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Last active May 15, 2024 23:32
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  • Save rvtr/739a5630a462c7366db6e2ab810ca69d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rvtr/739a5630a462c7366db6e2ab810ca69d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
DSi and Wii (T/W)AD decryption tool from TwlIPL but better!
# You'll need to do "cpan Crypt::Rijndael" and "cpan Switch" in order to run this.
# I've commented out all the lines for using maketad to create a new TAD.
# Just doing a bunch of testing stuff.
use strict;
use Crypt::Rijndael;
use Digest::SHA1 qw(sha1);
my $tad = $ARGV[0] or die "split_tad <tad> <key>\n\nKey types:\nDSi:\n dsi_dev\n dsi_prod\n dsi_debugger\n\nWii\n wii_dev\n wii_prod\n wii_vwii\n wii_korea\n";
my $key = $ARGV[1] or die "split_tad <tad> <key>\n\nKey types:\nDSi:\n dsi_dev\n dsi_prod\n dsi_debugger\n\nWii\n wii_dev\n wii_prod\n wii_vwii\n wii_korea\n";
my $outdir = substr($tad, 0, -4);
my $buf;
my $common_key;
use Switch;
switch($key) {
case "dsi_dev" {
$common_key = pack("H*", "a1604a6a7123b529ae8bec32c816fcaa");
case "dsi_prod" {
$common_key = pack("H*", "af1bf516a807d21aea45984f04742861");
case "dsi_debugger" {
$common_key = pack("H*", "a2fdddf2e423574ae7ed8657b5ab19d3");
case "wii_dev" {
$common_key = pack("H*", "a1604a6a7123b529ae8bec32c816fcaa");
case "wii_prod" {
$common_key = pack("H*", "ebe42a225e8593e448d9c5457381aaf7");
case "wii_vwii" {
$common_key = pack("H*", "30bfc76e7c19afbb23163330ced7c28d");
case "wii_korea" {
$common_key = pack("H*", "63b82bb4f4614e2e13f2fefbba4c9b7e");
open(F, $tad) or die "cant open $tad\n";
read(F, $buf, -s $tad);
mkdir $outdir;
my $offset = 0;
my $size = 32;
my( $hdrSize, $tadType, $tadVersion, $certSize,
$crlSize, $ticketSize, $tmdSize, $contentSize, $metaSize)
= unpack("Na2nNNNNNN", substr($buf, $offset, $size));
$offset += $size;
print <<__REPORT__;
hdrSize $hdrSize
tadType $tadType
tadVersion $tadVersion
certSize $certSize
crlSize $crlSize
ticketSize $ticketSize
tmdSize $tmdSize
contentSize $contentSize
metaSize $metaSize
my $certOffset = &round_up($hdrSize, 64);
my $crlOffset = &round_up($certOffset + $certSize, 64);
my $ticketOffset = &round_up($crlOffset + $crlSize, 64);
my $tmdOffset = &round_up($ticketOffset + $ticketSize, 64);
my $contentOffset = &round_up($tmdOffset + $tmdSize, 64);
my $metaOffset = &round_up($contentOffset + $contentSize, 64);
my $fileSize = &round_up($metaOffset + $metaSize, 64);
die "file size is not expected size(=$fileSize)\n" if $fileSize != -s $tad;
my $ticket = substr($buf, $ticketOffset, $ticketSize);
my $tmd = substr($buf, $tmdOffset, $tmdSize);
my $content = substr($buf, $contentOffset, $contentSize);
&save_file("$outdir/$outdir.cert", substr($buf, $certOffset, $certSize));
&save_file("$outdir/$outdir.crl", substr($buf, $crlOffset, $crlSize));
&save_file("$outdir/$outdir.tik", $ticket);
&save_file("$outdir/$outdir.tmd", $tmd);
#&save_file("$outdir/content.bin", substr($buf, $contentOffset, $contentSize));
&save_file("$outdir/$outdir.meta", substr($buf, $metaOffset, $metaSize));
print("Common key: ");
print unpack("H*", $common_key), "\n";
my $title_key = &read_title_key($ticket);
my $rci = &read_content_info($tmd);
