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Created April 4, 2019 01:01
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// (c) Copyright 2016, Sean Connelly (@voidqk),
// MIT License
// Project Home:
#include "compressor.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
// core algorithm extracted from Chromium source, DynamicsCompressorKernel.cpp, here:
// changed a few things though in an attempt to simplify the curves and algorithm, and also included
// a pregain so that samples can be scaled up then compressed
void sf_defaultcomp(sf_compressor_state_st *state, int rate){
// sane defaults
sf_advancecomp(state, rate,
0.000f, // pregain
-24.000f, // threshold
30.000f, // knee
12.000f, // ratio
0.003f, // attack
0.250f, // release
0.006f, // predelay
0.090f, // releasezone1
0.160f, // releasezone2
0.420f, // releasezone3
0.980f, // releasezone4
0.000f, // postgain
1.000f // wet
void sf_simplecomp(sf_compressor_state_st *state, int rate, float pregain, float threshold,
float knee, float ratio, float attack, float release){
// sane defaults
sf_advancecomp(state, rate, pregain, threshold, knee, ratio, attack, release,
0.006f, // predelay
0.090f, // releasezone1
0.160f, // releasezone2
0.420f, // releasezone3
0.980f, // releasezone4
0.000f, // postgain
1.000f // wet
static inline float db2lin(float db){ // dB to linear
return powf(10.0f, 0.05f * db);
static inline float lin2db(float lin){ // linear to dB
return 20.0f * log10f(lin);
// for more information on the knee curve, check out the compressor-curve.html demo + source code
// included in this repo
static inline float kneecurve(float x, float k, float linearthreshold){
return linearthreshold + (1.0f - expf(-k * (x - linearthreshold))) / k;
static inline float kneeslope(float x, float k, float linearthreshold){
return k * x / ((k * linearthreshold + 1.0f) * expf(k * (x - linearthreshold)) - 1);
static inline float compcurve(float x, float k, float slope, float linearthreshold,
float linearthresholdknee, float threshold, float knee, float kneedboffset){
if(x < linearthreshold) {
return x;
} else if(knee <= 0.0f) { // no knee in curve
return db2lin(threshold + slope * (lin2db(x) - threshold));
} else if(x < linearthresholdknee) {
return kneecurve(x, k, linearthreshold);
} else {
return db2lin(kneedboffset + slope * (lin2db(x) - threshold - knee));
// this is the main initialization function
// it does a bunch of pre-calculation so that the inner loop of signal processing is fast
void sf_advancecomp(sf_compressor_state_st *state, int rate, float pregain, float threshold,
float knee, float ratio, float attack, float release, float predelay, float releasezone1,
float releasezone2, float releasezone3, float releasezone4, float postgain, float wet)
// setup the predelay buffer
int delaybufsize = rate * predelay;
if(delaybufsize < 1) {
delaybufsize = 1;
} else if(delaybufsize > SF_COMPRESSOR_MAXDELAY) {
memset(state->delaybuf, 0, delaybufsize * sizeof(float));
// useful values
float linearpregain = db2lin(pregain);
float linearthreshold = db2lin(threshold);
float slope = 1.0f / ratio;
float attacksamples = rate * attack;
float attacksamplesinv = 1.0f / attacksamples;
float releasesamples = rate * release;
float satrelease = 0.0025f; // seconds
float satreleasesamplesinv = 1.0f / ((float)rate * satrelease);
float dry = 1.0f - wet;
// metering values (not used in core algorithm, but used to output a meter if desired)
float metergain = 1.0f; // gets overwritten immediately because gain will always be negative
