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Last active September 10, 2018 17:19
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/- Categories which are small relative to a cardinal κ.
κ-filtered categories.
Normally we care about these concepts for categories which are
used to index (co)limits, so we work with small_categories. -/
import category_theory.category
import category_theory.functor
import set_theory.cofinality
universes u u' v v'
namespace category_theory.limits
open category_theory
section shapes
structure shape (C : Type u) [catC : category.{u v} C] :=
(X : C)
structure cocone {C : Type u} [catC : category.{u v} C] {J : Type v} [small_category J] (F : J ⥤ C) extends shape C :=
(ι : ∀ j : J, F j ⟶ X)
(w : ∀ {j j' : J} (f : j ⟶ j'), ( f) ≫ ι j' = ι j . obviously)
end shapes
end category_theory.limits
open classical cardinal function set
def is_singleton (α : Type u) : Prop := nonempty (α ≃ unit)
local notation `card` :={u} -- Maybe this is a bad idea?
lemma cardinal.le_of_injective {α β : Type u} (f : α → β) (h : injective f) : card α ≤ card β :=
⟨⟨f, h⟩⟩
lemma cardinal.le_of_subtype {α : Type u} {p : set α} : card p ≤ card α :=
⟨⟨subtype.val, by tidy⟩⟩
lemma cardinal.ge_of_surjective {α β : Type u} (f : α → β) (h : surjective f) : card α ≥ card β :=
⟨embedding.of_surjective h⟩
open cardinal
def regular_cardinal := {κ : cardinal.{u} // is_regular κ}
instance : has_coe regular_cardinal.{u} cardinal.{u} := by unfold regular_cardinal; apply_instance
lemma regular_cardinal.infinite (κ : regular_cardinal.{u}) : omega.{u} ≤ ↑κ := κ.2.1
variables (κ : regular_cardinal.{u})
lemma is_small_of_finite {S : Type u} [fintype S] : card S < κ :=
calc card S < omega : lt_omega_iff_fintype.mpr ⟨by apply_instance⟩
... ≤ κ : κ.infinite
lemma small_of_small_sigma_of_small {I : Type u} (hI : card I < κ) {f : I → Type u}
(hf : ∀ i, card (f i) < κ) : card (sigma f) < κ :=
by rw ←sum_mk; exact sum_lt_of_is_regular (λ (i : I), card (f i)) κ.property hI hf
lemma small_of_small_union_of_small {I : Type u} (hI : card I < κ) {α : Type u} (f : I → set α)
(hf : ∀ i, card (f i) < κ) : card (Union f) < κ :=
have card (Union f) ≤ card (sigma (λ i, f i)), from
ge_of_surjective (λ ⟨i, x, hx⟩, ⟨x, subset_Union _ i hx⟩)
(λ ⟨x, hx⟩, let ⟨i, hi⟩ := hx in ⟨⟨i, x, hi⟩, rfl⟩),
lt_of_le_of_lt this (small_of_small_sigma_of_small κ hI hf)
namespace category_theory
local infixr ` ↝ `:80 := category_theory.functor
def is_kappa_small (I : Type u) [small_category I] : Prop :=
card (Σ (X Y : I), X ⟶ Y) < κ
lemma ob_small_of_small {I : Type u} [small_category I] (hI : is_kappa_small κ I) :
card I < κ :=
have card I ≤ card (Σ (X Y : I), X ⟶ Y), from
le_of_injective (λ i, ⟨i, i, i⟩) (by tidy),
lt_of_le_of_lt this hI
lemma kappa_small_of_ob_and_hom_small {I : Type u} [small_category I]
(h₀ : card I < κ) (h₁ : ∀ (X Y : I), card (X ⟶ Y) < κ) :
is_kappa_small κ I :=
apply small_of_small_sigma_of_small κ h₀, intro X,
apply small_of_small_sigma_of_small κ h₀, intro Y,
exact h₁ X Y
-- filtered categories
structure kappa_filtered (C : Type u) [small_category C] : Prop :=
(cocone_functor : ∀ {I : Type u} [small_category I] (hI : is_kappa_small κ I) (F : I ↝ C),
nonempty (limits.cocone F))
-- [A&R, 1.21]
structure kappa_filtered' (C : Type u) [small_category C] : Prop :=
(cocone_objs : ∀ {I : Type u} (hI : card I < κ) (F : I → C),
nonempty Σ (Z : C), Π i, F i ⟶ Z)
(cocone_parallel : ∀ {X Y : C} (I : Type u) (hI : card I < κ) (F : I → (X ⟶ Y)),
∃ (Z : C) (g : Y ⟶ Z), ∀ i j, F i ≫ g = F j ≫ g)
-- I think this made things much too complicated.
