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Created May 25, 2018 23:27
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open nat
-- local attribute [trans] dvd_trans
-- Definition
def exactly_divides (p : ℕ) (r : ℕ) (n : ℕ) := p^r ∣ n ∧ ¬(p^(succ r) ∣ n)
notation p`^`r `∣∣`:50 n:50 := exactly_divides p r n
variable {p : ℕ}
-- Equivalent definitions
lemma exactly_divides' {r : ℕ} {n : ℕ} : p^r ∣∣ n ↔ (∀ i, p^i ∣ n ↔ i ≤ r) :=
apply iff.intro,
{ intros prn i, apply iff.intro,
{ intro pin,
apply (le_or_gt _ _).resolve_right, intro i_gt_r,
exact absurd (dvd_trans (pow_dvd_pow p i_gt_r) pin) prn.right },
{ intro i_le_r,
exact dvd.trans (pow_dvd_pow p i_le_r) (and.left prn) }
{ intro h, split,
{ exact (h r).mpr (refl r) },
{ exact mt (h (succ r)).mp (not_succ_le_self r) }
lemma exactly_divides'' {r : ℕ} {n : ℕ} (p_pos : p > 0) :
p^r ∣∣ n ↔ ∃ k, n = p^r * k ∧ ¬(p ∣ k) :=
apply iff.intro,
{ intro prn,
existsi n / (p^r), split,
{ exact (nat.mul_div_cancel' prn.left).symm },
{ intro d,
have :=
calc p^(succ r) = p^r * p : rfl
... ∣ p^r * (n / (p^r)) : mul_dvd_mul_left (p^r) d
... = n : nat.mul_div_cancel' prn.left,
have := prn.right, contradiction
{ intro h, rcases h with ⟨k, h1, h2⟩, split,
{ exact ⟨k,h1⟩ },
{ intro d,
rw h1 at d,
have : p ∣ k := dvd_of_mul_dvd_mul_left (pos_pow_of_pos r p_pos) d,
-- Uniqueness
lemma exactly_divides_unique {r s : ℕ} {n : ℕ} : p^r ∣∣ n → p^s ∣∣ n → r = s :=
λ prn psn,
have ri : ∀ i, p^i ∣ n ↔ i ≤ r := exactly_divides'.mp prn,
have si : ∀ i, p^i ∣ n ↔ i ≤ s := exactly_divides'.mp psn,
have this : ∀ i, i ≤ r ↔ i ≤ s := λ i, (ri i).symm.trans (si i),
le_antisymm ((this r).mp (le_refl r)) ((this s).mpr (le_refl s))
-- Recursion relations
lemma exactly_divides_zero {n : ℕ} (p_pos : p > 0) : ¬(p ∣ n) ↔ p^0 ∣∣ n :=
rw exactly_divides'' p_pos,
apply iff.intro,
{ intro h, exact ⟨n, by simp, h⟩ },
{ intro h, rcases h with ⟨k, e, nd⟩, simp [e, nd] }
lemma exactly_divides_succ {r n : ℕ} (p_pos : p > 0) : p^r ∣∣ n ↔ p^(succ r) ∣∣ (p * n) :=
rw [exactly_divides'' p_pos, exactly_divides'' p_pos],
apply iff.intro,
intro prn,
rcases prn with ⟨k, h1, h2⟩,
have h1' : p * n = p^(succ r) * k :=
calc p * n = p * (p^r * k) : by rw h1
... = (p^r * p) * k : by ac_refl,
exact ⟨k, h1', h2⟩,
intro psrpn,
rcases psrpn with ⟨k, h1, h2⟩,
have h1' : p * n = p * (p^r * k) :=
calc p * n = p^(succ r) * k : h1
... = p * (p^r * k) : by unfold nat.pow; ac_refl,
exact ⟨k, eq_of_mul_eq_mul_left p_pos h1', h2⟩
-- Multiplicative
lemma exactly_divides_one (hp : prime p) : p^0 ∣∣ 1 :=
(exactly_divides_zero (hp.gt_one.trans dec_trivial)).mp (prime.not_dvd_one hp)
lemma exactly_divides_mul {r s a b : ℕ} (hp : prime p) : p^r ∣∣ a → p^s ∣∣ b → p^(r+s) ∣∣ a*b :=
intros pra psb,
rw exactly_divides'' (hp.gt_one.trans dec_trivial) at ⊢ pra psb,
rcases pra with ⟨ka, ha1, ha2⟩,
rcases psb with ⟨kb, hb1, hb2⟩,
existsi ka * kb, split,
{ exact calc a * b = (p^r * ka) * (p^s * kb) : by rw [ha1, hb1]
... = (p^r * p^s) * (ka * kb) : by ac_refl
... = p^(r+s) * (ka * kb) : by rw pow_add },
{ exact prime.not_dvd_mul hp ha2 hb2 }
lemma exactly_divides_pow {r k a : ℕ} (hp : prime p) : p^r ∣∣ a → p^(k * r) ∣∣ a^k :=