float meterfalloff = 0.325f; // seconds
float meterrelease = 1.0f - expf(-1.0f / ((float)rate * meterfalloff));
// calculate knee curve parameters
float k = 5.0f; // initial guess
float kneedboffset = 0.0f;
float linearthresholdknee = 0.0f;
if(knee > 0.0f) { // if a knee exists, search for a good k value
float xknee = db2lin(threshold + knee);
float mink = 0.1f;
float maxk = 10000.0f;
// search by comparing the knee slope at the current k guess, to the ideal slope
for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
if(kneeslope(xknee, k, linearthreshold) < slope) {
maxk = k;
} else {
mink = k;
k = sqrtf(mink * maxk);
kneedboffset = lin2db(kneecurve(xknee, k, linearthreshold));
linearthresholdknee = db2lin(threshold + knee);
// calculate a master gain based on what sounds good
float fulllevel = compcurve(1.0f, k, slope, linearthreshold, linearthresholdknee,
threshold, knee, kneedboffset);
float mastergain = db2lin(postgain) * powf(1.0f / fulllevel, 0.6f);
// calculate the adaptive release curve parameters
// solve a,b,c,d in `y = a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d`
// interescting points (0, y1), (1, y2), (2, y3), (3, y4)
float y1 = releasesamples * releasezone1;
float y2 = releasesamples * releasezone2;
float y3 = releasesamples * releasezone3;
float y4 = releasesamples * releasezone4;
float a = (-y1 + 3.0f * y2 - 3.0f * y3 + y4) / 6.0f;
float b = y1 - 2.5f * y2 + 2.0f * y3 - 0.5f * y4;
float c = (-11.0f * y1 + 18.0f * y2 - 9.0f * y3 + 2.0f * y4) / 6.0f;
float d = y1;
// save everything
state->metergain = 1.0f; // large value overwritten immediately since it's always < 0
state->meterrelease = meterrelease;
state->threshold = threshold;
state->knee = knee;
state->wet = wet;
state->linearpregain = linearpregain;
state->linearthreshold = linearthreshold;
state->slope = slope;
state->attacksamplesinv = attacksamplesinv;
state->satreleasesamplesinv = satreleasesamplesinv;
state->dry = dry;
state->k = k;
state->kneedboffset = kneedboffset;
state->linearthresholdknee = linearthresholdknee;
state->mastergain = mastergain;
state->a = a;
state->b = b;
state->c = c;
state->d = d;
state->detectoravg = 0.0f;
state->compgain = 1.0f;
state->maxcompdiffdb = -1.0f;
state->delaybufsize = delaybufsize;
state->delaywritepos = 0;
state->delayreadpos = delaybufsize > 1 ? 1 : 0;
// for more information on the adaptive release curve, check out adaptive-release-curve.html demo +
// source code included in this repo
static inline float adaptivereleasecurve(float x, float a, float b, float c, float d){
// a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d
float x2 = x * x;
return a * x2 * x + b * x2 + c * x + d;
static inline float clampf(float v, float min, float max){
return v < min ? min : (v > max ? max : v);
static inline float absf(float v){
return v < 0.0f ? -v : v;
static inline float fixf(float v, float def){
// fix NaN and infinity values that sneak in... not sure why this is needed, but it is
if(isnan(v) || isinf(v)) {
return def;
return v;
void sf_compressor_process(sf_compressor_state_st *state, size_t size, float *input, float *output)
// pull out the state into local variables
float metergain = state->metergain;
float meterrelease = state->meterrelease;
float threshold = state->threshold;
float knee = state->knee;
float linearpregain = state->linearpregain;
float linearthreshold = state->linearthreshold;
float slope = state->slope;
float attacksamplesinv = state->attacksamplesinv;
float satreleasesamplesinv = state->satreleasesamplesinv;
float wet = state->wet;
float dry = state->dry;