-- Better would be (mors : set (Σ X Y, X ⟶ Y)) and a condition that endpoints of a mor are in objs
structure subgraph (C : Type u) [small_category C] : Type u :=
(objs : set C)
(homs : Π X Y : objs, set (X.1 ⟶ Y.1))
def subgraph.is_kappa_small {C : Type u} [small_category C] (S : subgraph C) : Prop :=
card S.objs < κ ∧ card (Σ X Y, S.homs X Y) < κ
lemma subgraph.hom_small_of_kappa_small {C : Type u} [small_category C] {S : subgraph C}
(h : S.is_kappa_small κ) (X Y : S.objs) : card (S.homs X Y) < κ :=
(le_of_injective (λ f, show Σ X Y, S.homs X Y, from ⟨X, Y, f⟩) (by tidy)) h.2
-- TODO: Deduplicate with category version?
lemma subgraph.kappa_small_of_ob_and_hom_small {C : Type u} [small_category C] {S : subgraph C}
(h₀ : card S.objs < κ) (h₁ : ∀ (X Y : S.objs), card (S.homs X Y) < κ) :
S.is_kappa_small κ :=
refine ⟨h₀, _⟩,
apply small_of_small_sigma_of_small κ h₀, intro X,
apply small_of_small_sigma_of_small κ h₀, intro Y,
exact h₁ X Y
structure kappa_filtered'' (C : Type u) [small_category C] : Prop :=
(cocone_subgraph : ∀ (S : subgraph C) (h : S.is_kappa_small κ),
∃ (Z : C) (g : Π X : S.objs, X.1 ⟶ Z), ∀ X Y (f : S.homs X Y), f.1 ≫ g Y = g X)
variables {C : Type u} [small_category C]
-- kappa_filtered → kappa_filtered'
def discrete (ob : Type u) : Type u := ob
instance discrete_category (ob : Type u) : small_category (discrete ob) :=
{ hom := λ X Y, ulift (plift (X = Y)),
id := λ X, ⟨⟨rfl⟩⟩,
comp := λ X Y Z f g, ⟨⟨f.1.1.trans g.1.1⟩⟩ }
def discrete_functor_of_function {ob : Type u} {D : Type u'} [category.{u' v'} D] (F : ob → D) :
discrete ob ↝ D :=
{ obj := F, map' := λ X Y f, by rcases f with ⟨⟨⟨rfl⟩⟩⟩; apply }
lemma discrete_is_small {ob : Type u} (h : card ob < κ) : is_kappa_small κ (discrete ob) :=
apply kappa_small_of_ob_and_hom_small,
{ exact h },
{ intros X Y, change card (ulift (plift (X = Y))) < κ,
have : subsingleton (ulift (plift (X = Y))) := by apply_instance,
calc card (ulift (plift (X = Y))) ≤ 1 : le_one_iff_subsingleton.mpr this
... < omega : one_lt_omega
... ≤ κ : κ.infinite }
inductive suspension (mor : Type u) : Type u
| src {} : suspension
| tgt {} : suspension
open suspension
instance suspension_category (mor : Type u) : small_category (suspension mor) :=
{ hom := λ X Y, match X, Y with
| src, src := punit
| src, tgt := mor
| tgt, src := pempty
| tgt, tgt := punit
id := λ X, match X with
| src :=
| tgt :=
comp := λ X Y Z f g, match X, Y, Z, f, g with
| src, src, src,, :=
| src, src, tgt,, f := f
| src, tgt, tgt, f, := f
| tgt, tgt, tgt,, :=
id_comp' := λ X Y f, by cases X; cases Y; try { cases f }; refl,
comp_id' := λ X Y f, by cases X; cases Y; try { cases f }; refl,
