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Created May 1, 2018 15:46
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troubles with sum.rec
import logic.function
open function
variables {α β γ : Type} (f : α → γ) (g : β → γ)
-- Want to get α ⊕ β → γ
#check sum.rec f g -- error
#check (sum.rec f g : α ⊕ β → γ) -- error
#check λ a, sum.rec f g a -- error
#check λ a, (sum.rec f g a : γ)
-- λ (a : α ⊕ β), sum.rec f g a : Π (a : α ⊕ β), (λ (_x : α ⊕ β), γ) a
#check ((λ a, sum.rec f g a) : α ⊕ β → γ)
-- λ (a : α ⊕ β), sum.rec f g a : Π (a : α ⊕ β), (λ (_x : α ⊕ β), γ) a
-- Now try to do something with it
#check surjective (λ a, (sum.rec f g a : γ)) -- error
#check surjective ((λ a, sum.rec f g a) : α ⊕ β → γ) -- still error!
type mismatch at application
surjective (λ (a : α ⊕ β), sum.rec f g a)
λ (a : α ⊕ β), sum.rec f g a
has type
Π (a : α ⊕ β), (λ (_x : α ⊕ β), γ) a : Type
but is expected to have type
?m_1 → ?m_2 : Sort (imax ? ?)
#check surjective (@sum.rec _ _ (λ _, γ) f g) -- same error
#check @surjective (α ⊕ β) γ (λ a, sum.rec f g a) -- ok, but ugh
-- Make everything easy with a non-dependent version of sum.rec
def sum.rec' (a : α ⊕ β) : γ := sum.rec f g a
#check sum.rec' f g
-- either f g : α ⊕ β → γ
#check surjective (sum.rec' f g) -- ok
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