale(2700);
// The projections must have mutually exclusive clip regions on the sphere,
// as this will avoid emitting interleaving lines and polygons.
function multiplex$3(streams) {
var n = streams.length;
return {
point: function(x, y) { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].point(x, y); }},
sphere: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].sphere(); }},
lineStart: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].lineStart(); }},
lineEnd: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].lineEnd(); }},
polygonStart: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].polygonStart(); }},
polygonEnd: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].polygonEnd(); }}
// A composite projection for Portugal, configured by default for 960×500.
function conicConformalPortugal() {
var cache,
iberianPeninsule = d3Geo.geoConicConformal().rotate([10, -39.3]).parallels([0, 60]), iberianPeninsulePoint,
madeira = d3Geo.geoConicConformal().rotate([17, -32.7]).parallels([0, 60]), madeiraPoint,
azores = d3Geo.geoConicConformal().rotate([27.8, -38.6]).parallels([0, 60]), azoresPoint,
point, pointStream = {point: function(x, y) { point = [x, y]; }};
var iberianPeninsuleBbox = [[-11, 46], [4, 34]];
var madeiraBbox = [[-17.85, 33.6], [-16, 32.02]];
var azoresBbox = [[-32, 40.529], [-23.98, 35.75]];
function conicConformalPortugal(coordinates) {
var x = coordinates[0], y = coordinates[1];
return point = null,
(iberianPeninsulePoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(madeiraPoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(azoresPoint.point(x, y), point);
conicConformalPortugal.invert = function(coordinates) {
var k = iberianPeninsule.scale(),
t = iberianPeninsule.translate(),
x = (coordinates[0] - t[0]) / k,
y = (coordinates[1] - t[1]) / k;
//How are the return values calculated:"******");
var c0 = madeira(madeiraBbox[0]);
var x0 = (c0[0] - t[0]) / k;
var y0 = (c0[1] - t[1]) / k;"p0 madeira", x0 + ' - ' + y0);
var c1 = madeira(madeiraBbox[1]);
var x1 = (c1[0] - t[0]) / k;
var y1 = (c1[1] - t[1]) / k;"p1 madeira", x1 + ' - ' + y1);
c0 = azores(azoresBbox[0]);
x0 = (c0[0] - t[0]) / k;
y0 = (c0[1] - t[1]) / k;"p0 azores", x0 + ' - ' + y0);
c1 = azores(azoresBbox[1]);
x1 = (c1[0] - t[0]) / k;
y1 = (c1[1] - t[1]) / k;"p1 azores", x1 + ' - ' + y1);
return (y >= 0.0093 && y< 0.03678 && x >= -0.03875 && x < -0.0116 ? madeira
: y >= -0.0412 && y< 0.0091 && x >= -0.07782 && x < -0.01166 ? azores
: iberianPeninsule).invert(coordinates);
}; = function(stream) {
return cache && cacheStream === stream ? cache : cache = multiplex$3([ = stream),,]);
conicConformalPortugal.precision = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {return iberianPeninsule.precision();}
return conicConformalPortugal;
conicConformalPortugal.scale = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {return iberianPeninsule.scale();}
azores.scale(_ * 0.6);
return conicConformalPortugal.translate(iberianPeninsule.translate());
conicConformalPortugal.translate = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {return iberianPeninsule.translate();}
var k = iberianPeninsule.scale(), x = +_[0], y = +_[1];
var c0 = iberianPeninsule(iberianPeninsuleBbox[0]);
var x0 = (x - c0[0]) / k;
var y0 = (y - c0[1]) / k;
var c1 = iberianPeninsule(iberianPeninsuleBbox[1]);
var x1 = (x - c1[0]) / k;
var y1 = (y - c1[1]) / k;'Iberian Peninsula: p0: ' + x0 + ', ' + y0 + ' , p1: ' + x1 + ' - ' + y1);'.clipExtent([[x '+
(x0<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(x0.toFixed(4))+
' * k, y '+
(y0<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(y0.toFixed(4))+
' * k],[x '+
(x1<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(x1.toFixed(4))+
' * k, y '+
(y1<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(y1.toFixed(4))+
' * k]])');
c0 = madeira.translate([x - 0.0265 * k, y + 0.025 * k])(madeiraBbox[0]);
x0 = (x - c0[0]) / k;
y0 = (y - c0[1]) / k;
c1 = madeira.translate([x - 0.0265 * k, y + 0.025 * k])(madeiraBbox[1]);
x1 = (x - c1[0]) / k;
y1 = (y - c1[1]) / k;'Madeira: p0: ' + x0 + ', ' + y0 + ' , p1: ' + x1 + ' - ' + y1);'.clipExtent([[x '+
(x0<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(x0.toFixed(4))+
' * k + epsilon, y '+
(y0<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(y0.toFixed(4))+
' * k + epsilon],[x '+
(x1<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(x1.toFixed(4))+
' * k - epsilon, y '+
(y1<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(y1.toFixed(4))+
' * k - epsilon]])');
c0 = azores.translate([x - 0.045 * k, y + -0.02 * k])(azoresBbox[0]);
x0 = (x - c0[0]) / k;
y0 = (y - c0[1]) / k;
c1 = azores.translate([x - 0.045 * k, y + -0.02 * k])(azoresBbox[1]);
x1 = (x - c1[0]) / k;
y1 = (y - c1[1]) / k;'Azores: p0: ' + x0 + ', ' + y0 + ' , p1: ' + x1 + ' - ' + y1);'.clipExtent([[x '+
(x0<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(x0.toFixed(4))+
' * k + epsilon, y '+
(y0<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(y0.toFixed(4))+
' * k + epsilon],[x '+
(x1<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(x1.toFixed(4))+
' * k - epsilon, y '+
(y1<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(y1.toFixed(4))+
' * k - epsilon]])');
iberianPeninsulePoint = iberianPeninsule
.clipExtent([[x - 0.0115 * k, y - 0.1138 * k],[x +0.2105 * k, y +0.0673 * k]])
madeiraPoint = madeira
.translate([x - 0.0265 * k, y + 0.025 * k])
.clipExtent([[x - 0.0388 * k + epsilon, y + 0.0093 * k + epsilon],[x - 0.0116 * k - epsilon, y + 0.0368 * k - epsilon]])
azoresPoint = azores
.translate([x - 0.045 * k, y + -0.02 * k])
.clipExtent([[x - 0.0778 * k + epsilon, y - 0.0413 * k + epsilon],[x - 0.0117 * k - epsilon, y + 0.0091 * k - epsilon]])
return conicConformalPortugal;
conicConformalPortugal.drawCompositionBorders = function(context) {
/*"CLIP EXTENT MADEIRA: ", madeira.clipExtent());"UL BBOX:", iberianPeninsule.invert([madeira.clipExtent()[0][0], madeira.clipExtent()[0][1]]));"UR BBOX:", iberianPeninsule.invert([madeira.clipExtent()[1][0], madeira.clipExtent()[0][1]]));"LD BBOX:", iberianPeninsule.invert([madeira.clipExtent()[1][0], madeira.clipExtent()[1][1]]));"LL BBOX:", iberianPeninsule.invert([madeira.clipExtent()[0][0], madeira.clipExtent()[1][1]]));"CLIP EXTENT AZORES: ", azores.clipExtent());"UL BBOX:", iberianPeninsule.invert([azores.clipExtent()[0][0], azores.clipExtent()[0][1]]));"UR BBOX:", iberianPeninsule.invert([azores.clipExtent()[1][0], azores.clipExtent()[0][1]]));"LD BBOX:", iberianPeninsule.invert([azores.clipExtent()[1][0], azores.clipExtent()[1][1]]));"LL BBOX:", iberianPeninsule.invert([azores.clipExtent()[0][0], azores.clipExtent()[1][1]]));
var ulmadeira = iberianPeninsule([-12.8351, 38.7113]);
var urmadeira = iberianPeninsule([-10.8482, 38.7633]);
var ldmadeira = iberianPeninsule([-10.8181, 37.2072]);
var llmadeira = iberianPeninsule([-12.7345, 37.1573]);
var ulazores = iberianPeninsule([-16.0753, 41.4436]);
var urazores = iberianPeninsule([-10.9168, 41.6861]);
var ldazores = iberianPeninsule([-10.8557, 38.7747]);
var llazores = iberianPeninsule([-15.6728, 38.5505]);
context.moveTo(ulmadeira[0], ulmadeira[1]);
context.lineTo(urmadeira[0], urmadeira[1]);
context.lineTo(ldmadeira[0], ldmadeira[1]);
context.lineTo(ldmadeira[0], ldmadeira[1]);
context.lineTo(llmadeira[0], llmadeira[1]);
context.moveTo(ulazores[0], ulazores[1]);
context.lineTo(urazores[0], urazores[1]);
context.lineTo(ldazores[0], ldazores[1]);
context.lineTo(ldazores[0], ldazores[1]);
context.lineTo(llazores[0], llazores[1]);
conicConformalPortugal.getCompositionBorders = function() {
var context = d3Path.path();
return context.toString();
return conicConformalPortugal.scale(4200);
// The projections must have mutually exclusive clip regions on the sphere,
// as this will avoid emitting interleaving lines and polygons.
function multiplex$4(streams) {
var n = streams.length;
return {
point: function(x, y) { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].point(x, y); }},
sphere: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].sphere(); }},
lineStart: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].lineStart(); }},
lineEnd: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].lineEnd(); }},
polygonStart: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].polygonStart(); }},
polygonEnd: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].polygonEnd(); }}
// A composite projection for Ecuador, configured by default for 960×500.
function mercatorEcuador() {
var cache,
mainland = d3Geo.geoMercator().rotate([80, 1.5]), mainlandPoint,
galapagos = d3Geo.geoMercator().rotate([90.73, 1]), galapagosPoint,
point, pointStream = {point: function(x, y) { point = [x, y]; }};
var mainlandBbox = [[-81.5, 2.7], [-70.0, -6.0]];
var galapagosBbox = [[-92.2, 0.58], [-88.8, -1.8]];
function mercatorEcuador(coordinates) {
var x = coordinates[0], y = coordinates[1];
return point = null,
(mainlandPoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(galapagosPoint.point(x, y), point);
mercatorEcuador.invert = function(coordinates) {
var k = mainland.scale(),
t = mainland.translate(),
x = (coordinates[0] - t[0]) / k,
y = (coordinates[1] - t[1]) / k;
//How are the return values calculated:
var c0 = galapagos(galapagosBbox[0]);
var x0 = (c0[0] - t[0]) / k;
var y0 = (c0[1] - t[1]) / k;"p0 galapagos", x0 + ' - ' + y0);
var c1 = galapagos(galapagosBbox[1]);
var x1 = (c1[0] - t[0]) / k;
var y1 = (c1[1] - t[1]) / k;"p1 galapagos", x1 + ' - ' + y1);
return (y >= -0.0676 && y< -0.026 && x >= -0.0857 && x < -0.0263 ? galapagos
: mainland).invert(coordinates);
}; = function(stream) {
return cache && cacheStream === stream ? cache : cache = multiplex$4([ = stream),]);
mercatorEcuador.precision = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {return mainland.precision();}
return mercatorEcuador;
mercatorEcuador.scale = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {return mainland.scale();}
return mercatorEcuador.translate(mainland.translate());
mercatorEcuador.translate = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {return mainland.translate();}
var k = mainland.scale(), x = +_[0], y = +_[1];
var c0 = mainland(mainlandBbox[0]);
var x0 = (x - c0[0]) / k;
var y0 = (y - c0[1]) / k;
var c1 = mainland(mainlandBbox[1]);
var x1 = (x - c1[0]) / k;
var y1 = (y - c1[1]) / k;'mainland: p0: ' + x0 + ', ' + y0 + ' , p1: ' + x1 + ' - ' + y1);'.clipExtent([[x '+
(x0<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(x0.toFixed(4))+
' * k, y '+
(y0<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(y0.toFixed(4))+
' * k],[x '+
(x1<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(x1.toFixed(4))+
' * k, y '+
(y1<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(y1.toFixed(4))+
' * k]])');
c0 = galapagos.translate([x - 0.06 * k, y - 0.04 * k])(galapagosBbox[0]);
x0 = (x - c0[0]) / k;
y0 = (y - c0[1]) / k;
c1 = galapagos.translate([x - 0.06 * k, y - 0.04 * k])(galapagosBbox[1]);
x1 = (x - c1[0]) / k;
y1 = (y - c1[1]) / k;'galapagos: p0: ' + x0 + ', ' + y0 + ' , p1: ' + x1 + ' - ' + y1);'.clipExtent([[x '+
(x0<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(x0.toFixed(4))+
' * k + epsilon, y '+
(y0<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(y0.toFixed(4))+
' * k + epsilon],[x '+
(x1<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(x1.toFixed(4))+
' * k - epsilon, y '+
(y1<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(y1.toFixed(4))+
' * k - epsilon]])');*/
mainlandPoint = mainland
.clipExtent([[x - 0.0262 * k, y - 0.0734 * k],[x + 0.1741 * k, y + 0.079 * k]])
galapagosPoint = galapagos
.translate([x - 0.06 * k, y - 0.04 * k])
.clipExtent([[x - 0.0857 * k + epsilon, y - 0.0676 * k + epsilon],[x - 0.0263 * k - epsilon, y - 0.026 * k - epsilon]])
return mercatorEcuador;
mercatorEcuador.drawCompositionBorders = function(context) {
/*"CLIP EXTENT: ", galapagos.clipExtent());"UL BBOX:", mainland.invert([galapagos.clipExtent()[0][0], galapagos.clipExtent()[0][1]]));"UR BBOX:", mainland.invert([galapagos.clipExtent()[1][0], galapagos.clipExtent()[0][1]]));"LD BBOX:", mainland.invert([galapagos.clipExtent()[1][0], galapagos.clipExtent()[1][1]]));"LL BBOX:", mainland.invert([galapagos.clipExtent()[0][0], galapagos.clipExtent()[1][1]]));
var ulgalapagos = mainland([-84.9032, 2.3757]);
var urgalapagos = mainland([-81.5047, 2.3708]);
var ldgalapagos = mainland([-81.5063, -0.01]);
var llgalapagos = mainland([-84.9086, -0.005]);
context.moveTo(ulgalapagos[0], ulgalapagos[1]);
context.lineTo(urgalapagos[0], urgalapagos[1]);
context.lineTo(ldgalapagos[0], ldgalapagos[1]);
context.lineTo(llgalapagos[0], llgalapagos[1]);
mercatorEcuador.getCompositionBorders = function() {
var context = d3Path.path();
return context.toString();
return mercatorEcuador.scale(3500);
// The projections must have mutually exclusive clip regions on the sphere,
// as this will avoid emitting interleaving lines and polygons.
function multiplex$5(streams) {
var n = streams.length;
return {
point: function(x, y) { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].point(x, y); }},
sphere: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].sphere(); }},
lineStart: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].lineStart(); }},
lineEnd: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].lineEnd(); }},
polygonStart: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].polygonStart(); }},
polygonEnd: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].polygonEnd(); }}
// A composite projection for Chile, configured by default for 960×500.
function transverseMercatorChile() {
var cache,
mainland = d3Geo.geoTransverseMercator().rotate([72, 37]), mainlandPoint,
antarctic = d3Geo.geoStereographic().rotate([72, 0]), antarcticPoint,
juanFernandez = d3Geo.geoMercator().rotate([80, 33.5]), juanFernandezPoint,
pascua = d3Geo.geoMercator().rotate([110, 25]), pascuaPoint,
point, pointStream = {point: function(x, y) { point = [x, y]; }};
var mainlandBbox = [[-75.5, -15.0], [-32, -49.0]];
var antarcticBbox = [[-91.0, -60.0], [-43.0, -90.0]];
var juanFernandezBbox = [[-81.0, -33.0], [-78.5, -34.0]];
var pascuaBbox = [[-110, -26.6], [-108.7, -27.5]];
function transverseMercatorChile(coordinates) {
var x = coordinates[0], y = coordinates[1];
return point = null,
(mainlandPoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(antarcticPoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(juanFernandezPoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(pascuaPoint.point(x, y), point);
transverseMercatorChile.invert = function(coordinates) {
var k = mainland.scale(),
t = mainland.translate(),
x = (coordinates[0] - t[0]) / k,
y = (coordinates[1] - t[1]) / k;
//How are the return values calculated:"******");
var c0 = antarctic(antarcticBbox[0]);
var x0 = (c0[0] - t[0]) / k;
var y0 = (c0[1] - t[1]) / k;"p0 antarctic", x0 + ' - ' + y0);
var c1 = antarctic(antarcticBbox[1]);
var x1 = (c1[0] - t[0]) / k;
var y1 = (c1[1] - t[1]) / k;"p1 antarctic", x1 + ' - ' + y1);
c0 = juanFernandez(juanFernandezBbox[0]);
x0 = (c0[0] - t[0]) / k;
y0 = (c0[1] - t[1]) / k;"p0 juanFernandez", x0 + ' - ' + y0);
c1 = juanFernandez(juanFernandezBbox[1]);
x1 = (c1[0] - t[0]) / k;
y1 = (c1[1] - t[1]) / k;"p1 juanFernandez", x1 + ' - ' + y1);
c0 = pascua(pascuaBbox[0]);
x0 = (c0[0] - t[0]) / k;
y0 = (c0[1] - t[1]) / k;"p0 pascua", x0 + ' - ' + y0);
c1 = pascua(pascuaBbox[1]);
x1 = (c1[0] - t[0]) / k;
y1 = (c1[1] - t[1]) / k;"p1 pascua", x1 + ' - ' + y1);
return (y >= 0.2582 && y< 0.32 && x >= -0.1036 && x < -0.087 ? antarctic
: y >= -0.01298 && y< 0.0133 && x >= -0.11396 && x < -0.05944 ? juanFernandez
: y >= 0.01539 && y< 0.03911 && x >= -0.089 && x < -0.0588 ? pascua
: mainland).invert(coordinates);
}; = function(stream) {
return cache && cacheStream === stream ? cache : cache = multiplex$5([ = stream),,,]);
transverseMercatorChile.precision = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {return mainland.precision();}
return transverseMercatorChile;
transverseMercatorChile.scale = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {return mainland.scale();}
antarctic.scale(_ * 0.15);
juanFernandez.scale(_ * 1.5);
pascua.scale(_ * 1.5);
return transverseMercatorChile.translate(mainland.translate());
transverseMercatorChile.translate = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {return mainland.translate();}
var k = mainland.scale(), x = +_[0], y = +_[1];
var c0 = mainland(mainlandBbox[0]);
var x0 = (x - c0[0]) / k;
var y0 = (y - c0[1]) / k;
var c1 = mainland(mainlandBbox[1]);
var x1 = (x - c1[0]) / k;
var y1 = (y - c1[1]) / k;'Mainland: p0: ' + x0 + ', ' + y0 + ' , p1: ' + x1 + ' - ' + y1);'.clipExtent([[x '+
(x0<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(x0.toFixed(4))+
' * k, y '+
(y0<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(y0.toFixed(4))+
' * k],[x '+
(x1<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(x1.toFixed(4))+
' * k, y '+
(y1<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(y1.toFixed(4))+
' * k]])');
c0 = antarctic.translate([x - 0.1 * k, y + 0.17 * k])(antarcticBbox[0]);
x0 = (x - c0[0]) / k;
y0 = (y - c0[1]) / k;
c1 = antarctic.translate([x - 0.1 * k, y + 0.17 * k])(antarcticBbox[1]);
x1 = (x - c1[0]) / k;
y1 = (y - c1[1]) / k;'antarctic: p0: ' + x0 + ', ' + y0 + ' , p1: ' + x1 + ' - ' + y1);'Doesn t work due to -90 latitude!' + '.clipExtent([[x '+
(x0<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(x0.toFixed(4))+
' * k + epsilon, y '+
(y0<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(y0.toFixed(4))+
' * k + epsilon],[x '+
(x1<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(x1.toFixed(4))+
' * k - epsilon, y '+
(y1<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(y1.toFixed(4))+
' * k - epsilon]])');
c0 = juanFernandez.translate([x - 0.092 * k, y -0 * k])(juanFernandezBbox[0]);
x0 = (x - c0[0]) / k;
y0 = (y - c0[1]) / k;
c1 = juanFernandez.translate([x - 0.092 * k, y -0 * k])(juanFernandezBbox[1]);
x1 = (x - c1[0]) / k;
y1 = (y - c1[1]) / k;'juanFernandez: p0: ' + x0 + ', ' + y0 + ' , p1: ' + x1 + ' - ' + y1);'.clipExtent([[x '+
(x0<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(x0.toFixed(4))+
' * k + epsilon, y '+
(y0<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(y0.toFixed(4))+
' * k + epsilon],[x '+
(x1<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(x1.toFixed(4))+
' * k - epsilon, y '+
(y1<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(y1.toFixed(4))+
' * k - epsilon]])');
c0 = pascua.translate([x - 0.089 * k, y -0.0265 * k])(pascuaBbox[0]);
x0 = (x - c0[0]) / k;
y0 = (y - c0[1]) / k;
c1 = pascua.translate([x - 0.089 * k, y -0.0265 * k])(pascuaBbox[1]);
x1 = (x - c1[0]) / k;
y1 = (y - c1[1]) / k;'pascua: p0: ' + x0 + ', ' + y0 + ' , p1: ' + x1 + ' - ' + y1);'.clipExtent([[x '+
(x0<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(x0.toFixed(4))+
' * k + epsilon, y '+
(y0<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(y0.toFixed(4))+
' * k + epsilon],[x '+
(x1<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(x1.toFixed(4))+
' * k - epsilon, y '+
(y1<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(y1.toFixed(4))+
' * k - epsilon]])');
mainlandPoint = mainland
.clipExtent([[x - 0.059 * k, y - 0.3835 * k],[x + 0.4498 * k, y + 0.3375 * k]])
antarcticPoint = antarctic
.translate([x - 0.087 * k, y + 0.17 * k])
.clipExtent([[x - 0.1166 * k + epsilon, y + 0.2582 * k + epsilon],[x - 0.06 * k - epsilon, y + 0.32 * k - epsilon]])
juanFernandezPoint = juanFernandez
.translate([x - 0.092 * k, y - 0 * k])
.clipExtent([[x - 0.114 * k + epsilon, y - 0.013 * k + epsilon],[x - 0.0594 * k - epsilon, y + 0.0133 * k - epsilon]])
pascuaPoint = pascua
.translate([x - 0.089 * k, y - 0.0265 * k])
.clipExtent([[x - 0.089 * k + epsilon, y + 0.0154 * k + epsilon],[x - 0.0588 * k - epsilon, y + 0.0391 * k - epsilon]])
return transverseMercatorChile;
transverseMercatorChile.drawCompositionBorders = function(context) {
/*"CLIP EXTENT antarctic: ", antarctic.clipExtent());"UL BBOX:", mainland.invert([antarctic.clipExtent()[0][0], antarctic.clipExtent()[0][1]]));"UR BBOX:", mainland.invert([antarctic.clipExtent()[1][0], antarctic.clipExtent()[0][1]]));"LD BBOX:", mainland.invert([antarctic.clipExtent()[1][0], antarctic.clipExtent()[1][1]]));"LL BBOX:", mainland.invert([antarctic.clipExtent()[0][0], antarctic.clipExtent()[1][1]]));"CLIP EXTENT juanFernandez: ", juanFernandez.clipExtent());"UL BBOX:", mainland.invert([juanFernandez.clipExtent()[0][0], juanFernandez.clipExtent()[0][1]]));"UR BBOX:", mainland.invert([juanFernandez.clipExtent()[1][0], juanFernandez.clipExtent()[0][1]]));"LD BBOX:", mainland.invert([juanFernandez.clipExtent()[1][0], juanFernandez.clipExtent()[1][1]]));"LL BBOX:", mainland.invert([juanFernandez.clipExtent()[0][0], juanFernandez.clipExtent()[1][1]]));"CLIP EXTENT pascua: ", pascua.clipExtent());"UL BBOX:", mainland.invert([pascua.clipExtent()[0][0], pascua.clipExtent()[0][1]]));"UR BBOX:", mainland.invert([pascua.clipExtent()[1][0], pascua.clipExtent()[0][1]]));"LD BBOX:", mainland.invert([pascua.clipExtent()[1][0], pascua.clipExtent()[1][1]]));"LL BBOX:", mainland.invert([pascua.clipExtent()[0][0], pascua.clipExtent()[1][1]]));
var ulantarctic = mainland([-82.6999, -51.3043]);
var urantarctic = mainland([-77.5442, -51.6631]);
var ldantarctic = mainland([-78.0254, -55.1860]);
var llantarctic = mainland([-83.6106, -54.7785]);
var uljuanFernandez = mainland([-80.0638, -35.9840]);
var urjuanFernandez = mainland([-76.2153, -36.1811]);
var ldjuanFernandez = mainland([-76.2994, -37.6839]);
var lljuanFernandez = mainland([-80.2231, -37.4757]);
var ulpascua = mainland([-78.442, -37.706]);
var urpascua = mainland([-76.263, -37.8054]);
var ldpascua = mainland([-76.344, -39.1595]);
var llpascua = mainland([-78.5638, -39.0559]);
context.moveTo(ulantarctic[0], ulantarctic[1]);
context.lineTo(urantarctic[0], urantarctic[1]);
context.lineTo(ldantarctic[0], ldantarctic[1]);
context.lineTo(ldantarctic[0], ldantarctic[1]);
context.lineTo(llantarctic[0], llantarctic[1]);
context.moveTo(uljuanFernandez[0], uljuanFernandez[1]);
context.lineTo(urjuanFernandez[0], urjuanFernandez[1]);
context.lineTo(ldjuanFernandez[0], ldjuanFernandez[1]);
context.lineTo(ldjuanFernandez[0], ldjuanFernandez[1]);
context.lineTo(lljuanFernandez[0], lljuanFernandez[1]);
context.moveTo(ulpascua[0], ulpascua[1]);
context.lineTo(urpascua[0], urpascua[1]);
context.lineTo(ldpascua[0], ldpascua[1]);
context.lineTo(ldpascua[0], ldpascua[1]);
context.lineTo(llpascua[0], llpascua[1]);
transverseMercatorChile.getCompositionBorders = function() {
var context = d3Path.path();
return context.toString();
return transverseMercatorChile.scale(700);
// The projections must have mutually exclusive clip regions on the sphere,
// as this will avoid emitting interleaving lines and polygons.
function multiplex$6(streams) {
var n = streams.length;
return {
point: function(x, y) { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].point(x, y); }},
sphere: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].sphere(); }},
lineStart: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].lineStart(); }},
lineEnd: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].lineEnd(); }},
polygonStart: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].polygonStart(); }},
polygonEnd: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].polygonEnd(); }}
// A composite projection for Portugal, configured by default for 960×500.
function conicEquidistantJapan() {
var cache,
mainland = d3Geo.geoConicEquidistant().rotate([-136, -22]).parallels([40, 34]), mainlandPoint, //
hokkaido = d3Geo.geoConicEquidistant().rotate([-146, -26]).parallels([40, 34]), hokkaidoPoint,
okinawa = d3Geo.geoConicEquidistant().rotate([-126, -19]).parallels([40, 34]), okinawaPoint,
point, pointStream = {point: function(x, y) { point = [x, y]; }};
var mainlandBbox = [[126.0, 41.606], [142.97, 29.97]];
var hokkaidoBbox = [[138.7, 45.61], [146.2, 41.2]];
var okinawaBbox = [[122.6, 29.0], [130, 23.7]];
function conicEquidistantJapan(coordinates) {
var x = coordinates[0], y = coordinates[1];
return point = null,
(mainlandPoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(hokkaidoPoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(okinawaPoint.point(x, y), point);
conicEquidistantJapan.invert = function(coordinates) {
var k = mainland.scale(),
t = mainland.translate(),
x = (coordinates[0] - t[0]) / k,
y = (coordinates[1] - t[1]) / k;
//How are the return values calculated:"******");
var c0 = hokkaido(hokkaidoBbox[0]);
var x0 = (c0[0] - t[0]) / k;
var y0 = (c0[1] - t[1]) / k;"p0 hokkaido", x0 + ' - ' + y0);
var c1 = hokkaido(hokkaidoBbox[1]);
var x1 = (c1[0] - t[0]) / k;
var y1 = (c1[1] - t[1]) / k;"p1 hokkaido", x1 + ' - ' + y1);
c0 = okinawa(okinawaBbox[0]);
x0 = (c0[0] - t[0]) / k;
y0 = (c0[1] - t[1]) / k;"p0 okinawa", x0 + ' - ' + y0);
c1 = okinawa(okinawaBbox[1]);
x1 = (c1[0] - t[0]) / k;
y1 = (c1[1] - t[1]) / k;"p1 okinawa", x1 + ' - ' + y1);
return (y >= -0.10925 && y< -0.02701 && x >= -0.135 && x < -0.0397 ? hokkaido
: y >= 0.04713 && y< 0.11138 && x >= -0.03986 && x < 0.051 ? okinawa
: mainland).invert(coordinates);
}; = function(stream) {
return cache && cacheStream === stream ? cache : cache = multiplex$6([ = stream),,]);
conicEquidistantJapan.precision = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {return mainland.precision();}
return conicEquidistantJapan;
conicEquidistantJapan.scale = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {return mainland.scale();}
okinawa.scale(_ * 0.7);
return conicEquidistantJapan.translate(mainland.translate());
conicEquidistantJapan.translate = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {return mainland.translate();}
var k = mainland.scale(), x = +_[0], y = +_[1];
var c0 = mainland(mainlandBbox[0]);
var x0 = (x - c0[0]) / k;
var y0 = (y - c0[1]) / k;
var c1 = mainland(mainlandBbox[1]);
var x1 = (x - c1[0]) / k;
var y1 = (y - c1[1]) / k;'Main: p0: ' + x0 + ', ' + y0 + ' , p1: ' + x1 + ' - ' + y1);'.clipExtent([[x '+
(x0<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(x0.toFixed(4))+
' * k, y '+
(y0<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(y0.toFixed(4))+
' * k],[x '+
(x1<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(x1.toFixed(4))+
' * k, y '+
(y1<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(y1.toFixed(4))+
' * k]])');
c0 = hokkaido.translate([x - 0.0425 * k, y - 0.005 * k])(hokkaidoBbox[0]);
x0 = (x - c0[0]) / k;
y0 = (y - c0[1]) / k;
c1 = hokkaido.translate([x - 0.0425 * k, y - 0.005 * k])(hokkaidoBbox[1]);
x1 = (x - c1[0]) / k;
y1 = (y - c1[1]) / k;'hokkaido: p0: ' + x0 + ', ' + y0 + ' , p1: ' + x1 + ' - ' + y1);'.clipExtent([[x '+
(x0<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(x0.toFixed(4))+
' * k + epsilon, y '+
(y0<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(y0.toFixed(4))+
' * k + epsilon],[x '+
(x1<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(x1.toFixed(4))+
' * k - epsilon, y '+
(y1<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(y1.toFixed(4))+
' * k - epsilon]])');
c0 = okinawa.translate([x - 0 * k, y + 0 * k])(okinawaBbox[0]);
x0 = (x - c0[0]) / k;
y0 = (y - c0[1]) / k;
c1 = okinawa.translate([x - 0 * k, y + 0 * k])(okinawaBbox[1]);
x1 = (x - c1[0]) / k;
y1 = (y - c1[1]) / k;'okinawa: p0: ' + x0 + ', ' + y0 + ' , p1: ' + x1 + ' - ' + y1);'.clipExtent([[x '+
(x0<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(x0.toFixed(4))+
' * k + epsilon, y '+
(y0<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(y0.toFixed(4))+
' * k + epsilon],[x '+
(x1<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(x1.toFixed(4))+
' * k - epsilon, y '+
(y1<0?'+ ':'- ') + Math.abs(y1.toFixed(4))+
' * k - epsilon]])');
mainlandPoint = mainland
.clipExtent([[x - 0.1352 * k, y - 0.1091 * k],[x + 0.117 * k, y + 0.098 * k]])
hokkaidoPoint = hokkaido
.translate([x - 0.0425 * k, y - 0.005 * k])
.clipExtent([[x - 0.135 * k + epsilon, y - 0.1093 * k + epsilon],[x - 0.0397 * k - epsilon, y - 0.027 * k - epsilon]])
okinawaPoint = okinawa
.clipExtent([[x - 0.0399 * k + epsilon, y + 0.0471 * k + epsilon],[x + 0.051 * k - epsilon, y + 0.1114 * k - epsilon]])
return conicEquidistantJapan;
conicEquidistantJapan.drawCompositionBorders = function(context) {
/*"CLIP EXTENT hokkaido: ", hokkaido.clipExtent());"UL BBOX:", mainland.invert([hokkaido.clipExtent()[0][0], hokkaido.clipExtent()[0][1]]));"UR BBOX:", mainland.invert([hokkaido.clipExtent()[1][0], hokkaido.clipExtent()[0][1]]));"LD BBOX:", mainland.invert([hokkaido.clipExtent()[1][0], hokkaido.clipExtent()[1][1]]));"LL BBOX:", mainland.invert([hokkaido.clipExtent()[0][0], hokkaido.clipExtent()[1][1]]));
var ulhokkaido = mainland([ 126.01320483689143, 41.621090310215585 ]);
var urhokkaido = mainland([ 133.04304387025903, 42.15087523707186 ]);
var ldhokkaido = mainland([ 133.3021766080688, 37.43975444725098 ]);
var llhokkaido = mainland([ 126.87889168628224, 36.95488945159779 ]);
var llokinawa = mainland([132.9, 29.8]);
var lmokinawa = mainland([134, 33]);
var lrokinawa = mainland([139.3, 33.2]);
var llrokinawa = mainland([139.16, 30.5]);
context.moveTo(ulhokkaido[0], ulhokkaido[1]);
context.lineTo(urhokkaido[0], urhokkaido[1]);
context.lineTo(ldhokkaido[0], ldhokkaido[1]);
context.lineTo(llhokkaido[0], llhokkaido[1]);
context.moveTo(llokinawa[0], llokinawa[1]);
context.lineTo(lmokinawa[0], lmokinawa[1]);
context.lineTo(lrokinawa[0], lrokinawa[1]);
context.lineTo(llrokinawa[0], llrokinawa[1]);
conicEquidistantJapan.getCompositionBorders = function() {
var context = d3Path.path();
return context.toString();
return conicEquidistantJapan.scale(2200);
// The projections must have mutually exclusive clip regions on the sphere,
// as this will avoid emitting interleaving lines and polygons.
function multiplex$7(streams) {
var n = streams.length;
return {
point: function(x, y) { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].point(x, y); }},
sphere: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].sphere(); }},
lineStart: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].lineStart(); }},
lineEnd: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].lineEnd(); }},
polygonStart: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].polygonStart(); }},
polygonEnd: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].polygonEnd(); }}
// A composite projection for Portugal, configured by default for 960×500.
