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Last active February 10, 2016 22:18
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Why are there so many Elixir directives? Capture of discussion on #elixir-lang w/ Jose Valim and Chris McCord.
*Note: this conversation was santized only in that unrelated messages were removed from the stream*
[10:19] == rwdaigle [47b7ec4a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #elixir-lang
[10:22] <rwdaigle> chrismccord: we chatted a bit on twitter about this the other day, so I wrote up my thoughts on there being too many Elixir directives - this is an unpublished draft FYI:
[10:26] <chrismccord> rwdaigle : "I contend, though there may be implementation reasons for this many directives, their multiplicity is detrimental to the new developer experience."
[10:26] <chrismccord> rwdaigle : this probably sums up the situation well
[10:26] <chrismccord> rwdaigle : 1) they are necessary, and must be understood
[10:26] <chrismccord> rwdaigle 2) they can initially be confusing to newcomers
[10:27] <chrismccord> that said, I don't believe we can collapse them
[10:27] <badger> Was thinking that. There's always a little confusion over the "use" keyword though.
[10:27] <chrismccord> rwdaigle : " And “alias” and “import” are so similar in their purpose that it seems petty to have them be seperate directives."
[10:28] <chrismccord> rwdaigle : alias is very different from import
[10:28] <chrismccord> import is pulling functions into your context from another module
[10:28] <chrismccord> rwdaigle : alias literally only "aliasing" a module name to something else
[10:28] <chrismccord> it does not change your local context
[10:29] <Nicd-> what is the use for require?
[10:29] <gazler> Nicd-: Making sure a module is available at compile time.
[10:29] <Nicd-> if I import or alias something (or call in some other way), doesn't it crash anyway if the module is not available?
[10:30] <gazler> Usually for macros.
[10:30] <gazler> s/Usually//
[10:32] <gazler> Nicd-: You can't use a macro without requiring the module first.
[10:32] <chrismccord> rwdaigle : wrt to having to require before use, check this
[10:33] <chrismccord> rwdaigle : all `use Foo` is really is just `require Foo; Foo.__using__([])`
[10:33] <rwdaigle> chrismccord: I struggle with the pragmatic difference between alias and import - why would I alias something when I'm not intending to reference it in the local context?
[10:33] <chrismccord> rwdaigle : import imports function into your local context
[10:33] <gazler> alias Foo.Bar allows you to write `Bar.baz`
[10:34] <gazler> import Foo.Bar` allows you to write`baz()` instead of `Bar.baz()`
[10:34] <rwdaigle> chrismccord: and why do I import functions into my local context - to invoke them without having to use the full module namespace, right?
[10:34] <chrismccord> rwdaigle : I may want to write `` intstead of ``
[10:35] <chrismccord> rwdaigle : but imagine if imported MyApp.Admin.User
[10:35] <chrismccord> `name`
[10:35] <chrismccord> could clash with local functions, and it could clash with other imports (if we don't use alias)
[10:36] <chrismccord> rwdaigle : yes. It's case by case
[10:36] <kronicdeth> I personally prefer `alias` over `import` because I can just visually see where a function is defined.  import can import everything and then you don't really  know which module a function is defined in
[10:36] <gazler> I rarely use import without the `only` option.
[10:36] <chrismccord> rwdaigle : also importing everything makes it less clear where the functions are coming from
[10:37] <rwdaigle> chrismccord: I guess I contend the reason a developer would alias or import is the same - a more convenient way to reference a function. Whether the functions are imported locally or just have an aliased name are mostly immaterial (to the purpose - you obviously need to be aware of them for conflict issues)
[10:38] <gazler> rwdaigle: You alias modules, you import functions.
[10:39] <rwdaigle> chrismccord: I think I'm talking around you, but it feels more like a design issue than a documentation/understanding one... Maybe I need to just get deeper into it
[10:39] <chrismccord> rwdaigle : I think once you get deeper you'll come around. I agree it can be confusing
[10:39] <rwdaigle> gazler: I understand the functional differences, but I don't think they're relevant to the developer (or they are relevant, but shouldn't be two separate directives)
[10:40] <chrismccord> rwdaigle but I disagree it is a design issue. Keep in mind we have had extensive conversrtaions around this during the development of Elixir. You can serach the mailing list archives for context that might help
[10:41] <chrismccord> rwdaigle : also, I think you'll find alias and import are distinct things and you'll use both depending on the scenario. Most Elixir libs I see use them differently
[10:41] <chrismccord> rwdaigle : since Elixir has no implicit namespaces, alias comes in to shorter our module references
[10:41] <rwdaigle> chrismccord: I looked at the mailing list for some background but couldn't find any - probably bad search term
[10:43] <elbow-jason> rwdaigle: for instance if I have a length/1 functin in my module Deeply.Nested.ModuleThat.ShouldNotBe.So.Nested and I import that module, I have no way of calling length/1 as a naked function without causing ambiguity and specifying Kernel.length/1 or specifying my modules length/1. In that case, alias is extremely helpful.
