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Created September 12, 2018 16:55
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import category_theory.category
import category_theory.functor
import data.equiv.basic
noncomputable theory
universes u v w
namespace category_theory
def components (C : Type u) [category.{u v} C] : Type u :=
quot (λ (a b : C), nonempty (a ⟶ b))
axiom connected (C : Type u) [category.{u v} C] : Type u
axiom connected.elim {C : Type u} [category.{u v} C] (h : connected C)
{α : Sort w} (F : C → α) (hF : ∀ (a b : C) (f : a ⟶ b), F a = F b) : α
axiom connected.eq {C : Type u} [category.{u v} C] (h : connected C)
{α : Sort w} (F : C → α) (hF : ∀ (a b : C) (f : a ⟶ b), F a = F b) : ∀ a, h.elim F hF = F a
def connected.nonempty {C : Type u} [category.{u v} C] (h : connected C) : nonempty C :=
h.elim (λ a, nonempty.intro a) (λ a b f, by simp)
def connected.eq₂ {C : Type u} [category.{u v} C] (h : connected C)
{α : Sort w} (F : C → α) (hF : ∀ (a b : C) (f : a ⟶ b), F a = F b) : ∀ a b, F a = F b :=
assume a b, (h.eq F hF a).symm.trans (h.eq F hF b)
lemma connected_iff_components_trivial {C : Type u} [category.{u v} C] (h : connected C) :
connected C ≃ (components C ≃ unit) :=
namespace limits
variables (C : Type u) [𝒞 : category.{u v} C]
include 𝒞
variables {J : Type v} [small_category J]
structure shape :=
(X : C)
variables {C}
structure cocone (F : J ⥤ C) extends shape.{u v} C :=
(ι : ∀ j : J, F j ⟶ X)
(w : ∀ {j j' : J} (f : j ⟶ j'), ( f) ≫ ι j' = ι j)
class is_colimit {F : J ⥤ C} (t : cocone F) :=
(desc : ∀ (s : cocone F), t.X ⟶ s.X)
(fac' : ∀ (s : cocone F) (j : J), (t.ι j ≫ desc s) = s.ι j)
(uniq' : ∀ (s : cocone F) (m : t.X ⟶ s.X) (w : ∀ j : J, (t.ι j ≫ m) = s.ι j), m = desc s)
end limits
open category_theory.limits
section cofinal
variables {I : Type v} [small_category I]
variables {J : Type v} [small_category J]
variable (F : I ⥤ J)
def comma (j : J) := Σ i, j ⟶ F i
instance comma.category (j : J) : category (comma F j) :=
{ hom := λ X Y, {f : X.1 ⟶ Y.1 // X.2 ≫ f = Y.2},
id := λ X, ⟨𝟙 X.1, by obviously⟩,
comp := λ X Y Z f g, ⟨f.val ≫ g.val, by obviously⟩ }
def cofinal := Π j, connected (comma F j)
section preserves_colimits
variables {C : Type u} [𝒞 : category.{u v} C]
include 𝒞
variables {A : J ⥤ C} (t : cocone A)
def induced_cocone : cocone (F ⋙ A) :=
{ X := t.X,
ι := λ i, t.ι (F i),
w := by intros j j' f; apply t.w }
-- When F is cofinal, there is a well-defined way to extend a given
-- cocone on F ⋙ A to a cocone on A...
variables (hF : cofinal F) (s : cocone (F ⋙ A))
def extended_cocone_ι (s : cocone (F ⋙ A)) (j : J) : A j ⟶ s.X :=
(hF j).elim (λ Y, Y.2 ≫ s.ι Y.1)
(by rintros Y Y' ⟨g, h⟩; rw [←h, ←s.w g]; simp)
lemma extended_cocone_ι_def (s : cocone (F ⋙ A)) (j : J) (i : I) (f : j ⟶ F i) :
extended_cocone_ι F hF s j = f ≫ s.ι i :=
(hF j).eq _ _ ⟨i, f⟩
def extended_cocone (s : cocone (F ⋙ A)) : cocone A :=
{ X := s.X,
ι := extended_cocone_ι F hF s,
w := begin
intros j j' g,
rcases (hF j).nonempty with ⟨⟨i, f⟩⟩, rw extended_cocone_ι_def F hF s j i f,
rcases (hF j').nonempty with ⟨⟨i', f'⟩⟩, rw extended_cocone_ι_def F hF s j' i' f',
rw [←category.assoc, ←A.map_comp],
rw [←extended_cocone_ι_def F hF, ←extended_cocone_ι_def F hF]
end }
lemma extended_cocone_on_image (s : cocone (F ⋙ A)) (i : I) :
(extended_cocone F hF s).ι (F i) = s.ι i :=
by convert extended_cocone_ι_def F hF s (F i) i (𝟙 (F i)); simp
-- ... and it takes colimit cocones to colimit cocones
local attribute [elab_simple] is_colimit.desc
def is_colimit_of_cofinal [ht : is_colimit t] : is_colimit (induced_cocone F t) :=
{ desc := λ s, is_colimit.desc t (extended_cocone F hF s),
fac' := λ s i, by dsimp [induced_cocone]; simp [is_colimit.fac', extended_cocone_on_image],
uniq' := λ s m hm, begin
apply is_colimit.uniq' (extended_cocone F hF s),
dsimp [induced_cocone] at hm,
dsimp [extended_cocone],
intro j,
rcases (hF j).nonempty with ⟨⟨i, f⟩⟩, rw extended_cocone_ι_def F hF s j i f,
rw [←hm i, ←category.assoc, t.w f]
end }
end preserves_colimits
end cofinal
end category_theory
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