function conicConformalFrance() {
var cache,
europe = d3Geo.geoConicConformal().rotate([-3, -46.2]).parallels([0, 60]), europePoint,
guyane = d3Geo.geoMercator().center([-53.2, 3.9]), guyanePoint,
martinique = d3Geo.geoMercator().center([-61.03, 14.67]), martiniquePoint,
guadeloupe = d3Geo.geoMercator().center([-61.46, 16.14]), guadeloupePoint,
saintBarthlemy = d3Geo.geoMercator().center([-62.85, 17.92]), saintBarthlemyPoint,
stPierreMichelon = d3Geo.geoMercator().center([-56.23, 46.93]), stPierreMichelonPoint,
mayotte = d3Geo.geoMercator().center([45.16, -12.8]), mayottePoint,
reunion = d3Geo.geoMercator().center([55.52, -21.13]), reunionPoint,
nouvelleCaledonie = d3Geo.geoMercator().center([165.8, -21.07]), nouvelleCaledoniePoint,
wallisFutuna = d3Geo.geoMercator().center([-178.1, -14.3]), wallisFutunaPoint,
polynesie = d3Geo.geoMercator().center([-150.55, -17.11]), polynesiePoint,
polynesie2 = d3Geo.geoMercator().center([-150.55, -17.11]), polynesie2Point,
point, pointStream = {point: function(x, y) { point = [x, y]; }};
var europeBbox = [[-6.5, 51], [10, 41]];
var guyaneBbox = [[-54.5, 6.29], [-50.9, 1.48]];
function conicConformalFrance(coordinates) {
var x = coordinates[0], y = coordinates[1];
return point = null,
(europePoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(guyanePoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(martiniquePoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(guadeloupePoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(saintBarthlemyPoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(stPierreMichelonPoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(mayottePoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(reunionPoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(nouvelleCaledoniePoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(wallisFutunaPoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(polynesiePoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(polynesie2Point.point(x, y), point);
conicConformalFrance.invert = function(coordinates) {
var k = europe.scale(),
t = europe.translate(),
x = (coordinates[0] - t[0]) / k,
y = (coordinates[1] - t[1]) / k;
return (y >= 0.029 && y< 0.0864 && x >= -0.14 && x < -0.0996 ? guyane
: y >= 0 && y< 0.029 && x >= -0.14 && x < -0.0996 ? martinique
: y >= -0.032 && y< 0 && x >= -0.14 && x < -0.0996 ? guadeloupe
: y >= -0.052 && y< -0.032 && x >= -0.14 && x < -0.0996 ? saintBarthlemy
: y >= -0.076 && y< 0.052 && x >= -0.14 && x < -0.0996 ? stPierreMichelon
: y >= -0.076 && y< -0.052 && x >= 0.0967 && x < 0.1371 ? mayotte
: y >= -0.052 && y< -0.02 && x >= 0.0967 && x < 0.1371 ? reunion
: y >= -0.02 && y< 0.012 && x >= 0.0967 && x < 0.1371 ? nouvelleCaledonie
: y >= 0.012 && y< 0.033 && x >= 0.0967 && x < 0.1371 ? wallisFutuna
: y >= 0.033 && y< 0.0864 && x >= 0.0967 && x < 0.1371 ? polynesie
: europe).invert(coordinates);
}; = function(stream) {
return cache && cacheStream === stream ? cache : cache = multiplex$7([ = stream),,,,,,,,,,,]);
conicConformalFrance.precision = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {return europe.precision();}
return conicConformalFrance;
conicConformalFrance.scale = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {return europe.scale();}
guyane.scale(_ * 0.6);
martinique.scale(_ * 1.6);
guadeloupe.scale(_ * 1.4);
saintBarthlemy.scale(_ * 5);
stPierreMichelon.scale(_ * 1.3);
mayotte.scale(_ * 1.6);
reunion.scale(_ * 1.2);
nouvelleCaledonie.scale(_ * 0.3);
wallisFutuna.scale(_ * 2.7);
polynesie.scale(_ * 0.5);
polynesie2.scale(_ * 0.06);
return conicConformalFrance.translate(europe.translate());
conicConformalFrance.translate = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {return europe.translate();}
var k = europe.scale(), x = +_[0], y = +_[1];
europePoint = europe
.clipExtent([[x - 0.0996 * k, y - 0.0908 * k],[x + 0.0967 * k, y + 0.0864 * k]])
guyanePoint = guyane
.translate([x - 0.12 * k, y + 0.0575 * k])
.clipExtent([[x - 0.14 * k + epsilon, y + 0.029 * k + epsilon],[x - 0.0996 * k - epsilon, y + 0.0864 * k - epsilon]])
martiniquePoint = martinique
.translate([x - 0.12 * k, y + 0.013 * k])
.clipExtent([[x - 0.14 * k + epsilon, y + 0 * k + epsilon],[x - 0.0996 * k - epsilon, y + 0.029 * k - epsilon]])
guadeloupePoint = guadeloupe
.translate([x - 0.12 * k, y -0.014 * k])
.clipExtent([[x - 0.14 * k + epsilon, y - 0.032 * k + epsilon],[x - 0.0996 * k - epsilon, y + 0 * k - epsilon]])
saintBarthlemyPoint = saintBarthlemy
.translate([x - 0.12 * k, y - 0.044 * k])
.clipExtent([[x - 0.14 * k + epsilon, y - 0.052 * k + epsilon],[x - 0.0996 * k - epsilon, y - 0.032 * k - epsilon]])
stPierreMichelonPoint = stPierreMichelon
.translate([x - 0.12 * k, y - 0.065 * k])
.clipExtent([[x - 0.14 * k + epsilon, y - 0.076 * k + epsilon],[x - 0.0996 * k - epsilon, y - 0.052 * k - epsilon]])
mayottePoint = mayotte
.translate([x + 0.117 * k, y - 0.064 * k])
.clipExtent([[x + 0.0967 * k + epsilon, y - 0.076 * k + epsilon],[x + 0.1371 * k - epsilon, y - 0.052 * k - epsilon]])
reunionPoint = reunion
.translate([x + 0.116 * k, y - 0.0355 * k])
.clipExtent([[x + 0.0967 * k + epsilon, y - 0.052 * k + epsilon],[x + 0.1371 * k - epsilon, y - 0.02 * k - epsilon]])
nouvelleCaledoniePoint = nouvelleCaledonie
.translate([x + 0.116 * k, y - 0.0048 * k])
.clipExtent([[x + 0.0967 * k + epsilon, y - 0.02 * k + epsilon],[x + 0.1371 * k - epsilon, y + 0.012 * k - epsilon]])
wallisFutunaPoint = wallisFutuna
.translate([x + 0.116 * k, y + 0.022 * k])
.clipExtent([[x + 0.0967 * k + epsilon, y + 0.012 * k + epsilon],[x + 0.1371 * k - epsilon, y + 0.033 * k - epsilon]])
polynesie2Point = polynesie2
.translate([x + 0.11 * k, y + 0.045 * k])
.clipExtent([[x + 0.0967 * k + epsilon, y + 0.033 * k + epsilon],[x + 0.1371 * k - epsilon, y + 0.06 * k - epsilon]])
polynesiePoint = polynesie
.translate([x + 0.115 * k, y + 0.075 * k])
.clipExtent([[x + 0.0967 * k + epsilon, y + 0.06 * k + epsilon],[x + 0.1371 * k - epsilon, y + 0.0864 * k - epsilon]])
return conicConformalFrance;
conicConformalFrance.drawCompositionBorders = function(context) {
console.log("var ul, ur, ld, ll;");
var projs = [guyane, martinique, guadeloupe, saintBarthlemy, stPierreMichelon, mayotte, reunion, nouvelleCaledonie, wallisFutuna, polynesie, polynesie2];
for (var i in projs){
var ul = europe.invert([projs[i].clipExtent()[0][0], projs[i].clipExtent()[0][1]]);
var ur = europe.invert([projs[i].clipExtent()[1][0], projs[i].clipExtent()[0][1]]);
var ld = europe.invert([projs[i].clipExtent()[1][0], projs[i].clipExtent()[1][1]]);
var ll = europe.invert([projs[i].clipExtent()[0][0], projs[i].clipExtent()[1][1]]);
console.log("ul = europe(["+ul+"]);");
console.log("ur = europe(["+ur+"]);");
console.log("ld = europe(["+ld+"]);");
console.log("ll = europe(["+ll+"]);");
console.log("context.moveTo(ul[0], ul[1]);");
console.log("context.lineTo(ur[0], ur[1]);");
console.log("context.lineTo(ld[0], ld[1]);");
console.log("context.lineTo(ll[0], ll[1]);");
var ul, ur, ld, ll;
ul = europe([-7.938886725111036,43.7219460918835]);
ur = europe([-4.832080896458295,44.12930268549372]);
ld = europe([-4.205299743793263,40.98096346967365]);
ll = europe([-7.071796453126152,40.610037319181444]);
context.moveTo(ul[0], ul[1]);
context.lineTo(ur[0], ur[1]);
context.lineTo(ld[0], ld[1]);
context.lineTo(ll[0], ll[1]);
ul = europe([-8.42751373617692,45.32889452553031]);
ur = europe([-5.18599305777107,45.7566442062976]);
ld = europe([-4.832080905154431,44.129302726751426]);
ll = europe([-7.938886737126192,43.72194613263854]);
context.moveTo(ul[0], ul[1]);
context.lineTo(ur[0], ur[1]);
context.lineTo(ld[0], ld[1]);
context.lineTo(ll[0], ll[1]);
ul = europe([-9.012656899657046,47.127733821030176]);
ur = europe([-5.6105244772793155,47.579777861410626]);
ld = europe([-5.185993067168585,45.756644248170346]);
ll = europe([-8.427513749141811,45.32889456686326]);
context.moveTo(ul[0], ul[1]);
context.lineTo(ur[0], ur[1]);
context.lineTo(ld[0], ld[1]);
context.lineTo(ll[0], ll[1]);
ul = europe([-9.405747558985553,48.26506375557457]);
ur = europe([-5.896175018439575,48.733352850851624]);
ld = europe([-5.610524487556043,47.57977790393761]);
ll = europe([-9.012656913808351,47.127733862971255]);
context.moveTo(ul[0], ul[1]);
context.lineTo(ur[0], ur[1]);
context.lineTo(ld[0], ld[1]);
context.lineTo(ll[0], ll[1]);
ul = europe([-9.908436061346974,49.642448789505856]);
ur = europe([-6.262026716233124,50.131426841787174]);
ld = europe([-5.896175029331232,48.73335289377258]);
ll = europe([-9.40574757396393,48.26506379787767]);
context.moveTo(ul[0], ul[1]);
context.lineTo(ur[0], ur[1]);
context.lineTo(ld[0], ld[1]);
context.lineTo(ll[0], ll[1]);
ul = europe([11.996907706504462,50.16039028163579]);
ur = europe([15.649907879773343,49.68279246765253]);
ld = europe([15.156712840526632,48.30371557625831]);
ll = europe([11.64122661754411,48.761078240546816]);
context.moveTo(ul[0], ul[1]);
context.lineTo(ur[0], ur[1]);
context.lineTo(ld[0], ld[1]);
context.lineTo(ll[0], ll[1]);
ul = europe([11.641226606955788,48.7610781975889]);
ur = europe([15.156712825832164,48.30371553390465]);
ld = europe([14.549932166241172,46.4866532486199]);
ll = europe([11.204443787952183,46.91899233914248]);
context.moveTo(ul[0], ul[1]);
context.lineTo(ur[0], ur[1]);
context.lineTo(ld[0], ld[1]);
context.lineTo(ll[0], ll[1]);
ul = europe([11.204443778297161,46.918992296823646]);
ur = europe([14.549932152815039,46.486653206856396]);
ld = europe([13.994409796764009,44.695833444323256]);
ll = europe([10.805306599253848,45.105133870684924]);
context.moveTo(ul[0], ul[1]);
context.lineTo(ur[0], ur[1]);
context.lineTo(ld[0], ld[1]);
context.lineTo(ll[0], ll[1]);
ul = europe([10.805306590412085,45.10513382903308]);
ur = europe([13.99440978444733,44.695833403183606]);
ld = europe([13.654633799024392,43.53552468558152]);
ll = europe([10.561516803980956,43.930671459798624]);
context.moveTo(ul[0], ul[1]);
context.lineTo(ur[0], ur[1]);
context.lineTo(ld[0], ld[1]);
context.lineTo(ll[0], ll[1]);
ul = europe([10.561516795617383,43.93067141859757]);
ur = europe([13.654633787361952,43.5355246448671]);
ld = europe([12.867691604239901,40.640701985019405]);
ll = europe([9.997809515987688,41.00288343254471]);
context.moveTo(ul[0], ul[1]);
context.lineTo(ur[0], ur[1]);
context.lineTo(ld[0], ld[1]);
context.lineTo(ll[0], ll[1]);
ul = europe([10.8,42.4]);
ur = europe([12.8,42.13]);
context.moveTo(ul[0], ul[1]);
context.lineTo(ur[0], ur[1]);
conicConformalFrance.getCompositionBorders = function() {
var context = d3Path.path();
return context.toString();
return conicConformalFrance.scale(2700);
// The projections must have mutually exclusive clip regions on the sphere,
// as this will avoid emitting interleaving lines and polygons.
function multiplex$8(streams) {
var n = streams.length;
return {
point: function(x, y) { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].point(x, y); }},
sphere: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].sphere(); }},
lineStart: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].lineStart(); }},
lineEnd: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].lineEnd(); }},
polygonStart: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].polygonStart(); }},
polygonEnd: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) {streams[i].polygonEnd(); }}
// A composite projection for Portugal, configured by default for 960×500.
function conicConformalEurope() {
var cache,
europe = d3Geo.geoConicConformal().rotate([-10, -53]).parallels([0, 60]), europePoint,
guadeloupe = d3Geo.geoMercator().center([-61.46, 16.14]), guadeloupePoint,
guyane = d3Geo.geoMercator().center([-53.2, 3.9]), guyanePoint,
azores = d3Geo.geoConicConformal().rotate([27.8, -38.9]).parallels([0, 60]), azoresPoint,
azores2 = d3Geo.geoConicConformal().rotate([25.43, -37.398]).parallels([0, 60]), azores2Point,
azores3 = d3Geo.geoConicConformal().rotate([31.17, -39.539]).parallels([0, 60]), azores3Point,
madeira = d3Geo.geoConicConformal().rotate([17, -32.7]).parallels([0, 60]), madeiraPoint,
canaryIslands = d3Geo.geoConicConformal().rotate([16, -28.5]).parallels([0,60]), canaryIslandsPoint,
martinique = d3Geo.geoMercator().center([-61.03, 14.67]), martiniquePoint,
mayotte = d3Geo.geoMercator().center([45.16, -12.8]), mayottePoint,
reunion = d3Geo.geoMercator().center([55.52, -21.13]), reunionPoint,
malta = d3Geo.geoConicConformal().rotate([-14.4, -35.95]).parallels([0, 60]), maltaPoint,
point, pointStream = {point: function(x, y) { point = [x, y]; }};
var europeBbox = [[-6.5, 51], [10, 41]];
var guyaneBbox = [[-54.5, 6.29], [-50.9, 1.48]];
function conicConformalEurope(coordinates) {
var x = coordinates[0], y = coordinates[1];
return point = null,
(europePoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(guyanePoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(martiniquePoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(guadeloupePoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(canaryIslandsPoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(madeiraPoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(mayottePoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(reunionPoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(maltaPoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(azoresPoint.point(x, y), point) ||
(azores2Point.point(x, y), point) ||
(azores3Point.point(x, y), point);
conicConformalEurope.invert = function(coordinates) {
var k = europe.scale(),
t = europe.translate(),
x = (coordinates[0] - (t[0] + 0.08 * k)) / k,
y = (coordinates[1] - t[1]) / k;
return (y >= -0.31 && y< -0.24 && x >= 0.14 && x < 0.24 ? guadeloupe
: y >= -0.24 && y< -0.17 && x >= 0.14 && x < 0.24 ? guyane
: y >= -0.17 && y< -0.12 && x >= 0.21 && x < 0.24 ? azores2
: y >= -0.17 && y< -0.14 && x >= 0.14 && x < 0.165 ? azores3
: y >= -0.17 && y< -0.1 && x >= 0.14 && x < 0.24 ? azores
: y >= -0.1 && y< -0.03 && x >= 0.14 && x < 0.24 ? madeira
: y >= -0.03 && y< 0.04 && x >= 0.14 && x < 0.24 ? canaryIslands
: y >= -0.31 && y< -0.24 && x >= 0.24 && x < 0.34 ? martinique
: y >= -0.24 && y< -0.17 && x >= 0.24 && x < 0.34 ? mayotte
: y >= -0.17 && y< -0.1 && x >= 0.24 && x < 0.34 ? reunion
: y >= -0.1 && y< -0.03 && x >= 0.24 && x < 0.34 ? malta
: europe).invert(coordinates);
}; = function(stream) {
return cache && cacheStream === stream ? cache : cache = multiplex$8([ = stream),,,,,,,,,,,]);
conicConformalEurope.precision = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {return europe.precision();}
return conicConformalEurope;
conicConformalEurope.scale = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {return europe.scale();}
guadeloupe.scale(_ * 3);
guyane.scale(_ * 0.8);
martinique.scale(_ * 3.5);
reunion.scale(_ * 2.7);
azores.scale(_ * 2);
azores2.scale(_ * 2);
azores3.scale(_ * 2);
madeira.scale(_ * 3);
mayotte.scale(_ * 5.5);
malta.scale(_ * 6);
return conicConformalEurope.translate(europe.translate());
conicConformalEurope.translate = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {return europe.translate();}
var k = europe.scale(), x = +_[0], y = +_[1];
europePoint = europe
.translate([x - 0.08 * k, y])
.clipExtent([[x - 0.51 * k, y - 0.33 * k],[x + 0.5 * k, y + 0.33 * k]])
guadeloupePoint = guadeloupe
.translate([x + 0.19 * k, y - 0.275 * k])
.clipExtent([[x + 0.14 * k + epsilon, y - 0.31 * k + epsilon],[x + 0.24 * k - epsilon, y - 0.24 * k - epsilon]])
guyanePoint = guyane
.translate([x + 0.19 * k, y - 0.205 * k])
.clipExtent([[x + 0.14 * k + epsilon, y - 0.24 * k + epsilon],[x + 0.24 * k - epsilon, y - 0.17 * k - epsilon]])
azoresPoint = azores
.translate([x + 0.19 * k, y - 0.135 * k])
.clipExtent([[x + 0.14 * k + epsilon, y - 0.17 * k + epsilon],[x + 0.24 * k - epsilon, y - 0.1 * k - epsilon]])
azores2Point = azores2
.translate([x + 0.225 * k, y - 0.147 * k])
.clipExtent([[x + 0.21 * k + epsilon, y - 0.17 * k + epsilon],[x + 0.24 * k - epsilon, y - 0.12 * k - epsilon]])
azores3Point = azores3
.translate([x + 0.153 * k, y - 0.15 * k])
.clipExtent([[x + 0.14 * k + epsilon, y - 0.17 * k + epsilon],[x + 0.165 * k - epsilon, y - 0.14 * k - epsilon]])
madeiraPoint = madeira
.translate([x + 0.19 * k, y - 0.065 * k])
.clipExtent([[x + 0.14 * k + epsilon, y - 0.1 * k + epsilon],[x + 0.24 * k - epsilon, y - 0.03 * k - epsilon]])
canaryIslandsPoint = canaryIslands
.translate([x + 0.19 * k, y + 0.005 * k])
.clipExtent([[x + 0.14 * k + epsilon, y - 0.03 * k + epsilon],[x + 0.24 * k - epsilon, y + 0.04 * k - epsilon]])
martiniquePoint = martinique
.translate([x + 0.29 * k, y - 0.275 * k])
.clipExtent([[x + 0.24 * k + epsilon, y - 0.31 * k + epsilon],[x + 0.34 * k - epsilon, y - 0.24 * k - epsilon]])
mayottePoint = mayotte
.translate([x + 0.29 * k, y - 0.205 * k])
.clipExtent([[x + 0.24 * k + epsilon, y - 0.24 * k + epsilon],[x + 0.34 * k - epsilon, y - 0.17 * k - epsilon]])
reunionPoint = reunion
.translate([x + 0.29 * k, y - 0.135 * k])
.clipExtent([[x + 0.24 * k + epsilon, y - 0.17 * k + epsilon],[x + 0.34 * k - epsilon, y - 0.1 * k - epsilon]])
maltaPoint = malta
.translate([x + 0.29 * k, y - 0.065 * k])
.clipExtent([[x + 0.24 * k + epsilon, y - 0.1 * k + epsilon],[x + 0.34 * k - epsilon, y - 0.03 * k - epsilon]])
return conicConformalEurope;
conicConformalEurope.drawCompositionBorders = function(context) {
console.log("var ul, ur, ld, ll;");
var projs = [guyane, martinique, guadeloupe, canaryIslands, madeira, mayotte, reunion, malta, azores, azores2, azores3];
for (var i in projs){
var ul = europe.invert([projs[i].clipExtent()[0][0], projs[i].clipExtent()[0][1]]);
var ur = europe.invert([projs[i].clipExtent()[1][0], projs[i].clipExtent()[0][1]]);
var ld = europe.invert([projs[i].clipExtent()[1][0], projs[i].clipExtent()[1][1]]);
var ll = europe.invert([projs[i].clipExtent()[0][0], projs[i].clipExtent()[1][1]]);
console.log("ul = europe(["+ul+"]);");
console.log("ur = europe(["+ur+"]);");
console.log("ld = europe(["+ld+"]);");
console.log("ll = europe(["+ll+"]);");
console.log("context.moveTo(ul[0], ul[1]);");
console.log("context.lineTo(ur[0], ur[1]);");
console.log("context.lineTo(ld[0], ld[1]);");
console.log("context.lineTo(ll[0], ll[1]);");
var ul, ur, ld, ll;
ul = europe([42.45755610828648,63.343658547914934]);
ur = europe([52.65837266667029,59.35045080290929]);
ld = europe([47.19754502247785,56.12653496548117]);
ll = europe([37.673034273363044,59.61638268506111]);
context.moveTo(ul[0], ul[1]);
context.lineTo(ur[0], ur[1]);
context.lineTo(ld[0], ld[1]);
context.lineTo(ll[0], ll[1]);
ul = europe([59.41110754003403,62.35069727399336]);
ur = europe([66.75050228640794,57.11797303636038]);
ld = europe([60.236065725110436,54.63331433818992]);
ll = europe([52.65837313153311,59.350450804599355]);
context.moveTo(ul[0], ul[1]);
context.lineTo(ur[0], ur[1]);
context.lineTo(ld[0], ld[1]);
context.lineTo(ll[0], ll[1]);
ul = europe([48.81091130080243,66.93353402634641]);
ur = europe([59.41110730654679,62.35069740653086]);
ld = europe([52.6583728974441,59.3504509222445]);
ll = europe([42.45755631675751,63.34365868805821]);
context.moveTo(ul[0], ul[1]);
context.lineTo(ur[0], ur[1]);
context.lineTo(ld[0], ld[1]);
context.lineTo(ll[0], ll[1]);
ul = europe([31.054198418446475,52.1080673766184]);
ur = europe([39.09869284884117,49.400700047190554]);
ld = europe([36.0580811499175,46.02944174908498]);
ll = europe([28.690508588835726,48.433126979386415]);
context.moveTo(ul[0], ul[1]);
context.lineTo(ur[0], ur[1]);
context.lineTo(ld[0], ld[1]);
context.lineTo(ll[0], ll[1]);
ul = europe([33.977877745912025,55.849945501331]);
ur = europe([42.75328432167726,52.78455122462353]);
ld = europe([39.09869297540224,49.400700176148625]);
ll = europe([31.05419851807008,52.10806751810923]);
context.moveTo(ul[0], ul[1]);
context.lineTo(ur[0], ur[1]);
context.lineTo(ld[0], ld[1]);
context.lineTo(ll[0], ll[1]);
ul = europe([52.658372900759296,59.35045068526415]);
ur = europe([60.23606549583304,54.63331423800264]);
ld = europe([54.6756370953122,51.892298789399455]);
ll = europe([47.19754524788189,56.126534861222794]);
context.moveTo(ul[0], ul[1]);
context.lineTo(ur[0], ur[1]);
context.lineTo(ld[0], ld[1]);
context.lineTo(ll[0], ll[1]);
ul = europe([47.19754506082455,56.126534735591456]);
ur = europe([54.675636900123514,51.892298681337095]);
ld = europe([49.94448648951486,48.98775484983285]);
ll = europe([42.75328468716108,52.78455126060818]);
context.moveTo(ul[0], ul[1]);
context.lineTo(ur[0], ur[1]);
context.lineTo(ld[0], ld[1]);
context.lineTo(ll[0], ll[1]);
ul = europe([42.75328453416769,52.78455113209101]);
ur = europe([49.94448632339758,48.98775473706457]);
ld = europe([45.912339990394315,45.99361784987003]);
ll = europe([39.09869317356607,49.40070009378711]);
context.moveTo(ul[0], ul[1]);
context.lineTo(ur[0], ur[1]);
context.lineTo(ld[0], ld[1]);
context.lineTo(ll[0], ll[1]);
ul = europe([37.673034114296634,59.61638254183119]);
ur = europe([47.197544835420544,56.126534839849846]);
ld = europe([42.75328447467064,52.78455135314068]);
ll = europe([33.977877870363905,55.849945644671145]);
context.moveTo(ul[0], ul[1]);
context.lineTo(ur[0], ur[1]);
context.lineTo(ld[0], ld[1]);
context.lineTo(ll[0], ll[1]);
ul = europe([44.56748486446032,57.26489367845818]);
ld = europe([43.9335791193588,53.746540942601726]);
ll = europe([43,56]);
context.moveTo(ul[0], ul[1]);
context.lineTo(ur[0], ur[1]);
context.lineTo(ld[0], ld[1]);
context.lineTo(ll[0], ll[1]);
ul = europe([37.673034114296634,59.61638254183119]);
ur = europe([40.25902691953466,58.83002044222639]);
ld = europe([38.458270492742024,57.26232178028002]);
ll = europe([35.97754948030156,58.00266637992386]);
context.moveTo(ul[0], ul[1]);
context.lineTo(ur[0], ur[1]);
context.lineTo(ld[0], ld[1]);
context.lineTo(ll[0], ll[1]);
conicConformalEurope.getCompositionBorders = function() {
var context = d3Path.path();
return context.toString();
return conicConformalEurope.scale(750);
exports.geoAlbersUsa = albersUsa;
exports.geoAlbersUsaTerritories = albersUsaTerritories;
exports.geoConicConformalSpain = conicConformalSpain;
exports.geoConicConformalPortugal = conicConformalPortugal;
exports.geoMercatorEcuador = mercatorEcuador;
exports.geoTransverseMercatorChile = transverseMercatorChile;
exports.geoConicEquidistantJapan = conicEquidistantJapan;
exports.geoConicConformalFrance = conicConformalFrance;
exports.geoConicConformalEurope = conicConformalEurope;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
// Version 1.2.4. Copyright 2016 Mike Bostock.
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('d3-array')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'd3-array'], factory) :
(factory((global.d3 = global.d3 || {}),global.d3));
}(this, (function (exports,d3Array) { 'use strict';
// Adds floating point numbers with twice the normal precision.
// Reference: J. R. Shewchuk, Adaptive Precision Floating-Point Arithmetic and
// Fast Robust Geometric Predicates, Discrete & Computational Geometry 18(3)
// 305–363 (1997).
// Code adapted from GeographicLib by Charles F. F. Karney,
function adder() {
return new Adder;
function Adder() {
Adder.prototype = {
constructor: Adder,
reset: function() {
this.s = // rounded value
this.t = 0; // exact error
add: function(y) {
add(temp, y, this.t);
add(this, temp.s, this.s);
if (this.s) this.t += temp.t;
else this.s = temp.t;
valueOf: function() {
return this.s;
var temp = new Adder;
function add(adder, a, b) {
var x = adder.s = a + b,
bv = x - a,
av = x - bv;
adder.t = (a - av) + (b - bv);
var epsilon = 1e-6;
var epsilon2 = 1e-12;
var pi = Math.PI;
var halfPi = pi / 2;
var quarterPi = pi / 4;
var tau = pi * 2;
var degrees = 180 / pi;
var radians = pi / 180;
var abs = Math.abs;
var atan = Math.atan;
var atan2 = Math.atan2;
var cos = Math.cos;
var ceil = Math.ceil;
var exp = Math.exp;
var log = Math.log;
var pow = Math.pow;
var sin = Math.sin;
var sign = Math.sign || function(x) { return x > 0 ? 1 : x < 0 ? -1 : 0; };
var sqrt = Math.sqrt;
var tan = Math.tan;
function acos(x) {
return x > 1 ? 0 : x < -1 ? pi : Math.acos(x);
function asin(x) {
return x > 1 ? halfPi : x < -1 ? -halfPi : Math.asin(x);
function haversin(x) {
return (x = sin(x / 2)) * x;
function noop() {}
function streamGeometry(geometry, stream) {
if (geometry && streamGeometryType.hasOwnProperty(geometry.type)) {
streamGeometryType[geometry.type](geometry, stream);
var streamObjectType = {
Feature: function(feature, stream) {
streamGeometry(feature.geometry, stream);
FeatureCollection: function(object, stream) {
var features = object.features, i = -1, n = features.length;
while (++i < n) streamGeometry(features[i].geometry, stream);
var streamGeometryType = {
Sphere: function(object, stream) {
Point: function(object, stream) {
object = object.coordinates;
stream.point(object[0], object[1], object[2]);
MultiPoint: function(object, stream) {
var coordinates = object.coordinates, i = -1, n = coordinates.length;
while (++i < n) object = coordinates[i], stream.point(object[0], object[1], object[2]);
LineString: function(object, stream) {
streamLine(object.coordinates, stream, 0);
MultiLineString: function(object, stream) {
var coordinates = object.coordinates, i = -1, n = coordinates.length;
while (++i < n) streamLine(coordinates[i], stream, 0);
Polygon: function(object, stream) {
streamPolygon(object.coordinates, stream);
MultiPolygon: function(object, stream) {
var coordinates = object.coordinates, i = -1, n = coordinates.length;
while (++i < n) streamPolygon(coordinates[i], stream);
GeometryCollection: function(object, stream) {
var geometries = object.geometries, i = -1, n = geometries.length;
while (++i < n) streamGeometry(geometries[i], stream);
function streamLine(coordinates, stream, closed) {
var i = -1, n = coordinates.length - closed, coordinate;
while (++i < n) coordinate = coordinates[i], stream.point(coordinate[0], coordinate[1], coordinate[2]);
function streamPolygon(coordinates, stream) {
var i = -1, n = coordinates.length;
while (++i < n) streamLine(coordinates[i], stream, 1);
function geoStream(object, stream) {
if (object && streamObjectType.hasOwnProperty(object.type)) {
streamObjectType[object.type](object, stream);
} else {
streamGeometry(object, stream);
var areaRingSum = adder();
var areaSum = adder();
var lambda00;
var phi00;
var lambda0;
var cosPhi0;
var sinPhi0;
var areaStream = {
point: noop,
lineStart: noop,
lineEnd: noop,
polygonStart: function() {
areaStream.lineStart = areaRingStart;
areaStream.lineEnd = areaRingEnd;
polygonEnd: function() {
var areaRing = +areaRingSum;
areaSum.add(areaRing < 0 ? tau + areaRing : areaRing);
this.lineStart = this.lineEnd = this.point = noop;
sphere: function() {
function areaRingStart() {
areaStream.point = areaPointFirst;
function areaRingEnd() {
areaPoint(lambda00, phi00);
function areaPointFirst(lambda, phi) {
areaStream.point = areaPoint;
lambda00 = lambda, phi00 = phi;
lambda *= radians, phi *= radians;
lambda0 = lambda, cosPhi0 = cos(phi = phi / 2 + quarterPi), sinPhi0 = sin(phi);
function areaPoint(lambda, phi) {
lambda *= radians, phi *= radians;
phi = phi / 2 + quarterPi; // half the angular distance from south pole
// Spherical excess E for a spherical triangle with vertices: south pole,
// previous point, current point. Uses a formula derived from Cagnoli’s
// theorem. See Todhunter, Spherical Trig. (1871), Sec. 103, Eq. (2).
var dLambda = lambda - lambda0,
sdLambda = dLambda >= 0 ? 1 : -1,
adLambda = sdLambda * dLambda,
cosPhi = cos(phi),
sinPhi = sin(phi),
k = sinPhi0 * sinPhi,
u = cosPhi0 * cosPhi + k * cos(adLambda),
v = k * sdLambda * sin(adLambda);
areaRingSum.add(atan2(v, u));
// Advance the previous points.
lambda0 = lambda, cosPhi0 = cosPhi, sinPhi0 = sinPhi;
function area(object) {
geoStream(object, areaStream);
return areaSum * 2;
function spherical(cartesian) {
return [atan2(cartesian[1], cartesian[0]), asin(cartesian[2])];
function cartesian(spherical) {
var lambda = spherical[0], phi = spherical[1], cosPhi = cos(phi);
return [cosPhi * cos(lambda), cosPhi * sin(lambda), sin(phi)];
function cartesianDot(a, b) {
return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2];
function cartesianCross(a, b) {
return [a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1], a[2] * b[0] - a[0] * b[2], a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0]];
// TODO return a
function cartesianAddInPlace(a, b) {
a[0] += b[0], a[1] += b[1], a[2] += b[2];
function cartesianScale(vector, k) {
return [vector[0] * k, vector[1] * k, vector[2] * k];
// TODO return d
function cartesianNormalizeInPlace(d) {
var l = sqrt(d[0] * d[0] + d[1] * d[1] + d[2] * d[2]);
d[0] /= l, d[1] /= l, d[2] /= l;
var lambda0$1;
var phi0;
var lambda1;
var phi1;
var lambda2;
var lambda00$1;
var phi00$1;
var p0;
var deltaSum = adder();
var ranges;
var range$1;
var boundsStream = {
point: boundsPoint,
lineStart: boundsLineStart,
lineEnd: boundsLineEnd,
polygonStart: function() {
boundsStream.point = boundsRingPoint;
boundsStream.lineStart = boundsRingStart;
boundsStream.lineEnd = boundsRingEnd;
polygonEnd: function() {
boundsStream.point = boundsPoint;
boundsStream.lineStart = boundsLineStart;
boundsStream.lineEnd = boundsLineEnd;
if (areaRingSum < 0) lambda0$1 = -(lambda1 = 180), phi0 = -(phi1 = 90);
else if (deltaSum > epsilon) phi1 = 90;
else if (deltaSum < -epsilon) phi0 = -90;
range$1[0] = lambda0$1, range$1[1] = lambda1;
function boundsPoint(lambda, phi) {
ranges.push(range$1 = [lambda0$1 = lambda, lambda1 = lambda]);
if (phi < phi0) phi0 = phi;
if (phi > phi1) phi1 = phi;
function linePoint(lambda, phi) {
var p = cartesian([lambda * radians, phi * radians]);
if (p0) {
var normal = cartesianCross(p0, p),
equatorial = [normal[1], -normal[0], 0],
inflection = cartesianCross(equatorial, normal);
inflection = spherical(inflection);
var delta = lambda - lambda2,
sign = delta > 0 ? 1 : -1,
lambdai = inflection[0] * degrees * sign,
antimeridian = abs(delta) > 180;
if (antimeridian ^ (sign * lambda2 < lambdai && lambdai < sign * lambda)) {
phii = inflection[1] * degrees;
if (phii > phi1) phi1 = phii;
} else if (lambdai = (lambdai + 360) % 360 - 180, antimeridian ^ (sign * lambda2 < lambdai && lambdai < sign * lambda)) {
phii = -inflection[1] * degrees;
if (phii < phi0) phi0 = phii;
} else {
if (phi < phi0) phi0 = phi;
if (phi > phi1) phi1 = phi;
if (antimeridian) {
if (lambda < lambda2) {
if (angle(lambda0$1, lambda) > angle(lambda0$1, lambda1)) lambda1 = lambda;
} else {
if (angle(lambda, lambda1) > angle(lambda0$1, lambda1)) lambda0$1 = lambda;
} else {
if (lambda1 >= lambda0$1) {
if (lambda < lambda0$1) lambda0$1 = lambda;
if (lambda > lambda1) lambda1 = lambda;
} else {
if (lambda > lambda2) {
if (angle(lambda0$1, lambda) > angle(lambda0$1, lambda1)) lambda1 = lambda;
} else {
if (angle(lambda, lambda1) > angle(lambda0$1, lambda1)) lambda0$1 = lambda;
} else {
boundsPoint(lambda, phi);
p0 = p, lambda2 = lambda;
function boundsLineStart() {
boundsStream.point = linePoint;
function boundsLineEnd() {
range$1[0] = lambda0$1, range$1[1] = lambda1;
boundsStream.point = boundsPoint;
p0 = null;
function boundsRingPoint(lambda, phi) {
if (p0) {
var delta = lambda - lambda2;
deltaSum.add(abs(delta) > 180 ? delta + (delta > 0 ? 360 : -360) : delta);
} else {
lambda00$1 = lambda, phi00$1 = phi;
areaStream.point(lambda, phi);
linePoint(lambda, phi);
function boundsRingStart() {
function boundsRingEnd() {
boundsRingPoint(lambda00$1, phi00$1);
if (abs(deltaSum) > epsilon) lambda0$1 = -(lambda1 = 180);
range$1[0] = lambda0$1, range$1[1] = lambda1;
p0 = null;
// Finds the left-right distance between two longitudes.
// This is almost the same as (lambda1 - lambda0 + 360°) % 360°, except that we want
// the distance between ±180° to be 360°.
function angle(lambda0, lambda1) {
return (lambda1 -= lambda0) < 0 ? lambda1 + 360 : lambda1;
function rangeCompare(a, b) {
return a[0] - b[0];
function rangeContains(range, x) {
return range[0] <= range[1] ? range[0] <= x && x <= range[1] : x < range[0] || range[1] < x;
function bounds(feature) {
var i, n, a, b, merged, deltaMax, delta;
phi1 = lambda1 = -(lambda0$1 = phi0 = Infinity);
ranges = [];
geoStream(feature, boundsStream);
// First, sort ranges by their minimum longitudes.
if (n = ranges.length) {
// Then, merge any ranges that overlap.
for (i = 1, a = ranges[0], merged = [a]; i < n; ++i) {
b = ranges[i];
if (rangeContains(a, b[0]) || rangeContains(a, b[1])) {
if (angle(a[0], b[1]) > angle(a[0], a[1])) a[1] = b[1];
if (angle(b[0], a[1]) > angle(a[0], a[1])) a[0] = b[0];
} else {
merged.push(a = b);
// Finally, find the largest gap between the merged ranges.
