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Created January 3, 2016 16:50
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Segment an image by color using Kmeans
# image segmentation demo
# author: rwalker (
# license: MIT
# This script demonstrates a very simple image segmenter on color scheme
# Kmeans based segmenter
segment_image = function(img, n){
# create a flat, segmented image data set using kmeans
# Segment an RGB image into n groups based on color values using Kmeans
df = data.frame(
red = matrix(img[,,1], ncol=1),
green = matrix(img[,,2], ncol=1),
blue = matrix(img[,,3], ncol=1)
K = kmeans(df,n)
df$label = K$cluster
# compute rgb values and color codes based on Kmeans centers
colors = data.frame(
label = 1:nrow(K$centers),
R = K$centers[,"red"],
G = K$centers[,"green"],
B = K$centers[,"blue"],
# merge color codes on to df but maintain the original order of df
df$order = 1:nrow(df)
df = merge(df, colors)
df = df[order(df$order),]
df$order = NULL
# reconstitue the segmented images to RGB matrix
build_segmented_image = function(df, img){
# reconstitue the segmented images to RGB array
# get mean color channel values for each row of the df.
R = matrix(df$R, nrow=dim(img)[1])
G = matrix(df$G, nrow=dim(img)[1])
B = matrix(df$B, nrow=dim(img)[1])
# reconsitute the segmented image in the same shape as the input image
img_segmented = array(dim=dim(img))
img_segmented[,,1] = R
img_segmented[,,2] = G
img_segmented[,,3] = B
# 2D projection for visualizing the kmeans clustering
project2D_from_RGB = function(df){
# Compute the projection of the RGB channels into 2D
PCA = prcomp(df[,c("red","green","blue")], center=TRUE, scale=TRUE)
pc2 = PCA$x[,1:2]
df$x = pc2[,1]
df$y = pc2[,2]
return(df[,c("x","y","label","R","G","B", "color")])
# Create the projection plot of the clustered segments
plot_projection <- function(df, sample.size){
# plot the projection of the segmented image data in 2D, using the
# mean segment colors as the colors for the points in the projection
index = sample(1:nrow(df), sample.size)
return(ggplot(df[index,], aes(x=x, y=y, col=color)) + geom_point(size=2) + scale_color_identity())
# Inspect
inspect_segmentation <- function(image.raw, image.segmented, image.proj){
# helper function to review the results of segmentation visually
img1 = rasterGrob(image.raw)
img2 = rasterGrob(image.segmented)
plt = plot_projection(image.proj, 50000)
grid.arrange(arrangeGrob(img1,img2, nrow=1),plt)
# some interesting sample images -- download them if they aren't in the current working directory
download.file(url = "", destfile="mandrill.png")
download.file(url = "", destfile="RGB_illumination.jpg")
download.file(url = "", destfile="kodim03.png")
download.file(url = "", destfile="kodim22.png")
# we can work with both JPEGs and PNGS. For simplicty, we'll always write out to PNG though.
mandrill <- readPNG("mandrill.png")
rgb <- readJPEG("RGB_illumination.jpg")
hats <- readPNG("kodim03.png")
barn <- readPNG("kodim22.png")
# segment -- tune the number of segments for each image
mandrill.df = segment_image(mandrill, 7)
rgb.df = segment_image(rgb_illumination, 12)
hats.df = segment_image(hats, 8)
barn.df = segment_image(barn, 10)
# project RGB channels
mandrill.proj = project2D_from_RGB(mandrill.df)
rgb.proj = project2D_from_RGB(rgb.df)
hats.proj = project2D_from_RGB(hats.df)
barn.proj = project2D_from_RGB(barn.df)
# create segmented image data structure and write to disk
mandrill.segmented = build_segmented_image(mandrill.df, mandrill)
rgb.segmented = build_segmented_image(rgb.df, rgb)
hats.segmented = build_segmented_image(hats.df, hats)
barn.segmented = build_segmented_image(barn.df, barn)
# write the segmented images to disk
writePNG(mandrill.segmented, "mandrill_segmented.png" )
writePNG(rgb.segmented, "rgb_illumination_segmented.png")
writePNG(hats.segmented, "kodim03_segmented.png")
writePNG(barn.segmented, "kodim22_segmented.png")
# inspect the results
inspect_segmentation(mandrill, mandrill.segmented, mandrill.proj)
inspect_segmentation(rgb, rgb.segmented, rgb.proj)
inspect_segmentation(hats, hats.segmented, hats.proj)
inspect_segmentation(barn, barn.segmented, barn.proj)
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