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Created July 28, 2015 13:39
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XenServer 6.x script to set VM auto poweron
use strict;
use Term::ANSIColor;
&print_usage && exit if $ARGV[0] =~ /^-{1,2}h(elp)?/;
if ($ARGV[0]) {
&print_usage && die "error: poweron must be true or false\n" if $ARGV[1] !~ /^(false|true)$/;
my ($name, $poweron) = @ARGV;
my $uuid = `xe vm-list name-label=\"$name\" | grep uuid`;
if ($uuid =~ s/.*: ([\w-]+)\n$/$1/) {
my $return = `xe vm-param-set uuid=$uuid other-config:auto_poweron=$poweron`;
print $return;
} else {
&print_usage && die "error: failed to get VM uuid\n";
} else {
my @uuid = `xe vm-list | grep uuid`;
@uuid = map {s/.*: ([\w-]+)\n$/$1/; $_} @uuid;
for (@uuid) {
my $name = `xe vm-param-get uuid=$_ param-name=name-label`;
my $param = `xe vm-param-get uuid=$_ param-name=other-config`;
print "Server: $name";
if ($param =~ /auto_poweron: true/) {
print 'auto_poweron: ', color('green'), "true\n\n";
} else {
print 'auto_poweron: ', color('red'), "false\n\n";
print color 'reset';
sub print_usage {
warn "\nUSAGE:\n============\n";
warn "List poweron setting for all VMs:\n\$ $0 \n\n";
warn "Set VM to power on during boot:\n\$ $0 <vmname> <true|false>\n\n";
warn "Don't forget to configure your XenServer pool to auto start VMs:\n\n";
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gnanet commented Apr 26, 2017

at line 12 You can simply get the uuid of the vm without the extra grep, and processing of the output with:
xe vm-list params=uuid name-label=\"$name\" is-control-domain=false --minimal

at line 22 To filter out the xenserver host itself, and to get the uuid-s in one step you could use following command:
xe vm-list params=uuid is-control-domain=false --minimal
this would present you a comma-delimited listing of the uuid-s which would be lot more easy to map the list.

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