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Created March 29, 2011 18:15
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This is a simple script that will run spec test suite for files in lib directory. Ideal for testing a gem
first_run = true
def run_test_suite
puts ("rspec spec/")
result = %x[rspec --color spec/]
puts result
def parse_results(result_string)
result_hash = result_string.match(/([1-9]+) example[s]*, ([0-9]+) failures/).captures
{:failures => result_hash[1], :number_tests => result_hash[0]}
def send_growl_notification(result_text)
result_hash = parse_results(result_text)
title = "Test Results"
message = "#{result_hash[:number_tests]} examples, #{result_hash[:failures]} failures"
system(%Q[growlnotify -t "#{title}" -m "#{message}"])
#watch the lib directory and if anything changes run the whole test suite
watch('lib/(.*)\.rb'){ run_test_suite}
watch('spec/*') {run_test_suite}
#run the full test suite when watchr is first run
if first_run
first_run = false
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