// The final bounding box will be the inverse of this gap.
for (deltaMax = -Infinity, n = merged.length - 1, i = 0, a = merged[n]; i <= n; a = b, ++i) {
b = merged[i];
if ((delta = angle(a[1], b[0])) > deltaMax) deltaMax = delta, lambda0$1 = b[0], lambda1 = a[1];
ranges = range$1 = null;
return lambda0$1 === Infinity || phi0 === Infinity
? [[NaN, NaN], [NaN, NaN]]
: [[lambda0$1, phi0], [lambda1, phi1]];
var W0;
var W1;
var X0;
var Y0;
var Z0;
var X1;
var Y1;
var Z1;
var X2;
var Y2;
var Z2;
var lambda00$2;
var phi00$2;
var x0;
var y0;
var z0;
// previous point
var centroidStream = {
sphere: noop,
point: centroidPoint,
lineStart: centroidLineStart,
lineEnd: centroidLineEnd,
polygonStart: function() {
centroidStream.lineStart = centroidRingStart;
centroidStream.lineEnd = centroidRingEnd;
polygonEnd: function() {
centroidStream.lineStart = centroidLineStart;
centroidStream.lineEnd = centroidLineEnd;
// Arithmetic mean of Cartesian vectors.
function centroidPoint(lambda, phi) {
lambda *= radians, phi *= radians;
var cosPhi = cos(phi);
centroidPointCartesian(cosPhi * cos(lambda), cosPhi * sin(lambda), sin(phi));
function centroidPointCartesian(x, y, z) {
X0 += (x - X0) / W0;
Y0 += (y - Y0) / W0;
Z0 += (z - Z0) / W0;
function centroidLineStart() {
centroidStream.point = centroidLinePointFirst;
function centroidLinePointFirst(lambda, phi) {
lambda *= radians, phi *= radians;
var cosPhi = cos(phi);
x0 = cosPhi * cos(lambda);
y0 = cosPhi * sin(lambda);
z0 = sin(phi);
centroidStream.point = centroidLinePoint;
centroidPointCartesian(x0, y0, z0);
function centroidLinePoint(lambda, phi) {
lambda *= radians, phi *= radians;
var cosPhi = cos(phi),
x = cosPhi * cos(lambda),
y = cosPhi * sin(lambda),
z = sin(phi),
w = atan2(sqrt((w = y0 * z - z0 * y) * w + (w = z0 * x - x0 * z) * w + (w = x0 * y - y0 * x) * w), x0 * x + y0 * y + z0 * z);
W1 += w;
X1 += w * (x0 + (x0 = x));
Y1 += w * (y0 + (y0 = y));
Z1 += w * (z0 + (z0 = z));
centroidPointCartesian(x0, y0, z0);
function centroidLineEnd() {
centroidStream.point = centroidPoint;
// See J. E. Brock, The Inertia Tensor for a Spherical Triangle,
// J. Applied Mechanics 42, 239 (1975).
function centroidRingStart() {
centroidStream.point = centroidRingPointFirst;
function centroidRingEnd() {
centroidRingPoint(lambda00$2, phi00$2);
centroidStream.point = centroidPoint;
function centroidRingPointFirst(lambda, phi) {
lambda00$2 = lambda, phi00$2 = phi;
lambda *= radians, phi *= radians;
centroidStream.point = centroidRingPoint;
var cosPhi = cos(phi);
x0 = cosPhi * cos(lambda);
y0 = cosPhi * sin(lambda);
z0 = sin(phi);
centroidPointCartesian(x0, y0, z0);
function centroidRingPoint(lambda, phi) {
lambda *= radians, phi *= radians;
var cosPhi = cos(phi),
x = cosPhi * cos(lambda),
y = cosPhi * sin(lambda),
z = sin(phi),
cx = y0 * z - z0 * y,
cy = z0 * x - x0 * z,
cz = x0 * y - y0 * x,
m = sqrt(cx * cx + cy * cy + cz * cz),
u = x0 * x + y0 * y + z0 * z,
v = m && -acos(u) / m, // area weight
w = atan2(m, u); // line weight
X2 += v * cx;
Y2 += v * cy;
Z2 += v * cz;
W1 += w;
X1 += w * (x0 + (x0 = x));
Y1 += w * (y0 + (y0 = y));
Z1 += w * (z0 + (z0 = z));
centroidPointCartesian(x0, y0, z0);
function centroid(object) {
W0 = W1 =
X0 = Y0 = Z0 =
X1 = Y1 = Z1 =
X2 = Y2 = Z2 = 0;
geoStream(object, centroidStream);
var x = X2,
y = Y2,
z = Z2,
m = x * x + y * y + z * z;
// If the area-weighted ccentroid is undefined, fall back to length-weighted ccentroid.
if (m < epsilon2) {
x = X1, y = Y1, z = Z1;
// If the feature has zero length, fall back to arithmetic mean of point vectors.
if (W1 < epsilon) x = X0, y = Y0, z = Z0;
m = x * x + y * y + z * z;
// If the feature still has an undefined ccentroid, then return.
if (m < epsilon2) return [NaN, NaN];
return [atan2(y, x) * degrees, asin(z / sqrt(m)) * degrees];
function constant(x) {
return function() {
return x;
function compose(a, b) {
function compose(x, y) {
return x = a(x, y), b(x[0], x[1]);
if (a.invert && b.invert) compose.invert = function(x, y) {
return x = b.invert(x, y), x && a.invert(x[0], x[1]);
return compose;
function rotationIdentity(lambda, phi) {
return [lambda > pi ? lambda - tau : lambda < -pi ? lambda + tau : lambda, phi];
rotationIdentity.invert = rotationIdentity;
function rotateRadians(deltaLambda, deltaPhi, deltaGamma) {
return (deltaLambda %= tau) ? (deltaPhi || deltaGamma ? compose(rotationLambda(deltaLambda), rotationPhiGamma(deltaPhi, deltaGamma))
: rotationLambda(deltaLambda))
: (deltaPhi || deltaGamma ? rotationPhiGamma(deltaPhi, deltaGamma)
: rotationIdentity);
function forwardRotationLambda(deltaLambda) {
return function(lambda, phi) {
return lambda += deltaLambda, [lambda > pi ? lambda - tau : lambda < -pi ? lambda + tau : lambda, phi];
function rotationLambda(deltaLambda) {
var rotation = forwardRotationLambda(deltaLambda);
rotation.invert = forwardRotationLambda(-deltaLambda);
return rotation;
function rotationPhiGamma(deltaPhi, deltaGamma) {
var cosDeltaPhi = cos(deltaPhi),
sinDeltaPhi = sin(deltaPhi),
cosDeltaGamma = cos(deltaGamma),
sinDeltaGamma = sin(deltaGamma);
function rotation(lambda, phi) {
var cosPhi = cos(phi),
x = cos(lambda) * cosPhi,
y = sin(lambda) * cosPhi,
z = sin(phi),
k = z * cosDeltaPhi + x * sinDeltaPhi;
return [
atan2(y * cosDeltaGamma - k * sinDeltaGamma, x * cosDeltaPhi - z * sinDeltaPhi),
asin(k * cosDeltaGamma + y * sinDeltaGamma)
rotation.invert = function(lambda, phi) {
var cosPhi = cos(phi),
x = cos(lambda) * cosPhi,
y = sin(lambda) * cosPhi,
z = sin(phi),
k = z * cosDeltaGamma - y * sinDeltaGamma;
return [
atan2(y * cosDeltaGamma + z * sinDeltaGamma, x * cosDeltaPhi + k * sinDeltaPhi),
asin(k * cosDeltaPhi - x * sinDeltaPhi)
return rotation;
function rotation(rotate) {
rotate = rotateRadians(rotate[0] * radians, rotate[1] * radians, rotate.length > 2 ? rotate[2] * radians : 0);
function forward(coordinates) {
coordinates = rotate(coordinates[0] * radians, coordinates[1] * radians);
return coordinates[0] *= degrees, coordinates[1] *= degrees, coordinates;
forward.invert = function(coordinates) {
coordinates = rotate.invert(coordinates[0] * radians, coordinates[1] * radians);
return coordinates[0] *= degrees, coordinates[1] *= degrees, coordinates;
return forward;
// Generates a circle centered at [0°, 0°], with a given radius and precision.
function circleStream(stream, radius, delta, direction, t0, t1) {
if (!delta) return;
var cosRadius = cos(radius),
sinRadius = sin(radius),
step = direction * delta;
if (t0 == null) {
t0 = radius + direction * tau;
t1 = radius - step / 2;
} else {
t0 = circleRadius(cosRadius, t0);
t1 = circleRadius(cosRadius, t1);
if (direction > 0 ? t0 < t1 : t0 > t1) t0 += direction * tau;
for (var point, t = t0; direction > 0 ? t > t1 : t < t1; t -= step) {
point = spherical([cosRadius, -sinRadius * cos(t), -sinRadius * sin(t)]);
stream.point(point[0], point[1]);
// Returns the signed angle of a cartesian point relative to [cosRadius, 0, 0].
function circleRadius(cosRadius, point) {
point = cartesian(point), point[0] -= cosRadius;
var radius = acos(-point[1]);
return ((-point[2] < 0 ? -radius : radius) + tau - epsilon) % tau;
function circle() {
var center = constant([0, 0]),
radius = constant(90),
precision = constant(6),
stream = {point: point};
function point(x, y) {
ring.push(x = rotate(x, y));
x[0] *= degrees, x[1] *= degrees;
function circle() {
var c = center.apply(this, arguments),
r = radius.apply(this, arguments) * radians,
p = precision.apply(this, arguments) * radians;
ring = [];
rotate = rotateRadians(-c[0] * radians, -c[1] * radians, 0).invert;
circleStream(stream, r, p, 1);
c = {type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ring]};
ring = rotate = null;
return c;
} = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (center = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant([+_[0], +_[1]]), circle) : center;
circle.radius = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (radius = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant(+_), circle) : radius;
circle.precision = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (precision = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant(+_), circle) : precision;
return circle;
function clipBuffer() {
var lines = [],
return {
point: function(x, y) {
line.push([x, y]);
lineStart: function() {
lines.push(line = []);
lineEnd: noop,
rejoin: function() {
if (lines.length > 1) lines.push(lines.pop().concat(lines.shift()));
result: function() {
var result = lines;
lines = [];
line = null;
return result;
function clipLine(a, b, x0, y0, x1, y1) {
var ax = a[0],
ay = a[1],
bx = b[0],
by = b[1],
t0 = 0,
t1 = 1,
dx = bx - ax,
dy = by - ay,
r = x0 - ax;
if (!dx && r > 0) return;
r /= dx;
if (dx < 0) {
if (r < t0) return;
if (r < t1) t1 = r;
} else if (dx > 0) {
if (r > t1) return;
if (r > t0) t0 = r;
r = x1 - ax;
if (!dx && r < 0) return;
r /= dx;
if (dx < 0) {
if (r > t1) return;
if (r > t0) t0 = r;
} else if (dx > 0) {
if (r < t0) return;
if (r < t1) t1 = r;
r = y0 - ay;
if (!dy && r > 0) return;
r /= dy;
if (dy < 0) {
if (r < t0) return;
if (r < t1) t1 = r;
} else if (dy > 0) {
if (r > t1) return;
if (r > t0) t0 = r;
r = y1 - ay;
if (!dy && r < 0) return;
r /= dy;
if (dy < 0) {
if (r > t1) return;
if (r > t0) t0 = r;
} else if (dy > 0) {
if (r < t0) return;
if (r < t1) t1 = r;
if (t0 > 0) a[0] = ax + t0 * dx, a[1] = ay + t0 * dy;
if (t1 < 1) b[0] = ax + t1 * dx, b[1] = ay + t1 * dy;
return true;
function pointEqual(a, b) {
return abs(a[0] - b[0]) < epsilon && abs(a[1] - b[1]) < epsilon;
function Intersection(point, points, other, entry) {
this.x = point;
this.z = points;
this.o = other; // another intersection
this.e = entry; // is an entry?
this.v = false; // visited
this.n = this.p = null; // next & previous
// A generalized polygon clipping algorithm: given a polygon that has been cut
// into its visible line segments, and rejoins the segments by interpolating
// along the clip edge.
function clipPolygon(segments, compareIntersection, startInside, interpolate, stream) {
var subject = [],
clip = [],
segments.forEach(function(segment) {
if ((n = segment.length - 1) <= 0) return;
var n, p0 = segment[0], p1 = segment[n], x;
// If the first and last points of a segment are coincident, then treat as a
// closed ring. TODO if all rings are closed, then the winding order of the
// exterior ring should be checked.
if (pointEqual(p0, p1)) {
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) stream.point((p0 = segment[i])[0], p0[1]);
subject.push(x = new Intersection(p0, segment, null, true));
clip.push(x.o = new Intersection(p0, null, x, false));
subject.push(x = new Intersection(p1, segment, null, false));
clip.push(x.o = new Intersection(p1, null, x, true));
if (!subject.length) return;
for (i = 0, n = clip.length; i < n; ++i) {
clip[i].e = startInside = !startInside;
var start = subject[0],
while (1) {
// Find first unvisited intersection.
var current = start,
isSubject = true;
while (current.v) if ((current = current.n) === start) return;
points = current.z;
do {
current.v = current.o.v = true;
if (current.e) {
if (isSubject) {
for (i = 0, n = points.length; i < n; ++i) stream.point((point = points[i])[0], point[1]);
} else {
interpolate(current.x, current.n.x, 1, stream);
current = current.n;
} else {
if (isSubject) {
points = current.p.z;
for (i = points.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) stream.point((point = points[i])[0], point[1]);
} else {
interpolate(current.x, current.p.x, -1, stream);
current = current.p;
current = current.o;
points = current.z;
isSubject = !isSubject;
} while (!current.v);
function link(array) {
if (!(n = array.length)) return;
var n,
i = 0,
a = array[0],
while (++i < n) {
a.n = b = array[i];
b.p = a;
a = b;
a.n = b = array[0];
b.p = a;
var clipMax = 1e9;
var clipMin = -clipMax;
// TODO Use d3-polygon’s polygonContains here for the ring check?
// TODO Eliminate duplicate buffering in clipBuffer and polygon.push?
function clipExtent(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
function visible(x, y) {
return x0 <= x && x <= x1 && y0 <= y && y <= y1;
function interpolate(from, to, direction, stream) {
var a = 0, a1 = 0;
if (from == null
|| (a = corner(from, direction)) !== (a1 = corner(to, direction))
|| comparePoint(from, to) < 0 ^ direction > 0) {
do stream.point(a === 0 || a === 3 ? x0 : x1, a > 1 ? y1 : y0);
while ((a = (a + direction + 4) % 4) !== a1);
} else {
stream.point(to[0], to[1]);
function corner(p, direction) {
return abs(p[0] - x0) < epsilon ? direction > 0 ? 0 : 3
: abs(p[0] - x1) < epsilon ? direction > 0 ? 2 : 1
: abs(p[1] - y0) < epsilon ? direction > 0 ? 1 : 0
: direction > 0 ? 3 : 2; // abs(p[1] - y1) < epsilon
function compareIntersection(a, b) {
return comparePoint(a.x, b.x);
function comparePoint(a, b) {
var ca = corner(a, 1),
cb = corner(b, 1);
return ca !== cb ? ca - cb
: ca === 0 ? b[1] - a[1]
: ca === 1 ? a[0] - b[0]
: ca === 2 ? a[1] - b[1]
: b[0] - a[0];
return function(stream) {
var activeStream = stream,
bufferStream = clipBuffer(),
x__, y__, v__, // first point
x_, y_, v_, // previous point
var clipStream = {
point: point,
lineStart: lineStart,
lineEnd: lineEnd,
polygonStart: polygonStart,
polygonEnd: polygonEnd
function point(x, y) {
if (visible(x, y)) activeStream.point(x, y);
function polygonInside() {
var winding = 0;
for (var i = 0, n = polygon.length; i < n; ++i) {
for (var ring = polygon[i], j = 1, m = ring.length, point = ring[0], a0, a1, b0 = point[0], b1 = point[1]; j < m; ++j) {
a0 = b0, a1 = b1, point = ring[j], b0 = point[0], b1 = point[1];
if (a1 <= y1) { if (b1 > y1 && (b0 - a0) * (y1 - a1) > (b1 - a1) * (x0 - a0)) ++winding; }
else { if (b1 <= y1 && (b0 - a0) * (y1 - a1) < (b1 - a1) * (x0 - a0)) --winding; }
return winding;
// Buffer geometry within a polygon and then clip it en masse.
function polygonStart() {
activeStream = bufferStream, segments = [], polygon = [], clean = true;
function polygonEnd() {
var startInside = polygonInside(),
cleanInside = clean && startInside,
visible = (segments = d3Array.merge(segments)).length;
if (cleanInside || visible) {
if (cleanInside) {
interpolate(null, null, 1, stream);
if (visible) {
clipPolygon(segments, compareIntersection, startInside, interpolate, stream);
activeStream = stream, segments = polygon = ring = null;
function lineStart() {
clipStream.point = linePoint;
if (polygon) polygon.push(ring = []);
first = true;
v_ = false;
x_ = y_ = NaN;
// TODO rather than special-case polygons, simply handle them separately.
// Ideally, coincident intersection points should be jittered to avoid
// clipping issues.
function lineEnd() {
if (segments) {
linePoint(x__, y__);
if (v__ && v_) bufferStream.rejoin();
clipStream.point = point;
if (v_) activeStream.lineEnd();
function linePoint(x, y) {
var v = visible(x, y);
if (polygon) ring.push([x, y]);
if (first) {
x__ = x, y__ = y, v__ = v;
first = false;
if (v) {
activeStream.point(x, y);
} else {
if (v && v_) activeStream.point(x, y);
else {
var a = [x_ = Math.max(clipMin, Math.min(clipMax, x_)), y_ = Math.max(clipMin, Math.min(clipMax, y_))],
b = [x = Math.max(clipMin, Math.min(clipMax, x)), y = Math.max(clipMin, Math.min(clipMax, y))];
if (clipLine(a, b, x0, y0, x1, y1)) {
if (!v_) {
activeStream.point(a[0], a[1]);
activeStream.point(b[0], b[1]);
if (!v) activeStream.lineEnd();
clean = false;
} else if (v) {
activeStream.point(x, y);
clean = false;
x_ = x, y_ = y, v_ = v;
return clipStream;
function extent() {
var x0 = 0,
y0 = 0,
x1 = 960,
y1 = 500,
return clip = {
stream: function(stream) {
return cache && cacheStream === stream ? cache : cache = clipExtent(x0, y0, x1, y1)(cacheStream = stream);
extent: function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (x0 = +_[0][0], y0 = +_[0][1], x1 = +_[1][0], y1 = +_[1][1], cache = cacheStream = null, clip) : [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]];
var lengthSum = adder();
var lambda0$2;
var sinPhi0$1;
var cosPhi0$1;
var lengthStream = {
sphere: noop,
point: noop,
lineStart: lengthLineStart,
lineEnd: noop,
polygonStart: noop,
polygonEnd: noop
function lengthLineStart() {
lengthStream.point = lengthPointFirst;
lengthStream.lineEnd = lengthLineEnd;
function lengthLineEnd() {
lengthStream.point = lengthStream.lineEnd = noop;
function lengthPointFirst(lambda, phi) {
lambda *= radians, phi *= radians;
lambda0$2 = lambda, sinPhi0$1 = sin(phi), cosPhi0$1 = cos(phi);
lengthStream.point = lengthPoint;
function lengthPoint(lambda, phi) {
lambda *= radians, phi *= radians;
var sinPhi = sin(phi),
cosPhi = cos(phi),
delta = abs(lambda - lambda0$2),
cosDelta = cos(delta),
sinDelta = sin(delta),
x = cosPhi * sinDelta,
y = cosPhi0$1 * sinPhi - sinPhi0$1 * cosPhi * cosDelta,
z = sinPhi0$1 * sinPhi + cosPhi0$1 * cosPhi * cosDelta;
lengthSum.add(atan2(sqrt(x * x + y * y), z));
lambda0$2 = lambda, sinPhi0$1 = sinPhi, cosPhi0$1 = cosPhi;
function length(object) {
geoStream(object, lengthStream);
return +lengthSum;
var coordinates = [null, null];
var object = {type: "LineString", coordinates: coordinates};
function distance(a, b) {
coordinates[0] = a;
coordinates[1] = b;
return length(object);
function graticuleX(y0, y1, dy) {
var y = d3Array.range(y0, y1 - epsilon, dy).concat(y1);
return function(x) { return { return [x, y]; }); };
function graticuleY(x0, x1, dx) {
var x = d3Array.range(x0, x1 - epsilon, dx).concat(x1);
return function(y) { return { return [x, y]; }); };
function graticule() {
var x1, x0, X1, X0,
y1, y0, Y1, Y0,
dx = 10, dy = dx, DX = 90, DY = 360,
x, y, X, Y,
precision = 2.5;
function graticule() {
return {type: "MultiLineString", coordinates: lines()};
function lines() {
return d3Array.range(ceil(X0 / DX) * DX, X1, DX).map(X)
.concat(d3Array.range(ceil(Y0 / DY) * DY, Y1, DY).map(Y))
.concat(d3Array.range(ceil(x0 / dx) * dx, x1, dx).filter(function(x) { return abs(x % DX) > epsilon; }).map(x))
.concat(d3Array.range(ceil(y0 / dy) * dy, y1, dy).filter(function(y) { return abs(y % DY) > epsilon; }).map(y));
graticule.lines = function() {
return lines().map(function(coordinates) { return {type: "LineString", coordinates: coordinates}; });
graticule.outline = function() {
return {
type: "Polygon",
coordinates: [
graticule.extent = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return graticule.extentMinor();
return graticule.extentMajor(_).extentMinor(_);
graticule.extentMajor = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return [[X0, Y0], [X1, Y1]];
X0 = +_[0][0], X1 = +_[1][0];
Y0 = +_[0][1], Y1 = +_[1][1];
if (X0 > X1) _ = X0, X0 = X1, X1 = _;
if (Y0 > Y1) _ = Y0, Y0 = Y1, Y1 = _;
return graticule.precision(precision);
graticule.extentMinor = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]];
x0 = +_[0][0], x1 = +_[1][0];
y0 = +_[0][1], y1 = +_[1][1];
if (x0 > x1) _ = x0, x0 = x1, x1 = _;
if (y0 > y1) _ = y0, y0 = y1, y1 = _;
return graticule.precision(precision);
graticule.step = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return graticule.stepMinor();
return graticule.stepMajor(_).stepMinor(_);
graticule.stepMajor = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return [DX, DY];
DX = +_[0], DY = +_[1];
return graticule;
graticule.stepMinor = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return [dx, dy];
dx = +_[0], dy = +_[1];
return graticule;
graticule.precision = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return precision;
precision = +_;
x = graticuleX(y0, y1, 90);
y = graticuleY(x0, x1, precision);
X = graticuleX(Y0, Y1, 90);
Y = graticuleY(X0, X1, precision);
return graticule;
return graticule
.extentMajor([[-180, -90 + epsilon], [180, 90 - epsilon]])
.extentMinor([[-180, -80 - epsilon], [180, 80 + epsilon]]);
function interpolate(a, b) {
var x0 = a[0] * radians,
y0 = a[1] * radians,
x1 = b[0] * radians,
y1 = b[1] * radians,
cy0 = cos(y0),
sy0 = sin(y0),
cy1 = cos(y1),
sy1 = sin(y1),
kx0 = cy0 * cos(x0),
ky0 = cy0 * sin(x0),
kx1 = cy1 * cos(x1),
ky1 = cy1 * sin(x1),
d = 2 * asin(sqrt(haversin(y1 - y0) + cy0 * cy1 * haversin(x1 - x0))),
k = sin(d);
var interpolate = d ? function(t) {
var B = sin(t *= d) / k,
A = sin(d - t) / k,
x = A * kx0 + B * kx1,
y = A * ky0 + B * ky1,
z = A * sy0 + B * sy1;
return [
atan2(y, x) * degrees,
atan2(z, sqrt(x * x + y * y)) * degrees
} : function() {
return [x0 * degrees, y0 * degrees];
interpolate.distance = d;
return interpolate;
function identity(x) {
return x;
var areaSum$1 = adder();
var areaRingSum$1 = adder();
var x00;
var y00;
var x0$1;
var y0$1;
var areaStream$1 = {
point: noop,
lineStart: noop,
lineEnd: noop,
polygonStart: function() {
areaStream$1.lineStart = areaRingStart$1;
areaStream$1.lineEnd = areaRingEnd$1;
polygonEnd: function() {
areaStream$1.lineStart = areaStream$1.lineEnd = areaStream$1.point = noop;
result: function() {
var area = areaSum$1 / 2;
return area;
function areaRingStart$1() {
areaStream$1.point = areaPointFirst$1;
function areaPointFirst$1(x, y) {
areaStream$1.point = areaPoint$1;
x00 = x0$1 = x, y00 = y0$1 = y;
function areaPoint$1(x, y) {
areaRingSum$1.add(y0$1 * x - x0$1 * y);
x0$1 = x, y0$1 = y;
function areaRingEnd$1() {
areaPoint$1(x00, y00);
var x0$2 = Infinity;
var y0$2 = x0$2;
var x1 = -x0$2;
var y1 = x1;
var boundsStream$1 = {
point: boundsPoint$1,
lineStart: noop,
lineEnd: noop,
polygonStart: noop,
polygonEnd: noop,
result: function() {
var bounds = [[x0$2, y0$2], [x1, y1]];
x1 = y1 = -(y0$2 = x0$2 = Infinity);
return bounds;
function boundsPoint$1(x, y) {
if (x < x0$2) x0$2 = x;
if (x > x1) x1 = x;
if (y < y0$2) y0$2 = y;
if (y > y1) y1 = y;
var X0$1 = 0;
var Y0$1 = 0;
var Z0$1 = 0;
var X1$1 = 0;
var Y1$1 = 0;
var Z1$1 = 0;
var X2$1 = 0;
var Y2$1 = 0;
var Z2$1 = 0;
var x00$1;
var y00$1;
var x0$3;
var y0$3;
var centroidStream$1 = {
point: centroidPoint$1,
lineStart: centroidLineStart$1,
lineEnd: centroidLineEnd$1,
polygonStart: function() {
centroidStream$1.lineStart = centroidRingStart$1;
centroidStream$1.lineEnd = centroidRingEnd$1;
polygonEnd: function() {
centroidStream$1.point = centroidPoint$1;
centroidStream$1.lineStart = centroidLineStart$1;
centroidStream$1.lineEnd = centroidLineEnd$1;
result: function() {
var centroid = Z2$1 ? [X2$1 / Z2$1, Y2$1 / Z2$1]
: Z1$1 ? [X1$1 / Z1$1, Y1$1 / Z1$1]
: Z0$1 ? [X0$1 / Z0$1, Y0$1 / Z0$1]
: [NaN, NaN];
X0$1 = Y0$1 = Z0$1 =
X1$1 = Y1$1 = Z1$1 =
X2$1 = Y2$1 = Z2$1 = 0;
return centroid;
function centroidPoint$1(x, y) {
X0$1 += x;
Y0$1 += y;
function centroidLineStart$1() {
centroidStream$1.point = centroidPointFirstLine;
function centroidPointFirstLine(x, y) {
centroidStream$1.point = centroidPointLine;
centroidPoint$1(x0$3 = x, y0$3 = y);
function centroidPointLine(x, y) {
var dx = x - x0$3, dy = y - y0$3, z = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
X1$1 += z * (x0$3 + x) / 2;
Y1$1 += z * (y0$3 + y) / 2;
Z1$1 += z;
centroidPoint$1(x0$3 = x, y0$3 = y);
function centroidLineEnd$1() {
centroidStream$1.point = centroidPoint$1;
function centroidRingStart$1() {
centroidStream$1.point = centroidPointFirstRing;
function centroidRingEnd$1() {
centroidPointRing(x00$1, y00$1);
function centroidPointFirstRing(x, y) {
centroidStream$1.point = centroidPointRing;
centroidPoint$1(x00$1 = x0$3 = x, y00$1 = y0$3 = y);
function centroidPointRing(x, y) {
var dx = x - x0$3,
dy = y - y0$3,
z = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
X1$1 += z * (x0$3 + x) / 2;
Y1$1 += z * (y0$3 + y) / 2;
Z1$1 += z;
z = y0$3 * x - x0$3 * y;
X2$1 += z * (x0$3 + x);
Y2$1 += z * (y0$3 + y);
Z2$1 += z * 3;
centroidPoint$1(x0$3 = x, y0$3 = y);
function PathContext(context) {
this._context = context;
PathContext.prototype = {
_radius: 4.5,
pointRadius: function(_) {
return this._radius = _, this;
polygonStart: function() {
this._line = 0;
polygonEnd: function() {
this._line = NaN;
lineStart: function() {
this._point = 0;
lineEnd: function() {
if (this._line === 0) this._context.closePath();
this._point = NaN;
point: function(x, y) {
switch (this._point) {
case 0: {
this._context.moveTo(x, y);
this._point = 1;
case 1: {
this._context.lineTo(x, y);
default: {
this._context.moveTo(x + this._radius, y);
this._context.arc(x, y, this._radius, 0, tau);
result: noop
function PathString() {
this._string = [];
PathString.prototype = {
_circle: circle$1(4.5),
pointRadius: function(_) {
return this._circle = circle$1(_), this;
polygonStart: function() {
this._line = 0;
polygonEnd: function() {
this._line = NaN;
lineStart: function() {
this._point = 0;
lineEnd: function() {
if (this._line === 0) this._string.push("Z");
this._point = NaN;
point: function(x, y) {
switch (this._point) {
case 0: {
this._string.push("M", x, ",", y);
this._point = 1;
case 1: {
this._string.push("L", x, ",", y);
default: {
this._string.push("M", x, ",", y, this._circle);
result: function() {
if (this._string.length) {
var result = this._string.join("");
this._string = [];
return result;
function circle$1(radius) {
return "m0," + radius
+ "a" + radius + "," + radius + " 0 1,1 0," + -2 * radius
+ "a" + radius + "," + radius + " 0 1,1 0," + 2 * radius
+ "z";
function index() {
var pointRadius = 4.5,
function path(object) {
if (object) {
if (typeof pointRadius === "function") contextStream.pointRadius(+pointRadius.apply(this, arguments));
geoStream(object, projectionStream(contextStream));
return contextStream.result();
path.area = function(object) {
geoStream(object, projectionStream(areaStream$1));
return areaStream$1.result();
path.bounds = function(object) {
geoStream(object, projectionStream(boundsStream$1));
return boundsStream$1.result();
path.centroid = function(object) {
geoStream(object, projectionStream(centroidStream$1));
return centroidStream$1.result();
path.projection = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (projectionStream = (projection = _) == null ? identity :, path) : projection;
path.context = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return context;
contextStream = (context = _) == null ? new PathString : new PathContext(_);
if (typeof pointRadius !== "function") contextStream.pointRadius(pointRadius);
return path;
path.pointRadius = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return pointRadius;
pointRadius = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : (contextStream.pointRadius(+_), +_);
return path;
return path.projection(null).context(null);
var sum = adder();
function polygonContains(polygon, point) {
var lambda = point[0],
phi = point[1],
normal = [sin(lambda), -cos(lambda), 0],
angle = 0,
winding = 0;
for (var i = 0, n = polygon.length; i < n; ++i) {
if (!(m = (ring = polygon[i]).length)) continue;
var ring,
point0 = ring[m - 1],
lambda0 = point0[0],
phi0 = point0[1] / 2 + quarterPi,
sinPhi0 = sin(phi0),
cosPhi0 = cos(phi0);
for (var j = 0; j < m; ++j, lambda0 = lambda1, sinPhi0 = sinPhi1, cosPhi0 = cosPhi1, point0 = point1) {
var point1 = ring[j],
lambda1 = point1[0],
phi1 = point1[1] / 2 + quarterPi,
sinPhi1 = sin(phi1),
cosPhi1 = cos(phi1),
delta = lambda1 - lambda0,
sign = delta >= 0 ? 1 : -1,
absDelta = sign * delta,
antimeridian = absDelta > pi,
k = sinPhi0 * sinPhi1;
sum.add(atan2(k * sign * sin(absDelta), cosPhi0 * cosPhi1 + k * cos(absDelta)));
angle += antimeridian ? delta + sign * tau : delta;
// Are the longitudes either side of the point’s meridian (lambda),
// and are the latitudes smaller than the parallel (phi)?
if (antimeridian ^ lambda0 >= lambda ^ lambda1 >= lambda) {
var arc = cartesianCross(cartesian(point0), cartesian(point1));
var intersection = cartesianCross(normal, arc);
var phiArc = (antimeridian ^ delta >= 0 ? -1 : 1) * asin(intersection[2]);
if (phi > phiArc || phi === phiArc && (arc[0] || arc[1])) {
winding += antimeridian ^ delta >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
// First, determine whether the South pole is inside or outside:
// It is inside if:
// * the polygon winds around it in a clockwise direction.
// * the polygon does not (cumulatively) wind around it, but has a negative
// (counter-clockwise) area.
// Second, count the (signed) number of times a segment crosses a lambda
// from the point to the South pole. If it is zero, then the point is the
// same side as the South pole.
return (angle < -epsilon || angle < epsilon && sum < -epsilon) ^ (winding & 1);
function clip(pointVisible, clipLine, interpolate, start) {
return function(rotate, sink) {
var line = clipLine(sink),
rotatedStart = rotate.invert(start[0], start[1]),
ringBuffer = clipBuffer(),
ringSink = clipLine(ringBuffer),
polygonStarted = false,
var clip = {
point: point,
lineStart: lineStart,
lineEnd: lineEnd,
polygonStart: function() {
clip.point = pointRing;
clip.lineStart = ringStart;
clip.lineEnd = ringEnd;
segments = [];
polygon = [];
polygonEnd: function() {
clip.point = point;
clip.lineStart = lineStart;
clip.lineEnd = lineEnd;
segments = d3Array.merge(segments);
var startInside = polygonContains(polygon, rotatedStart);
if (segments.length) {
if (!polygonStarted) sink.polygonStart(), polygonStarted = true;
clipPolygon(segments, compareIntersection, startInside, interpolate, sink);
} else if (startInside) {
if (!polygonStarted) sink.polygonStart(), polygonStarted = true;
interpolate(null, null, 1, sink);
if (polygonStarted) sink.polygonEnd(), polygonStarted = false;
segments = polygon = null;
sphere: function() {
interpolate(null, null, 1, sink);
function point(lambda, phi) {
var point = rotate(lambda, phi);
if (pointVisible(lambda = point[0], phi = point[1])) sink.point(lambda, phi);
function pointLine(lambda, phi) {
var point = rotate(lambda, phi);
line.point(point[0], point[1]);
function lineStart() {
clip.point = pointLine;
function lineEnd() {
clip.point = point;
function pointRing(lambda, phi) {
ring.push([lambda, phi]);
var point = rotate(lambda, phi);
ringSink.point(point[0], point[1]);
function ringStart() {
ring = [];
function ringEnd() {
pointRing(ring[0][0], ring[0][1]);
var clean = ringSink.clean(),
ringSegments = ringBuffer.result(),
i, n = ringSegments.length, m,
ring = null;
if (!n) return;
// No intersections.
if (clean & 1) {
segment = ringSegments[0];
if ((m = segment.length - 1) > 0) {
if (!polygonStarted) sink.polygonStart(), polygonStarted = true;
for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) sink.point((point = segment[i])[0], point[1]);
// Rejoin connected segments.
// TODO reuse ringBuffer.rejoin()?
if (n > 1 && clean & 2) ringSegments.push(ringSegments.pop().concat(ringSegments.shift()));
return clip;
function validSegment(segment) {
return segment.length > 1;
// Intersections are sorted along the clip edge. For both antimeridian cutting
// and circle clipping, the same comparison is used.
function compareIntersection(a, b) {
return ((a = a.x)[0] < 0 ? a[1] - halfPi - epsilon : halfPi - a[1])
- ((b = b.x)[0] < 0 ? b[1] - halfPi - epsilon : halfPi - b[1]);
var clipAntimeridian = clip(
function() { return true; },
[-pi, -halfPi]
// Takes a line and cuts into visible segments. Return values: 0 - there were
// intersections or the line was empty; 1 - no intersections; 2 - there were
// intersections, and the first and last segments should be rejoined.
function clipAntimeridianLine(stream) {
var lambda0 = NaN,
phi0 = NaN,
sign0 = NaN,
clean; // no intersections
return {
lineStart: function() {
clean = 1;
point: function(lambda1, phi1) {
var sign1 = lambda1 > 0 ? pi : -pi,
delta = abs(lambda1 - lambda0);
if (abs(delta - pi) < epsilon) { // line crosses a pole
stream.point(lambda0, phi0 = (phi0 + phi1) / 2 > 0 ? halfPi : -halfPi);
stream.point(sign0, phi0);
stream.point(sign1, phi0);
stream.point(lambda1, phi0);
clean = 0;
} else if (sign0 !== sign1 && delta >= pi) { // line crosses antimeridian
if (abs(lambda0 - sign0) < epsilon) lambda0 -= sign0 * epsilon; // handle degeneracies
if (abs(lambda1 - sign1) < epsilon) lambda1 -= sign1 * epsilon;
phi0 = clipAntimeridianIntersect(lambda0, phi0, lambda1, phi1);
stream.point(sign0, phi0);
stream.point(sign1, phi0);
clean = 0;
stream.point(lambda0 = lambda1, phi0 = phi1);
sign0 = sign1;
lineEnd: function() {
lambda0 = phi0 = NaN;
clean: function() {
return 2 - clean; // if intersections, rejoin first and last segments
function clipAntimeridianIntersect(lambda0, phi0, lambda1, phi1) {
var cosPhi0,
sinLambda0Lambda1 = sin(lambda0 - lambda1);
return abs(sinLambda0Lambda1) > epsilon
? atan((sin(phi0) * (cosPhi1 = cos(phi1)) * sin(lambda1)
- sin(phi1) * (cosPhi0 = cos(phi0)) * sin(lambda0))
/ (cosPhi0 * cosPhi1 * sinLambda0Lambda1))
: (phi0 + phi1) / 2;
function clipAntimeridianInterpolate(from, to, direction, stream) {
var phi;
if (from == null) {
phi = direction * halfPi;
stream.point(-pi, phi);
stream.point(0, phi);
stream.point(pi, phi);
stream.point(pi, 0);
stream.point(pi, -phi);
stream.point(0, -phi);
stream.point(-pi, -phi);
stream.point(-pi, 0);
stream.point(-pi, phi);
} else if (abs(from[0] - to[0]) > epsilon) {
var lambda = from[0] < to[0] ? pi : -pi;
phi = direction * lambda / 2;
stream.point(-lambda, phi);
stream.point(0, phi);
stream.point(lambda, phi);
} else {
stream.point(to[0], to[1]);
function clipCircle(radius, delta) {
var cr = cos(radius),
smallRadius = cr > 0,
notHemisphere = abs(cr) > epsilon; // TODO optimise for this common case
function interpolate(from, to, direction, stream) {
circleStream(stream, radius, delta, direction, from, to);
function visible(lambda, phi) {
return cos(lambda) * cos(phi) > cr;
// Takes a line and cuts into visible segments. Return values used for polygon
// clipping: 0 - there were intersections or the line was empty; 1 - no
// intersections 2 - there were intersections, and the first and last segments
// should be rejoined.
function clipLine(stream) {
var point0, // previous point
c0, // code for previous point
v0, // visibility of previous point
v00, // visibility of first point
clean; // no intersections
return {
lineStart: function() {
v00 = v0 = false;
clean = 1;
point: function(lambda, phi) {
var point1 = [lambda, phi],
v = visible(lambda, phi),
c = smallRadius
? v ? 0 : code(lambda, phi)
: v ? code(lambda + (lambda < 0 ? pi : -pi), phi) : 0;
if (!point0 && (v00 = v0 = v)) stream.lineStart();
// Handle degeneracies.