[10:44] <elbow-jason> and in fact the naked length/1 will not compile iirc
[10:44] <elbow-jason> the compiler forces disambiguation.
[10:47] <rwdaigle> elbow-jason: right, but you don't need two separate directives to make that distinction:
[10:49] <elbow-jason> rwdaigle: point taken
[10:50] <rwdaigle> chrismccord: also, when don't I want something I alias or import to be compiled and available (the stated purpose of "require")
[10:50] <josevalim> rwdaigle:  there is one very important difference between alias and import
[10:50] <josevalim> alias does not require the module to exist
[10:51] <josevalim> so if Foo depend on Bar and vice-versa, they can alias each other
[10:51] <josevalim> they can't, however, import each other
[10:52] <josevalim> that's why I said alias/use they are kind of non-negotiable
[10:52] <josevalim> import and require could be fused though as long as we have a decent api
[10:52] <chrismccord> josevalim : how would I `import Logger` without changing my context?
[10:52] <josevalim> chrismccord: that's the api bit
[10:53] <josevalim> today you can do
[10:53] <josevalim> import Logger, only: []
[10:53] <josevalim> but that's obviously verbose as a replacement for reuqire
[10:53] <josevalim> at some point we had
[10:53] <josevalim> import :all, Logger
[10:53] <josevalim> import :functions, Logger
[10:53] <josevalim> we could add import :none, Logger
[10:53] <josevalim> but that is confusing as well
[10:54] <chrismccord> `import Logger, but_really_i_only_want_to_call_its_macros_so_dont_import_anything: true`
[10:54] <chrismccord> josevalim : `import` is just too confusing imo to be used in a way that not actually imports functions
[10:55] <josevalim> chrismccord: we need to drop our bias though, otherwise we don't change anything :)
[10:55] <josevalim> in my languages import is about making the thing available in the namespace
[10:55] <josevalim> (which is our require)
[10:55] <chrismccord> josevalim : agree, java et all
[10:55] <chrismccord> but I think that ship maybe has sailed by now
[10:56] <josevalim> here is the thing though. we can either have different commands, or we can have complex commands
[10:56] <chrismccord> import has always been abou timporting functions into your context. Changing it to accommodate require woudl change its semantics
[10:56] <josevalim> chrismccord: but that's exactly what it is being proposed :p
[10:57] <josevalim> to see if we change slightly change its semantics to accomodate more things
[10:57] <josevalim> it is worth noticing import today already requires
[10:57] <chrismccord> right, as does use
[10:57] <josevalim> and of all of those
[10:57] <josevalim> require is by far the one used the least
[10:59] <josevalim> here is python
[10:59] <josevalim> import foo (equivalent to our require)
[10:59] <josevalim> from foo import * (equivalent to our import)
[11:00] <chrismccord> the fact that our `import Foo` imports everything is the sticky point
[11:00] <josevalim> the big question is if this is any better or any worse than having both import / require
[11:01] <chrismccord> if we had `import Foo` which only required`, and `import Foo, :all`, then it would be an easier choice
[11:01] <josevalim> chrismccord: right. it would have to be a very long term migration
\[11:02] <josevalim> chrismccord: first support import Foo, :all. make import Foo invalid later on, then remove require
[11:02] <chrismccord> josevalim : and break 90% of libs when eventually making invalid
[11:03] <josevalim> right there would be warnings and what not
[11:03] <josevalim> we are talking years here
[11:04] <chrismccord> yeah, but I'm not convinced the churn is worth it
[11:10] <chrismccord> rwdaigle!msg/elixir-lang-core/EsiO881g2MA/k966k4BY2cAJ
[11:13] <chrismccord> josevalim : the only thing I could think that doesn't break apis is `import Logger, only: :require` but uuugggh
[11:13] <josevalim> chrismccord: or import :module, Logger
[11:13] <josevalim> or something of sorts
[11:13] <josevalim> but then it will lead to people doing import Logger
[11:14] <josevalim> when they just want to call Logger.debug
[11:15] <chrismccord> faced with breaking code later on with more complex commands, or keeping separate, by simple commands, maintaining the status quo gets my vote
[11:15] <chrismccord> josevalim : rwdaigle It's tricky though because I was also confuse by the directives as a newcomer
[11:16] <chrismccord> but once you understand the design decisions, and tradeoffs, I think it's a happy result
[11:18] <rwdaigle> chrismccord: josevalim thank you for this discussion! I can't say I still don't wish the number of directives were reduced, but I at least understand some of the nuance between them all more. I'll probably take another pass through my post with more detail so it's preserved for others.
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