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var supportedMimeTypes = ['video/mp4', 'video/x-ms-wmv'];
var supportedVideoExtensions = ['.mp4', '.wmv', '.mp4v', '.m4v'];
var getSupportedMediaSource = function(videoElement)
// If the video element source is supported, then we replace the tag.
if (videoElement.src
&& isWMPSupported(videoElement))
return videoElement.src;
// "If all src videos are [supported], the video tag is replaced otherwise
// it is not. Basically if there is at least one video that WMP is not able
// to play we should not replace the Video tag."
var sources = videoElement.getElementsByTagName("source");
var supportedSource = null;
for (var i=0; i<sources.length; i++)
if (sources[i].src)
if (isWMPSupported(sources[i]))
supportedSource = sources[i].src;
return null;
return supportedSource;
var isWMPSupported = function(videoOrSourceElement)
if (videoOrSourceElement.type)
var type = videoOrSourceElement.type.toLowerCase();
var index = type.indexOf(';');
if (index != -1)
type = type.slice(0, index);
for (var i=0; i<supportedMimeTypes.length; i++)
if (supportedMimeTypes[i] == type)
return true;
else if (videoOrSourceElement.src)
var src = videoOrSourceElement.src.toLowerCase();
var lastIndex = src.lastIndexOf(".");
if (lastIndex != -1)
src = src.slice(lastIndex);
for (var i=0; i<supportedVideoExtensions.length; i++)
if (supportedVideoExtensions[i] == src)
return true;
return false;
var createControlFromVideo = function(videoElement)
var supportedMediaSource = getSupportedMediaSource(videoElement);
if (!supportedMediaSource)
return null;
var control = document.createElement("object");
control.type = "application/x-ms-wmp";
// assign height/width
var width = videoElement.width;
if (width <= 0)
// try to use clientWidth if the video element doesn't have explicit width
if (videoElement.clientWidth > 0)
width = videoElement.clientWidth;
// adjust for padding
if ( != "")
width -= parseInt(;
if ( != "")
width -= parseInt(;
// default to 320 if we can't get width or clientWidth
width = 320;
width += 'px';
control.width = width;
var height = videoElement.height;
if (height <= 0)
// try to use clientHeight if the video element doesn't have explicit height
if (videoElement.clientHeight > 0)
height = videoElement.clientHeight;
// adjust for padding
if ( != "")
height -= parseInt(;
if ( != "")
height -= parseInt(;
// default to 240 if we can't get height or clientHeight
height = 240;
height += 'px';
control.height = height;
// following standard attributes need to be assigned only when they are present in the video tag
if ( != "") { =; }
if (videoElement.dir != "") { control.dir = videoElement.dir; }
if (videoElement.class != "") { control.class = videoElement.class; }
if (videoElement.title != "") { control.title = videoElement.title; }
if (videoElement.draggable) { control.draggable = true; }
if (videoElement.lang != "") { control.lang = videoElement.lang; }
if (videoElement.spellcheck) { control.spellcheck = true; }
if ( != "") { =; }
// controls attribute - boolean for video tag.
// for WMP, uiMode => "full" shows controls, "none" shows only video window
var controls = (videoElement.controls == true) ? "full" : "none";
control.setAttribute("uiMode", controls);
var autostart = videoElement.autoplay; // boolean - maps to object.autostart property
var paramAutoStart = document.createElement("param"); = "autostart";
paramAutoStart.value = autostart;
// OPEN: Should we always set autostart when "controls" are hidden ?
var paramUrl = document.createElement("param"); = "url";
paramUrl.value = supportedMediaSource;
return control;
var processVideoElements = function()
var videoElements = document.getElementsByTagName("video");
for (var i=0; i<videoElements.length; i++)
videoElement = videoElements[i];
videoElement.removeEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", processVideoElements, true);
var objectElement = createControlFromVideo(videoElement);
if (objectElement)
videoElement.parentNode.insertBefore(objectElement, videoElement);
videoElement.setAttribute("class", "__wmpff_replaced");
videoElement.addEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", processVideoElements, true);
while (replacedVideoElement = document.querySelector(".__wmpff_replaced"))
var supportsH264BaselineProfile = function()
return document.createElement("video").canPlayType('video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E"');
window.addEventListener("load", function()
if (!supportsH264BaselineProfile())
}, false);
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rwaldron commented Feb 2, 2011

L 1 - 218: Inconsistent single and double quotes

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rwaldron commented Feb 2, 2011

L 5 - 218: Opening curly braces should be on same line as statements

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rwaldron commented Feb 2, 2011

L 46 - 48: Missing curly braces

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rwaldron commented Feb 2, 2011

L 52 - 54: Missing curly braces

L 52 : Uses == instead of ===

L 61 - 63: Missing curly braces

L 61 : Uses != instead of !==

L 67 - 69: Missing curly braces

L 67 : Uses == instead of ===

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Nah, that's beautiful code. Allman style JavaScript FTW!

Also love the if > if > if > if > else hilarity. Guy couldn't figure out what he wanted to do.

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rwaldron commented Feb 2, 2011

L 84 - 85 : Empty block

L 100 : Uses != instead of !==

L 104 : Uses != instead of !==

L 128 : Uses != instead of !==

L 132 : Uses != instead of !==

L 100, 104, 128, 132 : Should evaluate falsy, instead of for empty strings

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rwaldron commented Feb 2, 2011

L 149 - 156 : Atrocious. Try writing a reusable extend() and augment the object iteratively

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rwaldron commented Feb 2, 2011

L 149 - 156 : Atrocious. Try writing a reusable extend() and augment the object iteratively

L 91 - 145 : DRY it out.

L 160 : Unnec. explicit boolean test

L 182 : Missing early return if !videoElements.length

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rwaldron commented Feb 2, 2011

L 212 : document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {}, false); might avoid the Flashed content change

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ericf commented Feb 2, 2011

L 102, 106, 130, 134 : calls to parseInt without specifying a radix which should be set to 10

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rwaldron commented Feb 3, 2011

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