// TODO ignore if not clipping polygons.
if (v !== v0) {
point2 = intersect(point0, point1);
if (pointEqual(point0, point2) || pointEqual(point1, point2)) {
point1[0] += epsilon;
point1[1] += epsilon;
v = visible(point1[0], point1[1]);
if (v !== v0) {
clean = 0;
if (v) {
// outside going in
point2 = intersect(point1, point0);
stream.point(point2[0], point2[1]);
} else {
// inside going out
point2 = intersect(point0, point1);
stream.point(point2[0], point2[1]);
point0 = point2;
} else if (notHemisphere && point0 && smallRadius ^ v) {
var t;
// If the codes for two points are different, or are both zero,
// and there this segment intersects with the small circle.
if (!(c & c0) && (t = intersect(point1, point0, true))) {
clean = 0;
if (smallRadius) {
stream.point(t[0][0], t[0][1]);
stream.point(t[1][0], t[1][1]);
} else {
stream.point(t[1][0], t[1][1]);
stream.point(t[0][0], t[0][1]);
if (v && (!point0 || !pointEqual(point0, point1))) {
stream.point(point1[0], point1[1]);
point0 = point1, v0 = v, c0 = c;
lineEnd: function() {
if (v0) stream.lineEnd();
point0 = null;
// Rejoin first and last segments if there were intersections and the first
// and last points were visible.
clean: function() {
return clean | ((v00 && v0) << 1);
// Intersects the great circle between a and b with the clip circle.
function intersect(a, b, two) {
var pa = cartesian(a),
pb = cartesian(b);
// We have two planes, n1.p = d1 and n2.p = d2.
// Find intersection line p(t) = c1 n1 + c2 n2 + t (n1 ⨯ n2).
var n1 = [1, 0, 0], // normal
n2 = cartesianCross(pa, pb),
n2n2 = cartesianDot(n2, n2),
n1n2 = n2[0], // cartesianDot(n1, n2),
determinant = n2n2 - n1n2 * n1n2;
// Two polar points.
if (!determinant) return !two && a;
var c1 = cr * n2n2 / determinant,
c2 = -cr * n1n2 / determinant,
n1xn2 = cartesianCross(n1, n2),
A = cartesianScale(n1, c1),
B = cartesianScale(n2, c2);
cartesianAddInPlace(A, B);
// Solve |p(t)|^2 = 1.
var u = n1xn2,
w = cartesianDot(A, u),
uu = cartesianDot(u, u),
t2 = w * w - uu * (cartesianDot(A, A) - 1);
if (t2 < 0) return;
var t = sqrt(t2),
q = cartesianScale(u, (-w - t) / uu);
cartesianAddInPlace(q, A);
q = spherical(q);
if (!two) return q;
// Two intersection points.
var lambda0 = a[0],
lambda1 = b[0],
phi0 = a[1],
phi1 = b[1],
if (lambda1 < lambda0) z = lambda0, lambda0 = lambda1, lambda1 = z;
var delta = lambda1 - lambda0,
polar = abs(delta - pi) < epsilon,
meridian = polar || delta < epsilon;
if (!polar && phi1 < phi0) z = phi0, phi0 = phi1, phi1 = z;
// Check that the first point is between a and b.
if (meridian
? polar
? phi0 + phi1 > 0 ^ q[1] < (abs(q[0] - lambda0) < epsilon ? phi0 : phi1)
: phi0 <= q[1] && q[1] <= phi1
: delta > pi ^ (lambda0 <= q[0] && q[0] <= lambda1)) {
var q1 = cartesianScale(u, (-w + t) / uu);
cartesianAddInPlace(q1, A);
return [q, spherical(q1)];
// Generates a 4-bit vector representing the location of a point relative to
// the small circle's bounding box.
function code(lambda, phi) {
var r = smallRadius ? radius : pi - radius,
code = 0;
if (lambda < -r) code |= 1; // left
else if (lambda > r) code |= 2; // right
if (phi < -r) code |= 4; // below
else if (phi > r) code |= 8; // above
return code;
return clip(visible, clipLine, interpolate, smallRadius ? [0, -radius] : [-pi, radius - pi]);
function transform(prototype) {
return {
stream: transform$1(prototype)
function transform$1(prototype) {
function T() {}
var p = T.prototype = Object.create(Transform.prototype);
for (var k in prototype) p[k] = prototype[k];
return function(stream) {
var t = new T; = stream;
return t;
function Transform() {}
Transform.prototype = {
point: function(x, y) {, y); },
sphere: function() {; },
lineStart: function() {; },
lineEnd: function() {; },
polygonStart: function() {; },
polygonEnd: function() {; }
function fit(project, extent, object) {
var w = extent[1][0] - extent[0][0],
h = extent[1][1] - extent[0][1],
clip = project.clipExtent && project.clipExtent();
.translate([0, 0]);
if (clip != null) project.clipExtent(null);
var b = boundsStream$1.result(),
k = Math.min(w / (b[1][0] - b[0][0]), h / (b[1][1] - b[0][1])),
x = +extent[0][0] + (w - k * (b[1][0] + b[0][0])) / 2,
y = +extent[0][1] + (h - k * (b[1][1] + b[0][1])) / 2;
if (clip != null) project.clipExtent(clip);
return project
.scale(k * 150)
.translate([x, y]);
function fitSize(project) {
return function(size, object) {
return fit(project, [[0, 0], size], object);
function fitExtent(project) {
return function(extent, object) {
return fit(project, extent, object);
var maxDepth = 16;
var cosMinDistance = cos(30 * radians);
// cos(minimum angular distance)
function resample(project, delta2) {
return +delta2 ? resample$1(project, delta2) : resampleNone(project);
function resampleNone(project) {
return transform$1({
point: function(x, y) {
x = project(x, y);[0], x[1]);
function resample$1(project, delta2) {
function resampleLineTo(x0, y0, lambda0, a0, b0, c0, x1, y1, lambda1, a1, b1, c1, depth, stream) {
var dx = x1 - x0,
dy = y1 - y0,
d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy;
if (d2 > 4 * delta2 && depth--) {
var a = a0 + a1,
b = b0 + b1,
c = c0 + c1,
m = sqrt(a * a + b * b + c * c),
phi2 = asin(c /= m),
lambda2 = abs(abs(c) - 1) < epsilon || abs(lambda0 - lambda1) < epsilon ? (lambda0 + lambda1) / 2 : atan2(b, a),
p = project(lambda2, phi2),
x2 = p[0],
y2 = p[1],
dx2 = x2 - x0,
dy2 = y2 - y0,
dz = dy * dx2 - dx * dy2;
if (dz * dz / d2 > delta2 // perpendicular projected distance
|| abs((dx * dx2 + dy * dy2) / d2 - 0.5) > 0.3 // midpoint close to an end
|| a0 * a1 + b0 * b1 + c0 * c1 < cosMinDistance) { // angular distance
resampleLineTo(x0, y0, lambda0, a0, b0, c0, x2, y2, lambda2, a /= m, b /= m, c, depth, stream);
stream.point(x2, y2);
resampleLineTo(x2, y2, lambda2, a, b, c, x1, y1, lambda1, a1, b1, c1, depth, stream);
return function(stream) {
var lambda00, x00, y00, a00, b00, c00, // first point
lambda0, x0, y0, a0, b0, c0; // previous point
var resampleStream = {
point: point,
lineStart: lineStart,
lineEnd: lineEnd,
polygonStart: function() { stream.polygonStart(); resampleStream.lineStart = ringStart; },
polygonEnd: function() { stream.polygonEnd(); resampleStream.lineStart = lineStart; }
function point(x, y) {
x = project(x, y);
stream.point(x[0], x[1]);
function lineStart() {
x0 = NaN;
resampleStream.point = linePoint;
function linePoint(lambda, phi) {
var c = cartesian([lambda, phi]), p = project(lambda, phi);
resampleLineTo(x0, y0, lambda0, a0, b0, c0, x0 = p[0], y0 = p[1], lambda0 = lambda, a0 = c[0], b0 = c[1], c0 = c[2], maxDepth, stream);
stream.point(x0, y0);
function lineEnd() {
resampleStream.point = point;
function ringStart() {
resampleStream.point = ringPoint;
resampleStream.lineEnd = ringEnd;
function ringPoint(lambda, phi) {
linePoint(lambda00 = lambda, phi), x00 = x0, y00 = y0, a00 = a0, b00 = b0, c00 = c0;
resampleStream.point = linePoint;
function ringEnd() {
resampleLineTo(x0, y0, lambda0, a0, b0, c0, x00, y00, lambda00, a00, b00, c00, maxDepth, stream);
resampleStream.lineEnd = lineEnd;
return resampleStream;
var transformRadians = transform$1({
point: function(x, y) { * radians, y * radians);
function projection(project) {
return projectionMutator(function() { return project; })();
function projectionMutator(projectAt) {
var project,
k = 150, // scale
x = 480, y = 250, // translate
dx, dy, lambda = 0, phi = 0, // center
deltaLambda = 0, deltaPhi = 0, deltaGamma = 0, rotate, projectRotate, // rotate
theta = null, preclip = clipAntimeridian, // clip angle
x0 = null, y0, x1, y1, postclip = identity, // clip extent
delta2 = 0.5, projectResample = resample(projectTransform, delta2), // precision
function projection(point) {
point = projectRotate(point[0] * radians, point[1] * radians);
return [point[0] * k + dx, dy - point[1] * k];
function invert(point) {
point = projectRotate.invert((point[0] - dx) / k, (dy - point[1]) / k);
return point && [point[0] * degrees, point[1] * degrees];
function projectTransform(x, y) {
return x = project(x, y), [x[0] * k + dx, dy - x[1] * k];
} = function(stream) {
return cache && cacheStream === stream ? cache : cache = transformRadians(preclip(rotate, projectResample(postclip(cacheStream = stream))));
projection.clipAngle = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (preclip = +_ ? clipCircle(theta = _ * radians, 6 * radians) : (theta = null, clipAntimeridian), reset()) : theta * degrees;
projection.clipExtent = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (postclip = _ == null ? (x0 = y0 = x1 = y1 = null, identity) : clipExtent(x0 = +_[0][0], y0 = +_[0][1], x1 = +_[1][0], y1 = +_[1][1]), reset()) : x0 == null ? null : [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]];
projection.scale = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (k = +_, recenter()) : k;
projection.translate = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (x = +_[0], y = +_[1], recenter()) : [x, y];
}; = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (lambda = _[0] % 360 * radians, phi = _[1] % 360 * radians, recenter()) : [lambda * degrees, phi * degrees];
projection.rotate = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (deltaLambda = _[0] % 360 * radians, deltaPhi = _[1] % 360 * radians, deltaGamma = _.length > 2 ? _[2] % 360 * radians : 0, recenter()) : [deltaLambda * degrees, deltaPhi * degrees, deltaGamma * degrees];
projection.precision = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (projectResample = resample(projectTransform, delta2 = _ * _), reset()) : sqrt(delta2);
projection.fitExtent = fitExtent(projection);
projection.fitSize = fitSize(projection);
function recenter() {
projectRotate = compose(rotate = rotateRadians(deltaLambda, deltaPhi, deltaGamma), project);
var center = project(lambda, phi);
dx = x - center[0] * k;
dy = y + center[1] * k;
return reset();
function reset() {
cache = cacheStream = null;
return projection;
return function() {
project = projectAt.apply(this, arguments);
projection.invert = project.invert && invert;
return recenter();
function conicProjection(projectAt) {
var phi0 = 0,
phi1 = pi / 3,
m = projectionMutator(projectAt),
p = m(phi0, phi1);
p.parallels = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? m(phi0 = _[0] * radians, phi1 = _[1] * radians) : [phi0 * degrees, phi1 * degrees];
return p;
function conicEqualAreaRaw(y0, y1) {
var sy0 = sin(y0),
n = (sy0 + sin(y1)) / 2,
c = 1 + sy0 * (2 * n - sy0),
r0 = sqrt(c) / n;
function project(x, y) {
var r = sqrt(c - 2 * n * sin(y)) / n;
return [r * sin(x *= n), r0 - r * cos(x)];
project.invert = function(x, y) {
var r0y = r0 - y;
return [atan2(x, r0y) / n, asin((c - (x * x + r0y * r0y) * n * n) / (2 * n))];
return project;
function conicEqualArea() {
return conicProjection(conicEqualAreaRaw)
.center([0, 33.6442]);
function albers() {
return conicEqualArea()
.parallels([29.5, 45.5])
.translate([480, 250])
.rotate([96, 0])
.center([-0.6, 38.7]);
// The projections must have mutually exclusive clip regions on the sphere,
// as this will avoid emitting interleaving lines and polygons.
function multiplex(streams) {
var n = streams.length;
return {
point: function(x, y) { var i = -1; while (++i < n) streams[i].point(x, y); },
sphere: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) streams[i].sphere(); },
lineStart: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) streams[i].lineStart(); },
lineEnd: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) streams[i].lineEnd(); },
polygonStart: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) streams[i].polygonStart(); },
polygonEnd: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) streams[i].polygonEnd(); }
// A composite projection for the United States, configured by default for
// 960×500. The projection also works quite well at 960×600 if you change the
// scale to 1285 and adjust the translate accordingly. The set of standard
// parallels for each region comes from USGS, which is published here:
function albersUsa() {
var cache,
lower48 = albers(), lower48Point,
alaska = conicEqualArea().rotate([154, 0]).center([-2, 58.5]).parallels([55, 65]), alaskaPoint, // EPSG:3338
hawaii = conicEqualArea().rotate([157, 0]).center([-3, 19.9]).parallels([8, 18]), hawaiiPoint, // ESRI:102007
point, pointStream = {point: function(x, y) { point = [x, y]; }};
function albersUsa(coordinates) {
var x = coordinates[0], y = coordinates[1];
return point = null,
(lower48Point.point(x, y), point)
|| (alaskaPoint.point(x, y), point)
|| (hawaiiPoint.point(x, y), point);
albersUsa.invert = function(coordinates) {
var k = lower48.scale(),
t = lower48.translate(),
x = (coordinates[0] - t[0]) / k,
y = (coordinates[1] - t[1]) / k;
return (y >= 0.120 && y < 0.234 && x >= -0.425 && x < -0.214 ? alaska
: y >= 0.166 && y < 0.234 && x >= -0.214 && x < -0.115 ? hawaii
: lower48).invert(coordinates);
}; = function(stream) {
return cache && cacheStream === stream ? cache : cache = multiplex([ = stream),,]);
albersUsa.precision = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return lower48.precision();
lower48.precision(_), alaska.precision(_), hawaii.precision(_);
return albersUsa;
albersUsa.scale = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return lower48.scale();
lower48.scale(_), alaska.scale(_ * 0.35), hawaii.scale(_);
return albersUsa.translate(lower48.translate());
albersUsa.translate = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return lower48.translate();
var k = lower48.scale(), x = +_[0], y = +_[1];
lower48Point = lower48
.clipExtent([[x - 0.455 * k, y - 0.238 * k], [x + 0.455 * k, y + 0.238 * k]])
alaskaPoint = alaska
.translate([x - 0.307 * k, y + 0.201 * k])
.clipExtent([[x - 0.425 * k + epsilon, y + 0.120 * k + epsilon], [x - 0.214 * k - epsilon, y + 0.234 * k - epsilon]])
hawaiiPoint = hawaii
.translate([x - 0.205 * k, y + 0.212 * k])
.clipExtent([[x - 0.214 * k + epsilon, y + 0.166 * k + epsilon], [x - 0.115 * k - epsilon, y + 0.234 * k - epsilon]])
return albersUsa;
albersUsa.fitExtent = fitExtent(albersUsa);
albersUsa.fitSize = fitSize(albersUsa);
return albersUsa.scale(1070);
function azimuthalRaw(scale) {
return function(x, y) {
var cx = cos(x),
cy = cos(y),
k = scale(cx * cy);
return [
k * cy * sin(x),
k * sin(y)
function azimuthalInvert(angle) {
return function(x, y) {
var z = sqrt(x * x + y * y),
c = angle(z),
sc = sin(c),
cc = cos(c);
return [
atan2(x * sc, z * cc),
asin(z && y * sc / z)
var azimuthalEqualAreaRaw = azimuthalRaw(function(cxcy) {
return sqrt(2 / (1 + cxcy));
azimuthalEqualAreaRaw.invert = azimuthalInvert(function(z) {
return 2 * asin(z / 2);
function azimuthalEqualArea() {
return projection(azimuthalEqualAreaRaw)
.clipAngle(180 - 1e-3);
var azimuthalEquidistantRaw = azimuthalRaw(function(c) {
return (c = acos(c)) && c / sin(c);
azimuthalEquidistantRaw.invert = azimuthalInvert(function(z) {
return z;
function azimuthalEquidistant() {
return projection(azimuthalEquidistantRaw)
.clipAngle(180 - 1e-3);
function mercatorRaw(lambda, phi) {
return [lambda, log(tan((halfPi + phi) / 2))];
mercatorRaw.invert = function(x, y) {
return [x, 2 * atan(exp(y)) - halfPi];
function mercator() {
return mercatorProjection(mercatorRaw)
.scale(961 / tau);
function mercatorProjection(project) {
var m = projection(project),
scale = m.scale,
translate = m.translate,
clipExtent = m.clipExtent,
m.scale = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (scale(_), clipAuto && m.clipExtent(null), m) : scale();
m.translate = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (translate(_), clipAuto && m.clipExtent(null), m) : translate();
m.clipExtent = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return clipAuto ? null : clipExtent();
if (clipAuto = _ == null) {
var k = pi * scale(),
t = translate();
_ = [[t[0] - k, t[1] - k], [t[0] + k, t[1] + k]];
return m;
return m.clipExtent(null);
function tany(y) {
return tan((halfPi + y) / 2);
function conicConformalRaw(y0, y1) {
var cy0 = cos(y0),
n = y0 === y1 ? sin(y0) : log(cy0 / cos(y1)) / log(tany(y1) / tany(y0)),
f = cy0 * pow(tany(y0), n) / n;
if (!n) return mercatorRaw;
function project(x, y) {
if (f > 0) { if (y < -halfPi + epsilon) y = -halfPi + epsilon; }
else { if (y > halfPi - epsilon) y = halfPi - epsilon; }
var r = f / pow(tany(y), n);
return [r * sin(n * x), f - r * cos(n * x)];
project.invert = function(x, y) {
var fy = f - y, r = sign(n) * sqrt(x * x + fy * fy);
return [atan2(x, fy) / n, 2 * atan(pow(f / r, 1 / n)) - halfPi];
return project;
function conicConformal() {
return conicProjection(conicConformalRaw)
.parallels([30, 30]);
function equirectangularRaw(lambda, phi) {
return [lambda, phi];
equirectangularRaw.invert = equirectangularRaw;
function equirectangular() {
return projection(equirectangularRaw)
function conicEquidistantRaw(y0, y1) {
var cy0 = cos(y0),
n = y0 === y1 ? sin(y0) : (cy0 - cos(y1)) / (y1 - y0),
g = cy0 / n + y0;
if (abs(n) < epsilon) return equirectangularRaw;
function project(x, y) {
var gy = g - y, nx = n * x;
return [gy * sin(nx), g - gy * cos(nx)];
project.invert = function(x, y) {
var gy = g - y;
return [atan2(x, gy) / n, g - sign(n) * sqrt(x * x + gy * gy)];
return project;
function conicEquidistant() {
return conicProjection(conicEquidistantRaw)
.center([0, 13.9389]);
function gnomonicRaw(x, y) {
var cy = cos(y), k = cos(x) * cy;
return [cy * sin(x) / k, sin(y) / k];
gnomonicRaw.invert = azimuthalInvert(atan);
function gnomonic() {
return projection(gnomonicRaw)
function orthographicRaw(x, y) {
return [cos(y) * sin(x), sin(y)];
orthographicRaw.invert = azimuthalInvert(asin);
function orthographic() {
return projection(orthographicRaw)
.clipAngle(90 + epsilon);
function stereographicRaw(x, y) {
var cy = cos(y), k = 1 + cos(x) * cy;
return [cy * sin(x) / k, sin(y) / k];
stereographicRaw.invert = azimuthalInvert(function(z) {
return 2 * atan(z);
function stereographic() {
return projection(stereographicRaw)
function transverseMercatorRaw(lambda, phi) {
return [log(tan((halfPi + phi) / 2)), -lambda];
transverseMercatorRaw.invert = function(x, y) {
return [-y, 2 * atan(exp(x)) - halfPi];
function transverseMercator() {
var m = mercatorProjection(transverseMercatorRaw),
center =,
rotate = m.rotate; = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? center([-_[1], _[0]]) : (_ = center(), [_[1], -_[0]]);
m.rotate = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? rotate([_[0], _[1], _.length > 2 ? _[2] + 90 : 90]) : (_ = rotate(), [_[0], _[1], _[2] - 90]);
return rotate([0, 0, 90])
exports.geoArea = area;
exports.geoBounds = bounds;
exports.geoCentroid = centroid;
exports.geoCircle = circle;
exports.geoClipExtent = extent;
exports.geoDistance = distance;
exports.geoGraticule = graticule;
exports.geoInterpolate = interpolate;
exports.geoLength = length;
exports.geoPath = index;
exports.geoAlbers = albers;
exports.geoAlbersUsa = albersUsa;
exports.geoAzimuthalEqualArea = azimuthalEqualArea;
exports.geoAzimuthalEqualAreaRaw = azimuthalEqualAreaRaw;
exports.geoAzimuthalEquidistant = azimuthalEquidistant;
exports.geoAzimuthalEquidistantRaw = azimuthalEquidistantRaw;
exports.geoConicConformal = conicConformal;
exports.geoConicConformalRaw = conicConformalRaw;
exports.geoConicEqualArea = conicEqualArea;
exports.geoConicEqualAreaRaw = conicEqualAreaRaw;
exports.geoConicEquidistant = conicEquidistant;
exports.geoConicEquidistantRaw = conicEquidistantRaw;
exports.geoEquirectangular = equirectangular;
exports.geoEquirectangularRaw = equirectangularRaw;
exports.geoGnomonic = gnomonic;
exports.geoGnomonicRaw = gnomonicRaw;
exports.geoProjection = projection;
exports.geoProjectionMutator = projectionMutator;
exports.geoMercator = mercator;
exports.geoMercatorRaw = mercatorRaw;
exports.geoOrthographic = orthographic;
exports.geoOrthographicRaw = orthographicRaw;
exports.geoStereographic = stereographic;
exports.geoStereographicRaw = stereographicRaw;
exports.geoTransverseMercator = transverseMercator;
exports.geoTransverseMercatorRaw = transverseMercatorRaw;
exports.geoRotation = rotation;
exports.geoStream = geoStream;
exports.geoTransform = transform;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
// Version 1.0.1. Copyright 2016 Mike Bostock.
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(factory((global.d3 = global.d3 || {})));
}(this, function (exports) { 'use strict';
var noop = {value: function() {}};
function dispatch() {
for (var i = 0, n = arguments.length, _ = {}, t; i < n; ++i) {
if (!(t = arguments[i] + "") || (t in _)) throw new Error("illegal type: " + t);
_[t] = [];
return new Dispatch(_);
function Dispatch(_) {
this._ = _;
function parseTypenames(typenames, types) {
return typenames.trim().split(/^|\s+/).map(function(t) {
var name = "", i = t.indexOf(".");
if (i >= 0) name = t.slice(i + 1), t = t.slice(0, i);
if (t && !types.hasOwnProperty(t)) throw new Error("unknown type: " + t);
return {type: t, name: name};
Dispatch.prototype = dispatch.prototype = {
constructor: Dispatch,
on: function(typename, callback) {
var _ = this._,
T = parseTypenames(typename + "", _),
i = -1,
n = T.length;
// If no callback was specified, return the callback of the given type and name.
if (arguments.length < 2) {
while (++i < n) if ((t = (typename = T[i]).type) && (t = get(_[t], return t;
// If a type was specified, set the callback for the given type and name.
// Otherwise, if a null callback was specified, remove callbacks of the given name.
if (callback != null && typeof callback !== "function") throw new Error("invalid callback: " + callback);
while (++i < n) {
if (t = (typename = T[i]).type) _[t] = set(_[t],, callback);
else if (callback == null) for (t in _) _[t] = set(_[t],, null);
return this;
copy: function() {
var copy = {}, _ = this._;
for (var t in _) copy[t] = _[t].slice();
return new Dispatch(copy);
call: function(type, that) {
if ((n = arguments.length - 2) > 0) for (var args = new Array(n), i = 0, n, t; i < n; ++i) args[i] = arguments[i + 2];
if (!this._.hasOwnProperty(type)) throw new Error("unknown type: " + type);
for (t = this._[type], i = 0, n = t.length; i < n; ++i) t[i].value.apply(that, args);
apply: function(type, that, args) {
if (!this._.hasOwnProperty(type)) throw new Error("unknown type: " + type);
for (var t = this._[type], i = 0, n = t.length; i < n; ++i) t[i].value.apply(that, args);
function get(type, name) {
for (var i = 0, n = type.length, c; i < n; ++i) {
if ((c = type[i]).name === name) {
return c.value;
function set(type, name, callback) {
for (var i = 0, n = type.length; i < n; ++i) {
if (type[i].name === name) {
type[i] = noop, type = type.slice(0, i).concat(type.slice(i + 1));
if (callback != null) type.push({name: name, value: callback});
return type;
exports.dispatch = dispatch;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
// Version 1.0.3. Copyright 2016 Mike Bostock.
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(factory((global.d3 = global.d3 || {})));
}(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict';
function objectConverter(columns) {
return new Function("d", "return {" +, i) {
return JSON.stringify(name) + ": d[" + i + "]";
}).join(",") + "}");
function customConverter(columns, f) {
var object = objectConverter(columns);
return function(row, i) {
return f(object(row), i, columns);
// Compute unique columns in order of discovery.
function inferColumns(rows) {
var columnSet = Object.create(null),
columns = [];
rows.forEach(function(row) {
for (var column in row) {
if (!(column in columnSet)) {
columns.push(columnSet[column] = column);
return columns;
function dsv(delimiter) {
var reFormat = new RegExp("[\"" + delimiter + "\n]"),
delimiterCode = delimiter.charCodeAt(0);
function parse(text, f) {
var convert, columns, rows = parseRows(text, function(row, i) {
if (convert) return convert(row, i - 1);
columns = row, convert = f ? customConverter(row, f) : objectConverter(row);
rows.columns = columns;
return rows;
function parseRows(text, f) {
var EOL = {}, // sentinel value for end-of-line
EOF = {}, // sentinel value for end-of-file
rows = [], // output rows
N = text.length,
I = 0, // current character index
n = 0, // the current line number
t, // the current token
eol; // is the current token followed by EOL?
function token() {
if (I >= N) return EOF; // special case: end of file
if (eol) return eol = false, EOL; // special case: end of line
// special case: quotes
var j = I, c;
if (text.charCodeAt(j) === 34) {
var i = j;
while (i++ < N) {
if (text.charCodeAt(i) === 34) {
if (text.charCodeAt(i + 1) !== 34) break;
I = i + 2;
c = text.charCodeAt(i + 1);
if (c === 13) {
eol = true;
if (text.charCodeAt(i + 2) === 10) ++I;
} else if (c === 10) {
eol = true;
return text.slice(j + 1, i).replace(/""/g, "\"");
// common case: find next delimiter or newline
while (I < N) {
var k = 1;
c = text.charCodeAt(I++);
if (c === 10) eol = true; // \n
else if (c === 13) { eol = true; if (text.charCodeAt(I) === 10) ++I, ++k; } // \r|\r\n
else if (c !== delimiterCode) continue;
return text.slice(j, I - k);
// special case: last token before EOF
return text.slice(j);
while ((t = token()) !== EOF) {
var a = [];
while (t !== EOL && t !== EOF) {
t = token();
if (f && (a = f(a, n++)) == null) continue;
return rows;
function format(rows, columns) {
if (columns == null) columns = inferColumns(rows);
return [].concat( {
return {
return formatValue(row[column]);
function formatRows(rows) {
function formatRow(row) {
function formatValue(text) {
return text == null ? ""
: reFormat.test(text += "") ? "\"" + text.replace(/\"/g, "\"\"") + "\""
: text;
return {
parse: parse,
parseRows: parseRows,
format: format,
formatRows: formatRows
var csv = dsv(",");
var csvParse = csv.parse;
var csvParseRows = csv.parseRows;
var csvFormat = csv.format;
var csvFormatRows = csv.formatRows;
var tsv = dsv("\t");
var tsvParse = tsv.parse;
var tsvParseRows = tsv.parseRows;
var tsvFormat = tsv.format;
var tsvFormatRows = tsv.formatRows;
exports.dsvFormat = dsv;
exports.csvParse = csvParse;
exports.csvParseRows = csvParseRows;
exports.csvFormat = csvFormat;
exports.csvFormatRows = csvFormatRows;
exports.tsvParse = tsvParse;
exports.tsvParseRows = tsvParseRows;
exports.tsvFormat = tsvFormat;
exports.tsvFormatRows = tsvFormatRows;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
// Version 1.0.1. Copyright 2016 Mike Bostock.
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(factory((global.d3 = global.d3 || {})));
}(this, function (exports) { 'use strict';
function linear(t) {
return +t;
function quadIn(t) {
return t * t;
function quadOut(t) {
return t * (2 - t);
function quadInOut(t) {
return ((t *= 2) <= 1 ? t * t : --t * (2 - t) + 1) / 2;
function cubicIn(t) {
return t * t * t;
function cubicOut(t) {
return --t * t * t + 1;
function cubicInOut(t) {
return ((t *= 2) <= 1 ? t * t * t : (t -= 2) * t * t + 2) / 2;
var exponent = 3;
var polyIn = (function custom(e) {
e = +e;
function polyIn(t) {
return Math.pow(t, e);
polyIn.exponent = custom;
return polyIn;
var polyOut = (function custom(e) {
e = +e;
function polyOut(t) {
return 1 - Math.pow(1 - t, e);
polyOut.exponent = custom;
return polyOut;
var polyInOut = (function custom(e) {
e = +e;
function polyInOut(t) {
return ((t *= 2) <= 1 ? Math.pow(t, e) : 2 - Math.pow(2 - t, e)) / 2;
polyInOut.exponent = custom;
return polyInOut;
var pi = Math.PI;
var halfPi = pi / 2;
function sinIn(t) {
return 1 - Math.cos(t * halfPi);
function sinOut(t) {
return Math.sin(t * halfPi);
function sinInOut(t) {
return (1 - Math.cos(pi * t)) / 2;
function expIn(t) {
return Math.pow(2, 10 * t - 10);
function expOut(t) {
return 1 - Math.pow(2, -10 * t);
function expInOut(t) {
return ((t *= 2) <= 1 ? Math.pow(2, 10 * t - 10) : 2 - Math.pow(2, 10 - 10 * t)) / 2;
function circleIn(t) {
return 1 - Math.sqrt(1 - t * t);
function circleOut(t) {
return Math.sqrt(1 - --t * t);
function circleInOut(t) {
return ((t *= 2) <= 1 ? 1 - Math.sqrt(1 - t * t) : Math.sqrt(1 - (t -= 2) * t) + 1) / 2;
var b1 = 4 / 11;
var b2 = 6 / 11;
var b3 = 8 / 11;
var b4 = 3 / 4;
var b5 = 9 / 11;
var b6 = 10 / 11;
var b7 = 15 / 16;
var b8 = 21 / 22;
var b9 = 63 / 64;
var b0 = 1 / b1 / b1;
function bounceIn(t) {
return 1 - bounceOut(1 - t);
function bounceOut(t) {
return (t = +t) < b1 ? b0 * t * t : t < b3 ? b0 * (t -= b2) * t + b4 : t < b6 ? b0 * (t -= b5) * t + b7 : b0 * (t -= b8) * t + b9;
function bounceInOut(t) {
return ((t *= 2) <= 1 ? 1 - bounceOut(1 - t) : bounceOut(t - 1) + 1) / 2;
var overshoot = 1.70158;
var backIn = (function custom(s) {
s = +s;
function backIn(t) {
return t * t * ((s + 1) * t - s);
backIn.overshoot = custom;
return backIn;
var backOut = (function custom(s) {
s = +s;
function backOut(t) {
return --t * t * ((s + 1) * t + s) + 1;
backOut.overshoot = custom;
return backOut;
var backInOut = (function custom(s) {
s = +s;
function backInOut(t) {
return ((t *= 2) < 1 ? t * t * ((s + 1) * t - s) : (t -= 2) * t * ((s + 1) * t + s) + 2) / 2;
backInOut.overshoot = custom;
return backInOut;
var tau = 2 * Math.PI;
var amplitude = 1;
var period = 0.3;
var elasticIn = (function custom(a, p) {
var s = Math.asin(1 / (a = Math.max(1, a))) * (p /= tau);
function elasticIn(t) {
return a * Math.pow(2, 10 * --t) * Math.sin((s - t) / p);
elasticIn.amplitude = function(a) { return custom(a, p * tau); };
elasticIn.period = function(p) { return custom(a, p); };
return elasticIn;
})(amplitude, period);
var elasticOut = (function custom(a, p) {
var s = Math.asin(1 / (a = Math.max(1, a))) * (p /= tau);
function elasticOut(t) {
return 1 - a * Math.pow(2, -10 * (t = +t)) * Math.sin((t + s) / p);
elasticOut.amplitude = function(a) { return custom(a, p * tau); };
elasticOut.period = function(p) { return custom(a, p); };
return elasticOut;
})(amplitude, period);
var elasticInOut = (function custom(a, p) {
var s = Math.asin(1 / (a = Math.max(1, a))) * (p /= tau);
function elasticInOut(t) {
return ((t = t * 2 - 1) < 0
? a * Math.pow(2, 10 * t) * Math.sin((s - t) / p)
: 2 - a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * Math.sin((s + t) / p)) / 2;
elasticInOut.amplitude = function(a) { return custom(a, p * tau); };
elasticInOut.period = function(p) { return custom(a, p); };
return elasticInOut;
})(amplitude, period);
exports.easeLinear = linear;
exports.easeQuad = quadInOut;
exports.easeQuadIn = quadIn;
exports.easeQuadOut = quadOut;
exports.easeQuadInOut = quadInOut;
exports.easeCubic = cubicInOut;
exports.easeCubicIn = cubicIn;
exports.easeCubicOut = cubicOut;
exports.easeCubicInOut = cubicInOut;
exports.easePoly = polyInOut;
exports.easePolyIn = polyIn;
exports.easePolyOut = polyOut;
exports.easePolyInOut = polyInOut;
exports.easeSin = sinInOut;
exports.easeSinIn = sinIn;
exports.easeSinOut = sinOut;
exports.easeSinInOut = sinInOut;
exports.easeExp = expInOut;
exports.easeExpIn = expIn;
exports.easeExpOut = expOut;
exports.easeExpInOut = expInOut;
exports.easeCircle = circleInOut;
exports.easeCircleIn = circleIn;
exports.easeCircleOut = circleOut;
exports.easeCircleInOut = circleInOut;
exports.easeBounce = bounceOut;
exports.easeBounceIn = bounceIn;
exports.easeBounceOut = bounceOut;
exports.easeBounceInOut = bounceInOut;
exports.easeBack = backInOut;
exports.easeBackIn = backIn;
exports.easeBackOut = backOut;
exports.easeBackInOut = backInOut;
exports.easeElastic = elasticOut;
exports.easeElasticIn = elasticIn;
exports.easeElasticOut = elasticOut;
exports.easeElasticInOut = elasticInOut;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
// Version 1.2.5. Copyright 2016 Mike Bostock.
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('d3-array')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'd3-array'], factory) :
(factory((global.d3 = global.d3 || {}),global.d3));
}(this, (function (exports,d3Array) { 'use strict';
// Adds floating point numbers with twice the normal precision.
// Reference: J. R. Shewchuk, Adaptive Precision Floating-Point Arithmetic and
// Fast Robust Geometric Predicates, Discrete & Computational Geometry 18(3)
// 305–363 (1997).
