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Last active July 21, 2023 15:00
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HTTP Archive data on `http-equiv` usage from June 2023 (Top 200)
rank value sites valid conforming
1 x-ua-compatible 6,469,282
2 content-type 4,570,525
3 origin-trial 4,136,699
4 content-language 487,072
5 cache-control 441,570
6 etag 438,906
7 x-wix-published-version 438,666
8 x-wix-application-instance-id 438,665
9 x-wix-meta-site-id 438,665
10 pragma 390,770
11 expires 387,003
12 accept-ch 242,017
13 content-style-type 237,535
14 x-dns-prefetch-control 201,511
15 content-script-type 197,005
16 imagetoolbar 137,625
17 content-security-policy 100,552
18 cleartype 99,083
19 refresh 35,880
20 keywords 30,526
21 last-modified 19,515
22 page-enter 13,937
23 x-xrds-location 13,698
24 description 12,848
25 msthemecompatible 12,797
26 encoding 11,908
27 x-rim-auto-match 10,837
28 reply-to 9,788
29 language 9,292
30 x-frame-options 7,173
31 content-location 7,128
32 copyright 6,708
33 window-target 5,494
34 page-exit 5,335
35 title 5,050
36 x-ua-compatiable 4,867
37 pics-label 4,223
38 screenorientation 3,302
39 mobile-agent 3,255
40 audience 2,863
41 access-control-allow-origin 2,693
42 cache 2,632
43 author 2,535
44 dc.description 2,031
45 robots 1,757
46 distribution 1,592
47 p3p 1,553
48 vary 1,449
49 x-webkit-csp 1,426
50 revisit-after 1,335
51 default-style 1183
52 charset 1124
53 x-xss-protection 1017
54 vw96.object type 969
55 x-content-type-options 951
56 no-cache 931
57 resource-type 886
58 referrer-policy 830
59 ”content-language” 808
60 cache-directive: no-cache 765
61 pragma-directive: no-cache 765
62 x-content-security-policy 726
63 generator 718
64 pragram 706
65 date 602
66 lang 553
67 content-encoding 534
68 530
69 x-pjax-version 513
70 ”content-type” 511
71 strict-transport-security 505
72 delegate-ch 492
73 apple-mobile-web-app-capable 475
74 site-enter 471
75 creation-date 469
76 content-type-script 451
77 expire 436
78 keyword 428
79 ”x-ua-compatible” 427
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81 onion-location 416
82 “cache-control” 413
83 set-cookie 406
84 “pragma” 398
85 rating 398
86 x-pjax-js-version 369
87 x-pjax-csp-version 369
88 x-pjax-css-version 369
89 ”cache-control” 360
90 accept-encoding 357
91 permissions-policy 356
92 x-clacks-overhead 346
93 theme-color 336
94 x-ua-textlayoutmetrics 333
95 classification 328
96 site-exit 299
97 pragma-directive 294
98 format-detection 279
99 cache-directive 277
100 x-creyle-projectid 274
101 x-creyle-documentroot 274
102 x-creyle-staticroot 274
103 x-creyle-httpstaticroot 274
104 ”pragma” 265
105 adimage 260
106 windows-target 250
107 bulletin-text 247
108 cachecontrol 240
109 content 236
110 dc.keywords 232
111 mssmarttagspreventparsing 226
112 ”expires” 221
113 x-creyle-siteid 213
114 x-creyle-sitename 213
115 last-update 211
116 subject 203
117 x-name-of-distro 201
118 dc.title 200
119 x-translated-by 197
120 ”content-security-policy” 195
121 ”refresh” 193
122 content-langage 188
123 “x-ua-compatible” 185
124 viewport 179
125 adalign 175
126 expries 149
127 x-permitted-cross-domain-policies 144
128 x-yadis-location 142
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132 identifier-url 121
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134 googlebot 120
135 x-download-options 120
136 dialect 118
137 content-security-policy-report-only 114
138 “content-security-policy” 109
139 contact 108
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141 content-languge 104
142 cache-control: no-transform 104
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144 pragma-control 102
145 contenttype 101
146 og:title 100
147 imageresize 99
148 sitecore-version 95
149 “pragma“ 95
150 handheldfriendly 93
151 og:description 93
152 name 92
153 developer 91
154 access-control 90
155 revisit 90
156 x-ua-compatible 90
157 location 87
158 version 86
159 if-modified-since 84
160 audiencie 84
161 x-opp-site-id 83
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164 x-opp-revision 83
165 “expires“ 83
166 “cache-control“ 81
167 x-ua-compatibile 80
168 reply to 79
169 cash-control 75
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173 content type 73
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175 содержимое-тип 73
176 tk 71
177 71
178 71
179 apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style 71
180 renderer 69
181 accept-ch-lifetime 69
182 expires: 0 66
183 id 65
184 cache-control: no-store,no-cache,must-revalidate,post-check=0,pre-check=0 65
185 x-ua compatible 64
186 content-idioma 63
187 feature-policy 63
188 accept-language 62
189 connection 62
190 last_modified 62
191 max-age 61
192 x-creyle-googlemapsapikey 61
193 webdesignersite 60
194 webdesigner 60
195 user-cache-control 59
196 pragmas 58
197 ”last-modified” 57
198 x-ua_compatible 57
199 access-control-allow-methods 56
200 x-ua-compatible 55
201 content-sctipt-type 54
202 content-disposition 53