float k = state->k;
float kneedboffset = state->kneedboffset;
float linearthresholdknee = state->linearthresholdknee;
float mastergain = state->mastergain;
float a = state->a;
float b = state->b;
float c = state->c;
float d = state->d;
float detectoravg = state->detectoravg;
float compgain = state->compgain;
float maxcompdiffdb = state->maxcompdiffdb;
int delaybufsize = state->delaybufsize;
int delaywritepos = state->delaywritepos;
int delayreadpos = state->delayreadpos;
float *delaybuf = state->delaybuf;
int samplesperchunk = SF_COMPRESSOR_SPU;
int chunks = size / samplesperchunk;
int samplepos = 0;
float spacingdb = SF_COMPRESSOR_SPACINGDB;
for(int ch = 0; ch < chunks; ch++) {
detectoravg = fixf(detectoravg, 1.0f);
float desiredgain = detectoravg;
float scaleddesiredgain = asinf(desiredgain) * 2 / M_PI;
float compdiffdb = lin2db(compgain / scaleddesiredgain);
// calculate envelope rate based on whether we're attacking or releasing
float enveloperate;
if(compdiffdb < 0.0f) { // compgain < scaleddesiredgain, so we're releasing
compdiffdb = fixf(compdiffdb, -1.0f);
maxcompdiffdb = -1; // reset for a future attack mode
// apply the adaptive release curve
// scale compdiffdb between 0-3
float x = (clampf(compdiffdb, -12.0f, 0.0f) + 12.0f) * 0.25f;
float releasesamples = adaptivereleasecurve(x, a, b, c, d);
enveloperate = db2lin(spacingdb / releasesamples);
} else { // compresorgain > scaleddesiredgain, so we're attacking
compdiffdb = fixf(compdiffdb, 1.0f);
if (maxcompdiffdb == -1 || maxcompdiffdb < compdiffdb)
maxcompdiffdb = compdiffdb;
float attenuate = maxcompdiffdb;
if (attenuate < 0.5f)
attenuate = 0.5f;
enveloperate = 1.0f - powf(0.25f / attenuate, attacksamplesinv);
// process the chunk
for(int chi = 0; chi < samplesperchunk; chi++, samplepos++,
delayreadpos = (delayreadpos + 1) % delaybufsize,
delaywritepos = (delaywritepos + 1) % delaybufsize)
float sample = input[samplepos];
delaybuf[delaywritepos] = sample;
sample = absf(sample);
float inputmax = sample;
float attenuation;
if(inputmax < 0.0001f) {
attenuation = 1.0f;
} else {
float inputcomp = compcurve(inputmax, k, slope, linearthreshold,
linearthresholdknee, threshold, knee, kneedboffset);
attenuation = inputcomp / inputmax;
float rate;
if(attenuation > detectoravg) { // if releasing
float attenuationdb = -lin2db(attenuation);
if (attenuationdb < 2.0f)
attenuationdb = 2.0f;
float dbpersample = attenuationdb * satreleasesamplesinv;
rate = db2lin(dbpersample) - 1.0f;
} else {
rate = 1.0f;
detectoravg += (attenuation - detectoravg) * rate;
if(detectoravg > 1.0f) {
detectoravg = 1.0f;
detectoravg = fixf(detectoravg, 1.0f);
if(enveloperate < 1) { // attack, reduce gain
compgain += (scaleddesiredgain - compgain) * enveloperate;
} else { // release, increase gain
compgain *= enveloperate;
if (compgain > 1.0f)
compgain = 1.0f;
// the final gain value!
float premixgain = sinf(compgain * M_PI / 2);
float gain = dry + wet * mastergain * premixgain;
// calculate metering (not used in core algo, but used to output a meter if desired)
float premixgaindb = lin2db(premixgain);
if(premixgaindb < metergain) {
metergain = premixgaindb; // spike immediately
} else {
metergain += (premixgaindb - metergain) * meterrelease; // fall slowly
output[samplepos] = delaybuf[delayreadpos] * gain;
state->metergain = metergain;
state->detectoravg = detectoravg;
state->compgain = compgain;
state->maxcompdiffdb = maxcompdiffdb;
state->delaywritepos = delaywritepos;
state->delayreadpos = delayreadpos;
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