// Code adapted from GeographicLib by Charles F. F. Karney,
var adder = function() {
return new Adder;
function Adder() {
Adder.prototype = {
constructor: Adder,
reset: function() {
this.s = // rounded value
this.t = 0; // exact error
add: function(y) {
add(temp, y, this.t);
add(this, temp.s, this.s);
if (this.s) this.t += temp.t;
else this.s = temp.t;
valueOf: function() {
return this.s;
var temp = new Adder;
function add(adder, a, b) {
var x = adder.s = a + b,
bv = x - a,
av = x - bv;
adder.t = (a - av) + (b - bv);
var epsilon = 1e-6;
var epsilon2 = 1e-12;
var pi = Math.PI;
var halfPi = pi / 2;
var quarterPi = pi / 4;
var tau = pi * 2;
var degrees = 180 / pi;
var radians = pi / 180;
var abs = Math.abs;
var atan = Math.atan;
var atan2 = Math.atan2;
var cos = Math.cos;
var ceil = Math.ceil;
var exp = Math.exp;
var log = Math.log;
var pow = Math.pow;
var sin = Math.sin;
var sign = Math.sign || function(x) { return x > 0 ? 1 : x < 0 ? -1 : 0; };
var sqrt = Math.sqrt;
var tan = Math.tan;
function acos(x) {
return x > 1 ? 0 : x < -1 ? pi : Math.acos(x);
function asin(x) {
return x > 1 ? halfPi : x < -1 ? -halfPi : Math.asin(x);
function haversin(x) {
return (x = sin(x / 2)) * x;
function noop() {}
function streamGeometry(geometry, stream) {
if (geometry && streamGeometryType.hasOwnProperty(geometry.type)) {
streamGeometryType[geometry.type](geometry, stream);
var streamObjectType = {
Feature: function(feature, stream) {
streamGeometry(feature.geometry, stream);
FeatureCollection: function(object, stream) {
var features = object.features, i = -1, n = features.length;
while (++i < n) streamGeometry(features[i].geometry, stream);
var streamGeometryType = {
Sphere: function(object, stream) {
Point: function(object, stream) {
object = object.coordinates;
stream.point(object[0], object[1], object[2]);
MultiPoint: function(object, stream) {
var coordinates = object.coordinates, i = -1, n = coordinates.length;
while (++i < n) object = coordinates[i], stream.point(object[0], object[1], object[2]);
LineString: function(object, stream) {
streamLine(object.coordinates, stream, 0);
MultiLineString: function(object, stream) {
var coordinates = object.coordinates, i = -1, n = coordinates.length;
while (++i < n) streamLine(coordinates[i], stream, 0);
Polygon: function(object, stream) {
streamPolygon(object.coordinates, stream);
MultiPolygon: function(object, stream) {
var coordinates = object.coordinates, i = -1, n = coordinates.length;
while (++i < n) streamPolygon(coordinates[i], stream);
GeometryCollection: function(object, stream) {
var geometries = object.geometries, i = -1, n = geometries.length;
while (++i < n) streamGeometry(geometries[i], stream);
function streamLine(coordinates, stream, closed) {
var i = -1, n = coordinates.length - closed, coordinate;
while (++i < n) coordinate = coordinates[i], stream.point(coordinate[0], coordinate[1], coordinate[2]);
function streamPolygon(coordinates, stream) {
var i = -1, n = coordinates.length;
while (++i < n) streamLine(coordinates[i], stream, 1);
var geoStream = function(object, stream) {
if (object && streamObjectType.hasOwnProperty(object.type)) {
streamObjectType[object.type](object, stream);
} else {
streamGeometry(object, stream);
var areaRingSum = adder();
var areaSum = adder();
var lambda00;
var phi00;
var lambda0;
var cosPhi0;
var sinPhi0;
var areaStream = {
point: noop,
lineStart: noop,
lineEnd: noop,
polygonStart: function() {
areaStream.lineStart = areaRingStart;
areaStream.lineEnd = areaRingEnd;
polygonEnd: function() {
var areaRing = +areaRingSum;
areaSum.add(areaRing < 0 ? tau + areaRing : areaRing);
this.lineStart = this.lineEnd = this.point = noop;
sphere: function() {
function areaRingStart() {
areaStream.point = areaPointFirst;
function areaRingEnd() {
areaPoint(lambda00, phi00);
function areaPointFirst(lambda, phi) {
areaStream.point = areaPoint;
lambda00 = lambda, phi00 = phi;
lambda *= radians, phi *= radians;
lambda0 = lambda, cosPhi0 = cos(phi = phi / 2 + quarterPi), sinPhi0 = sin(phi);
function areaPoint(lambda, phi) {
lambda *= radians, phi *= radians;
phi = phi / 2 + quarterPi; // half the angular distance from south pole
// Spherical excess E for a spherical triangle with vertices: south pole,
// previous point, current point. Uses a formula derived from Cagnoli’s
// theorem. See Todhunter, Spherical Trig. (1871), Sec. 103, Eq. (2).
var dLambda = lambda - lambda0,
sdLambda = dLambda >= 0 ? 1 : -1,
adLambda = sdLambda * dLambda,
cosPhi = cos(phi),
sinPhi = sin(phi),
k = sinPhi0 * sinPhi,
u = cosPhi0 * cosPhi + k * cos(adLambda),
v = k * sdLambda * sin(adLambda);
areaRingSum.add(atan2(v, u));
// Advance the previous points.
lambda0 = lambda, cosPhi0 = cosPhi, sinPhi0 = sinPhi;
var area = function(object) {
geoStream(object, areaStream);
return areaSum * 2;
function spherical(cartesian) {
return [atan2(cartesian[1], cartesian[0]), asin(cartesian[2])];
function cartesian(spherical) {
var lambda = spherical[0], phi = spherical[1], cosPhi = cos(phi);
return [cosPhi * cos(lambda), cosPhi * sin(lambda), sin(phi)];
function cartesianDot(a, b) {
return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2];
function cartesianCross(a, b) {
return [a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1], a[2] * b[0] - a[0] * b[2], a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0]];
// TODO return a
function cartesianAddInPlace(a, b) {
a[0] += b[0], a[1] += b[1], a[2] += b[2];
function cartesianScale(vector, k) {
return [vector[0] * k, vector[1] * k, vector[2] * k];
// TODO return d
function cartesianNormalizeInPlace(d) {
var l = sqrt(d[0] * d[0] + d[1] * d[1] + d[2] * d[2]);
d[0] /= l, d[1] /= l, d[2] /= l;
var lambda0$1;
var phi0;
var lambda1;
var phi1;
var lambda2;
var lambda00$1;
var phi00$1;
var p0;
var deltaSum = adder();
var ranges;
var range$1;
var boundsStream = {
point: boundsPoint,
lineStart: boundsLineStart,
lineEnd: boundsLineEnd,
polygonStart: function() {
boundsStream.point = boundsRingPoint;
boundsStream.lineStart = boundsRingStart;
boundsStream.lineEnd = boundsRingEnd;
polygonEnd: function() {
boundsStream.point = boundsPoint;
boundsStream.lineStart = boundsLineStart;
boundsStream.lineEnd = boundsLineEnd;
if (areaRingSum < 0) lambda0$1 = -(lambda1 = 180), phi0 = -(phi1 = 90);
else if (deltaSum > epsilon) phi1 = 90;
else if (deltaSum < -epsilon) phi0 = -90;
range$1[0] = lambda0$1, range$1[1] = lambda1;
function boundsPoint(lambda, phi) {
ranges.push(range$1 = [lambda0$1 = lambda, lambda1 = lambda]);
if (phi < phi0) phi0 = phi;
if (phi > phi1) phi1 = phi;
function linePoint(lambda, phi) {
var p = cartesian([lambda * radians, phi * radians]);
if (p0) {
var normal = cartesianCross(p0, p),
equatorial = [normal[1], -normal[0], 0],
inflection = cartesianCross(equatorial, normal);
inflection = spherical(inflection);
var delta = lambda - lambda2,
sign$$1 = delta > 0 ? 1 : -1,
lambdai = inflection[0] * degrees * sign$$1,
antimeridian = abs(delta) > 180;
if (antimeridian ^ (sign$$1 * lambda2 < lambdai && lambdai < sign$$1 * lambda)) {
phii = inflection[1] * degrees;
if (phii > phi1) phi1 = phii;
} else if (lambdai = (lambdai + 360) % 360 - 180, antimeridian ^ (sign$$1 * lambda2 < lambdai && lambdai < sign$$1 * lambda)) {
phii = -inflection[1] * degrees;
if (phii < phi0) phi0 = phii;
} else {
if (phi < phi0) phi0 = phi;
if (phi > phi1) phi1 = phi;
if (antimeridian) {
if (lambda < lambda2) {
if (angle(lambda0$1, lambda) > angle(lambda0$1, lambda1)) lambda1 = lambda;
} else {
if (angle(lambda, lambda1) > angle(lambda0$1, lambda1)) lambda0$1 = lambda;
} else {
if (lambda1 >= lambda0$1) {
if (lambda < lambda0$1) lambda0$1 = lambda;
if (lambda > lambda1) lambda1 = lambda;
} else {
if (lambda > lambda2) {
if (angle(lambda0$1, lambda) > angle(lambda0$1, lambda1)) lambda1 = lambda;
} else {
if (angle(lambda, lambda1) > angle(lambda0$1, lambda1)) lambda0$1 = lambda;
} else {
boundsPoint(lambda, phi);
p0 = p, lambda2 = lambda;
function boundsLineStart() {
boundsStream.point = linePoint;
function boundsLineEnd() {
range$1[0] = lambda0$1, range$1[1] = lambda1;
boundsStream.point = boundsPoint;
p0 = null;
function boundsRingPoint(lambda, phi) {
if (p0) {
var delta = lambda - lambda2;
deltaSum.add(abs(delta) > 180 ? delta + (delta > 0 ? 360 : -360) : delta);
} else {
lambda00$1 = lambda, phi00$1 = phi;
areaStream.point(lambda, phi);
linePoint(lambda, phi);
function boundsRingStart() {
function boundsRingEnd() {
boundsRingPoint(lambda00$1, phi00$1);
if (abs(deltaSum) > epsilon) lambda0$1 = -(lambda1 = 180);
range$1[0] = lambda0$1, range$1[1] = lambda1;
p0 = null;
// Finds the left-right distance between two longitudes.
// This is almost the same as (lambda1 - lambda0 + 360°) % 360°, except that we want
// the distance between ±180° to be 360°.
function angle(lambda0, lambda1) {
return (lambda1 -= lambda0) < 0 ? lambda1 + 360 : lambda1;
function rangeCompare(a, b) {
return a[0] - b[0];
function rangeContains(range$$1, x) {
return range$$1[0] <= range$$1[1] ? range$$1[0] <= x && x <= range$$1[1] : x < range$$1[0] || range$$1[1] < x;
var bounds = function(feature) {
var i, n, a, b, merged, deltaMax, delta;
phi1 = lambda1 = -(lambda0$1 = phi0 = Infinity);
ranges = [];
geoStream(feature, boundsStream);
// First, sort ranges by their minimum longitudes.
if (n = ranges.length) {
// Then, merge any ranges that overlap.
for (i = 1, a = ranges[0], merged = [a]; i < n; ++i) {
b = ranges[i];
if (rangeContains(a, b[0]) || rangeContains(a, b[1])) {
if (angle(a[0], b[1]) > angle(a[0], a[1])) a[1] = b[1];
if (angle(b[0], a[1]) > angle(a[0], a[1])) a[0] = b[0];
} else {
merged.push(a = b);
// Finally, find the largest gap between the merged ranges.
// The final bounding box will be the inverse of this gap.
for (deltaMax = -Infinity, n = merged.length - 1, i = 0, a = merged[n]; i <= n; a = b, ++i) {
b = merged[i];
if ((delta = angle(a[1], b[0])) > deltaMax) deltaMax = delta, lambda0$1 = b[0], lambda1 = a[1];
ranges = range$1 = null;
return lambda0$1 === Infinity || phi0 === Infinity
? [[NaN, NaN], [NaN, NaN]]
: [[lambda0$1, phi0], [lambda1, phi1]];
var W0;
var W1;
var X0;
var Y0;
var Z0;
var X1;
var Y1;
var Z1;
var X2;
var Y2;
var Z2;
var lambda00$2;
var phi00$2;
var x0;
var y0;
var z0; // previous point
var centroidStream = {
sphere: noop,
point: centroidPoint,
lineStart: centroidLineStart,
lineEnd: centroidLineEnd,
polygonStart: function() {
centroidStream.lineStart = centroidRingStart;
centroidStream.lineEnd = centroidRingEnd;
polygonEnd: function() {
centroidStream.lineStart = centroidLineStart;
centroidStream.lineEnd = centroidLineEnd;
// Arithmetic mean of Cartesian vectors.
function centroidPoint(lambda, phi) {
lambda *= radians, phi *= radians;
var cosPhi = cos(phi);
centroidPointCartesian(cosPhi * cos(lambda), cosPhi * sin(lambda), sin(phi));
function centroidPointCartesian(x, y, z) {
X0 += (x - X0) / W0;
Y0 += (y - Y0) / W0;
Z0 += (z - Z0) / W0;
function centroidLineStart() {
centroidStream.point = centroidLinePointFirst;
function centroidLinePointFirst(lambda, phi) {
lambda *= radians, phi *= radians;
var cosPhi = cos(phi);
x0 = cosPhi * cos(lambda);
y0 = cosPhi * sin(lambda);
z0 = sin(phi);
centroidStream.point = centroidLinePoint;
centroidPointCartesian(x0, y0, z0);
function centroidLinePoint(lambda, phi) {
lambda *= radians, phi *= radians;
var cosPhi = cos(phi),
x = cosPhi * cos(lambda),
y = cosPhi * sin(lambda),
z = sin(phi),
w = atan2(sqrt((w = y0 * z - z0 * y) * w + (w = z0 * x - x0 * z) * w + (w = x0 * y - y0 * x) * w), x0 * x + y0 * y + z0 * z);
W1 += w;
X1 += w * (x0 + (x0 = x));
Y1 += w * (y0 + (y0 = y));
Z1 += w * (z0 + (z0 = z));
centroidPointCartesian(x0, y0, z0);
function centroidLineEnd() {
centroidStream.point = centroidPoint;
// See J. E. Brock, The Inertia Tensor for a Spherical Triangle,
// J. Applied Mechanics 42, 239 (1975).
function centroidRingStart() {
centroidStream.point = centroidRingPointFirst;
function centroidRingEnd() {
centroidRingPoint(lambda00$2, phi00$2);
centroidStream.point = centroidPoint;
function centroidRingPointFirst(lambda, phi) {
lambda00$2 = lambda, phi00$2 = phi;
lambda *= radians, phi *= radians;
centroidStream.point = centroidRingPoint;
var cosPhi = cos(phi);
x0 = cosPhi * cos(lambda);
y0 = cosPhi * sin(lambda);
z0 = sin(phi);
centroidPointCartesian(x0, y0, z0);
function centroidRingPoint(lambda, phi) {
lambda *= radians, phi *= radians;
var cosPhi = cos(phi),
x = cosPhi * cos(lambda),
y = cosPhi * sin(lambda),
z = sin(phi),
cx = y0 * z - z0 * y,
cy = z0 * x - x0 * z,
cz = x0 * y - y0 * x,
m = sqrt(cx * cx + cy * cy + cz * cz),
u = x0 * x + y0 * y + z0 * z,
v = m && -acos(u) / m, // area weight
w = atan2(m, u); // line weight
X2 += v * cx;
Y2 += v * cy;
Z2 += v * cz;
W1 += w;
X1 += w * (x0 + (x0 = x));
Y1 += w * (y0 + (y0 = y));
Z1 += w * (z0 + (z0 = z));
centroidPointCartesian(x0, y0, z0);
var centroid = function(object) {
W0 = W1 =
X0 = Y0 = Z0 =
X1 = Y1 = Z1 =
X2 = Y2 = Z2 = 0;
geoStream(object, centroidStream);
var x = X2,
y = Y2,
z = Z2,
m = x * x + y * y + z * z;
// If the area-weighted ccentroid is undefined, fall back to length-weighted ccentroid.
if (m < epsilon2) {
x = X1, y = Y1, z = Z1;
// If the feature has zero length, fall back to arithmetic mean of point vectors.
if (W1 < epsilon) x = X0, y = Y0, z = Z0;
m = x * x + y * y + z * z;
// If the feature still has an undefined ccentroid, then return.
if (m < epsilon2) return [NaN, NaN];
return [atan2(y, x) * degrees, asin(z / sqrt(m)) * degrees];
var constant = function(x) {
return function() {
return x;
var compose = function(a, b) {
function compose(x, y) {
return x = a(x, y), b(x[0], x[1]);
if (a.invert && b.invert) compose.invert = function(x, y) {
return x = b.invert(x, y), x && a.invert(x[0], x[1]);
return compose;
function rotationIdentity(lambda, phi) {
return [lambda > pi ? lambda - tau : lambda < -pi ? lambda + tau : lambda, phi];
rotationIdentity.invert = rotationIdentity;
function rotateRadians(deltaLambda, deltaPhi, deltaGamma) {
return (deltaLambda %= tau) ? (deltaPhi || deltaGamma ? compose(rotationLambda(deltaLambda), rotationPhiGamma(deltaPhi, deltaGamma))
: rotationLambda(deltaLambda))
: (deltaPhi || deltaGamma ? rotationPhiGamma(deltaPhi, deltaGamma)
: rotationIdentity);
function forwardRotationLambda(deltaLambda) {
return function(lambda, phi) {
return lambda += deltaLambda, [lambda > pi ? lambda - tau : lambda < -pi ? lambda + tau : lambda, phi];
function rotationLambda(deltaLambda) {
var rotation = forwardRotationLambda(deltaLambda);
rotation.invert = forwardRotationLambda(-deltaLambda);
return rotation;
function rotationPhiGamma(deltaPhi, deltaGamma) {
var cosDeltaPhi = cos(deltaPhi),
sinDeltaPhi = sin(deltaPhi),
cosDeltaGamma = cos(deltaGamma),
sinDeltaGamma = sin(deltaGamma);
function rotation(lambda, phi) {
var cosPhi = cos(phi),
x = cos(lambda) * cosPhi,
y = sin(lambda) * cosPhi,
z = sin(phi),
k = z * cosDeltaPhi + x * sinDeltaPhi;
return [
atan2(y * cosDeltaGamma - k * sinDeltaGamma, x * cosDeltaPhi - z * sinDeltaPhi),
asin(k * cosDeltaGamma + y * sinDeltaGamma)
rotation.invert = function(lambda, phi) {
var cosPhi = cos(phi),
x = cos(lambda) * cosPhi,
y = sin(lambda) * cosPhi,
z = sin(phi),
k = z * cosDeltaGamma - y * sinDeltaGamma;
return [
atan2(y * cosDeltaGamma + z * sinDeltaGamma, x * cosDeltaPhi + k * sinDeltaPhi),
asin(k * cosDeltaPhi - x * sinDeltaPhi)
return rotation;
var rotation = function(rotate) {
rotate = rotateRadians(rotate[0] * radians, rotate[1] * radians, rotate.length > 2 ? rotate[2] * radians : 0);
function forward(coordinates) {
coordinates = rotate(coordinates[0] * radians, coordinates[1] * radians);
return coordinates[0] *= degrees, coordinates[1] *= degrees, coordinates;
forward.invert = function(coordinates) {
coordinates = rotate.invert(coordinates[0] * radians, coordinates[1] * radians);
return coordinates[0] *= degrees, coordinates[1] *= degrees, coordinates;
return forward;
// Generates a circle centered at [0°, 0°], with a given radius and precision.
function circleStream(stream, radius, delta, direction, t0, t1) {
if (!delta) return;
var cosRadius = cos(radius),
sinRadius = sin(radius),
step = direction * delta;
if (t0 == null) {
t0 = radius + direction * tau;
t1 = radius - step / 2;
} else {
t0 = circleRadius(cosRadius, t0);
t1 = circleRadius(cosRadius, t1);
if (direction > 0 ? t0 < t1 : t0 > t1) t0 += direction * tau;
for (var point, t = t0; direction > 0 ? t > t1 : t < t1; t -= step) {
point = spherical([cosRadius, -sinRadius * cos(t), -sinRadius * sin(t)]);
stream.point(point[0], point[1]);
// Returns the signed angle of a cartesian point relative to [cosRadius, 0, 0].
function circleRadius(cosRadius, point) {
point = cartesian(point), point[0] -= cosRadius;
var radius = acos(-point[1]);
return ((-point[2] < 0 ? -radius : radius) + tau - epsilon) % tau;
var circle = function() {
var center = constant([0, 0]),
radius = constant(90),
precision = constant(6),
stream = {point: point};
function point(x, y) {
ring.push(x = rotate(x, y));
x[0] *= degrees, x[1] *= degrees;
function circle() {
var c = center.apply(this, arguments),
r = radius.apply(this, arguments) * radians,
p = precision.apply(this, arguments) * radians;
ring = [];
rotate = rotateRadians(-c[0] * radians, -c[1] * radians, 0).invert;
circleStream(stream, r, p, 1);
c = {type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ring]};
ring = rotate = null;
return c;
} = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (center = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant([+_[0], +_[1]]), circle) : center;
circle.radius = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (radius = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant(+_), circle) : radius;
circle.precision = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (precision = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant(+_), circle) : precision;
return circle;
var clipBuffer = function() {
var lines = [],
return {
point: function(x, y) {
line.push([x, y]);
lineStart: function() {
lines.push(line = []);
lineEnd: noop,
rejoin: function() {
if (lines.length > 1) lines.push(lines.pop().concat(lines.shift()));
result: function() {
var result = lines;
lines = [];
line = null;
return result;
var clipLine = function(a, b, x0, y0, x1, y1) {
var ax = a[0],
ay = a[1],
bx = b[0],
by = b[1],
t0 = 0,
t1 = 1,
dx = bx - ax,
dy = by - ay,
r = x0 - ax;
if (!dx && r > 0) return;
r /= dx;
if (dx < 0) {
if (r < t0) return;
if (r < t1) t1 = r;
} else if (dx > 0) {
if (r > t1) return;
if (r > t0) t0 = r;
r = x1 - ax;
if (!dx && r < 0) return;
r /= dx;
if (dx < 0) {
if (r > t1) return;
if (r > t0) t0 = r;
} else if (dx > 0) {
if (r < t0) return;
if (r < t1) t1 = r;
r = y0 - ay;
if (!dy && r > 0) return;
r /= dy;
if (dy < 0) {
if (r < t0) return;
if (r < t1) t1 = r;
} else if (dy > 0) {
if (r > t1) return;
if (r > t0) t0 = r;
r = y1 - ay;
if (!dy && r < 0) return;
r /= dy;
if (dy < 0) {
if (r > t1) return;
if (r > t0) t0 = r;
} else if (dy > 0) {
if (r < t0) return;
if (r < t1) t1 = r;
if (t0 > 0) a[0] = ax + t0 * dx, a[1] = ay + t0 * dy;
if (t1 < 1) b[0] = ax + t1 * dx, b[1] = ay + t1 * dy;
return true;
var pointEqual = function(a, b) {
return abs(a[0] - b[0]) < epsilon && abs(a[1] - b[1]) < epsilon;
function Intersection(point, points, other, entry) {
this.x = point;
this.z = points;
this.o = other; // another intersection
this.e = entry; // is an entry?
this.v = false; // visited
this.n = this.p = null; // next & previous
// A generalized polygon clipping algorithm: given a polygon that has been cut
// into its visible line segments, and rejoins the segments by interpolating
// along the clip edge.
var clipPolygon = function(segments, compareIntersection, startInside, interpolate, stream) {
var subject = [],
clip = [],
segments.forEach(function(segment) {
if ((n = segment.length - 1) <= 0) return;
var n, p0 = segment[0], p1 = segment[n], x;
// If the first and last points of a segment are coincident, then treat as a
// closed ring. TODO if all rings are closed, then the winding order of the
// exterior ring should be checked.
if (pointEqual(p0, p1)) {
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) stream.point((p0 = segment[i])[0], p0[1]);
subject.push(x = new Intersection(p0, segment, null, true));
clip.push(x.o = new Intersection(p0, null, x, false));
subject.push(x = new Intersection(p1, segment, null, false));
clip.push(x.o = new Intersection(p1, null, x, true));
if (!subject.length) return;
for (i = 0, n = clip.length; i < n; ++i) {
clip[i].e = startInside = !startInside;
var start = subject[0],
while (1) {
// Find first unvisited intersection.
var current = start,
isSubject = true;
while (current.v) if ((current = current.n) === start) return;
points = current.z;
do {
current.v = current.o.v = true;
if (current.e) {
if (isSubject) {
for (i = 0, n = points.length; i < n; ++i) stream.point((point = points[i])[0], point[1]);
} else {
interpolate(current.x, current.n.x, 1, stream);
current = current.n;
} else {
if (isSubject) {
points = current.p.z;
for (i = points.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) stream.point((point = points[i])[0], point[1]);
} else {
interpolate(current.x, current.p.x, -1, stream);
current = current.p;
current = current.o;
points = current.z;
isSubject = !isSubject;
} while (!current.v);
function link(array) {
if (!(n = array.length)) return;
var n,
i = 0,
a = array[0],
while (++i < n) {
a.n = b = array[i];
b.p = a;
a = b;
a.n = b = array[0];
b.p = a;
var clipMax = 1e9;
var clipMin = -clipMax;
// TODO Use d3-polygon’s polygonContains here for the ring check?
// TODO Eliminate duplicate buffering in clipBuffer and polygon.push?
function clipExtent(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
function visible(x, y) {
return x0 <= x && x <= x1 && y0 <= y && y <= y1;
function interpolate(from, to, direction, stream) {
var a = 0, a1 = 0;
if (from == null
|| (a = corner(from, direction)) !== (a1 = corner(to, direction))
|| comparePoint(from, to) < 0 ^ direction > 0) {
do stream.point(a === 0 || a === 3 ? x0 : x1, a > 1 ? y1 : y0);
while ((a = (a + direction + 4) % 4) !== a1);
} else {
stream.point(to[0], to[1]);
function corner(p, direction) {
return abs(p[0] - x0) < epsilon ? direction > 0 ? 0 : 3
: abs(p[0] - x1) < epsilon ? direction > 0 ? 2 : 1
: abs(p[1] - y0) < epsilon ? direction > 0 ? 1 : 0
: direction > 0 ? 3 : 2; // abs(p[1] - y1) < epsilon
function compareIntersection(a, b) {
return comparePoint(a.x, b.x);
function comparePoint(a, b) {
var ca = corner(a, 1),
cb = corner(b, 1);
return ca !== cb ? ca - cb
: ca === 0 ? b[1] - a[1]
: ca === 1 ? a[0] - b[0]
: ca === 2 ? a[1] - b[1]
: b[0] - a[0];
return function(stream) {
var activeStream = stream,
bufferStream = clipBuffer(),
x__, y__, v__, // first point
x_, y_, v_, // previous point
var clipStream = {
point: point,
lineStart: lineStart,
lineEnd: lineEnd,
polygonStart: polygonStart,
polygonEnd: polygonEnd
function point(x, y) {
if (visible(x, y)) activeStream.point(x, y);
function polygonInside() {
var winding = 0;
for (var i = 0, n = polygon.length; i < n; ++i) {
for (var ring = polygon[i], j = 1, m = ring.length, point = ring[0], a0, a1, b0 = point[0], b1 = point[1]; j < m; ++j) {
a0 = b0, a1 = b1, point = ring[j], b0 = point[0], b1 = point[1];
if (a1 <= y1) { if (b1 > y1 && (b0 - a0) * (y1 - a1) > (b1 - a1) * (x0 - a0)) ++winding; }
else { if (b1 <= y1 && (b0 - a0) * (y1 - a1) < (b1 - a1) * (x0 - a0)) --winding; }
return winding;
// Buffer geometry within a polygon and then clip it en masse.
function polygonStart() {
activeStream = bufferStream, segments = [], polygon = [], clean = true;
function polygonEnd() {
var startInside = polygonInside(),
cleanInside = clean && startInside,
visible = (segments = d3Array.merge(segments)).length;
if (cleanInside || visible) {
if (cleanInside) {
interpolate(null, null, 1, stream);
if (visible) {
clipPolygon(segments, compareIntersection, startInside, interpolate, stream);
activeStream = stream, segments = polygon = ring = null;
function lineStart() {
clipStream.point = linePoint;
if (polygon) polygon.push(ring = []);
first = true;
v_ = false;
x_ = y_ = NaN;
// TODO rather than special-case polygons, simply handle them separately.
// Ideally, coincident intersection points should be jittered to avoid
// clipping issues.
function lineEnd() {
if (segments) {
linePoint(x__, y__);
if (v__ && v_) bufferStream.rejoin();
clipStream.point = point;
if (v_) activeStream.lineEnd();
function linePoint(x, y) {
var v = visible(x, y);
if (polygon) ring.push([x, y]);
if (first) {
x__ = x, y__ = y, v__ = v;
first = false;
if (v) {
activeStream.point(x, y);
} else {
if (v && v_) activeStream.point(x, y);
else {
var a = [x_ = Math.max(clipMin, Math.min(clipMax, x_)), y_ = Math.max(clipMin, Math.min(clipMax, y_))],
b = [x = Math.max(clipMin, Math.min(clipMax, x)), y = Math.max(clipMin, Math.min(clipMax, y))];
if (clipLine(a, b, x0, y0, x1, y1)) {
if (!v_) {
activeStream.point(a[0], a[1]);
activeStream.point(b[0], b[1]);
if (!v) activeStream.lineEnd();
clean = false;
} else if (v) {
activeStream.point(x, y);
clean = false;
x_ = x, y_ = y, v_ = v;
return clipStream;
var extent = function() {
var x0 = 0,
y0 = 0,
x1 = 960,
y1 = 500,
return clip = {
stream: function(stream) {
return cache && cacheStream === stream ? cache : cache = clipExtent(x0, y0, x1, y1)(cacheStream = stream);
extent: function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (x0 = +_[0][0], y0 = +_[0][1], x1 = +_[1][0], y1 = +_[1][1], cache = cacheStream = null, clip) : [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]];
var lengthSum = adder();
var lambda0$2;
var sinPhi0$1;
var cosPhi0$1;
var lengthStream = {
sphere: noop,
point: noop,
lineStart: lengthLineStart,
lineEnd: noop,
polygonStart: noop,
polygonEnd: noop
function lengthLineStart() {
lengthStream.point = lengthPointFirst;
lengthStream.lineEnd = lengthLineEnd;
function lengthLineEnd() {
lengthStream.point = lengthStream.lineEnd = noop;
function lengthPointFirst(lambda, phi) {
lambda *= radians, phi *= radians;
lambda0$2 = lambda, sinPhi0$1 = sin(phi), cosPhi0$1 = cos(phi);
lengthStream.point = lengthPoint;
function lengthPoint(lambda, phi) {
lambda *= radians, phi *= radians;
var sinPhi = sin(phi),
cosPhi = cos(phi),
delta = abs(lambda - lambda0$2),
cosDelta = cos(delta),
sinDelta = sin(delta),
x = cosPhi * sinDelta,
y = cosPhi0$1 * sinPhi - sinPhi0$1 * cosPhi * cosDelta,
z = sinPhi0$1 * sinPhi + cosPhi0$1 * cosPhi * cosDelta;
lengthSum.add(atan2(sqrt(x * x + y * y), z));
lambda0$2 = lambda, sinPhi0$1 = sinPhi, cosPhi0$1 = cosPhi;
var length = function(object) {
geoStream(object, lengthStream);
return +lengthSum;
var coordinates = [null, null];
var object = {type: "LineString", coordinates: coordinates};
var distance = function(a, b) {
coordinates[0] = a;
coordinates[1] = b;
return length(object);
function graticuleX(y0, y1, dy) {
var y = d3Array.range(y0, y1 - epsilon, dy).concat(y1);
return function(x) { return { return [x, y]; }); };
function graticuleY(x0, x1, dx) {
var x = d3Array.range(x0, x1 - epsilon, dx).concat(x1);
return function(y) { return { return [x, y]; }); };
var graticule = function() {
var x1, x0, X1, X0,
y1, y0, Y1, Y0,
dx = 10, dy = dx, DX = 90, DY = 360,
x, y, X, Y,
precision = 2.5;
function graticule() {
return {type: "MultiLineString", coordinates: lines()};
function lines() {
return d3Array.range(ceil(X0 / DX) * DX, X1, DX).map(X)
.concat(d3Array.range(ceil(Y0 / DY) * DY, Y1, DY).map(Y))
.concat(d3Array.range(ceil(x0 / dx) * dx, x1, dx).filter(function(x) { return abs(x % DX) > epsilon; }).map(x))
.concat(d3Array.range(ceil(y0 / dy) * dy, y1, dy).filter(function(y) { return abs(y % DY) > epsilon; }).map(y));
graticule.lines = function() {
return lines().map(function(coordinates) { return {type: "LineString", coordinates: coordinates}; });
graticule.outline = function() {
return {
type: "Polygon",
coordinates: [
graticule.extent = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return graticule.extentMinor();
return graticule.extentMajor(_).extentMinor(_);
graticule.extentMajor = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return [[X0, Y0], [X1, Y1]];
X0 = +_[0][0], X1 = +_[1][0];
Y0 = +_[0][1], Y1 = +_[1][1];
if (X0 > X1) _ = X0, X0 = X1, X1 = _;
if (Y0 > Y1) _ = Y0, Y0 = Y1, Y1 = _;
return graticule.precision(precision);
graticule.extentMinor = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]];
x0 = +_[0][0], x1 = +_[1][0];
y0 = +_[0][1], y1 = +_[1][1];
if (x0 > x1) _ = x0, x0 = x1, x1 = _;
if (y0 > y1) _ = y0, y0 = y1, y1 = _;
return graticule.precision(precision);
graticule.step = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return graticule.stepMinor();
return graticule.stepMajor(_).stepMinor(_);
graticule.stepMajor = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return [DX, DY];
DX = +_[0], DY = +_[1];
return graticule;
graticule.stepMinor = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return [dx, dy];
dx = +_[0], dy = +_[1];
return graticule;
graticule.precision = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return precision;
precision = +_;
x = graticuleX(y0, y1, 90);
y = graticuleY(x0, x1, precision);
X = graticuleX(Y0, Y1, 90);
Y = graticuleY(X0, X1, precision);
return graticule;
return graticule
.extentMajor([[-180, -90 + epsilon], [180, 90 - epsilon]])
.extentMinor([[-180, -80 - epsilon], [180, 80 + epsilon]]);
var interpolate = function(a, b) {
var x0 = a[0] * radians,
y0 = a[1] * radians,
x1 = b[0] * radians,
y1 = b[1] * radians,
cy0 = cos(y0),
sy0 = sin(y0),
cy1 = cos(y1),
sy1 = sin(y1),
kx0 = cy0 * cos(x0),
ky0 = cy0 * sin(x0),
kx1 = cy1 * cos(x1),
ky1 = cy1 * sin(x1),
d = 2 * asin(sqrt(haversin(y1 - y0) + cy0 * cy1 * haversin(x1 - x0))),
k = sin(d);
var interpolate = d ? function(t) {
var B = sin(t *= d) / k,
A = sin(d - t) / k,
x = A * kx0 + B * kx1,
y = A * ky0 + B * ky1,
z = A * sy0 + B * sy1;
return [
atan2(y, x) * degrees,
atan2(z, sqrt(x * x + y * y)) * degrees
} : function() {
return [x0 * degrees, y0 * degrees];
interpolate.distance = d;
return interpolate;
var identity = function(x) {
return x;
var areaSum$1 = adder();
var areaRingSum$1 = adder();
var x00;
var y00;
var x0$1;
var y0$1;
var areaStream$1 = {
point: noop,
lineStart: noop,
lineEnd: noop,
polygonStart: function() {
areaStream$1.lineStart = areaRingStart$1;
areaStream$1.lineEnd = areaRingEnd$1;
polygonEnd: function() {
areaStream$1.lineStart = areaStream$1.lineEnd = areaStream$1.point = noop;
result: function() {
var area = areaSum$1 / 2;
return area;
function areaRingStart$1() {
areaStream$1.point = areaPointFirst$1;
function areaPointFirst$1(x, y) {
areaStream$1.point = areaPoint$1;
x00 = x0$1 = x, y00 = y0$1 = y;
function areaPoint$1(x, y) {
areaRingSum$1.add(y0$1 * x - x0$1 * y);
x0$1 = x, y0$1 = y;
function areaRingEnd$1() {
areaPoint$1(x00, y00);
var x0$2 = Infinity;
var y0$2 = x0$2;
var x1 = -x0$2;
var y1 = x1;
var boundsStream$1 = {
point: boundsPoint$1,
lineStart: noop,
lineEnd: noop,
polygonStart: noop,
polygonEnd: noop,
result: function() {
var bounds = [[x0$2, y0$2], [x1, y1]];
x1 = y1 = -(y0$2 = x0$2 = Infinity);
return bounds;
function boundsPoint$1(x, y) {
if (x < x0$2) x0$2 = x;
if (x > x1) x1 = x;
if (y < y0$2) y0$2 = y;
if (y > y1) y1 = y;
// TODO Enforce positive area for exterior, negative area for interior?
var X0$1 = 0;
var Y0$1 = 0;
var Z0$1 = 0;
var X1$1 = 0;
var Y1$1 = 0;
var Z1$1 = 0;
var X2$1 = 0;
var Y2$1 = 0;
var Z2$1 = 0;
var x00$1;
var y00$1;
var x0$3;
var y0$3;
var centroidStream$1 = {
point: centroidPoint$1,
lineStart: centroidLineStart$1,
lineEnd: centroidLineEnd$1,
polygonStart: function() {
centroidStream$1.lineStart = centroidRingStart$1;
centroidStream$1.lineEnd = centroidRingEnd$1;
polygonEnd: function() {
centroidStream$1.point = centroidPoint$1;
centroidStream$1.lineStart = centroidLineStart$1;
centroidStream$1.lineEnd = centroidLineEnd$1;
result: function() {
var centroid = Z2$1 ? [X2$1 / Z2$1, Y2$1 / Z2$1]
: Z1$1 ? [X1$1 / Z1$1, Y1$1 / Z1$1]
: Z0$1 ? [X0$1 / Z0$1, Y0$1 / Z0$1]
: [NaN, NaN];
X0$1 = Y0$1 = Z0$1 =
X1$1 = Y1$1 = Z1$1 =
X2$1 = Y2$1 = Z2$1 = 0;
return centroid;
function centroidPoint$1(x, y) {
X0$1 += x;
Y0$1 += y;
function centroidLineStart$1() {
centroidStream$1.point = centroidPointFirstLine;
function centroidPointFirstLine(x, y) {
centroidStream$1.point = centroidPointLine;
centroidPoint$1(x0$3 = x, y0$3 = y);
function centroidPointLine(x, y) {
var dx = x - x0$3, dy = y - y0$3, z = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
X1$1 += z * (x0$3 + x) / 2;
Y1$1 += z * (y0$3 + y) / 2;
Z1$1 += z;
centroidPoint$1(x0$3 = x, y0$3 = y);
function centroidLineEnd$1() {
centroidStream$1.point = centroidPoint$1;
function centroidRingStart$1() {
centroidStream$1.point = centroidPointFirstRing;
function centroidRingEnd$1() {
centroidPointRing(x00$1, y00$1);
function centroidPointFirstRing(x, y) {
centroidStream$1.point = centroidPointRing;
centroidPoint$1(x00$1 = x0$3 = x, y00$1 = y0$3 = y);
function centroidPointRing(x, y) {
var dx = x - x0$3,
dy = y - y0$3,
z = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
X1$1 += z * (x0$3 + x) / 2;
Y1$1 += z * (y0$3 + y) / 2;
Z1$1 += z;
z = y0$3 * x - x0$3 * y;
X2$1 += z * (x0$3 + x);
Y2$1 += z * (y0$3 + y);
Z2$1 += z * 3;
centroidPoint$1(x0$3 = x, y0$3 = y);
function PathContext(context) {
this._context = context;
PathContext.prototype = {
_radius: 4.5,
pointRadius: function(_) {
return this._radius = _, this;
polygonStart: function() {
this._line = 0;
polygonEnd: function() {
this._line = NaN;
lineStart: function() {
this._point = 0;
lineEnd: function() {
if (this._line === 0) this._context.closePath();
this._point = NaN;
point: function(x, y) {
switch (this._point) {
case 0: {
this._context.moveTo(x, y);
this._point = 1;
case 1: {
this._context.lineTo(x, y);
default: {
this._context.moveTo(x + this._radius, y);
this._context.arc(x, y, this._radius, 0, tau);
result: noop
function PathString() {
this._string = [];
PathString.prototype = {
_circle: circle$1(4.5),
pointRadius: function(_) {
return this._circle = circle$1(_), this;
polygonStart: function() {
this._line = 0;
polygonEnd: function() {
this._line = NaN;
lineStart: function() {
this._point = 0;
lineEnd: function() {
if (this._line === 0) this._string.push("Z");
this._point = NaN;
point: function(x, y) {
switch (this._point) {
case 0: {
this._string.push("M", x, ",", y);
this._point = 1;
case 1: {
this._string.push("L", x, ",", y);
default: {
this._string.push("M", x, ",", y, this._circle);
result: function() {
if (this._string.length) {
var result = this._string.join("");
this._string = [];
return result;
function circle$1(radius) {
return "m0," + radius
+ "a" + radius + "," + radius + " 0 1,1 0," + -2 * radius
+ "a" + radius + "," + radius + " 0 1,1 0," + 2 * radius
+ "z";
var index = function() {
var pointRadius = 4.5,
function path(object) {
if (object) {
if (typeof pointRadius === "function") contextStream.pointRadius(+pointRadius.apply(this, arguments));
geoStream(object, projectionStream(contextStream));
return contextStream.result();
path.area = function(object) {
geoStream(object, projectionStream(areaStream$1));
return areaStream$1.result();
path.bounds = function(object) {
geoStream(object, projectionStream(boundsStream$1));
return boundsStream$1.result();
path.centroid = function(object) {
geoStream(object, projectionStream(centroidStream$1));
return centroidStream$1.result();
path.projection = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (projectionStream = (projection = _) == null ? identity :, path) : projection;
path.context = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return context;
contextStream = (context = _) == null ? new PathString : new PathContext(_);
if (typeof pointRadius !== "function") contextStream.pointRadius(pointRadius);
return path;
path.pointRadius = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return pointRadius;
pointRadius = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : (contextStream.pointRadius(+_), +_);
return path;
return path.projection(null).context(null);
var sum = adder();
var polygonContains = function(polygon, point) {
var lambda = point[0],
phi = point[1],
normal = [sin(lambda), -cos(lambda), 0],
angle = 0,
winding = 0;
for (var i = 0, n = polygon.length; i < n; ++i) {
if (!(m = (ring = polygon[i]).length)) continue;
var ring,
point0 = ring[m - 1],
lambda0 = point0[0],
phi0 = point0[1] / 2 + quarterPi,
sinPhi0 = sin(phi0),
cosPhi0 = cos(phi0);
for (var j = 0; j < m; ++j, lambda0 = lambda1, sinPhi0 = sinPhi1, cosPhi0 = cosPhi1, point0 = point1) {
var point1 = ring[j],
lambda1 = point1[0],
phi1 = point1[1] / 2 + quarterPi,
sinPhi1 = sin(phi1),
cosPhi1 = cos(phi1),
delta = lambda1 - lambda0,
sign$$1 = delta >= 0 ? 1 : -1,
absDelta = sign$$1 * delta,
antimeridian = absDelta > pi,
k = sinPhi0 * sinPhi1;
sum.add(atan2(k * sign$$1 * sin(absDelta), cosPhi0 * cosPhi1 + k * cos(absDelta)));
angle += antimeridian ? delta + sign$$1 * tau : delta;
// Are the longitudes either side of the point’s meridian (lambda),
// and are the latitudes smaller than the parallel (phi)?
if (antimeridian ^ lambda0 >= lambda ^ lambda1 >= lambda) {
var arc = cartesianCross(cartesian(point0), cartesian(point1));
var intersection = cartesianCross(normal, arc);
var phiArc = (antimeridian ^ delta >= 0 ? -1 : 1) * asin(intersection[2]);
if (phi > phiArc || phi === phiArc && (arc[0] || arc[1])) {
winding += antimeridian ^ delta >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
// First, determine whether the South pole is inside or outside:
// It is inside if:
// * the polygon winds around it in a clockwise direction.
