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Created September 8, 2018 08:33
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import category_theory.functor
import category_theory.products
open category_theory
namespace tactic.interactive
open tactic
open interactive interactive.types lean lean.parser parser
meta def go (fvar : expr) : pexpr → tactic expr
| (expr.var 0) := return fvar
| ( ( (expr.const `` _) e₁) e₂) := do
m₁ ← go e₁,
m₂ ← go e₂,
to_expr ``((%%m₁, %%m₂))
| ( f e) := do
f' ← to_expr f,
ft ← infer_type f',
-- should fall back to something else if this match fails
`(@category_theory.functor.{0 0 0 0} %%c %%catc %%d %%catd) ← infer_type f',
m ← go e,
to_expr ``((%%f').map %%m)
| e := do
e' ← to_expr e,
to_expr ``({0 0} %%e')
meta def guess_functor_core : pexpr → tactic expr
| (expr.lam var _ t body) := do
t' ← to_expr t,
xvar ← mk_local' "X" binder_info.default t',
yvar ← mk_local' "Y" binder_info.default t',
tcvar ← mk_mvar,
map_var ← mk_local' "f" binder_info.default `(@category.hom.{0 0} %%t' %%tcvar %%xvar %%yvar),
map_body ← go map_var body,
map_fun ← lambdas [map_var] map_body,
lambdas [xvar, yvar] map_fun
| e := fail "not a lambda"
meta def guess_functor (p : parse texpr) : tactic unit :=
do p' ← guess_functor_core p,
exact ``({ category_theory.functor .
obj := %%p,
map' := %%p',
map_id' := by tidy,
map_comp' := by tidy })
end tactic.interactive
infixr ` ↝ `:80 := functor
variables {C : Type} [small_category C]
variables {F : C ↝ C} {Z : C}
include F Z
def myfun : C ↝ (C × C) := by guess_functor (λ x, (F (F x), Z))
#print myfun
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