assoc' := λ W X Y Z f g h,
by cases W; cases X; cases Y; cases Z; try { cases f }; try { cases g }; try { cases h }; refl }
def suspension_functor_of_function {mor : Type u} {D : Type u'} [category.{u' v'} D]
{A B : D} (F : mor → (A ⟶ B)) : suspension mor ↝ D :=
{ obj := λ X, match X with | src := A | tgt := B end,
map' := λ X Y f, match X, Y, f with
| src, src, := A
| src, tgt, f := F f
| tgt, tgt, := B
map_id' := λ X, by cases X; refl,
map_comp' := λ X Y Z f g, by cases X; cases Y; cases Z; tidy }
instance {mor : Type u} : fintype (suspension mor) :=
⟨⟨src::tgt::0, by simp⟩, λ x, by cases x; simp⟩
-- TODO: move this
instance punit.fintype : fintype punit.{u+1} :=
⟨⟨, by simp⟩, λ x, by cases x; simp⟩
lemma suspension_is_small {mor : Type u} (h : card mor < κ) :
is_kappa_small κ (suspension mor) :=
apply kappa_small_of_ob_and_hom_small,
{ apply is_small_of_finite },
{ rintros (_|_) (_|_),
{ change mk punit < _, apply is_small_of_finite },
{ exact h },
{ change mk pempty < _, apply is_small_of_finite },
{ change mk punit < _, apply is_small_of_finite } }
lemma filtered_implies_filtered' (h : kappa_filtered κ C) : kappa_filtered' κ C :=
{ cocone_objs := assume I hI F,
let ⟨t⟩ := h.cocone_functor (discrete_is_small κ hI) (discrete_functor_of_function F) in
⟨⟨t.X, λ i, t.ι i⟩⟩,
cocone_parallel := assume X Y I hI F,
let ⟨t⟩ := h.cocone_functor (suspension_is_small κ hI) (suspension_functor_of_function F) in
have ∀ k, F k ≫ t.ι tgt = t.ι src, from assume k, t.w (show @src I ⟶ @tgt I, from k),
⟨t.X, t.ι tgt, λ i j, (this i).trans (this j).symm⟩ }
lemma kappa_filtered'.cone_parallel_two (h : kappa_filtered' κ C) {X Y : C} (f g : X ⟶ Y) :
∃ (Z : C) (h : Y ⟶ Z), f ≫ h = g ≫ h :=
let ⟨Z, h, hh⟩ :=
h.cocone_parallel (ulift bool) (is_small_of_finite _)
(λ i, match i.down with | ff := f | tt := g end) in
⟨Z, h, hh ⟨ff⟩ ⟨tt⟩⟩
lemma filtered'_implies_filtered'' (h : kappa_filtered' κ C) : kappa_filtered'' κ C :=
{ cocone_subgraph := assume S ⟨hS₀, hS₁⟩,
-- The strategy is as follows:
-- 1. Form a cocone on all the objects of S, with new vertex Z₀ and cocone maps e_X : X → Z₀
-- 2. For each morphism f : X → Y in S, coequalize f_X and f_Y ∘ f, via a new map g_f : Z₀ → Z_f
-- 3. Form a cocone on all the objects Z_f, with new vertex Z₁ and cocone maps j_f : Z_f → Z₁
-- 4. Coequalize all the morphisms h_f ∘ g_f, with new vertex Z. Call their common composition l.
-- Then we can build a cocone on all of S which maps X to Z via l ∘ e_X.
-- If there aren't any morphisms in S, then we have a problem in step 4, but then we can just
-- use the original cocone Z₀.
