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Last active April 21, 2017 05:57
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Groovy script to extract tags that co-occur with a given tag on question-type posts in Posts.xml file from Stack Overflow data dump.
* Copyright (c) 2017, Venkatesh-Prasad Ranganath
* BSD 3-clause License
* Author: Venkatesh-Prasad Ranganath
import groovy.util.CliBuilder
final MEMORY_LIMIT = 1.5*1024**3
final NUM_PROCS = 7
def cli = new CliBuilder(
usage:"groovy collectTagsOccurringWithGivenTag.groovy")
cli.p(longOpt:'postsFile', args:1, argName:'postsFile', required:true,
'Posts file')
cli.a(longOpt:'anchorTag', args:1, argName:'anchorTag', required:true,
'Tag with which other tags should co-occur')
def options = cli.parse(args)
if (!options) {
final anchorTag = options.anchorTag
final coOccurringTags = new HashSet()
final collector = new DynamicDispatchActor().become {
when { String[] tags -> coOccurringTags.addAll(tags) }
when { boolean i -> terminate() }
final processors = (0..<NUM_PROCS).collect { index ->
final tagExtractionPattern = ~/.* PostTypeId="1" .* Tags="([^"]*)&lt;${anchorTag}&gt;([^"]*)" .*/
new DynamicDispatchActor().become {
when { String line ->
def tmp1 = line.replaceAll("[^\\p{Print}]", "?") // FIX: handle non-printable Unicode characters
def match1 = tagExtractionPattern.matcher(tmp1)
if (match1.matches()) {
def tags = +
if (tags) {
tags = tags.replaceAll("&gt;", "")
tags = tags.replaceAll("&lt;", ",")
collector.send tags[1..-1].split(',')
replyIfExists 0
when { boolean i -> terminate() }
println("0 lines processed ${coOccurringTags.size()} ${new Date()}")
def bytes = 0L
new File(options.postsFile).eachLine { line, linenum ->
bytes += line.size()
if (bytes < MEMORY_LIMIT) {
processors[linenum % NUM_PROCS].send line
} else {
processors[linenum % NUM_PROCS].sendAndWait line
bytes = 0L
if (linenum % 500000 == 0) {
println("$linenum lines processed ${coOccurringTags.size()} \
${new Date()}")
processors.each { it << false }
collector << false
def fileName = "tags-occurring-with-${anchorTag}-tag.txt"
new File(fileName).withPrintWriter { writer ->
coOccurringTags << anchorTag
coOccurringTags.sort().each { tag -> writer.println(tag) }
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