203 organization 53
204 content-type 53
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206 site-created 52
207 url 52
208 state 52
209 x-served-by 52
210 last modified 50
211 cache_control 49
212 “content-language” 49
213 coverage 49
214 content-control 48
215 content-style 47
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217 data-cache 45
218 creation_date 45
219 \"content-type\" 45
220 x-ua-compitable 45
221 owner 44
222 text/html; charset=utf-8 43
223 createdate 42
224 content-script-tyoe 42
225 replay-to 41
226 abstract 41
227 imagetoobar 41
228 identifier 41
229 \"x-ua-compatible\" 41
230 copyright@ 2014 layarkaca21 40
231 organization_email 40
232 robot 40
233 email 39
234 x-content-security-policy:http-equiv 38
235 x-webkit-csp:http-equiv 38
236 cache control 38
237 content language 38
238 copyleft 37
239 autor 37
240 “content-type” 37
241 bulletin-date 37
242 og:image 37
243 google-site-verification 36
244 widow-target 36
245 pragma 36
246 og:url 36
247 content-script-type 35
248 content-base 35
249 dc.language 35
250 pragmatic 34
251 выберите расширение для паковки 33
252 content-language" 33
253 cloudfy-version 33
254 document-class 32
255 vw96.object-type 32
256 document-type 32
257 content-type 31
258 from 31
259 x-ua-comatible 31
260 designer 31
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262 prgama 30
263 x-frame-option 30
264 cross-origin-opener-policy 30
265 context-type 29
266 accept-ch content=dpr, width, viewport-width 29
267 cashe-control 29
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270 ses_counter 28
271 app_counter 28
272 adcolor 28
273 amministrazione 28
274 cache-control: max-age=3600, public 28
275 created 28
276 ses_counter-time 28
277 indentifier-url 28
278 sys_ce_load_001 27
279 og:type 27
280 cahe-control 27
281 x-request-id 27
282 cache-content 27
283 x-us-compatible 27
284 pragama 26
285 referrer 26
286 тип-содержимое 26
287 http-equiv 26
288 boder-type 26
289 revised 26
290 content-type; x-ua-compatible 26
291 x-ua-compatiblebl 25
292 x-ua-compatible" 25
293 cross-origin-embedder-policy 25
294 express 25
295 ”content-type” 25
296 content-type: application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8 25
297 xpires 25
298 msapplication-config 24
299 category 24
300 content-style-type 24
301 x-ua-patible 24
302 pragma 23
303 clear-site-data 23
304 permissions-policy: 23
305 �content-type� 23
306 msnbot 23
307 save 23
308 ranking 23
309 x-ua-compatibility 22
310 access-control-allow-credentials 22
311 creator 22
312 progid 22
313 x-ui-compatible 22
314 1 22
315 page-topic 22
316 conten-t-language 22
317 content-script-type 22
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319 public 22
320 refresh 22
321 content-type|default-style|refresh 22
322 allow-search 22
323 cache-control:max-age=31536000 21
324 content-security-policy: default-src 'self' 21
325 authorization 21
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329 edit-type 20
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331 cache-control: no-store; 20
332 facebook-domain-verification 19
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337 cache-control: max-age=3600, must-revalidate 19
338 site-tag 18
339 site-launch-time 18
340 cache-control: no-cache, must-revalidate 18
341 verify-v1 18
342 yahooseeker 18
343 keep-alive 18
344 set_cookie 18
345 content-languaje 18
346 site-cms-version 18
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348 status 18
349 age 17
350 content-type" 17
351 x-ua-compatble 16
352 expired 16
353 x-au-compatible 16
354 contents 16
355 conten-type 16
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361 control-language 16
362 cache control: no-cache 16
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364 x_ua-compatible 16
365 ogtag 16
366 content-langage-type 15
367 cache-control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate 15
368 �expires� 15
369 cache-controll 15
370 content_security_policy 15
371 »content-type» 15
372 cache-control: public, max-age=31536000 15
373 �cache-control� 15
374 preview-refresh 15
375 �pragma� 15
376 company 15
377 author-url 15
378 contest-type 15
379 abys 14
380 contetnt-style-type 14
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456 i̇çerik-güvenlik politikası 10
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473 0 9
474 \"content-language\" 9
475 �x-ua-compatible� 9
476 ”content-style-type” 9
477 content= 9
478 content-type/ 9
479 \"pragma\" 9
480 “content-script-type” 9
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483 pragrma 9
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490 indextype 8
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493 content-length 8
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495 x-ua-compatible content=ie=edge,chrome=1 8
496 ñîäåðæèìîå-òèï 8
497 authoring_tool 8
498 x-ua-compaitable 8
499 content-language” content= 8
500 http-version 8
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