mul_comm r k ▸
λ pra, nat.rec_on k
(exactly_divides_one hp)
(λ k' ih, (exactly_divides_mul hp ih pra))
-- Gcd
lemma dvd_gcd_iff {a b k : ℕ} : k ∣ gcd a b ↔ k ∣ a ∧ k ∣ b :=
iff.intro (λ d, ⟨dvd_trans d (gcd_dvd a b).left,
dvd_trans d (gcd_dvd a b).right⟩)
(λ p, and.elim p dvd_gcd)
lemma exactly_divides_gcd {r s a b : ℕ} : p^r ∣∣ a → p^s ∣∣ b → p^(min r s) ∣∣ gcd a b :=
intros pra psb,
rw exactly_divides' at ⊢ pra psb,
intro i,
exact calc p^i ∣ gcd a b ↔ p^i ∣ a ∧ p^i ∣ b : dvd_gcd_iff
... ↔ i ≤ r ∧ i ≤ s : and_congr (pra i) (psb i)
... ↔ i ≤ min r s : le_min_iff.symm
import data.pnat
import data.nat.exactly_divides
open nat
namespace order
section raw_order
variables (p : ℕ) (hp : p > 1)
protected def order_core : Π (n : ℕ), n > 0 → {r // p^r ∣∣ n}
| 0 := λ n_pos, absurd n_pos dec_trivial
| n@(k+1) := λ n_pos,
have n / p < n, from div_lt_self n_pos hp,
if h : p ∣ n
have p * (n / p) = n, from nat.mul_div_cancel' h,
let ⟨s, hs⟩ :=
order_core (n / p)
(pos_of_mul_pos_left (this.symm ▸ n_pos : 0 < p * (n / p)) dec_trivial)
in ⟨succ s, this ▸ (exactly_divides_succ (hp.trans dec_trivial)).mp hs⟩
else ⟨0, (exactly_divides_zero (hp.trans dec_trivial)).mp h⟩
def order (n : ℕ) (n_pos : n > 0) : ℕ := (order.order_core p hp n n_pos).val
lemma exactly_divides_order (n : ℕ) (n_pos : n > 0) :
p^(order p hp n n_pos) ∣∣ n :=
(order.order_core p hp n n_pos).property
end raw_order
/- XXX comments -/
instance : has_dvd ℕ+ := ⟨λ a b, a.val ∣ b.val⟩
def 𝓟 := {p : ℕ // prime p}
notation `PP` := 𝓟
def 𝓟.gt_one (p : 𝓟) : p.val > 1 :=
def 𝓟.pos (p : 𝓟) : p.val > 0 :=
instance : has_coe 𝓟 ℕ+ := ⟨λ p, ⟨p.val, p.pos⟩⟩
def ord (p : 𝓟) (n : ℕ+) : ℕ := order p p.gt_one n
def exactly_divides_ord {p : 𝓟} {n : ℕ+} : p^(ord p n) ∣∣ n :=
exactly_divides_order p p.gt_one n
def exactly_divides_iff_ord {p : 𝓟} {r : ℕ} {n : ℕ+} : ord p n = r ↔ p^r ∣∣ n :=
(λ e, e ▸ exactly_divides_ord)
(exactly_divides_unique exactly_divides_ord)
variable {p : 𝓟}
-- Recursion (though we prove them in a round-about fashion)
lemma ord_not_div {n : ℕ+} : ¬(↑p ∣ n) ↔ ord p n = 0 :=
(exactly_divides_zero p.pos).trans exactly_divides_iff_ord.symm
lemma ord_div {n : ℕ+} : ord p (p * n) = succ (ord p n) :=
((exactly_divides_succ p.pos).mp exactly_divides_ord)
-- Multiplicative
lemma ord_one : ord p 1 = 0 :=
exactly_divides_iff_ord.mpr (exactly_divides_one
lemma ord_mul (a b : ℕ+) : ord p (a * b) = ord p a + ord p b :=
exactly_divides_ord exactly_divides_ord)
lemma ord_ppow {k : ℕ} {a : ℕ+} : ord p (pnat.pow a k) = k * ord p a :=
(exactly_divides_pow exactly_divides_ord)
lemma ord_pow {k : ℕ} {a : ℕ+} : ord p (a^k) = k * ord p a :=
have pnat.pow a k = a^k, from (pnat.coe_nat_coe _).symm, this ▸ ord_ppow
-- Gcd
def pgcd (a b : ℕ+) : ℕ+ := ⟨gcd a b, gcd_pos_of_pos_left b a.pos⟩
lemma ord_pgcd {a b : ℕ+} : ord p (pgcd a b) = min (ord p a) (ord p b) :=
exactly_divides_ord exactly_divides_ord)
lemma ord_gcd {a b : ℕ+} : ord p (gcd a b) = min (ord p a) (ord p b) :=
have pgcd a b = gcd a b, from (pnat.coe_nat_coe _).symm, this ▸ ord_pgcd
end order
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