print("Decypted title key: ");
print unpack("H*", $title_key), "\n";
my $offset = 0;
foreach my $i ( @$rci )
my $size = &round_up($i->[3], 16);
my $enc_content_x = substr($content, $offset, $size);
my $content_x_iv = pack("n", $i->[1]) . pack("x14");
my $dec_content_x = &dec_cbc($title_key, $content_x_iv, $enc_content_x);
my $dec_content = substr($dec_content_x, 0, $i->[3]);
my $hash = &sha1($dec_content);
print("Content IV: ");
print unpack("H*", $content_x_iv), "\n";
print("Content hash: ");
print unpack("H*", $hash), "\n";
print("Expected hash: ");
print unpack("H*", $i->[4]), "\n";
print((($hash eq $i->[4]) ? "OK": "hash mismatch"), "\n");
#&save_file("$outdir/content_$i->[1].encrypted.bin", $enc_content_x);
&save_file("$outdir/$outdir-$i->[1].app", $dec_content, $enc_content_x);
$offset += &round_up($size, 64);
my $cfg = read_cfg($tmd);
save_cfg("$outdir/config.txt", $cfg);
print <<__REPORT__;
dataflg $cfg->[0]
titleid $cfg->[1]
groupid $cfg->[2]
major_ver $cfg->[3]
minor_ver $cfg->[4]
#maketad($tad, $cfg);
#system("/bin/rm -rf $outdir");
sub round_up
{ my( $x, $align ) = @_;
return int( ($x + $align - 1)/$align ) * $align;
sub save_file
{ my( $name, $data ) = @_;
open(OUT, ">$name") or die "cant open $name\n";
print OUT $data;
sub read_content_info
{ my( $tmd ) = @_;
my @ci = ();
my $nContent = unpack("n", substr($tmd, 0x1DE, 2));
for( my $i = 0; $i < $nContent; ++$i )
my( $cid, $idx, $type, $size, $hash )
= unpack("Nnnx4Na20", substr($tmd, 0x1E4 + 36 * $i, 36));
push @ci, [$cid, $idx, $type, $size, $hash];
return \@ci;
#sub maketad
#{ my( $tad, $cfg ) = @_;
# my $maketad = "$ENV{TWL_IPL_RED_PRIVATE_ROOT}/tools/bin/maketad.updater.exe";
# $tad =~ s/tad/updater.tad/;
# my $option = "";
# if( $cfg->[0] )
# {
# $option = "-d $cfg->[1] $cfg->[2] $cfg->[3] $tad -v $cfg->[4]";
# } else {
# $option = "-v $cfg->[4]";
# }
# my $cmd = "$maketad $outdir/content_0.bin $option -s -o $tad";
# system("/bin/echo $cmd");
# system("$cmd");
sub read_cfg
{ my( $tmd ) = @_;
my( $titleid_h, $titleid_l ) = unpack("NN", substr($tmd, 0x18C, 8));
my $groupid = sprintf("%04X", unpack("n", substr($tmd, 0x198, 2)));
my( $major_ver, $minor_ver ) = unpack("CC", substr($tmd, 0x1DC, 2));
my $titleid = sprintf("%08X%08X", $titleid_h, $titleid_l);
my $dataflg = ($titleid_h & 0x08) >> 3;
return [ $dataflg, $titleid, $groupid, $major_ver, $minor_ver ]
sub save_cfg
{ my( $name, $cfg ) = @_;
open(OUT, ">$name") or die "cant open $name\n";
print OUT sprintf("dataflg = $cfg->[0]\n");
print OUT sprintf("titleid = $cfg->[1]\n");
print OUT sprintf("groupid = $cfg->[2]\n");
print OUT sprintf("major_ver = $cfg->[3]\n");
print OUT sprintf("minor_ver = $cfg->[4]\n");
sub read_title_key
{ my( $ticket ) = @_;
my $enc_title_key = substr($ticket, 0x1BF, 16);
my $title_key_iv = substr($ticket, 0x1DC, 8) . pack("x8");
print("Encypted title key: ");
print unpack("H*", $enc_title_key), "\n";
print("Encypted title key IV: ");
print unpack("H*", $title_key_iv), "\n";
return &dec_cbc($common_key, $title_key_iv, $enc_title_key);
sub dec_cbc
{ my( $key, $iv, $data ) = @_;
my $cbc = Crypt::Rijndael->new($key, Crypt::Rijndael::MODE_CBC);
return $cbc->decrypt($data);
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