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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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Testing Validations in Rails

Model Testing Validations in Rails (60 min)

Key Topics

During our session, we'll learn how to test model validations.


Clone this app: git clone -b model-testing

  • Generate a migration and model for donations (use rails g model to get the model and the migration). The migration needs to have an amount and a reference to the fans table. Migrate and look at the schema.
  • Now, generate a migration that adds a string status column to the donations table. Migrate and look at the schema.
  • Open your schema, and rollback. Now try to rollback two steps. What do you see?
  • Migrate again to apply your migrations to the database.

Getting Started with Model Testing

From the RailsGuides: "In Rails, models tests are what you write to test your models."

If you use rails g model Thing, you'll have a model test file available to you within the test/models folder. This is how the repo was initially set up for Fan and Location, so you already have these two test files.

However, if you need to create a model test by hand: $ touch test/models/thing_test.rb and add this code inside of it:

require 'test_helper'

class ThingTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase

Remember that your generated fixtures will be loaded when you run your tests unless you remove that line in your test_helper.rb.

Testing Validations

You can find the Rails Guides validation documentation here.

Basic Validity

Let's write a test to check that a fan with all attributes is valid. Inside of test/models/fan_test.rb:

require 'test_helper'

class FanTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
  def valid_attributes
      name:               "Jorge",
      email:              "",

  test "it creates a fan" do
    result =

    assert result.valid?
    assert_equal "Jorge",
    assert_equal "",

Presence Validations

What happens if a name isn't entered? We shouldn't have a valid fan. Let's add a test. Inside of test/models/fan_test.rb:

  test "it cannot create a fan without an name" do
    result = "")

    assert result.invalid?

This fails because we don't have any validations for presence of a name. Inside of fan.rb, add:

  validates :name, presence: true

Uniqueness Validations

Let's assume that a fan logs into Belibery using their email address. Email addresses will need to be unique. Let's add a test:

  test "it cannot create a fan with the same email" do
    2.times { Fan.create(valid_attributes) }

    result = Fan.where(email: "")
    assert_equal 1, result.count

It will fail because it's creating two fans and we're asserting that there should only be one. Inside of fan.rb we need to add a validation:

  validates :email, presence: true, uniqueness: true

Format Validations

Names should only contain capital and lower case letters. Let's write a test:

  test "it only accepts letters as a name" do
    fan = Fan.create(
      name:   "Jorge1",
      email:  ""

    refute fan.valid?

We can use regex and a format validator to make this test pass:

  validates :name,  presence:   true, 
                    format:     { with: /\A[a-zA-Z]+\z/, message: "only allows uppercase and lowercase letters"}

Length Validations

Let's limit our fans' email addresses to between 5 and 50 characters. Our test:

  test "it only accepts an email between 5 to 50 characters" do
    fan = Fan.create(
      name:               "Jorge",
      email:              "Jorj"

    assert fan.invalid?

We'll use the length validation to make this test pass:

  validates :email, presence:   true, 
                    uniqueness: true,
                    length:     { in: 5..50 }

Custom Validations

What happens if we want to ban all users named Richard? We will need a custom validation method. First, let's write a test:

  test "it cannot create a fan named Richard" do
    fan = Fan.create(
      name:               "Richard",
      email:              ""

    refute fan.valid?
    assert_includes fan.errors.full_messages, "Name cannot be Richard"


We can validate :no_richards with a custom validation:

  validate :no_richards

  def no_richards
    errors.add(:name, "cannot be Richard") if name == "Richard"

You can also use ActiveModel::Validator for custom validations.

Inclusion and Exclusion Validations

Examples from RailsGuides:

class Coffee < ActiveRecord::Base
  validates :size, inclusion: { in: %w(small medium large),
                                message:   "%{value} is not a valid size" }

class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
  validates :subdomain, exclusion: { in: %w(www us ca jp),
                                     message: "%{value} is reserved." }
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