let ⟨⟨Z₀, e⟩⟩ := h.cocone_objs hS₀ (λ X, X) in
have ∀ (f : Σ X Y, S.homs X Y), ∃ (p : Σ Z, Z₀ ⟶ Z), e f.1 ≫ p.2 = (f.2.2.val ≫ e f.2.1) ≫ p.2,
from assume ⟨X, Y, f⟩, let ⟨Z, h, hh⟩ := h.cone_parallel_two κ (e X) (f.val ≫ e Y) in ⟨⟨Z, h⟩, hh⟩,
let ⟨g, hg⟩ := axiom_of_choice this,
⟨⟨Z₁, j⟩⟩ := h.cocone_objs hS₁ (λ f, (g f).1),
⟨Z, k, hk⟩ := h.cocone_parallel (Σ X Y, S.homs X Y) hS₁ (λ f, (g f).2 ≫ j f) in
(λ (hhom : nonempty (Σ X Y, S.homs X Y)),
let ⟨f₀⟩ := hhom in
have ∀ f : Σ X Y, S.homs X Y, (g f₀).2 ≫ j f₀ ≫ k = (g f).2 ≫ j f ≫ k,
from assume f, by simpa using hk f₀ f,
⟨Z, λ X, e X ≫ (g f₀).2 ≫ j f₀ ≫ k, λ X Y f,
calc f.val ≫ e Y ≫ (g f₀).snd ≫ j f₀ ≫ k
= f.val ≫ e Y ≫ (g ⟨X, Y, f⟩).snd ≫ j ⟨X, Y, f⟩ ≫ k : by rw this
... = ((f.val ≫ e Y) ≫ (g ⟨X, Y, f⟩).snd) ≫ j ⟨X, Y, f⟩ ≫ k : by simp
... = (e X ≫ (g ⟨X, Y, f⟩).snd) ≫ j ⟨X, Y, f⟩ ≫ k : by rw hg ⟨X, Y, f⟩
... = e X ≫ (g ⟨X, Y, f⟩).snd ≫ j ⟨X, Y, f⟩ ≫ k : by simp
... = e X ≫ (g f₀).snd ≫ j f₀ ≫ k : by rw this⟩)
(λ nohoms, ⟨Z₀, λ X, e X, λ X Y f, by refine absurd _ nohoms; exact ⟨⟨X, Y, f⟩⟩⟩) }
-- TODO: Move this
lemma hpropext {p q : Prop} (a : p) (b : q) : a == b :=
proof_irrel_heq (propext ⟨λ _, b, λ _, a⟩) a b
lemma filtered''_implies_filtered (h : kappa_filtered'' κ C) : kappa_filtered κ C :=
{ cocone_functor := assume I catI hI F, by letI := catI; exact
let S : subgraph C :=
{ objs := {X | ∃ i, F i = X},
homs := λ X Y, {f | ∃ (ijg : Σ (i j : I), i ⟶ j), F ijg.1 = X ∧ F ijg.2.1 = Y ∧ ijg.2.2 == f} } in
have hS₀ : card S.objs < κ, begin
refine lt_of_le_of_lt _ (ob_small_of_small κ hI),
refine ge_of_surjective (λ i, ⟨F i, i, rfl⟩) _,
rintro ⟨X, i, rfl⟩, exact ⟨i, rfl⟩
have hS₁ : card (Σ X Y, S.homs X Y) < κ, begin
refine lt_of_le_of_lt _ hI,
refine ge_of_surjective
(λ ijg, ⟨⟨F ijg.1, ijg.1, rfl⟩, ⟨F ijg.2.1, ijg.2.1, rfl⟩, ijg.2.2, ijg, rfl, rfl, heq.rfl⟩) _,
rintro ⟨⟨X, i, rfl⟩, ⟨Y, j, rfl⟩, ⟨f, ⟨i', j', g⟩, hi', hj', hg⟩⟩,
refine ⟨⟨i', j', g⟩, _⟩, dsimp,
dsimp at hi' hj' hg,
change F i ⟶ F j at f,
congr' 1, { exact subtype.eq hi' },
-- I don't know what the goals these rws are solving are
congr' 1, { rw hi' }, { exact subtype.eq hj' },
congr' 1, { rw [hi', hj'] }, { rw [hi', hj'] }, exact hg,
apply hpropext
let ⟨Z, g, hg⟩ := h.cocone_subgraph S ⟨hS₀, hS₁⟩ in
⟨{ X := Z, ι := λ i, g ⟨F i, i, rfl⟩,
w := assume i i' f, hg ⟨F i, i, rfl⟩ ⟨F i', i', rfl⟩ ⟨ f, ⟨i, i', f⟩, rfl, rfl, heq.rfl⟩ }⟩ }
lemma filtered'_iff_filtered : kappa_filtered' κ C ↔ kappa_filtered κ C :=
⟨λ h, filtered''_implies_filtered κ (filtered'_implies_filtered'' κ h),
λ h, filtered_implies_filtered' κ h⟩
lemma filtered''_iff_filtered : kappa_filtered'' κ C ↔ kappa_filtered κ C :=
⟨λ h, filtered''_implies_filtered κ h,
λ h, filtered'_implies_filtered'' κ (filtered_implies_filtered' κ h)⟩
end category_theory
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