// * the polygon does not (cumulatively) wind around it, but has a negative
// (counter-clockwise) area.
// Second, count the (signed) number of times a segment crosses a lambda
// from the point to the South pole. If it is zero, then the point is the
// same side as the South pole.
return (angle < -epsilon || angle < epsilon && sum < -epsilon) ^ (winding & 1);
var clip = function(pointVisible, clipLine, interpolate, start) {
return function(rotate, sink) {
var line = clipLine(sink),
rotatedStart = rotate.invert(start[0], start[1]),
ringBuffer = clipBuffer(),
ringSink = clipLine(ringBuffer),
polygonStarted = false,
var clip = {
point: point,
lineStart: lineStart,
lineEnd: lineEnd,
polygonStart: function() {
clip.point = pointRing;
clip.lineStart = ringStart;
clip.lineEnd = ringEnd;
segments = [];
polygon = [];
polygonEnd: function() {
clip.point = point;
clip.lineStart = lineStart;
clip.lineEnd = lineEnd;
segments = d3Array.merge(segments);
var startInside = polygonContains(polygon, rotatedStart);
if (segments.length) {
if (!polygonStarted) sink.polygonStart(), polygonStarted = true;
clipPolygon(segments, compareIntersection, startInside, interpolate, sink);
} else if (startInside) {
if (!polygonStarted) sink.polygonStart(), polygonStarted = true;
interpolate(null, null, 1, sink);
if (polygonStarted) sink.polygonEnd(), polygonStarted = false;
segments = polygon = null;
sphere: function() {
interpolate(null, null, 1, sink);
function point(lambda, phi) {
var point = rotate(lambda, phi);
if (pointVisible(lambda = point[0], phi = point[1])) sink.point(lambda, phi);
function pointLine(lambda, phi) {
var point = rotate(lambda, phi);
line.point(point[0], point[1]);
function lineStart() {
clip.point = pointLine;
function lineEnd() {
clip.point = point;
function pointRing(lambda, phi) {
ring.push([lambda, phi]);
var point = rotate(lambda, phi);
ringSink.point(point[0], point[1]);
function ringStart() {
ring = [];
function ringEnd() {
pointRing(ring[0][0], ring[0][1]);
var clean = ringSink.clean(),
ringSegments = ringBuffer.result(),
i, n = ringSegments.length, m,
ring = null;
if (!n) return;
// No intersections.
if (clean & 1) {
segment = ringSegments[0];
if ((m = segment.length - 1) > 0) {
if (!polygonStarted) sink.polygonStart(), polygonStarted = true;
for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) sink.point((point = segment[i])[0], point[1]);
// Rejoin connected segments.
// TODO reuse ringBuffer.rejoin()?
if (n > 1 && clean & 2) ringSegments.push(ringSegments.pop().concat(ringSegments.shift()));
return clip;
function validSegment(segment) {
return segment.length > 1;
// Intersections are sorted along the clip edge. For both antimeridian cutting
// and circle clipping, the same comparison is used.
function compareIntersection(a, b) {
return ((a = a.x)[0] < 0 ? a[1] - halfPi - epsilon : halfPi - a[1])
- ((b = b.x)[0] < 0 ? b[1] - halfPi - epsilon : halfPi - b[1]);
var clipAntimeridian = clip(
function() { return true; },
[-pi, -halfPi]
// Takes a line and cuts into visible segments. Return values: 0 - there were
// intersections or the line was empty; 1 - no intersections; 2 - there were
// intersections, and the first and last segments should be rejoined.
function clipAntimeridianLine(stream) {
var lambda0 = NaN,
phi0 = NaN,
sign0 = NaN,
clean; // no intersections
return {
lineStart: function() {
clean = 1;
point: function(lambda1, phi1) {
var sign1 = lambda1 > 0 ? pi : -pi,
delta = abs(lambda1 - lambda0);
if (abs(delta - pi) < epsilon) { // line crosses a pole
stream.point(lambda0, phi0 = (phi0 + phi1) / 2 > 0 ? halfPi : -halfPi);
stream.point(sign0, phi0);
stream.point(sign1, phi0);
stream.point(lambda1, phi0);
clean = 0;
} else if (sign0 !== sign1 && delta >= pi) { // line crosses antimeridian
if (abs(lambda0 - sign0) < epsilon) lambda0 -= sign0 * epsilon; // handle degeneracies
if (abs(lambda1 - sign1) < epsilon) lambda1 -= sign1 * epsilon;
phi0 = clipAntimeridianIntersect(lambda0, phi0, lambda1, phi1);
stream.point(sign0, phi0);
stream.point(sign1, phi0);
clean = 0;
stream.point(lambda0 = lambda1, phi0 = phi1);
sign0 = sign1;
lineEnd: function() {
lambda0 = phi0 = NaN;
clean: function() {
return 2 - clean; // if intersections, rejoin first and last segments
function clipAntimeridianIntersect(lambda0, phi0, lambda1, phi1) {
var cosPhi0,
sinLambda0Lambda1 = sin(lambda0 - lambda1);
return abs(sinLambda0Lambda1) > epsilon
? atan((sin(phi0) * (cosPhi1 = cos(phi1)) * sin(lambda1)
- sin(phi1) * (cosPhi0 = cos(phi0)) * sin(lambda0))
/ (cosPhi0 * cosPhi1 * sinLambda0Lambda1))
: (phi0 + phi1) / 2;
function clipAntimeridianInterpolate(from, to, direction, stream) {
var phi;
if (from == null) {
phi = direction * halfPi;
stream.point(-pi, phi);
stream.point(0, phi);
stream.point(pi, phi);
stream.point(pi, 0);
stream.point(pi, -phi);
stream.point(0, -phi);
stream.point(-pi, -phi);
stream.point(-pi, 0);
stream.point(-pi, phi);
} else if (abs(from[0] - to[0]) > epsilon) {
var lambda = from[0] < to[0] ? pi : -pi;
phi = direction * lambda / 2;
stream.point(-lambda, phi);
stream.point(0, phi);
stream.point(lambda, phi);
} else {
stream.point(to[0], to[1]);
var clipCircle = function(radius, delta) {
var cr = cos(radius),
smallRadius = cr > 0,
notHemisphere = abs(cr) > epsilon; // TODO optimise for this common case
function interpolate(from, to, direction, stream) {
circleStream(stream, radius, delta, direction, from, to);
function visible(lambda, phi) {
return cos(lambda) * cos(phi) > cr;
// Takes a line and cuts into visible segments. Return values used for polygon
// clipping: 0 - there were intersections or the line was empty; 1 - no
// intersections 2 - there were intersections, and the first and last segments
// should be rejoined.
function clipLine(stream) {
var point0, // previous point
c0, // code for previous point
v0, // visibility of previous point
v00, // visibility of first point
clean; // no intersections
return {
lineStart: function() {
v00 = v0 = false;
clean = 1;
point: function(lambda, phi) {
var point1 = [lambda, phi],
v = visible(lambda, phi),
c = smallRadius
? v ? 0 : code(lambda, phi)
: v ? code(lambda + (lambda < 0 ? pi : -pi), phi) : 0;
if (!point0 && (v00 = v0 = v)) stream.lineStart();
// Handle degeneracies.
// TODO ignore if not clipping polygons.
if (v !== v0) {
point2 = intersect(point0, point1);
if (pointEqual(point0, point2) || pointEqual(point1, point2)) {
point1[0] += epsilon;
point1[1] += epsilon;
v = visible(point1[0], point1[1]);
if (v !== v0) {
clean = 0;
if (v) {
// outside going in
point2 = intersect(point1, point0);
stream.point(point2[0], point2[1]);
} else {
// inside going out
point2 = intersect(point0, point1);
stream.point(point2[0], point2[1]);
point0 = point2;
} else if (notHemisphere && point0 && smallRadius ^ v) {
var t;
// If the codes for two points are different, or are both zero,
// and there this segment intersects with the small circle.
if (!(c & c0) && (t = intersect(point1, point0, true))) {
clean = 0;
if (smallRadius) {
stream.point(t[0][0], t[0][1]);
stream.point(t[1][0], t[1][1]);
} else {
stream.point(t[1][0], t[1][1]);
stream.point(t[0][0], t[0][1]);
if (v && (!point0 || !pointEqual(point0, point1))) {
stream.point(point1[0], point1[1]);
point0 = point1, v0 = v, c0 = c;
lineEnd: function() {
if (v0) stream.lineEnd();
point0 = null;
// Rejoin first and last segments if there were intersections and the first
// and last points were visible.
clean: function() {
return clean | ((v00 && v0) << 1);
// Intersects the great circle between a and b with the clip circle.
function intersect(a, b, two) {
var pa = cartesian(a),
pb = cartesian(b);
// We have two planes, n1.p = d1 and n2.p = d2.
// Find intersection line p(t) = c1 n1 + c2 n2 + t (n1 ⨯ n2).
var n1 = [1, 0, 0], // normal
n2 = cartesianCross(pa, pb),
n2n2 = cartesianDot(n2, n2),
n1n2 = n2[0], // cartesianDot(n1, n2),
determinant = n2n2 - n1n2 * n1n2;
// Two polar points.
if (!determinant) return !two && a;
var c1 = cr * n2n2 / determinant,
c2 = -cr * n1n2 / determinant,
n1xn2 = cartesianCross(n1, n2),
A = cartesianScale(n1, c1),
B = cartesianScale(n2, c2);
cartesianAddInPlace(A, B);
// Solve |p(t)|^2 = 1.
var u = n1xn2,
w = cartesianDot(A, u),
uu = cartesianDot(u, u),
t2 = w * w - uu * (cartesianDot(A, A) - 1);
if (t2 < 0) return;
var t = sqrt(t2),
q = cartesianScale(u, (-w - t) / uu);
cartesianAddInPlace(q, A);
q = spherical(q);
if (!two) return q;
// Two intersection points.
var lambda0 = a[0],
lambda1 = b[0],
phi0 = a[1],
phi1 = b[1],
if (lambda1 < lambda0) z = lambda0, lambda0 = lambda1, lambda1 = z;
var delta = lambda1 - lambda0,
polar = abs(delta - pi) < epsilon,
meridian = polar || delta < epsilon;
if (!polar && phi1 < phi0) z = phi0, phi0 = phi1, phi1 = z;
// Check that the first point is between a and b.
if (meridian
? polar
? phi0 + phi1 > 0 ^ q[1] < (abs(q[0] - lambda0) < epsilon ? phi0 : phi1)
: phi0 <= q[1] && q[1] <= phi1
: delta > pi ^ (lambda0 <= q[0] && q[0] <= lambda1)) {
var q1 = cartesianScale(u, (-w + t) / uu);
cartesianAddInPlace(q1, A);
return [q, spherical(q1)];
// Generates a 4-bit vector representing the location of a point relative to
// the small circle's bounding box.
function code(lambda, phi) {
var r = smallRadius ? radius : pi - radius,
code = 0;
if (lambda < -r) code |= 1; // left
else if (lambda > r) code |= 2; // right
if (phi < -r) code |= 4; // below
else if (phi > r) code |= 8; // above
return code;
return clip(visible, clipLine, interpolate, smallRadius ? [0, -radius] : [-pi, radius - pi]);
var transform = function(prototype) {
return {
stream: transform$1(prototype)
function transform$1(prototype) {
function T() {}
var p = T.prototype = Object.create(Transform.prototype);
for (var k in prototype) p[k] = prototype[k];
return function(stream) {
var t = new T; = stream;
return t;
function Transform() {}
Transform.prototype = {
point: function(x, y) {, y); },
sphere: function() {; },
lineStart: function() {; },
lineEnd: function() {; },
polygonStart: function() {; },
polygonEnd: function() {; }
function fit(project, extent, object) {
var w = extent[1][0] - extent[0][0],
h = extent[1][1] - extent[0][1],
clip = project.clipExtent && project.clipExtent();
.translate([0, 0]);
if (clip != null) project.clipExtent(null);
var b = boundsStream$1.result(),
k = Math.min(w / (b[1][0] - b[0][0]), h / (b[1][1] - b[0][1])),
x = +extent[0][0] + (w - k * (b[1][0] + b[0][0])) / 2,
y = +extent[0][1] + (h - k * (b[1][1] + b[0][1])) / 2;
if (clip != null) project.clipExtent(clip);
return project
.scale(k * 150)
.translate([x, y]);
function fitSize(project) {
return function(size, object) {
return fit(project, [[0, 0], size], object);
function fitExtent(project) {
return function(extent, object) {
return fit(project, extent, object);
var maxDepth = 16;
var cosMinDistance = cos(30 * radians); // cos(minimum angular distance)
var resample = function(project, delta2) {
return +delta2 ? resample$1(project, delta2) : resampleNone(project);
function resampleNone(project) {
return transform$1({
point: function(x, y) {
x = project(x, y);[0], x[1]);
function resample$1(project, delta2) {
function resampleLineTo(x0, y0, lambda0, a0, b0, c0, x1, y1, lambda1, a1, b1, c1, depth, stream) {
var dx = x1 - x0,
dy = y1 - y0,
d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy;
if (d2 > 4 * delta2 && depth--) {
var a = a0 + a1,
b = b0 + b1,
c = c0 + c1,
m = sqrt(a * a + b * b + c * c),
phi2 = asin(c /= m),
lambda2 = abs(abs(c) - 1) < epsilon || abs(lambda0 - lambda1) < epsilon ? (lambda0 + lambda1) / 2 : atan2(b, a),
p = project(lambda2, phi2),
x2 = p[0],
y2 = p[1],
dx2 = x2 - x0,
dy2 = y2 - y0,
dz = dy * dx2 - dx * dy2;
if (dz * dz / d2 > delta2 // perpendicular projected distance
|| abs((dx * dx2 + dy * dy2) / d2 - 0.5) > 0.3 // midpoint close to an end
|| a0 * a1 + b0 * b1 + c0 * c1 < cosMinDistance) { // angular distance
resampleLineTo(x0, y0, lambda0, a0, b0, c0, x2, y2, lambda2, a /= m, b /= m, c, depth, stream);
stream.point(x2, y2);
resampleLineTo(x2, y2, lambda2, a, b, c, x1, y1, lambda1, a1, b1, c1, depth, stream);
return function(stream) {
var lambda00, x00, y00, a00, b00, c00, // first point
lambda0, x0, y0, a0, b0, c0; // previous point
var resampleStream = {
point: point,
lineStart: lineStart,
lineEnd: lineEnd,
polygonStart: function() { stream.polygonStart(); resampleStream.lineStart = ringStart; },
polygonEnd: function() { stream.polygonEnd(); resampleStream.lineStart = lineStart; }
function point(x, y) {
x = project(x, y);
stream.point(x[0], x[1]);
function lineStart() {
x0 = NaN;
resampleStream.point = linePoint;
function linePoint(lambda, phi) {
var c = cartesian([lambda, phi]), p = project(lambda, phi);
resampleLineTo(x0, y0, lambda0, a0, b0, c0, x0 = p[0], y0 = p[1], lambda0 = lambda, a0 = c[0], b0 = c[1], c0 = c[2], maxDepth, stream);
stream.point(x0, y0);
function lineEnd() {
resampleStream.point = point;
function ringStart() {
resampleStream.point = ringPoint;
resampleStream.lineEnd = ringEnd;
function ringPoint(lambda, phi) {
linePoint(lambda00 = lambda, phi), x00 = x0, y00 = y0, a00 = a0, b00 = b0, c00 = c0;
resampleStream.point = linePoint;
function ringEnd() {
resampleLineTo(x0, y0, lambda0, a0, b0, c0, x00, y00, lambda00, a00, b00, c00, maxDepth, stream);
resampleStream.lineEnd = lineEnd;
return resampleStream;
var transformRadians = transform$1({
point: function(x, y) { * radians, y * radians);
function projection(project) {
return projectionMutator(function() { return project; })();
function projectionMutator(projectAt) {
var project,
k = 150, // scale
x = 480, y = 250, // translate
dx, dy, lambda = 0, phi = 0, // center
deltaLambda = 0, deltaPhi = 0, deltaGamma = 0, rotate, projectRotate, // rotate
theta = null, preclip = clipAntimeridian, // clip angle
x0 = null, y0, x1, y1, postclip = identity, // clip extent
delta2 = 0.5, projectResample = resample(projectTransform, delta2), // precision
function projection(point) {
point = projectRotate(point[0] * radians, point[1] * radians);
return [point[0] * k + dx, dy - point[1] * k];
function invert(point) {
point = projectRotate.invert((point[0] - dx) / k, (dy - point[1]) / k);
return point && [point[0] * degrees, point[1] * degrees];
function projectTransform(x, y) {
return x = project(x, y), [x[0] * k + dx, dy - x[1] * k];
} = function(stream) {
return cache && cacheStream === stream ? cache : cache = transformRadians(preclip(rotate, projectResample(postclip(cacheStream = stream))));
projection.clipAngle = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (preclip = +_ ? clipCircle(theta = _ * radians, 6 * radians) : (theta = null, clipAntimeridian), reset()) : theta * degrees;
projection.clipExtent = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (postclip = _ == null ? (x0 = y0 = x1 = y1 = null, identity) : clipExtent(x0 = +_[0][0], y0 = +_[0][1], x1 = +_[1][0], y1 = +_[1][1]), reset()) : x0 == null ? null : [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]];
projection.scale = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (k = +_, recenter()) : k;
projection.translate = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (x = +_[0], y = +_[1], recenter()) : [x, y];
}; = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (lambda = _[0] % 360 * radians, phi = _[1] % 360 * radians, recenter()) : [lambda * degrees, phi * degrees];
projection.rotate = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (deltaLambda = _[0] % 360 * radians, deltaPhi = _[1] % 360 * radians, deltaGamma = _.length > 2 ? _[2] % 360 * radians : 0, recenter()) : [deltaLambda * degrees, deltaPhi * degrees, deltaGamma * degrees];
projection.precision = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (projectResample = resample(projectTransform, delta2 = _ * _), reset()) : sqrt(delta2);
projection.fitExtent = fitExtent(projection);
projection.fitSize = fitSize(projection);
function recenter() {
projectRotate = compose(rotate = rotateRadians(deltaLambda, deltaPhi, deltaGamma), project);
var center = project(lambda, phi);
dx = x - center[0] * k;
dy = y + center[1] * k;
return reset();
function reset() {
cache = cacheStream = null;
return projection;
return function() {
project = projectAt.apply(this, arguments);
projection.invert = project.invert && invert;
return recenter();
function conicProjection(projectAt) {
var phi0 = 0,
phi1 = pi / 3,
m = projectionMutator(projectAt),
p = m(phi0, phi1);
p.parallels = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? m(phi0 = _[0] * radians, phi1 = _[1] * radians) : [phi0 * degrees, phi1 * degrees];
return p;
function conicEqualAreaRaw(y0, y1) {
var sy0 = sin(y0),
n = (sy0 + sin(y1)) / 2,
c = 1 + sy0 * (2 * n - sy0),
r0 = sqrt(c) / n;
function project(x, y) {
var r = sqrt(c - 2 * n * sin(y)) / n;
return [r * sin(x *= n), r0 - r * cos(x)];
project.invert = function(x, y) {
var r0y = r0 - y;
return [atan2(x, r0y) / n, asin((c - (x * x + r0y * r0y) * n * n) / (2 * n))];
return project;
var conicEqualArea = function() {
return conicProjection(conicEqualAreaRaw)
.center([0, 33.6442]);
var albers = function() {
return conicEqualArea()
.parallels([29.5, 45.5])
.translate([480, 250])
.rotate([96, 0])
.center([-0.6, 38.7]);
// The projections must have mutually exclusive clip regions on the sphere,
// as this will avoid emitting interleaving lines and polygons.
function multiplex(streams) {
var n = streams.length;
return {
point: function(x, y) { var i = -1; while (++i < n) streams[i].point(x, y); },
sphere: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) streams[i].sphere(); },
lineStart: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) streams[i].lineStart(); },
lineEnd: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) streams[i].lineEnd(); },
polygonStart: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) streams[i].polygonStart(); },
polygonEnd: function() { var i = -1; while (++i < n) streams[i].polygonEnd(); }
// A composite projection for the United States, configured by default for
// 960×500. The projection also works quite well at 960×600 if you change the
// scale to 1285 and adjust the translate accordingly. The set of standard
// parallels for each region comes from USGS, which is published here:
var albersUsa = function() {
var cache,
lower48 = albers(), lower48Point,
alaska = conicEqualArea().rotate([154, 0]).center([-2, 58.5]).parallels([55, 65]), alaskaPoint, // EPSG:3338
hawaii = conicEqualArea().rotate([157, 0]).center([-3, 19.9]).parallels([8, 18]), hawaiiPoint, // ESRI:102007
point, pointStream = {point: function(x, y) { point = [x, y]; }};
function albersUsa(coordinates) {
var x = coordinates[0], y = coordinates[1];
return point = null,
(lower48Point.point(x, y), point)
|| (alaskaPoint.point(x, y), point)
|| (hawaiiPoint.point(x, y), point);
albersUsa.invert = function(coordinates) {
var k = lower48.scale(),
t = lower48.translate(),
x = (coordinates[0] - t[0]) / k,
y = (coordinates[1] - t[1]) / k;
return (y >= 0.120 && y < 0.234 && x >= -0.425 && x < -0.214 ? alaska
: y >= 0.166 && y < 0.234 && x >= -0.214 && x < -0.115 ? hawaii
: lower48).invert(coordinates);
}; = function(stream) {
return cache && cacheStream === stream ? cache : cache = multiplex([ = stream),,]);
albersUsa.precision = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return lower48.precision();
lower48.precision(_), alaska.precision(_), hawaii.precision(_);
return reset();
albersUsa.scale = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return lower48.scale();
lower48.scale(_), alaska.scale(_ * 0.35), hawaii.scale(_);
return albersUsa.translate(lower48.translate());
albersUsa.translate = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return lower48.translate();
var k = lower48.scale(), x = +_[0], y = +_[1];
lower48Point = lower48
.clipExtent([[x - 0.455 * k, y - 0.238 * k], [x + 0.455 * k, y + 0.238 * k]])
alaskaPoint = alaska
.translate([x - 0.307 * k, y + 0.201 * k])
.clipExtent([[x - 0.425 * k + epsilon, y + 0.120 * k + epsilon], [x - 0.214 * k - epsilon, y + 0.234 * k - epsilon]])
hawaiiPoint = hawaii
.translate([x - 0.205 * k, y + 0.212 * k])
.clipExtent([[x - 0.214 * k + epsilon, y + 0.166 * k + epsilon], [x - 0.115 * k - epsilon, y + 0.234 * k - epsilon]])
return reset();
albersUsa.fitExtent = fitExtent(albersUsa);
albersUsa.fitSize = fitSize(albersUsa);
function reset() {
cache = cacheStream = null;
return albersUsa;
return albersUsa.scale(1070);
function azimuthalRaw(scale) {
return function(x, y) {
var cx = cos(x),
cy = cos(y),
k = scale(cx * cy);
return [
k * cy * sin(x),
k * sin(y)
function azimuthalInvert(angle) {
return function(x, y) {
var z = sqrt(x * x + y * y),
c = angle(z),
sc = sin(c),
cc = cos(c);
return [
atan2(x * sc, z * cc),
asin(z && y * sc / z)
var azimuthalEqualAreaRaw = azimuthalRaw(function(cxcy) {
return sqrt(2 / (1 + cxcy));
azimuthalEqualAreaRaw.invert = azimuthalInvert(function(z) {
return 2 * asin(z / 2);
var azimuthalEqualArea = function() {
return projection(azimuthalEqualAreaRaw)
.clipAngle(180 - 1e-3);
var azimuthalEquidistantRaw = azimuthalRaw(function(c) {
return (c = acos(c)) && c / sin(c);
azimuthalEquidistantRaw.invert = azimuthalInvert(function(z) {
return z;
var azimuthalEquidistant = function() {
return projection(azimuthalEquidistantRaw)
.clipAngle(180 - 1e-3);
function mercatorRaw(lambda, phi) {
return [lambda, log(tan((halfPi + phi) / 2))];
mercatorRaw.invert = function(x, y) {
return [x, 2 * atan(exp(y)) - halfPi];
var mercator = function() {
return mercatorProjection(mercatorRaw)
.scale(961 / tau);
function mercatorProjection(project) {
var m = projection(project),
scale = m.scale,
translate = m.translate,
clipExtent = m.clipExtent,
m.scale = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (scale(_), clipAuto && m.clipExtent(null), m) : scale();
m.translate = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (translate(_), clipAuto && m.clipExtent(null), m) : translate();
m.clipExtent = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return clipAuto ? null : clipExtent();
if (clipAuto = _ == null) {
var k = pi * scale(),
t = translate();
_ = [[t[0] - k, t[1] - k], [t[0] + k, t[1] + k]];
return m;
return m.clipExtent(null);
function tany(y) {
return tan((halfPi + y) / 2);
function conicConformalRaw(y0, y1) {
var cy0 = cos(y0),
n = y0 === y1 ? sin(y0) : log(cy0 / cos(y1)) / log(tany(y1) / tany(y0)),
f = cy0 * pow(tany(y0), n) / n;
if (!n) return mercatorRaw;
function project(x, y) {
if (f > 0) { if (y < -halfPi + epsilon) y = -halfPi + epsilon; }
else { if (y > halfPi - epsilon) y = halfPi - epsilon; }
var r = f / pow(tany(y), n);
return [r * sin(n * x), f - r * cos(n * x)];
project.invert = function(x, y) {
var fy = f - y, r = sign(n) * sqrt(x * x + fy * fy);
return [atan2(x, fy) / n, 2 * atan(pow(f / r, 1 / n)) - halfPi];
return project;
var conicConformal = function() {
return conicProjection(conicConformalRaw)
.parallels([30, 30]);
function equirectangularRaw(lambda, phi) {
return [lambda, phi];
equirectangularRaw.invert = equirectangularRaw;
var equirectangular = function() {
return projection(equirectangularRaw)
function conicEquidistantRaw(y0, y1) {
var cy0 = cos(y0),
n = y0 === y1 ? sin(y0) : (cy0 - cos(y1)) / (y1 - y0),
g = cy0 / n + y0;
if (abs(n) < epsilon) return equirectangularRaw;
function project(x, y) {
var gy = g - y, nx = n * x;
return [gy * sin(nx), g - gy * cos(nx)];
project.invert = function(x, y) {
var gy = g - y;
return [atan2(x, gy) / n, g - sign(n) * sqrt(x * x + gy * gy)];
return project;
var conicEquidistant = function() {
return conicProjection(conicEquidistantRaw)
.center([0, 13.9389]);
function gnomonicRaw(x, y) {
var cy = cos(y), k = cos(x) * cy;
return [cy * sin(x) / k, sin(y) / k];
gnomonicRaw.invert = azimuthalInvert(atan);
var gnomonic = function() {
return projection(gnomonicRaw)
function orthographicRaw(x, y) {
return [cos(y) * sin(x), sin(y)];
orthographicRaw.invert = azimuthalInvert(asin);
var orthographic = function() {
return projection(orthographicRaw)
.clipAngle(90 + epsilon);
function stereographicRaw(x, y) {
var cy = cos(y), k = 1 + cos(x) * cy;
return [cy * sin(x) / k, sin(y) / k];
stereographicRaw.invert = azimuthalInvert(function(z) {
return 2 * atan(z);
var stereographic = function() {
return projection(stereographicRaw)
function transverseMercatorRaw(lambda, phi) {
return [log(tan((halfPi + phi) / 2)), -lambda];
transverseMercatorRaw.invert = function(x, y) {
return [-y, 2 * atan(exp(x)) - halfPi];
var transverseMercator = function() {
var m = mercatorProjection(transverseMercatorRaw),
center =,
rotate = m.rotate; = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? center([-_[1], _[0]]) : (_ = center(), [_[1], -_[0]]);
m.rotate = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? rotate([_[0], _[1], _.length > 2 ? _[2] + 90 : 90]) : (_ = rotate(), [_[0], _[1], _[2] - 90]);
return rotate([0, 0, 90])
exports.geoArea = area;
exports.geoBounds = bounds;
exports.geoCentroid = centroid;
exports.geoCircle = circle;
exports.geoClipExtent = extent;
exports.geoDistance = distance;
exports.geoGraticule = graticule;
exports.geoInterpolate = interpolate;
exports.geoLength = length;
exports.geoPath = index;
exports.geoAlbers = albers;
exports.geoAlbersUsa = albersUsa;
exports.geoAzimuthalEqualArea = azimuthalEqualArea;
exports.geoAzimuthalEqualAreaRaw = azimuthalEqualAreaRaw;
exports.geoAzimuthalEquidistant = azimuthalEquidistant;
exports.geoAzimuthalEquidistantRaw = azimuthalEquidistantRaw;
exports.geoConicConformal = conicConformal;
exports.geoConicConformalRaw = conicConformalRaw;
exports.geoConicEqualArea = conicEqualArea;
exports.geoConicEqualAreaRaw = conicEqualAreaRaw;
exports.geoConicEquidistant = conicEquidistant;
exports.geoConicEquidistantRaw = conicEquidistantRaw;
exports.geoEquirectangular = equirectangular;
exports.geoEquirectangularRaw = equirectangularRaw;
exports.geoGnomonic = gnomonic;
exports.geoGnomonicRaw = gnomonicRaw;
exports.geoProjection = projection;
exports.geoProjectionMutator = projectionMutator;
exports.geoMercator = mercator;
exports.geoMercatorRaw = mercatorRaw;
exports.geoOrthographic = orthographic;
exports.geoOrthographicRaw = orthographicRaw;
exports.geoStereographic = stereographic;
exports.geoStereographicRaw = stereographicRaw;
exports.geoTransverseMercator = transverseMercator;
exports.geoTransverseMercatorRaw = transverseMercatorRaw;
exports.geoRotation = rotation;
exports.geoStream = geoStream;
exports.geoTransform = transform;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
// Version 1.1.1. Copyright 2016 Mike Bostock.
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('d3-color')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'd3-color'], factory) :
(factory((global.d3 = global.d3 || {}),global.d3));
}(this, function (exports,d3Color) { 'use strict';
function basis(t1, v0, v1, v2, v3) {
var t2 = t1 * t1, t3 = t2 * t1;
return ((1 - 3 * t1 + 3 * t2 - t3) * v0
+ (4 - 6 * t2 + 3 * t3) * v1
+ (1 + 3 * t1 + 3 * t2 - 3 * t3) * v2
+ t3 * v3) / 6;
function basis$1(values) {
var n = values.length - 1;
return function(t) {
var i = t <= 0 ? (t = 0) : t >= 1 ? (t = 1, n - 1) : Math.floor(t * n),
v1 = values[i],
v2 = values[i + 1],
v0 = i > 0 ? values[i - 1] : 2 * v1 - v2,
v3 = i < n - 1 ? values[i + 2] : 2 * v2 - v1;
return basis((t - i / n) * n, v0, v1, v2, v3);
function basisClosed(values) {
var n = values.length;
return function(t) {
var i = Math.floor(((t %= 1) < 0 ? ++t : t) * n),
v0 = values[(i + n - 1) % n],
v1 = values[i % n],
v2 = values[(i + 1) % n],
v3 = values[(i + 2) % n];
return basis((t - i / n) * n, v0, v1, v2, v3);
function constant(x) {
return function() {
return x;
function linear(a, d) {
return function(t) {
return a + t * d;
function exponential(a, b, y) {
return a = Math.pow(a, y), b = Math.pow(b, y) - a, y = 1 / y, function(t) {
return Math.pow(a + t * b, y);
function hue(a, b) {
var d = b - a;
return d ? linear(a, d > 180 || d < -180 ? d - 360 * Math.round(d / 360) : d) : constant(isNaN(a) ? b : a);
function gamma(y) {
return (y = +y) === 1 ? nogamma : function(a, b) {
return b - a ? exponential(a, b, y) : constant(isNaN(a) ? b : a);
function nogamma(a, b) {
var d = b - a;
return d ? linear(a, d) : constant(isNaN(a) ? b : a);
var rgb$1 = (function rgbGamma(y) {
var color = gamma(y);
function rgb(start, end) {
var r = color((start = d3Color.rgb(start)).r, (end = d3Color.rgb(end)).r),
g = color(start.g, end.g),
b = color(start.b, end.b),
opacity = color(start.opacity, end.opacity);
return function(t) {
start.r = r(t);
start.g = g(t);
start.b = b(t);
start.opacity = opacity(t);
return start + "";
rgb.gamma = rgbGamma;
return rgb;
function rgbSpline(spline) {
return function(colors) {
var n = colors.length,
r = new Array(n),
g = new Array(n),
b = new Array(n),
i, color;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
color = d3Color.rgb(colors[i]);
r[i] = color.r || 0;
g[i] = color.g || 0;
b[i] = color.b || 0;
r = spline(r);
g = spline(g);
b = spline(b);
color.opacity = 1;
return function(t) {
color.r = r(t);
color.g = g(t);
color.b = b(t);
return color + "";
var rgbBasis = rgbSpline(basis$1);
var rgbBasisClosed = rgbSpline(basisClosed);
function array(a, b) {
var nb = b ? b.length : 0,
na = a ? Math.min(nb, a.length) : 0,
x = new Array(nb),
c = new Array(nb),
for (i = 0; i < na; ++i) x[i] = value(a[i], b[i]);
for (; i < nb; ++i) c[i] = b[i];
return function(t) {
for (i = 0; i < na; ++i) c[i] = x[i](t);
return c;
function date(a, b) {
var d = new Date;
return a = +a, b -= a, function(t) {
return d.setTime(a + b * t), d;
function number(a, b) {
return a = +a, b -= a, function(t) {
return a + b * t;
function object(a, b) {
var i = {},
c = {},
if (a === null || typeof a !== "object") a = {};
if (b === null || typeof b !== "object") b = {};
for (k in b) {
if (k in a) {
i[k] = value(a[k], b[k]);
} else {
c[k] = b[k];
return function(t) {
for (k in i) c[k] = i[k](t);
return c;
var reA = /[-+]?(?:\d+\.?\d*|\.?\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?/g;
var reB = new RegExp(reA.source, "g");
function zero(b) {
return function() {
return b;
function one(b) {
return function(t) {
return b(t) + "";
function string(a, b) {
var bi = reA.lastIndex = reB.lastIndex = 0, // scan index for next number in b
am, // current match in a
bm, // current match in b
bs, // string preceding current number in b, if any
i = -1, // index in s
s = [], // string constants and placeholders
q = []; // number interpolators
// Coerce inputs to strings.
a = a + "", b = b + "";
// Interpolate pairs of numbers in a & b.
while ((am = reA.exec(a))
&& (bm = reB.exec(b))) {
if ((bs = bm.index) > bi) { // a string precedes the next number in b
bs = b.slice(bi, bs);
if (s[i]) s[i] += bs; // coalesce with previous string
else s[++i] = bs;
if ((am = am[0]) === (bm = bm[0])) { // numbers in a & b match
if (s[i]) s[i] += bm; // coalesce with previous string
else s[++i] = bm;
} else { // interpolate non-matching numbers
s[++i] = null;
q.push({i: i, x: number(am, bm)});
bi = reB.lastIndex;
// Add remains of b.
if (bi < b.length) {
bs = b.slice(bi);
if (s[i]) s[i] += bs; // coalesce with previous string
else s[++i] = bs;
// Special optimization for only a single match.
