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Last active May 16, 2024 23:58
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The purpose of this script is to attempt to set off alarms on security products.
function Get-RandomString {
# Get-RandomString.ps1
# Written by Bill Stewart (
#requires -version 2
Outputs random strings.
Outputs one or more random strings containing specified types of characters.
Specifies the length of the output string(s). The default value is 8. You cannot specify a value less than 4.
Specifies that the string must contain lowercase ASCII characters (default). Specify -LowerCase:$false if you do not want the random string(s) to contain lowercase ASCII characters.
Specifies that the string must contain upercase ASCII characters.
Specifies that the string must contain number characters (0 through 9).
Specifies that the string must contain typewriter symbol characters.
Specifies the number of random strings to output.
PS C:\> Get-RandomString
Outputs a string containing 8 random lowercase ASCII characters.
PS C:\> Get-RandomString -Length 14 -Count 5
Outputs 5 random strings containing 14 lowercase ASCII characters each.
PS C:\> Get-RandomString -UpperCase -LowerCase -Numbers -Count 10
Outputs 10 random 8-character strings containing uppercase, lowercase, and numbers.
PS C:\> Get-RandomString -Length 32 -LowerCase:$false -Numbers -Symbols -Count 20
Outputs 20 random 32-character strings containing numbers and typewriter symbols.
PS C:\> Get-RandomString -Length 4 -LowerCase:$false -Numbers -Count 15
Outputs 15 random 4-character strings containing only numbers.
[UInt32] $Length=8,
[Switch] $LowerCase=$TRUE,
[Switch] $UpperCase=$FALSE,
[Switch] $Numbers=$FALSE,
[Switch] $Symbols=$FALSE,
[Uint32] $Count=1
if ($Length -lt 4) {
throw "-Length must specify a value greater than 3"
if (-not ($LowerCase -or $UpperCase -or $Numbers -or $Symbols)) {
throw "You must specify one of: -LowerCase -UpperCase -Numbers -Symbols"
# Specifies bitmap values for character sets selected.
# Creates character arrays for the different character classes,
# based on ASCII character values.
$charsLower = 97..122 | foreach-object { [Char] $_ }
$charsUpper = 65..90 | foreach-object { [Char] $_ }
$charsNumber = 48..57 | foreach-object { [Char] $_ }
$charsSymbol = 35,36,42,43,44,45,46,47,58,59,61,63,64,
91,92,93,95,123,125,126 | foreach-object { [Char] $_ }
# Contains the array of characters to use.
$charList = @()
# Contains bitmap of the character sets selected.
$charSets = 0
if ($LowerCase) {
$charList += $charsLower
$charSets = $charSets -bor $CHARSET_LOWER
if ($UpperCase) {
$charList += $charsUpper
$charSets = $charSets -bor $CHARSET_UPPER
if ($Numbers) {
$charList += $charsNumber
$charSets = $charSets -bor $CHARSET_NUMBER
if ($Symbols) {
$charList += $charsSymbol
$charSets = $charSets -bor $CHARSET_SYMBOL
# Returns True if the string contains at least one character
# from the array, or False otherwise.
function test-stringcontents([String] $test, [Char[]] $chars) {
foreach ($char in $test.ToCharArray()) {
if ($chars -ccontains $char) { return $TRUE }
return $FALSE
1..$Count | foreach-object {
# Loops until the string contains at least
# one character from each character class.
do {
# No character classes matched yet.
$flags = 0
$output = ""
# Create output string containing random characters.
1..$Length | foreach-object {
$output += $charList[(get-random -maximum $charList.Length)]
# Check if character classes match.
if ($LowerCase) {
if (test-stringcontents $output $charsLower) {
$flags = $flags -bor $CHARSET_LOWER
if ($UpperCase) {
if (test-stringcontents $output $charsUpper) {
$flags = $flags -bor $CHARSET_UPPER
if ($Numbers) {
if (test-stringcontents $output $charsNumber) {
$flags = $flags -bor $CHARSET_NUMBER
if ($Symbols) {
if (test-stringcontents $output $charsSymbol) {
$flags = $flags -bor $CHARSET_SYMBOL
until ($flags -eq $charSets)
# Output the string.
function Start-DNSC2 {
Something something dark side....
Author: Steve Borosh (@rvrsh3ll)
License: BSD 3-Clause
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
.PARAMETER ComputerName
Param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)]
$Requests = 1,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)]
$DelaySeconds = 120
Begin {
Process {
if (!$SubDomainLength) {
#Total length of a domain name can be 255 characters so, lets do the math
$SubdomainLength= 255 - $Domain.length
Write-Output "[*] Emulating DNS C2 Traffic.."
$Counter = 1
Do {
# Get Random sub-domain of x length
$SubDomain = Get-RandomString -Length $SubDomainLength -Uppercase
Write-Verbose "[*] Resolving $Subdomain.$Domain"
Resolve-DnsName -Name "$Subdomain.$Domain" -Type TXT -DnsOnly 2> $null
if ($DelaySeconds) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds $DelaySeconds
} While ($Counter -lt $Requests)
Write-Output "[*] Done!"
End {
function Start-APTDNSLookups {
Something something dark side....
Author: Steve Borosh (@rvrsh3ll)
License: BSD 3-Clause
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
.PARAMETER ComputerName
Param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0)]
$APTGroup = "APT28",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]
$Requests = 1,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)]
$DelaySeconds = 120
Begin {
# APT28
$apt28domains = @("","","","","","","","")
# APT32
$apt32domains = @("","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","")
Process {
Write-Output "[*] Emulating DNS Lookups for $APTGroup"
$Counter = 1
Do {
$Domain = Get-Random $apt28domains
Write-Verbose "[*] Resolving $Domain"
Resolve-DnsName -Name $Domain -Type TXT -DnsOnly 2>&1> $null
if ($DelaySeconds) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds $DelaySeconds
} While ($Counter -lt $Requests)
Write-Output "[*] Finished!"
End {
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