// Otherwise, interpolate each of the numbers and rejoin the string.
return s.length < 2 ? (q[0]
? one(q[0].x)
: zero(b))
: (b = q.length, function(t) {
for (var i = 0, o; i < b; ++i) s[(o = q[i]).i] = o.x(t);
return s.join("");
function value(a, b) {
var t = typeof b, c;
return b == null || t === "boolean" ? constant(b)
: (t === "number" ? number
: t === "string" ? ((c = d3Color.color(b)) ? (b = c, rgb$1) : string)
: b instanceof d3Color.color ? rgb$1
: b instanceof Date ? date
: Array.isArray(b) ? array
: isNaN(b) ? object
: number)(a, b);
function round(a, b) {
return a = +a, b -= a, function(t) {
return Math.round(a + b * t);
var degrees = 180 / Math.PI;
var identity = {
translateX: 0,
translateY: 0,
rotate: 0,
skewX: 0,
scaleX: 1,
scaleY: 1
function decompose(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
var scaleX, scaleY, skewX;
if (scaleX = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b)) a /= scaleX, b /= scaleX;
if (skewX = a * c + b * d) c -= a * skewX, d -= b * skewX;
if (scaleY = Math.sqrt(c * c + d * d)) c /= scaleY, d /= scaleY, skewX /= scaleY;
if (a * d < b * c) a = -a, b = -b, skewX = -skewX, scaleX = -scaleX;
return {
translateX: e,
translateY: f,
rotate: Math.atan2(b, a) * degrees,
skewX: Math.atan(skewX) * degrees,
scaleX: scaleX,
scaleY: scaleY
var cssNode;
var cssRoot;
var cssView;
var svgNode;
function parseCss(value) {
if (value === "none") return identity;
if (!cssNode) cssNode = document.createElement("DIV"), cssRoot = document.documentElement, cssView = document.defaultView; = value;
value = cssView.getComputedStyle(cssRoot.appendChild(cssNode), null).getPropertyValue("transform");
value = value.slice(7, -1).split(",");
return decompose(+value[0], +value[1], +value[2], +value[3], +value[4], +value[5]);
function parseSvg(value) {
if (value == null) return identity;
if (!svgNode) svgNode = document.createElementNS("", "g");
svgNode.setAttribute("transform", value);
if (!(value = svgNode.transform.baseVal.consolidate())) return identity;
value = value.matrix;
return decompose(value.a, value.b, value.c, value.d, value.e, value.f);
function interpolateTransform(parse, pxComma, pxParen, degParen) {
function pop(s) {
return s.length ? s.pop() + " " : "";
function translate(xa, ya, xb, yb, s, q) {
if (xa !== xb || ya !== yb) {
var i = s.push("translate(", null, pxComma, null, pxParen);
q.push({i: i - 4, x: number(xa, xb)}, {i: i - 2, x: number(ya, yb)});
} else if (xb || yb) {
s.push("translate(" + xb + pxComma + yb + pxParen);
function rotate(a, b, s, q) {
if (a !== b) {
if (a - b > 180) b += 360; else if (b - a > 180) a += 360; // shortest path
q.push({i: s.push(pop(s) + "rotate(", null, degParen) - 2, x: number(a, b)});
} else if (b) {
s.push(pop(s) + "rotate(" + b + degParen);
function skewX(a, b, s, q) {
if (a !== b) {
q.push({i: s.push(pop(s) + "skewX(", null, degParen) - 2, x: number(a, b)});
} else if (b) {
s.push(pop(s) + "skewX(" + b + degParen);
function scale(xa, ya, xb, yb, s, q) {
if (xa !== xb || ya !== yb) {
var i = s.push(pop(s) + "scale(", null, ",", null, ")");
q.push({i: i - 4, x: number(xa, xb)}, {i: i - 2, x: number(ya, yb)});
} else if (xb !== 1 || yb !== 1) {
s.push(pop(s) + "scale(" + xb + "," + yb + ")");
return function(a, b) {
var s = [], // string constants and placeholders
q = []; // number interpolators
a = parse(a), b = parse(b);
translate(a.translateX, a.translateY, b.translateX, b.translateY, s, q);
rotate(a.rotate, b.rotate, s, q);
skewX(a.skewX, b.skewX, s, q);
scale(a.scaleX, a.scaleY, b.scaleX, b.scaleY, s, q);
a = b = null; // gc
return function(t) {
var i = -1, n = q.length, o;
while (++i < n) s[(o = q[i]).i] = o.x(t);
return s.join("");
var interpolateTransformCss = interpolateTransform(parseCss, "px, ", "px)", "deg)");
var interpolateTransformSvg = interpolateTransform(parseSvg, ", ", ")", ")");
var rho = Math.SQRT2;
var rho2 = 2;
var rho4 = 4;
var epsilon2 = 1e-12;
function cosh(x) {
return ((x = Math.exp(x)) + 1 / x) / 2;
function sinh(x) {
return ((x = Math.exp(x)) - 1 / x) / 2;
function tanh(x) {
return ((x = Math.exp(2 * x)) - 1) / (x + 1);
// p0 = [ux0, uy0, w0]
// p1 = [ux1, uy1, w1]
function zoom(p0, p1) {
var ux0 = p0[0], uy0 = p0[1], w0 = p0[2],
ux1 = p1[0], uy1 = p1[1], w1 = p1[2],
dx = ux1 - ux0,
dy = uy1 - uy0,
d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy,
// Special case for u0 ≅ u1.
if (d2 < epsilon2) {
S = Math.log(w1 / w0) / rho;
i = function(t) {
return [
ux0 + t * dx,
uy0 + t * dy,
w0 * Math.exp(rho * t * S)
// General case.
else {
var d1 = Math.sqrt(d2),
b0 = (w1 * w1 - w0 * w0 + rho4 * d2) / (2 * w0 * rho2 * d1),
b1 = (w1 * w1 - w0 * w0 - rho4 * d2) / (2 * w1 * rho2 * d1),
r0 = Math.log(Math.sqrt(b0 * b0 + 1) - b0),
r1 = Math.log(Math.sqrt(b1 * b1 + 1) - b1);
S = (r1 - r0) / rho;
i = function(t) {
var s = t * S,
coshr0 = cosh(r0),
u = w0 / (rho2 * d1) * (coshr0 * tanh(rho * s + r0) - sinh(r0));
return [
ux0 + u * dx,
uy0 + u * dy,
w0 * coshr0 / cosh(rho * s + r0)
i.duration = S * 1000;
return i;
function hsl$1(hue) {
return function(start, end) {
var h = hue((start = d3Color.hsl(start)).h, (end = d3Color.hsl(end)).h),
s = nogamma(start.s, end.s),
l = nogamma(start.l, end.l),
opacity = nogamma(start.opacity, end.opacity);
return function(t) {
start.h = h(t);
start.s = s(t);
start.l = l(t);
start.opacity = opacity(t);
return start + "";
var hsl$2 = hsl$1(hue);
var hslLong = hsl$1(nogamma);
function lab$1(start, end) {
var l = nogamma((start = d3Color.lab(start)).l, (end = d3Color.lab(end)).l),
a = nogamma(start.a, end.a),
b = nogamma(start.b, end.b),
opacity = nogamma(start.opacity, end.opacity);
return function(t) {
start.l = l(t);
start.a = a(t);
start.b = b(t);
start.opacity = opacity(t);
return start + "";
function hcl$1(hue) {
return function(start, end) {
var h = hue((start = d3Color.hcl(start)).h, (end = d3Color.hcl(end)).h),
c = nogamma(start.c, end.c),
l = nogamma(start.l, end.l),
opacity = nogamma(start.opacity, end.opacity);
return function(t) {
start.h = h(t);
start.c = c(t);
start.l = l(t);
start.opacity = opacity(t);
return start + "";
var hcl$2 = hcl$1(hue);
var hclLong = hcl$1(nogamma);
function cubehelix$1(hue) {
return (function cubehelixGamma(y) {
y = +y;
function cubehelix(start, end) {
var h = hue((start = d3Color.cubehelix(start)).h, (end = d3Color.cubehelix(end)).h),
s = nogamma(start.s, end.s),
l = nogamma(start.l, end.l),
opacity = nogamma(start.opacity, end.opacity);
return function(t) {
start.h = h(t);
start.s = s(t);
start.l = l(Math.pow(t, y));
start.opacity = opacity(t);
return start + "";
cubehelix.gamma = cubehelixGamma;
return cubehelix;
var cubehelix$2 = cubehelix$1(hue);
var cubehelixLong = cubehelix$1(nogamma);
function quantize(interpolator, n) {
var samples = new Array(n);
for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) samples[i] = interpolator(i / (n - 1));
return samples;
exports.interpolate = value;
exports.interpolateArray = array;
exports.interpolateBasis = basis$1;
exports.interpolateBasisClosed = basisClosed;
exports.interpolateDate = date;
exports.interpolateNumber = number;
exports.interpolateObject = object;
exports.interpolateRound = round;
exports.interpolateString = string;
exports.interpolateTransformCss = interpolateTransformCss;
exports.interpolateTransformSvg = interpolateTransformSvg;
exports.interpolateZoom = zoom;
exports.interpolateRgb = rgb$1;
exports.interpolateRgbBasis = rgbBasis;
exports.interpolateRgbBasisClosed = rgbBasisClosed;
exports.interpolateHsl = hsl$2;
exports.interpolateHslLong = hslLong;
exports.interpolateLab = lab$1;
exports.interpolateHcl = hcl$2;
exports.interpolateHclLong = hclLong;
exports.interpolateCubehelix = cubehelix$2;
exports.interpolateCubehelixLong = cubehelixLong;
exports.quantize = quantize;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
// Version 1.0.2. Copyright 2016 Mike Bostock.
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(factory((global.d3 = global.d3 || {})));
}(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict';
var pi = Math.PI;
var tau = 2 * pi;
var epsilon = 1e-6;
var tauEpsilon = tau - epsilon;
function Path() {
this._x0 = this._y0 = // start of current subpath
this._x1 = this._y1 = null; // end of current subpath
this._ = [];
function path() {
return new Path;
Path.prototype = path.prototype = {
constructor: Path,
moveTo: function(x, y) {
this._.push("M", this._x0 = this._x1 = +x, ",", this._y0 = this._y1 = +y);
closePath: function() {
if (this._x1 !== null) {
this._x1 = this._x0, this._y1 = this._y0;
lineTo: function(x, y) {
this._.push("L", this._x1 = +x, ",", this._y1 = +y);
quadraticCurveTo: function(x1, y1, x, y) {
this._.push("Q", +x1, ",", +y1, ",", this._x1 = +x, ",", this._y1 = +y);
bezierCurveTo: function(x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y) {
this._.push("C", +x1, ",", +y1, ",", +x2, ",", +y2, ",", this._x1 = +x, ",", this._y1 = +y);
arcTo: function(x1, y1, x2, y2, r) {
x1 = +x1, y1 = +y1, x2 = +x2, y2 = +y2, r = +r;
var x0 = this._x1,
y0 = this._y1,
x21 = x2 - x1,
y21 = y2 - y1,
x01 = x0 - x1,
y01 = y0 - y1,
l01_2 = x01 * x01 + y01 * y01;
// Is the radius negative? Error.
if (r < 0) throw new Error("negative radius: " + r);
// Is this path empty? Move to (x1,y1).
if (this._x1 === null) {
"M", this._x1 = x1, ",", this._y1 = y1
// Or, is (x1,y1) coincident with (x0,y0)? Do nothing.
else if (!(l01_2 > epsilon)) {}
// Or, are (x0,y0), (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) collinear?
// Equivalently, is (x1,y1) coincident with (x2,y2)?
// Or, is the radius zero? Line to (x1,y1).
else if (!(Math.abs(y01 * x21 - y21 * x01) > epsilon) || !r) {
"L", this._x1 = x1, ",", this._y1 = y1
// Otherwise, draw an arc!
else {
var x20 = x2 - x0,
y20 = y2 - y0,
l21_2 = x21 * x21 + y21 * y21,
l20_2 = x20 * x20 + y20 * y20,
l21 = Math.sqrt(l21_2),
l01 = Math.sqrt(l01_2),
l = r * Math.tan((pi - Math.acos((l21_2 + l01_2 - l20_2) / (2 * l21 * l01))) / 2),
t01 = l / l01,
t21 = l / l21;
// If the start tangent is not coincident with (x0,y0), line to.
if (Math.abs(t01 - 1) > epsilon) {
"L", x1 + t01 * x01, ",", y1 + t01 * y01
"A", r, ",", r, ",0,0,", +(y01 * x20 > x01 * y20), ",", this._x1 = x1 + t21 * x21, ",", this._y1 = y1 + t21 * y21
arc: function(x, y, r, a0, a1, ccw) {
x = +x, y = +y, r = +r;
var dx = r * Math.cos(a0),
dy = r * Math.sin(a0),
x0 = x + dx,
y0 = y + dy,
cw = 1 ^ ccw,
da = ccw ? a0 - a1 : a1 - a0;
// Is the radius negative? Error.
if (r < 0) throw new Error("negative radius: " + r);
// Is this path empty? Move to (x0,y0).
if (this._x1 === null) {
"M", x0, ",", y0
// Or, is (x0,y0) not coincident with the previous point? Line to (x0,y0).
else if (Math.abs(this._x1 - x0) > epsilon || Math.abs(this._y1 - y0) > epsilon) {
"L", x0, ",", y0
// Is this arc empty? We’re done.
if (!r) return;
// Is this a complete circle? Draw two arcs to complete the circle.
if (da > tauEpsilon) {
"A", r, ",", r, ",0,1,", cw, ",", x - dx, ",", y - dy,
"A", r, ",", r, ",0,1,", cw, ",", this._x1 = x0, ",", this._y1 = y0
// Otherwise, draw an arc!
else {
if (da < 0) da = da % tau + tau;
"A", r, ",", r, ",0,", +(da >= pi), ",", cw, ",", this._x1 = x + r * Math.cos(a1), ",", this._y1 = y + r * Math.sin(a1)
rect: function(x, y, w, h) {
this._.push("M", this._x0 = this._x1 = +x, ",", this._y0 = this._y1 = +y, "h", +w, "v", +h, "h", -w, "Z");
toString: function() {
return this._.join("");
exports.path = path;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
// Version 1.0.2. Copyright 2016 Mike Bostock.
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('d3-collection'), require('d3-dispatch'), require('d3-dsv')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'd3-collection', 'd3-dispatch', 'd3-dsv'], factory) :
(factory((global.d3 = global.d3 || {}),global.d3,global.d3,global.d3));
}(this, function (exports,d3Collection,d3Dispatch,d3Dsv) { 'use strict';
function request(url, callback) {
var request,
event = d3Dispatch.dispatch("beforesend", "progress", "load", "error"),
headers =,
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest,
user = null,
password = null,
timeout = 0;
// If IE does not support CORS, use XDomainRequest.
if (typeof XDomainRequest !== "undefined"
&& !("withCredentials" in xhr)
&& /^(http(s)?:)?\/\//.test(url)) xhr = new XDomainRequest;
"onload" in xhr
? xhr.onload = xhr.onerror = xhr.ontimeout = respond
: xhr.onreadystatechange = function(o) { xhr.readyState > 3 && respond(o); };
function respond(o) {
var status = xhr.status, result;
if (!status && hasResponse(xhr)
|| status >= 200 && status < 300
|| status === 304) {
if (response) {
try {
result =, xhr);
} catch (e) {"error", request, e);
} else {
result = xhr;
}"load", request, result);
} else {"error", request, o);
xhr.onprogress = function(e) {"progress", request, e);
request = {
header: function(name, value) {
name = (name + "").toLowerCase();
if (arguments.length < 2) return headers.get(name);
if (value == null) headers.remove(name);
else headers.set(name, value + "");
return request;
// If mimeType is non-null and no Accept header is set, a default is used.
mimeType: function(value) {
if (!arguments.length) return mimeType;
mimeType = value == null ? null : value + "";
return request;
// Specifies what type the response value should take;
// for instance, arraybuffer, blob, document, or text.
responseType: function(value) {
if (!arguments.length) return responseType;
responseType = value;
return request;
timeout: function(value) {
if (!arguments.length) return timeout;
timeout = +value;
return request;
user: function(value) {
return arguments.length < 1 ? user : (user = value == null ? null : value + "", request);
password: function(value) {
return arguments.length < 1 ? password : (password = value == null ? null : value + "", request);
// Specify how to convert the response content to a specific type;
// changes the callback value on "load" events.
response: function(value) {
response = value;
return request;
// Alias for send("GET", …).
get: function(data, callback) {
return request.send("GET", data, callback);
// Alias for send("POST", …).
post: function(data, callback) {
return request.send("POST", data, callback);
// If callback is non-null, it will be used for error and load events.
send: function(method, data, callback) {, url, true, user, password);
if (mimeType != null && !headers.has("accept")) headers.set("accept", mimeType + ",*/*");
if (xhr.setRequestHeader) headers.each(function(value, name) { xhr.setRequestHeader(name, value); });
if (mimeType != null && xhr.overrideMimeType) xhr.overrideMimeType(mimeType);
if (responseType != null) xhr.responseType = responseType;
if (timeout > 0) xhr.timeout = timeout;
if (callback == null && typeof data === "function") callback = data, data = null;
if (callback != null && callback.length === 1) callback = fixCallback(callback);
if (callback != null) request.on("error", callback).on("load", function(xhr) { callback(null, xhr); });"beforesend", request, xhr);
xhr.send(data == null ? null : data);
return request;
abort: function() {
return request;
on: function() {
var value = event.on.apply(event, arguments);
return value === event ? request : value;
if (callback != null) {
if (typeof callback !== "function") throw new Error("invalid callback: " + callback);
return request.get(callback);
return request;
function fixCallback(callback) {
return function(error, xhr) {
callback(error == null ? xhr : null);
function hasResponse(xhr) {
var type = xhr.responseType;
return type && type !== "text"
? xhr.response // null on error
: xhr.responseText; // "" on error
function type(defaultMimeType, response) {
return function(url, callback) {
var r = request(url).mimeType(defaultMimeType).response(response);
if (callback != null) {
if (typeof callback !== "function") throw new Error("invalid callback: " + callback);
return r.get(callback);
return r;
var html = type("text/html", function(xhr) {
return document.createRange().createContextualFragment(xhr.responseText);
var json = type("application/json", function(xhr) {
return JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
var text = type("text/plain", function(xhr) {
return xhr.responseText;
var xml = type("application/xml", function(xhr) {
var xml = xhr.responseXML;
if (!xml) throw new Error("parse error");
return xml;
function dsv(defaultMimeType, parse) {
return function(url, row, callback) {
if (arguments.length < 3) callback = row, row = null;
var r = request(url).mimeType(defaultMimeType);
r.row = function(_) { return arguments.length ? r.response(responseOf(parse, row = _)) : row; };
return callback ? r.get(callback) : r;
function responseOf(parse, row) {
return function(request) {
return parse(request.responseText, row);
var csv = dsv("text/csv", d3Dsv.csvParse);
var tsv = dsv("text/tab-separated-values", d3Dsv.tsvParse);
exports.request = request;
exports.html = html;
exports.json = json;
exports.text = text;
exports.xml = xml;
exports.csv = csv;
exports.tsv = tsv;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
// Version 1.0.2. Copyright 2016 Mike Bostock.
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(factory((global.d3 = global.d3 || {})));
}(this, function (exports) { 'use strict';
var xhtml = "";
var namespaces = {
svg: "",
xhtml: xhtml,
xlink: "",
xml: "",
xmlns: ""
function namespace(name) {
var prefix = name += "", i = prefix.indexOf(":");
if (i >= 0 && (prefix = name.slice(0, i)) !== "xmlns") name = name.slice(i + 1);
return namespaces.hasOwnProperty(prefix) ? {space: namespaces[prefix], local: name} : name;
function creatorInherit(name) {
return function() {
var document = this.ownerDocument,
uri = this.namespaceURI;
return uri === xhtml && document.documentElement.namespaceURI === xhtml
? document.createElement(name)
: document.createElementNS(uri, name);
function creatorFixed(fullname) {
return function() {
return this.ownerDocument.createElementNS(, fullname.local);
function creator(name) {
var fullname = namespace(name);
return (fullname.local
? creatorFixed
: creatorInherit)(fullname);
var nextId = 0;
function local() {
return new Local;
function Local() {
this._ = "@" + (++nextId).toString(36);
Local.prototype = local.prototype = {
constructor: Local,
get: function(node) {
var id = this._;
while (!(id in node)) if (!(node = node.parentNode)) return;
return node[id];
set: function(node, value) {
return node[this._] = value;
remove: function(node) {
return this._ in node && delete node[this._];
toString: function() {
return this._;
var matcher = function(selector) {
return function() {
return this.matches(selector);
if (typeof document !== "undefined") {
var element = document.documentElement;
if (!element.matches) {
var vendorMatches = element.webkitMatchesSelector
|| element.msMatchesSelector
|| element.mozMatchesSelector
|| element.oMatchesSelector;
matcher = function(selector) {
return function() {
return, selector);
var matcher$1 = matcher;
var filterEvents = {};
exports.event = null;
if (typeof document !== "undefined") {
var element$1 = document.documentElement;
if (!("onmouseenter" in element$1)) {
filterEvents = {mouseenter: "mouseover", mouseleave: "mouseout"};
function filterContextListener(listener, index, group) {
listener = contextListener(listener, index, group);
return function(event) {
var related = event.relatedTarget;
if (!related || (related !== this && !(related.compareDocumentPosition(this) & 8))) {, event);
function contextListener(listener, index, group) {
return function(event1) {
var event0 = exports.event; // Events can be reentrant (e.g., focus).
exports.event = event1;
try {, this.__data__, index, group);
} finally {
exports.event = event0;
function parseTypenames(typenames) {
return typenames.trim().split(/^|\s+/).map(function(t) {
var name = "", i = t.indexOf(".");
if (i >= 0) name = t.slice(i + 1), t = t.slice(0, i);
return {type: t, name: name};
function onRemove(typename) {
return function() {
var on = this.__on;
if (!on) return;
for (var j = 0, i = -1, m = on.length, o; j < m; ++j) {
if (o = on[j], (!typename.type || o.type === typename.type) && === {
this.removeEventListener(o.type, o.listener, o.capture);
} else {
on[++i] = o;
if (++i) on.length = i;
else delete this.__on;
function onAdd(typename, value, capture) {
var wrap = filterEvents.hasOwnProperty(typename.type) ? filterContextListener : contextListener;
return function(d, i, group) {
var on = this.__on, o, listener = wrap(value, i, group);
if (on) for (var j = 0, m = on.length; j < m; ++j) {
if ((o = on[j]).type === typename.type && === {
this.removeEventListener(o.type, o.listener, o.capture);
this.addEventListener(o.type, o.listener = listener, o.capture = capture);
o.value = value;
this.addEventListener(typename.type, listener, capture);
o = {type: typename.type, name:, value: value, listener: listener, capture: capture};
if (!on) this.__on = [o];
else on.push(o);
function selection_on(typename, value, capture) {
var typenames = parseTypenames(typename + ""), i, n = typenames.length, t;
if (arguments.length < 2) {
var on = this.node().__on;
if (on) for (var j = 0, m = on.length, o; j < m; ++j) {
for (i = 0, o = on[j]; i < n; ++i) {
if ((t = typenames[i]).type === o.type && === {
return o.value;
on = value ? onAdd : onRemove;
if (capture == null) capture = false;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) this.each(on(typenames[i], value, capture));
return this;
function customEvent(event1, listener, that, args) {
var event0 = exports.event;
event1.sourceEvent = exports.event;
exports.event = event1;
try {
return listener.apply(that, args);
} finally {
exports.event = event0;
function sourceEvent() {
var current = exports.event, source;
while (source = current.sourceEvent) current = source;
return current;
function point(node, event) {
var svg = node.ownerSVGElement || node;
if (svg.createSVGPoint) {
var point = svg.createSVGPoint();
point.x = event.clientX, point.y = event.clientY;
point = point.matrixTransform(node.getScreenCTM().inverse());
return [point.x, point.y];
var rect = node.getBoundingClientRect();
return [event.clientX - rect.left - node.clientLeft, event.clientY - - node.clientTop];
function mouse(node) {
var event = sourceEvent();
if (event.changedTouches) event = event.changedTouches[0];
return point(node, event);
function none() {}
function selector(selector) {
return selector == null ? none : function() {
return this.querySelector(selector);
function selection_select(select) {
if (typeof select !== "function") select = selector(select);
for (var groups = this._groups, m = groups.length, subgroups = new Array(m), j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
for (var group = groups[j], n = group.length, subgroup = subgroups[j] = new Array(n), node, subnode, i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if ((node = group[i]) && (subnode =, node.__data__, i, group))) {
if ("__data__" in node) subnode.__data__ = node.__data__;
subgroup[i] = subnode;
return new Selection(subgroups, this._parents);
function empty() {
return [];
function selectorAll(selector) {
return selector == null ? empty : function() {
return this.querySelectorAll(selector);
function selection_selectAll(select) {
if (typeof select !== "function") select = selectorAll(select);
for (var groups = this._groups, m = groups.length, subgroups = [], parents = [], j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
for (var group = groups[j], n = group.length, node, i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (node = group[i]) {
subgroups.push(, node.__data__, i, group));
return new Selection(subgroups, parents);
function selection_filter(match) {
if (typeof match !== "function") match = matcher$1(match);
for (var groups = this._groups, m = groups.length, subgroups = new Array(m), j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
for (var group = groups[j], n = group.length, subgroup = subgroups[j] = [], node, i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if ((node = group[i]) &&, node.__data__, i, group)) {
return new Selection(subgroups, this._parents);
function sparse(update) {
return new Array(update.length);
function selection_enter() {
return new Selection(this._enter ||, this._parents);
function EnterNode(parent, datum) {
this.ownerDocument = parent.ownerDocument;
this.namespaceURI = parent.namespaceURI;
this._next = null;
this._parent = parent;
this.__data__ = datum;
EnterNode.prototype = {
constructor: EnterNode,
appendChild: function(child) { return this._parent.insertBefore(child, this._next); },
insertBefore: function(child, next) { return this._parent.insertBefore(child, next); },
querySelector: function(selector) { return this._parent.querySelector(selector); },
querySelectorAll: function(selector) { return this._parent.querySelectorAll(selector); }
function constant(x) {
return function() {
return x;
var keyPrefix = "$"; // Protect against keys like “__proto__”.
function bindIndex(parent, group, enter, update, exit, data) {
var i = 0,
groupLength = group.length,
dataLength = data.length;
// Put any non-null nodes that fit into update.
// Put any null nodes into enter.
// Put any remaining data into enter.
for (; i < dataLength; ++i) {
if (node = group[i]) {
node.__data__ = data[i];
update[i] = node;
} else {
enter[i] = new EnterNode(parent, data[i]);
// Put any non-null nodes that don’t fit into exit.
for (; i < groupLength; ++i) {
if (node = group[i]) {
exit[i] = node;
function bindKey(parent, group, enter, update, exit, data, key) {
var i,
nodeByKeyValue = {},
groupLength = group.length,
dataLength = data.length,
keyValues = new Array(groupLength),
// Compute the key for each node.
// If multiple nodes have the same key, the duplicates are added to exit.
for (i = 0; i < groupLength; ++i) {
if (node = group[i]) {
keyValues[i] = keyValue = keyPrefix +, node.__data__, i, group);
if (keyValue in nodeByKeyValue) {
exit[i] = node;
} else {
nodeByKeyValue[keyValue] = node;
// Compute the key for each datum.
// If there a node associated with this key, join and add it to update.
// If there is not (or the key is a duplicate), add it to enter.
for (i = 0; i < dataLength; ++i) {
keyValue = keyPrefix +, data[i], i, data);
if (node = nodeByKeyValue[keyValue]) {
update[i] = node;
node.__data__ = data[i];
nodeByKeyValue[keyValue] = null;
} else {
enter[i] = new EnterNode(parent, data[i]);
// Add any remaining nodes that were not bound to data to exit.
for (i = 0; i < groupLength; ++i) {
if ((node = group[i]) && (nodeByKeyValue[keyValues[i]] === node)) {
exit[i] = node;
function selection_data(value, key) {
if (!value) {
data = new Array(this.size()), j = -1;
this.each(function(d) { data[++j] = d; });
return data;
var bind = key ? bindKey : bindIndex,
parents = this._parents,
groups = this._groups;
if (typeof value !== "function") value = constant(value);
for (var m = groups.length, update = new Array(m), enter = new Array(m), exit = new Array(m), j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
var parent = parents[j],
group = groups[j],
groupLength = group.length,
data =, parent && parent.__data__, j, parents),
dataLength = data.length,
enterGroup = enter[j] = new Array(dataLength),
updateGroup = update[j] = new Array(dataLength),
exitGroup = exit[j] = new Array(groupLength);
bind(parent, group, enterGroup, updateGroup, exitGroup, data, key);
// Now connect the enter nodes to their following update node, such that
// appendChild can insert the materialized enter node before this node,
// rather than at the end of the parent node.
for (var i0 = 0, i1 = 0, previous, next; i0 < dataLength; ++i0) {
if (previous = enterGroup[i0]) {
if (i0 >= i1) i1 = i0 + 1;
while (!(next = updateGroup[i1]) && ++i1 < dataLength);
previous._next = next || null;
update = new Selection(update, parents);
update._enter = enter;
update._exit = exit;
return update;
function selection_exit() {
return new Selection(this._exit ||, this._parents);
function selection_merge(selection) {
for (var groups0 = this._groups, groups1 = selection._groups, m0 = groups0.length, m1 = groups1.length, m = Math.min(m0, m1), merges = new Array(m0), j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
for (var group0 = groups0[j], group1 = groups1[j], n = group0.length, merge = merges[j] = new Array(n), node, i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (node = group0[i] || group1[i]) {
merge[i] = node;
for (; j < m0; ++j) {
merges[j] = groups0[j];
return new Selection(merges, this._parents);
function selection_order() {
for (var groups = this._groups, j = -1, m = groups.length; ++j < m;) {
for (var group = groups[j], i = group.length - 1, next = group[i], node; --i >= 0;) {
if (node = group[i]) {
if (next && next !== node.nextSibling) next.parentNode.insertBefore(node, next);
next = node;
return this;
function selection_sort(compare) {
if (!compare) compare = ascending;
function compareNode(a, b) {
return a && b ? compare(a.__data__, b.__data__) : !a - !b;
for (var groups = this._groups, m = groups.length, sortgroups = new Array(m), j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
for (var group = groups[j], n = group.length, sortgroup = sortgroups[j] = new Array(n), node, i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (node = group[i]) {
sortgroup[i] = node;
return new Selection(sortgroups, this._parents).order();
function ascending(a, b) {
return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : a >= b ? 0 : NaN;
function selection_call() {
var callback = arguments[0];
arguments[0] = this;
callback.apply(null, arguments);
return this;
function selection_nodes() {
var nodes = new Array(this.size()), i = -1;
this.each(function() { nodes[++i] = this; });
return nodes;
function selection_node() {
for (var groups = this._groups, j = 0, m = groups.length; j < m; ++j) {
for (var group = groups[j], i = 0, n = group.length; i < n; ++i) {
var node = group[i];
if (node) return node;
return null;
function selection_size() {
var size = 0;
this.each(function() { ++size; });
return size;
function selection_empty() {
return !this.node();
function selection_each(callback) {
for (var groups = this._groups, j = 0, m = groups.length; j < m; ++j) {
for (var group = groups[j], i = 0, n = group.length, node; i < n; ++i) {
if (node = group[i]), node.__data__, i, group);
return this;
function attrRemove(name) {
return function() {
function attrRemoveNS(fullname) {
return function() {
this.removeAttributeNS(, fullname.local);
function attrConstant(name, value) {
return function() {
this.setAttribute(name, value);
function attrConstantNS(fullname, value) {
return function() {
this.setAttributeNS(, fullname.local, value);
function attrFunction(name, value) {
return function() {
var v = value.apply(this, arguments);
if (v == null) this.removeAttribute(name);
else this.setAttribute(name, v);
function attrFunctionNS(fullname, value) {
return function() {
var v = value.apply(this, arguments);
if (v == null) this.removeAttributeNS(, fullname.local);
else this.setAttributeNS(, fullname.local, v);
function selection_attr(name, value) {
var fullname = namespace(name);
if (arguments.length < 2) {
var node = this.node();
return fullname.local
? node.getAttributeNS(, fullname.local)
: node.getAttribute(fullname);
return this.each((value == null
? (fullname.local ? attrRemoveNS : attrRemove) : (typeof value === "function"
? (fullname.local ? attrFunctionNS : attrFunction)
: (fullname.local ? attrConstantNS : attrConstant)))(fullname, value));
function defaultView(node) {
return (node.ownerDocument && node.ownerDocument.defaultView) // node is a Node
|| (node.document && node) // node is a Window
|| node.defaultView; // node is a Document
function styleRemove(name) {
return function() {;
function styleConstant(name, value, priority) {
return function() {, value, priority);
function styleFunction(name, value, priority) {
return function() {
var v = value.apply(this, arguments);
if (v == null);
else, v, priority);
function selection_style(name, value, priority) {
var node;
return arguments.length > 1
? this.each((value == null
? styleRemove : typeof value === "function"
? styleFunction
: styleConstant)(name, value, priority == null ? "" : priority))
: defaultView(node = this.node())
.getComputedStyle(node, null)
function propertyRemove(name) {
return function() {
delete this[name];
function propertyConstant(name, value) {
return function() {
this[name] = value;
function propertyFunction(name, value) {
return function() {
var v = value.apply(this, arguments);
if (v == null) delete this[name];
else this[name] = v;
function selection_property(name, value) {
return arguments.length > 1
? this.each((value == null
? propertyRemove : typeof value === "function"
? propertyFunction
: propertyConstant)(name, value))
: this.node()[name];
function classArray(string) {
return string.trim().split(/^|\s+/);
function classList(node) {
return node.classList || new ClassList(node);
function ClassList(node) {
this._node = node;
this._names = classArray(node.getAttribute("class") || "");
ClassList.prototype = {
add: function(name) {
var i = this._names.indexOf(name);
if (i < 0) {
this._node.setAttribute("class", this._names.join(" "));
remove: function(name) {
var i = this._names.indexOf(name);
if (i >= 0) {
this._names.splice(i, 1);
this._node.setAttribute("class", this._names.join(" "));
contains: function(name) {
return this._names.indexOf(name) >= 0;
function classedAdd(node, names) {
var list = classList(node), i = -1, n = names.length;
while (++i < n) list.add(names[i]);
function classedRemove(node, names) {
var list = classList(node), i = -1, n = names.length;
while (++i < n) list.remove(names[i]);
function classedTrue(names) {
return function() {
classedAdd(this, names);
function classedFalse(names) {
return function() {
classedRemove(this, names);
function classedFunction(names, value) {
return function() {
(value.apply(this, arguments) ? classedAdd : classedRemove)(this, names);
function selection_classed(name, value) {
var names = classArray(name + "");
if (arguments.length < 2) {
var list = classList(this.node()), i = -1, n = names.length;
while (++i < n) if (!list.contains(names[i])) return false;
return true;
return this.each((typeof value === "function"
? classedFunction : value
? classedTrue
: classedFalse)(names, value));
function textRemove() {
this.textContent = "";
function textConstant(value) {
return function() {
this.textContent = value;
function textFunction(value) {
return function() {
var v = value.apply(this, arguments);
this.textContent = v == null ? "" : v;
function selection_text(value) {
return arguments.length
? this.each(value == null
? textRemove : (typeof value === "function"
? textFunction
: textConstant)(value))
: this.node().textContent;
function htmlRemove() {
this.innerHTML = "";
function htmlConstant(value) {
return function() {
this.innerHTML = value;
function htmlFunction(value) {
return function() {
var v = value.apply(this, arguments);
this.innerHTML = v == null ? "" : v;
function selection_html(value) {
return arguments.length
? this.each(value == null
? htmlRemove : (typeof value === "function"
? htmlFunction
: htmlConstant)(value))
: this.node().innerHTML;
function raise() {
if (this.nextSibling) this.parentNode.appendChild(this);
function selection_raise() {
return this.each(raise);
function lower() {
if (this.previousSibling) this.parentNode.insertBefore(this, this.parentNode.firstChild);
function selection_lower() {
return this.each(lower);
function selection_append(name) {
var create = typeof name === "function" ? name : creator(name);
return {
return this.appendChild(create.apply(this, arguments));
function constantNull() {
return null;
function selection_insert(name, before) {
var create = typeof name === "function" ? name : creator(name),
select = before == null ? constantNull : typeof before === "function" ? before : selector(before);
return {
return this.insertBefore(create.apply(this, arguments), select.apply(this, arguments) || null);
function remove() {
var parent = this.parentNode;
if (parent) parent.removeChild(this);
function selection_remove() {
return this.each(remove);
function selection_datum(value) {
return arguments.length
?"__data__", value)
: this.node().__data__;
function dispatchEvent(node, type, params) {
var window = defaultView(node),
event = window.CustomEvent;
if (event) {
event = new event(type, params);
} else {
event = window.document.createEvent("Event");
if (params) event.initEvent(type, params.bubbles, params.cancelable), event.detail = params.detail;
else event.initEvent(type, false, false);
function dispatchConstant(type, params) {
return function() {
return dispatchEvent(this, type, params);
function dispatchFunction(type, params) {
return function() {
return dispatchEvent(this, type, params.apply(this, arguments));
function selection_dispatch(type, params) {
return this.each((typeof params === "function"
? dispatchFunction
: dispatchConstant)(type, params));
var root = [null];
function Selection(groups, parents) {
this._groups = groups;
this._parents = parents;
function selection() {
return new Selection([[document.documentElement]], root);
Selection.prototype = selection.prototype = {
constructor: Selection,
select: selection_select,
selectAll: selection_selectAll,
filter: selection_filter,
data: selection_data,
enter: selection_enter,
exit: selection_exit,
merge: selection_merge,
order: selection_order,
sort: selection_sort,
call: selection_call,
nodes: selection_nodes,
node: selection_node,
size: selection_size,
empty: selection_empty,
each: selection_each,
attr: selection_attr,
style: selection_style,
property: selection_property,
classed: selection_classed,
text: selection_text,
html: selection_html,
raise: selection_raise,
lower: selection_lower,
append: selection_append,
insert: selection_insert,
remove: selection_remove,
datum: selection_datum,
on: selection_on,
dispatch: selection_dispatch
function select(selector) {
return typeof selector === "string"
? new Selection([[document.querySelector(selector)]], [document.documentElement])
: new Selection([[selector]], root);
function selectAll(selector) {
return typeof selector === "string"
? new Selection([document.querySelectorAll(selector)], [document.documentElement])
: new Selection([selector == null ? [] : selector], root);
function touch(node, touches, identifier) {
if (arguments.length < 3) identifier = touches, touches = sourceEvent().changedTouches;
for (var i = 0, n = touches ? touches.length : 0, touch; i < n; ++i) {
if ((touch = touches[i]).identifier === identifier) {
return point(node, touch);
return null;
function touches(node, touches) {
if (touches == null) touches = sourceEvent().touches;
for (var i = 0, n = touches ? touches.length : 0, points = new Array(n); i < n; ++i) {
points[i] = point(node, touches[i]);
return points;
exports.creator = creator;
exports.local = local;
exports.matcher = matcher$1;
exports.mouse = mouse;
exports.namespace = namespace;
exports.namespaces = namespaces; = select;
exports.selectAll = selectAll;
exports.selection = selection;
exports.selector = selector;
exports.selectorAll = selectorAll;
exports.touch = touch;
exports.touches = touches;
exports.window = defaultView;
exports.customEvent = customEvent;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
// Version 1.0.3. Copyright 2016 Mike Bostock.
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(factory((global.d3 = global.d3 || {})));
}(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict';
var frame = 0;
var timeout = 0;
var interval = 0;
var pokeDelay = 1000;
var taskHead;
var taskTail;
var clockLast = 0;
var clockNow = 0;
var clockSkew = 0;
var clock = typeof performance === "object" && ? performance : Date;
var setFrame = typeof requestAnimationFrame === "function" ? requestAnimationFrame : function(f) { setTimeout(f, 17); };
function now() {
return clockNow || (setFrame(clearNow), clockNow = + clockSkew);
function clearNow() {
clockNow = 0;
function Timer() {
this._call =
this._time =
this._next = null;
Timer.prototype = timer.prototype = {
constructor: Timer,
restart: function(callback, delay, time) {
if (typeof callback !== "function") throw new TypeError("callback is not a function");
time = (time == null ? now() : +time) + (delay == null ? 0 : +delay);
if (!this._next && taskTail !== this) {
if (taskTail) taskTail._next = this;
else taskHead = this;
taskTail = this;
this._call = callback;
this._time = time;
stop: function() {
if (this._call) {
this._call = null;
this._time = Infinity;
function timer(callback, delay, time) {
var t = new Timer;
t.restart(callback, delay, time);
return t;
function timerFlush() {
now(); // Get the current time, if not already set.
++frame; // Pretend we’ve set an alarm, if we haven’t already.
var t = taskHead, e;
while (t) {
if ((e = clockNow - t._time) >= 0), e);
t = t._next;
function wake() {
clockNow = (clockLast = + clockSkew;
frame = timeout = 0;
try {
} finally {
frame = 0;
clockNow = 0;
function poke() {
var now =, delay = now - clockLast;
if (delay > pokeDelay) clockSkew -= delay, clockLast = now;
function nap() {
var t0, t1 = taskHead, t2, time = Infinity;
while (t1) {
if (t1._call) {
if (time > t1._time) time = t1._time;
t0 = t1, t1 = t1._next;
} else {
t2 = t1._next, t1._next = null;
t1 = t0 ? t0._next = t2 : taskHead = t2;
taskTail = t0;
function sleep(time) {
if (frame) return; // Soonest alarm already set, or will be.
if (timeout) timeout = clearTimeout(timeout);
var delay = time - clockNow;
if (delay > 24) {
if (time < Infinity) timeout = setTimeout(wake, delay);
if (interval) interval = clearInterval(interval);
} else {
if (!interval) interval = setInterval(poke, pokeDelay);
frame = 1, setFrame(wake);
function timeout$1(callback, delay, time) {
var t = new Timer;
delay = delay == null ? 0 : +delay;
t.restart(function(elapsed) {
callback(elapsed + delay);
}, delay, time);
return t;
function interval$1(callback, delay, time) {
var t = new Timer, total = delay;
if (delay == null) return t.restart(callback, delay, time), t;
delay = +delay, time = time == null ? now() : +time;
t.restart(function tick(elapsed) {
elapsed += total;
t.restart(tick, total += delay, time);
}, delay, time);
return t;
} = now;
exports.timer = timer;
exports.timerFlush = timerFlush;
exports.timeout = timeout$1;
exports.interval = interval$1;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
// Version 1.0.2. Copyright 2016 Mike Bostock.
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('d3-selection'), require('d3-dispatch'), require('d3-timer'), require('d3-interpolate'), require('d3-color'), require('d3-ease')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'd3-selection', 'd3-dispatch', 'd3-timer', 'd3-interpolate', 'd3-color', 'd3-ease'], factory) :
(factory((global.d3 = global.d3 || {}),global.d3,global.d3,global.d3,global.d3,global.d3,global.d3));
}(this, (function (exports,d3Selection,d3Dispatch,d3Timer,d3Interpolate,d3Color,d3Ease) { 'use strict';
var emptyOn = d3Dispatch.dispatch("start", "end", "interrupt");
var emptyTween = [];
var CREATED = 0;
var SCHEDULED = 1;
var STARTING = 2;
var STARTED = 3;
var RUNNING = 4;
var ENDING = 5;
var ENDED = 6;
function schedule(node, name, id, index, group, timing) {
var schedules = node.__transition;
if (!schedules) node.__transition = {};
else if (id in schedules) return;
create(node, id, {
name: name,
index: index, // For context during callback.
group: group, // For context during callback.
on: emptyOn,
tween: emptyTween,
time: timing.time,
delay: timing.delay,
duration: timing.duration,
ease: timing.ease,
timer: null,
state: CREATED
function init(node, id) {
var schedule = node.__transition;
if (!schedule || !(schedule = schedule[id]) || schedule.state > CREATED) throw new Error("too late");
return schedule;
function set(node, id) {
var schedule = node.__transition;
if (!schedule || !(schedule = schedule[id]) || schedule.state > STARTING) throw new Error("too late");
return schedule;
function get(node, id) {
var schedule = node.__transition;
if (!schedule || !(schedule = schedule[id])) throw new Error("too late");
return schedule;
function create(node, id, self) {
var schedules = node.__transition,
// Initialize the self timer when the transition is created.
// Note the actual delay is not known until the first callback!
schedules[id] = self;
self.timer = d3Timer.timer(schedule, 0, self.time);
function schedule(elapsed) {
self.state = SCHEDULED;
self.timer.restart(start, self.delay, self.time);
// If the elapsed delay is less than our first sleep, start immediately.
if (self.delay <= elapsed) start(elapsed - self.delay);
function start(elapsed) {
var i, j, n, o;
// If the state is not SCHEDULED, then we previously errored on start.
if (self.state !== SCHEDULED) return stop();
for (i in schedules) {
o = schedules[i];
if ( !== continue;
// While this element already has a starting transition during this frame,
// defer starting an interrupting transition until that transition has a
// chance to tick (and possibly end); see d3/d3-transition#54!
if (o.state === STARTED) return d3Timer.timeout(start);
// Interrupt the active transition, if any.
// Dispatch the interrupt event.
if (o.state === RUNNING) {
o.state = ENDED;
o.timer.stop();"interrupt", node, node.__data__, o.index,;
delete schedules[i];
// Cancel any pre-empted transitions. No interrupt event is dispatched
// because the cancelled transitions never started. Note that this also
// removes this transition from the pending list!
else if (+i < id) {
o.state = ENDED;
delete schedules[i];
// Defer the first tick to end of the current frame; see d3/d3#1576.
// Note the transition may be canceled after start and before the first tick!
// Note this must be scheduled before the start event; see d3/d3-transition#16!
// Assuming this is successful, subsequent callbacks go straight to tick.
d3Timer.timeout(function() {
if (self.state === STARTED) {
self.state = RUNNING;
self.timer.restart(tick, self.delay, self.time);
// Dispatch the start event.
// Note this must be done before the tween are initialized.
self.state = STARTING;"start", node, node.__data__, self.index,;
if (self.state !== STARTING) return; // interrupted
self.state = STARTED;
// Initialize the tween, deleting null tween.
tween = new Array(n = self.tween.length);
for (i = 0, j = -1; i < n; ++i) {
if (o = self.tween[i], node.__data__, self.index, {
tween[++j] = o;
tween.length = j + 1;
function tick(elapsed) {
var t = elapsed < self.duration ?, elapsed / self.duration) : (self.timer.restart(stop), self.state = ENDING, 1),
i = -1,
n = tween.length;
while (++i < n) {
tween[i].call(null, t);
// Dispatch the end event.
if (self.state === ENDING) {"end", node, node.__data__, self.index,;
function stop() {
self.state = ENDED;
delete schedules[id];
for (var i in schedules) return; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
delete node.__transition;
function interrupt(node, name) {
var schedules = node.__transition,
empty = true,
if (!schedules) return;
name = name == null ? null : name + "";
for (i in schedules) {
if ((schedule = schedules[i]).name !== name) { empty = false; continue; }
active = schedule.state === STARTED;
schedule.state = ENDED;
if (active)"interrupt", node, node.__data__, schedule.index,;
delete schedules[i];
if (empty) delete node.__transition;
function selection_interrupt(name) {
return this.each(function() {
interrupt(this, name);
function tweenRemove(id, name) {
var tween0, tween1;
return function() {
var schedule = set(this, id),
tween = schedule.tween;
// If this node shared tween with the previous node,
// just assign the updated shared tween and we’re done!
// Otherwise, copy-on-write.
if (tween !== tween0) {
tween1 = tween0 = tween;
for (var i = 0, n = tween1.length; i < n; ++i) {
if (tween1[i].name === name) {
tween1 = tween1.slice();
tween1.splice(i, 1);
schedule.tween = tween1;
function tweenFunction(id, name, value) {
var tween0, tween1;
if (typeof value !== "function") throw new Error;
return function() {
var schedule = set(this, id),
tween = schedule.tween;
// If this node shared tween with the previous node,
// just assign the updated shared tween and we’re done!
// Otherwise, copy-on-write.
if (tween !== tween0) {
tween1 = (tween0 = tween).slice();
for (var t = {name: name, value: value}, i = 0, n = tween1.length; i < n; ++i) {
if (tween1[i].name === name) {
tween1[i] = t;
if (i === n) tween1.push(t);
schedule.tween = tween1;
function transition_tween(name, value) {
var id = this._id;
name += "";
if (arguments.length < 2) {
var tween = get(this.node(), id).tween;
for (var i = 0, n = tween.length, t; i < n; ++i) {
if ((t = tween[i]).name === name) {
return t.value;
return null;
return this.each((value == null ? tweenRemove : tweenFunction)(id, name, value));
function tweenValue(transition, name, value) {
var id = transition._id;
transition.each(function() {
var schedule = set(this, id);
(schedule.value || (schedule.value = {}))[name] = value.apply(this, arguments);
return function(node) {
return get(node, id).value[name];
function interpolate(a, b) {
var c;
return (typeof b === "number" ? d3Interpolate.interpolateNumber
: b instanceof d3Color.color ? d3Interpolate.interpolateRgb
: (c = d3Color.color(b)) ? (b = c, d3Interpolate.interpolateRgb)
: d3Interpolate.interpolateString)(a, b);
function attrRemove(name) {
return function() {
function attrRemoveNS(fullname) {
return function() {
this.removeAttributeNS(, fullname.local);
function attrConstant(name, interpolate, value1) {
var value00,
return function() {
var value0 = this.getAttribute(name);
return value0 === value1 ? null
: value0 === value00 ? interpolate0
: interpolate0 = interpolate(value00 = value0, value1);
function attrConstantNS(fullname, interpolate, value1) {
var value00,
return function() {
var value0 = this.getAttributeNS(, fullname.local);
return value0 === value1 ? null
: value0 === value00 ? interpolate0
: interpolate0 = interpolate(value00 = value0, value1);
function attrFunction(name, interpolate, value) {
var value00,
return function() {
var value0, value1 = value(this);
if (value1 == null) return void this.removeAttribute(name);
value0 = this.getAttribute(name);
return value0 === value1 ? null
: value0 === value00 && value1 === value10 ? interpolate0
: interpolate0 = interpolate(value00 = value0, value10 = value1);
function attrFunctionNS(fullname, interpolate, value) {
var value00,
return function() {
var value0, value1 = value(this);
if (value1 == null) return void this.removeAttributeNS(, fullname.local);
value0 = this.getAttributeNS(, fullname.local);
return value0 === value1 ? null
: value0 === value00 && value1 === value10 ? interpolate0
: interpolate0 = interpolate(value00 = value0, value10 = value1);
function transition_attr(name, value) {
var fullname = d3Selection.namespace(name), i = fullname === "transform" ? d3Interpolate.interpolateTransformSvg : interpolate;
return this.attrTween(name, typeof value === "function"
? (fullname.local ? attrFunctionNS : attrFunction)(fullname, i, tweenValue(this, "attr." + name, value))
: value == null ? (fullname.local ? attrRemoveNS : attrRemove)(fullname)
: (fullname.local ? attrConstantNS : attrConstant)(fullname, i, value));
function attrTweenNS(fullname, value) {
function tween() {
var node = this, i = value.apply(node, arguments);
return i && function(t) {
node.setAttributeNS(, fullname.local, i(t));
tween._value = value;
return tween;
function attrTween(name, value) {
function tween() {
var node = this, i = value.apply(node, arguments);
return i && function(t) {
node.setAttribute(name, i(t));
tween._value = value;
return tween;
function transition_attrTween(name, value) {
var key = "attr." + name;
if (arguments.length < 2) return (key = this.tween(key)) && key._value;
if (value == null) return this.tween(key, null);
if (typeof value !== "function") throw new Error;
var fullname = d3Selection.namespace(name);
return this.tween(key, (fullname.local ? attrTweenNS : attrTween)(fullname, value));
function delayFunction(id, value) {
return function() {
init(this, id).delay = +value.apply(this, arguments);
function delayConstant(id, value) {
return value = +value, function() {
init(this, id).delay = value;
function transition_delay(value) {
var id = this._id;
return arguments.length
? this.each((typeof value === "function"
? delayFunction
: delayConstant)(id, value))
: get(this.node(), id).delay;
function durationFunction(id, value) {
return function() {
set(this, id).duration = +value.apply(this, arguments);
function durationConstant(id, value) {
return value = +value, function() {
set(this, id).duration = value;
function transition_duration(value) {
var id = this._id;
return arguments.length
? this.each((typeof value === "function"
? durationFunction
: durationConstant)(id, value))
: get(this.node(), id).duration;
function easeConstant(id, value) {
if (typeof value !== "function") throw new Error;
return function() {
set(this, id).ease = value;
function transition_ease(value) {
var id = this._id;
return arguments.length
? this.each(easeConstant(id, value))
: get(this.node(), id).ease;
function transition_filter(match) {
if (typeof match !== "function") match = d3Selection.matcher(match);
for (var groups = this._groups, m = groups.length, subgroups = new Array(m), j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
for (var group = groups[j], n = group.length, subgroup = subgroups[j] = [], node, i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if ((node = group[i]) &&, node.__data__, i, group)) {
return new Transition(subgroups, this._parents, this._name, this._id);
function transition_merge(transition) {
if (transition._id !== this._id) throw new Error;
for (var groups0 = this._groups, groups1 = transition._groups, m0 = groups0.length, m1 = groups1.length, m = Math.min(m0, m1), merges = new Array(m0), j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
for (var group0 = groups0[j], group1 = groups1[j], n = group0.length, merge = merges[j] = new Array(n), node, i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (node = group0[i] || group1[i]) {
merge[i] = node;
for (; j < m0; ++j) {
merges[j] = groups0[j];
return new Transition(merges, this._parents, this._name, this._id);
function start(name) {
return (name + "").trim().split(/^|\s+/).every(function(t) {
var i = t.indexOf(".");
if (i >= 0) t = t.slice(0, i);
return !t || t === "start";
function onFunction(id, name, listener) {
var on0, on1, sit = start(name) ? init : set;
return function() {
var schedule = sit(this, id),
on = schedule.on;
// If this node shared a dispatch with the previous node,
// just assign the updated shared dispatch and we’re done!
// Otherwise, copy-on-write.
if (on !== on0) (on1 = (on0 = on).copy()).on(name, listener);
schedule.on = on1;
function transition_on(name, listener) {
var id = this._id;
return arguments.length < 2
? get(this.node(), id).on.on(name)
: this.each(onFunction(id, name, listener));
function removeFunction(id) {
return function() {
var parent = this.parentNode;
for (var i in this.__transition) if (+i !== id) return;
if (parent) parent.removeChild(this);
function transition_remove() {
return this.on("end.remove", removeFunction(this._id));
function transition_select(select) {
var name = this._name,
id = this._id;
if (typeof select !== "function") select = d3Selection.selector(select);
for (var groups = this._groups, m = groups.length, subgroups = new Array(m), j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
for (var group = groups[j], n = group.length, subgroup = subgroups[j] = new Array(n), node, subnode, i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if ((node = group[i]) && (subnode =, node.__data__, i, group))) {
if ("__data__" in node) subnode.__data__ = node.__data__;
subgroup[i] = subnode;
schedule(subgroup[i], name, id, i, subgroup, get(node, id));
return new Transition(subgroups, this._parents, name, id);
function transition_selectAll(select) {
var name = this._name,
id = this._id;
if (typeof select !== "function") select = d3Selection.selectorAll(select);
for (var groups = this._groups, m = groups.length, subgroups = [], parents = [], j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
for (var group = groups[j], n = group.length, node, i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (node = group[i]) {
for (var children =, node.__data__, i, group), child, inherit = get(node, id), k = 0, l = children.length; k < l; ++k) {
if (child = children[k]) {
schedule(child, name, id, k, children, inherit);
return new Transition(subgroups, parents, name, id);
var Selection = d3Selection.selection.prototype.constructor;
function transition_selection() {
return new Selection(this._groups, this._parents);
function styleRemove(name, interpolate) {
var value00,
return function() {
var style = d3Selection.window(this).getComputedStyle(this, null),
value0 = style.getPropertyValue(name),
value1 = (, style.getPropertyValue(name));
return value0 === value1 ? null
: value0 === value00 && value1 === value10 ? interpolate0
: interpolate0 = interpolate(value00 = value0, value10 = value1);
function styleRemoveEnd(name) {
return function() {;
function styleConstant(name, interpolate, value1) {
var value00,
return function() {
var value0 = d3Selection.window(this).getComputedStyle(this, null).getPropertyValue(name);
return value0 === value1 ? null
: value0 === value00 ? interpolate0
: interpolate0 = interpolate(value00 = value0, value1);
function styleFunction(name, interpolate, value) {
var value00,
return function() {
var style = d3Selection.window(this).getComputedStyle(this, null),
value0 = style.getPropertyValue(name),
value1 = value(this);
if (value1 == null) value1 = (, style.getPropertyValue(name));
return value0 === value1 ? null
: value0 === value00 && value1 === value10 ? interpolate0
: interpolate0 = interpolate(value00 = value0, value10 = value1);
function transition_style(name, value, priority) {
var i = (name += "") === "transform" ? d3Interpolate.interpolateTransformCss : interpolate;
return value == null ? this
.styleTween(name, styleRemove(name, i))
.on("" + name, styleRemoveEnd(name))
: this.styleTween(name, typeof value === "function"
? styleFunction(name, i, tweenValue(this, "style." + name, value))
: styleConstant(name, i, value), priority);
function styleTween(name, value, priority) {
function tween() {
var node = this, i = value.apply(node, arguments);
return i && function(t) {, i(t), priority);
tween._value = value;
return tween;
function transition_styleTween(name, value, priority) {
var key = "style." + (name += "");
if (arguments.length < 2) return (key = this.tween(key)) && key._value;
if (value == null) return this.tween(key, null);
if (typeof value !== "function") throw new Error;
return this.tween(key, styleTween(name, value, priority == null ? "" : priority));
function textConstant(value) {
return function() {
this.textContent = value;
function textFunction(value) {
return function() {
var value1 = value(this);
this.textContent = value1 == null ? "" : value1;
function transition_text(value) {
return this.tween("text", typeof value === "function"
? textFunction(tweenValue(this, "text", value))
: textConstant(value == null ? "" : value + ""));
function transition_transition() {
var name = this._name,
id0 = this._id,
id1 = newId();
for (var groups = this._groups, m = groups.length, j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
for (var group = groups[j], n = group.length, node, i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (node = group[i]) {
var inherit = get(node, id0);
schedule(node, name, id1, i, group, {
time: inherit.time + inherit.delay + inherit.duration,
delay: 0,
duration: inherit.duration,
ease: inherit.ease
return new Transition(groups, this._parents, name, id1);
var id = 0;
function Transition(groups, parents, name, id) {
this._groups = groups;
this._parents = parents;
this._name = name;
this._id = id;
function transition(name) {
return d3Selection.selection().transition(name);
function newId() {
return ++id;
var selection_prototype = d3Selection.selection.prototype;
Transition.prototype = transition.prototype = {
constructor: Transition,
select: transition_select,
selectAll: transition_selectAll,
filter: transition_filter,
merge: transition_merge,
selection: transition_selection,
transition: transition_transition,
nodes: selection_prototype.nodes,
node: selection_prototype.node,
size: selection_prototype.size,
empty: selection_prototype.empty,
each: selection_prototype.each,
on: transition_on,
attr: transition_attr,
attrTween: transition_attrTween,
style: transition_style,
styleTween: transition_styleTween,
text: transition_text,
remove: transition_remove,
tween: transition_tween,
delay: transition_delay,
duration: transition_duration,
ease: transition_ease
var defaultTiming = {
time: null, // Set on use.
delay: 0,
duration: 250,
ease: d3Ease.easeCubicInOut
function inherit(node, id) {
var timing;
while (!(timing = node.__transition) || !(timing = timing[id])) {
if (!(node = node.parentNode)) {
return defaultTiming.time =, defaultTiming;
return timing;
function selection_transition(name) {
var id,
if (name instanceof Transition) {
id = name._id, name = name._name;
} else {
id = newId(), (timing = defaultTiming).time =, name = name == null ? null : name + "";
for (var groups = this._groups, m = groups.length, j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
for (var group = groups[j], n = group.length, node, i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (node = group[i]) {
schedule(node, name, id, i, group, timing || inherit(node, id));
return new Transition(groups, this._parents, name, id);
d3Selection.selection.prototype.interrupt = selection_interrupt;
d3Selection.selection.prototype.transition = selection_transition;
var root = [null];
function active(node, name) {
var schedules = node.__transition,
if (schedules) {
name = name == null ? null : name + "";
for (i in schedules) {
if ((schedule = schedules[i]).state > SCHEDULED && === name) {
return new Transition([[node]], root, name, +i);
return null;
exports.transition = transition; = active;
exports.interrupt = interrupt;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(factory((global.topojson = global.topojson || {})));
}(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict';
function noop() {}
function transformAbsolute(transform) {
if (!transform) return noop;
var x0,
kx = transform.scale[0],
ky = transform.scale[1],
dx = transform.translate[0],
dy = transform.translate[1];
return function(point, i) {
if (!i) x0 = y0 = 0;
point[0] = (x0 += point[0]) * kx + dx;
point[1] = (y0 += point[1]) * ky + dy;
function transformRelative(transform) {
if (!transform) return noop;
var x0,
kx = transform.scale[0],
ky = transform.scale[1],
dx = transform.translate[0],
dy = transform.translate[1];
return function(point, i) {
if (!i) x0 = y0 = 0;
var x1 = Math.round((point[0] - dx) / kx),
y1 = Math.round((point[1] - dy) / ky);
point[0] = x1 - x0;
point[1] = y1 - y0;
x0 = x1;
y0 = y1;
function reverse(array, n) {
var t, j = array.length, i = j - n;
while (i < --j) t = array[i], array[i++] = array[j], array[j] = t;
function bisect(a, x) {
var lo = 0, hi = a.length;
while (lo < hi) {
var mid = lo + hi >>> 1;
if (a[mid] < x) lo = mid + 1;
else hi = mid;
return lo;
function feature(topology, o) {
return o.type === "GeometryCollection" ? {
type: "FeatureCollection",
features: { return feature$1(topology, o); })
} : feature$1(topology, o);
function feature$1(topology, o) {
var f = {
type: "Feature",
properties: || {},
geometry: object(topology, o)
if ( == null) delete;
return f;
function object(topology, o) {
var absolute = transformAbsolute(topology.transform),
arcs = topology.arcs;
function arc(i, points) {
if (points.length) points.pop();
for (var a = arcs[i < 0 ? ~i : i], k = 0, n = a.length, p; k < n; ++k) {
points.push(p = a[k].slice());
absolute(p, k);
if (i < 0) reverse(points, n);
function point(p) {
p = p.slice();
absolute(p, 0);
return p;
function line(arcs) {
var points = [];
for (var i = 0, n = arcs.length; i < n; ++i) arc(arcs[i], points);
if (points.length < 2) points.push(points[0].slice());
return points;
function ring(arcs) {
var points = line(arcs);
while (points.length < 4) points.push(points[0].slice());
return points;
function polygon(arcs) {
function geometry(o) {
var t = o.type;
return t === "GeometryCollection" ? {type: t, geometries:}
: t in geometryType ? {type: t, coordinates: geometryType[t](o)}
: null;
var geometryType = {
Point: function(o) { return point(o.coordinates); },
MultiPoint: function(o) { return; },
LineString: function(o) { return line(o.arcs); },
MultiLineString: function(o) { return; },
Polygon: function(o) { return polygon(o.arcs); },
MultiPolygon: function(o) { return; }
return geometry(o);
function stitchArcs(topology, arcs) {
var stitchedArcs = {},
fragmentByStart = {},
fragmentByEnd = {},
fragments = [],
emptyIndex = -1;
// Stitch empty arcs first, since they may be subsumed by other arcs.
arcs.forEach(function(i, j) {
var arc = topology.arcs[i < 0 ? ~i : i], t;
if (arc.length < 3 && !arc[1][0] && !arc[1][1]) {
t = arcs[++emptyIndex], arcs[emptyIndex] = i, arcs[j] = t;
arcs.forEach(function(i) {
var e = ends(i),
start = e[0],
end = e[1],
f, g;
if (f = fragmentByEnd[start]) {
delete fragmentByEnd[f.end];
f.end = end;
if (g = fragmentByStart[end]) {
delete fragmentByStart[g.start];
var fg = g === f ? f : f.concat(g);
fragmentByStart[fg.start = f.start] = fragmentByEnd[fg.end = g.end] = fg;
} else {
fragmentByStart[f.start] = fragmentByEnd[f.end] = f;
} else if (f = fragmentByStart[end]) {
delete fragmentByStart[f.start];
f.start = start;
if (g = fragmentByEnd[start]) {
delete fragmentByEnd[g.end];
var gf = g === f ? f : g.concat(f);
fragmentByStart[gf.start = g.start] = fragmentByEnd[gf.end = f.end] = gf;
} else {
fragmentByStart[f.start] = fragmentByEnd[f.end] = f;
} else {
f = [i];
fragmentByStart[f.start = start] = fragmentByEnd[f.end = end] = f;
function ends(i) {
var arc = topology.arcs[i < 0 ? ~i : i], p0 = arc[0], p1;
if (topology.transform) p1 = [0, 0], arc.forEach(function(dp) { p1[0] += dp[0], p1[1] += dp[1]; });
else p1 = arc[arc.length - 1];
return i < 0 ? [p1, p0] : [p0, p1];
function flush(fragmentByEnd, fragmentByStart) {
for (var k in fragmentByEnd) {
var f = fragmentByEnd[k];
delete fragmentByStart[f.start];
delete f.start;
delete f.end;
f.forEach(function(i) { stitchedArcs[i < 0 ? ~i : i] = 1; });
flush(fragmentByEnd, fragmentByStart);
flush(fragmentByStart, fragmentByEnd);
arcs.forEach(function(i) { if (!stitchedArcs[i < 0 ? ~i : i]) fragments.push([i]); });
return fragments;
function mesh(topology) {
return object(topology, meshArcs.apply(this, arguments));
function meshArcs(topology, o, filter) {
var arcs = [];
function arc(i) {
var j = i < 0 ? ~i : i;
(geomsByArc[j] || (geomsByArc[j] = [])).push({i: i, g: geom});
function line(arcs) {
function polygon(arcs) {
function geometry(o) {
if (o.type === "GeometryCollection") o.geometries.forEach(geometry);
else if (o.type in geometryType) geom = o, geometryType[o.type](o.arcs);
if (arguments.length > 1) {
var geomsByArc = [],
var geometryType = {
LineString: line,
MultiLineString: polygon,
Polygon: polygon,
MultiPolygon: function(arcs) { arcs.forEach(polygon); }
geomsByArc.forEach(arguments.length < 3
? function(geoms) { arcs.push(geoms[0].i); }
: function(geoms) { if (filter(geoms[0].g, geoms[geoms.length - 1].g)) arcs.push(geoms[0].i); });
} else {
for (var i = 0, n = topology.arcs.length; i < n; ++i) arcs.push(i);
return {type: "MultiLineString", arcs: stitchArcs(topology, arcs)};
function cartesianTriangleArea(triangle) {
var a = triangle[0], b = triangle[1], c = triangle[2];
return Math.abs((a[0] - c[0]) * (b[1] - a[1]) - (a[0] - b[0]) * (c[1] - a[1]));
function ring(ring) {
var i = -1,
n = ring.length,
b = ring[n - 1],
area = 0;
while (++i < n) {
a = b;
b = ring[i];
area += a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0];
return area / 2;
function merge(topology) {
return object(topology, mergeArcs.apply(this, arguments));
function mergeArcs(topology, objects) {
var polygonsByArc = {},
polygons = [],
components = [];
objects.forEach(function(o) {
if (o.type === "Polygon") register(o.arcs);
else if (o.type === "MultiPolygon") o.arcs.forEach(register);
function register(polygon) {
polygon.forEach(function(ring$$) {
ring$$.forEach(function(arc) {
(polygonsByArc[arc = arc < 0 ? ~arc : arc] || (polygonsByArc[arc] = [])).push(polygon);
function area(ring$$) {
return Math.abs(ring(object(topology, {type: "Polygon", arcs: [ring$$]}).coordinates[0]));
polygons.forEach(function(polygon) {
if (!polygon._) {
var component = [],
neighbors = [polygon];
polygon._ = 1;
while (polygon = neighbors.pop()) {
polygon.forEach(function(ring$$) {
ring$$.forEach(function(arc) {
polygonsByArc[arc < 0 ? ~arc : arc].forEach(function(polygon) {
if (!polygon._) {
polygon._ = 1;
polygons.forEach(function(polygon) {
delete polygon._;
return {
type: "MultiPolygon",
arcs: {
var arcs = [], n;
// Extract the exterior (unique) arcs.
polygons.forEach(function(polygon) {
polygon.forEach(function(ring$$) {
ring$$.forEach(function(arc) {
if (polygonsByArc[arc < 0 ? ~arc : arc].length < 2) {
// Stitch the arcs into one or more rings.
arcs = stitchArcs(topology, arcs);
// If more than one ring is returned,
// at most one of these rings can be the exterior;
// choose the one with the greatest absolute area.
if ((n = arcs.length) > 1) {
for (var i = 1, k = area(arcs[0]), ki, t; i < n; ++i) {
if ((ki = area(arcs[i])) > k) {
t = arcs[0], arcs[0] = arcs[i], arcs[i] = t, k = ki;
return arcs;
function neighbors(objects) {
var indexesByArc = {}, // arc index -> array of object indexes
neighbors = { return []; });
function line(arcs, i) {
arcs.forEach(function(a) {
if (a < 0) a = ~a;
var o = indexesByArc[a];
if (o) o.push(i);
else indexesByArc[a] = [i];
function polygon(arcs, i) {
arcs.forEach(function(arc) { line(arc, i); });
function geometry(o, i) {
if (o.type === "GeometryCollection") o.geometries.forEach(function(o) { geometry(o, i); });
else if (o.type in geometryType) geometryType[o.type](o.arcs, i);
var geometryType = {
LineString: line,
MultiLineString: polygon,
Polygon: polygon,
MultiPolygon: function(arcs, i) { arcs.forEach(function(arc) { polygon(arc, i); }); }
for (var i in indexesByArc) {
for (var indexes = indexesByArc[i], m = indexes.length, j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
for (var k = j + 1; k < m; ++k) {
var ij = indexes[j], ik = indexes[k], n;
if ((n = neighbors[ij])[i = bisect(n, ik)] !== ik) n.splice(i, 0, ik);
if ((n = neighbors[ik])[i = bisect(n, ij)] !== ij) n.splice(i, 0, ij);
return neighbors;
function compareArea(a, b) {
return a[1][2] - b[1][2];
function minAreaHeap() {
var heap = {},
array = [],
size = 0;
heap.push = function(object) {
up(array[object._ = size] = object, size++);
return size;
heap.pop = function() {
if (size <= 0) return;
var removed = array[0], object;
if (--size > 0) object = array[size], down(array[object._ = 0] = object, 0);
return removed;
heap.remove = function(removed) {
var i = removed._, object;
if (array[i] !== removed) return; // invalid request
if (i !== --size) object = array[size], (compareArea(object, removed) < 0 ? up : down)(array[object._ = i] = object, i);
return i;
function up(object, i) {
while (i > 0) {
var j = ((i + 1) >> 1) - 1,
parent = array[j];
if (compareArea(object, parent) >= 0) break;
array[parent._ = i] = parent;
array[object._ = i = j] = object;
function down(object, i) {
while (true) {
var r = (i + 1) << 1,
l = r - 1,
j = i,
child = array[j];
if (l < size && compareArea(array[l], child) < 0) child = array[j = l];
if (r < size && compareArea(array[r], child) < 0) child = array[j = r];
if (j === i) break;
array[child._ = i] = child;
array[object._ = i = j] = object;
return heap;
function presimplify(topology, triangleArea) {
var absolute = transformAbsolute(topology.transform),
relative = transformRelative(topology.transform),
heap = minAreaHeap();
if (!triangleArea) triangleArea = cartesianTriangleArea;
topology.arcs.forEach(function(arc) {
var triangles = [],
maxArea = 0,
// To store each point’s effective area, we create a new array rather than
// extending the passed-in point to workaround a Chrome/V8 bug (getting
// stuck in smi mode). For midpoints, the initial effective area of
// Infinity will be computed in the next step.
for (i = 0, n = arc.length; i < n; ++i) {
p = arc[i];
absolute(arc[i] = [p[0], p[1], Infinity], i);
for (i = 1, n = arc.length - 1; i < n; ++i) {
triangle = arc.slice(i - 1, i + 2);
triangle[1][2] = triangleArea(triangle);
for (i = 0, n = triangles.length; i < n; ++i) {
triangle = triangles[i];
triangle.previous = triangles[i - 1]; = triangles[i + 1];
while (triangle = heap.pop()) {
var previous = triangle.previous,
next =;
// If the area of the current point is less than that of the previous point
// to be eliminated, use the latter's area instead. This ensures that the
// current point cannot be eliminated without eliminating previously-
// eliminated points.
if (triangle[1][2] < maxArea) triangle[1][2] = maxArea;
else maxArea = triangle[1][2];
if (previous) { = next;
previous[2] = triangle[2];
if (next) {
next.previous = previous;
next[0] = triangle[0];
function update(triangle) {
triangle[1][2] = triangleArea(triangle);
return topology;
var version = "1.6.27";
exports.version = version;
exports.mesh = mesh;
exports.meshArcs = meshArcs;
exports.merge = merge;
exports.mergeArcs = mergeArcs;
exports.feature = feature;
exports.neighbors = neighbors;
exports.presimplify = presimplify;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
var d3_composite = require("d3-composite-projections");
var d3_geo = require("d3-geo");
var d3_request = require("d3-request");
var d3_selection = require("d3-selection");
var d3_transition = require("d3-transition");
var topojson = require("topojson");
var width = 960;
var height = 500;
var projection = d3_composite.geoAlbersUsa();
var path = d3_geo.geoPath()
var svg ="body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
var t = d3_transition.transition()
.on("interrupt", function(d,i){;
d3_request.json("us.json", function(error, topojsonData) {
var us = topojson.feature(topojsonData, topojsonData.objects.states);
.attr("d", path)
.style("fill", "#aca")
.style("stroke", "#000")
.style("stroke-width", "0.5px")
.on("mouseover", function(d,i) {
.style("fill", "red");
.on("mouseout", function(d,i) {;
.style("fill", "#aca");
.attr("d", projection.getCompositionBorders());
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<div id="map"></div>
<script src="bundle.js"></script>
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